Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1615: Enemies from both sides

"Boom, boom, boom!"

While Fatty Zhang and his men were fighting with Bai Dengyong's troops in Dengzhou City, Bai Yongfu, Vice General Liu and General Wu Shen were also fighting fiercely with the Ming army.

Especially since both sides have ships and cannons on them.

In the small "small sea", there was no escape, and the two sides could only fight almost face to face, causing the war to become fierce and cruel.

Along with the sound of cannons, someone suddenly shouted: "Wu Shen will be gone, Wu Shen will be gone!"

When Bai Yongfu heard this, he was startled and couldn't help but quickly turned his head to look, only to see that General Wu's ship was riddled with holes and tilted almost silently.

He couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart, secretly complaining.

It turns out that although General Wu's official position is small, his position in Denglai Town is extraordinary.

Not only did he have 450 elite soldiers under his command, he was also the representative of the Shanyin Wu clan in Denglai.

All Shandong's goods are "sold" to Liaodong through its thousands of needles and threads.

Now that this person dies, the entire Denglai Town may no longer have a hand to hold on to.

"What, Wu Shen is gone!" Chen Hongfan was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but quickly looked at Wu Tingzhong, who was beside him.

"It doesn't matter. Although it's a bit troublesome, there are no other ways!" Wu Tingzhong shook his head and replied indifferently.

Although he looked like he didn't care, he was actually bleeding from the bottom of his heart.

It turns out that this Wu family has opened up the Liaodong trade route since Wu Dabin, the "Donning Town Fu".

Later, Lao Nu raised troops in Liaodong, and the situation was turbulent. The Wu family and Denglai officials and generals made a lot of profits, but countless people died.

Unexpectedly, there is another "Wu Shenjiang" today.

"The top priority is to protect Denglai first, and then talk about other things!" Wu Yanzhong couldn't help but remind him.

"Oh, that's true!" Chen Hongfan couldn't help but nodded after thinking about the "sea trade" that was originally very profitable, but now has almost nothing to do with it.

"I'm going to jump into a gang and seize the ship. I'm going to beat these 'traitors' to pieces!"

Deputy envoy Huang Sunmao only had more than a hundred ships and a thousand soldiers left in his hands. Now they were cut into two sections by the water gate, and only about half of them entered the "small sea".

And Chen Hongfan still had 200 ships and 1,500 soldiers in his hands, so he was naturally not afraid of him.

After a period of random fighting and bombardment by both sides, the ship had been damaged a lot.

If it continues to be damaged like this, I am afraid that he, the coastal commander, will become a "coastal commander" and will no longer have a ship to use.

It's not terrible that there are no ships to use. What's terrible is that we have completely lost our "trade rights". It's all over for so long.

Following Chen Hongfan's order, there were indeed two to three hundred elites in twenty or thirty small boats, rushing towards the severely damaged boat of Bai Yongfu, Vice General Liu and others.

"Fire, fire!" Bai Yongfu had already regretted it at this time. Unfortunately, there was no regret medicine in the world, so he could only bite the bullet and fight to the end.

His ship was a 200-material warship. In addition to two 500-jin red barbarian cannons, it was equipped with a large number of general cannons, flanges, Baiziguns and other firearms.

Seeing the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty swarming in, hooking the boat with iron hooks, and climbing up one after another, he took out the Ming army's special skill-the shotgun method.

Whether it is the French cannon or the Baizi gun, they are slightly less powerful than the Hongyi cannon and the general cannon.

However, the former has the advantage of fast reloading, large shotgun damage radius, and can withstand the Ming army's attack very well.

"What's going on? Why doesn't this fat guy come? Could it be that he is cowardly?" Bai Yongfu also knew that if you defend for a long time, you will lose. This is not a long-term solution. He couldn't help but turn his head frequently and look to the south of Penglai Water City.

Something went wrong here, so he could only count on Fatty Zhang to save him.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a commotion in the south of the city, and then a group of people came "fighting". Bai Yongfu couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He quickly shouted loudly: "The reinforcements have arrived. Hurry up and hold on for me. You will be rich and powerful, this is the only time!"

The other soldiers didn't know what was going on, but when they heard their lieutenant shouting like this, they naturally believed it. As expected, they gradually pushed back the sailors who tried to jump to the gang.

"What, Dengzhou is lost?" And just when Bai Yongfu was overjoyed, Chen Hongfan was looking at his confidant and beloved general Bai Dengyong in front of him with disbelief.

"The last general. The last general is incompetent!" Bai Dengyong couldn't help but defended, "The 'thief' suddenly came from the Chunshengmen to kill the generals. We were unprepared. After the Chunshengmen sutra was damaged last time, it was barely repaired. How can we resist it? The 'thief' who lives like a wolf and a tiger!"

"This thief is so vicious. He doesn't look like our soldiers. Could he be a Tatar?" Chen Hongfan couldn't help but asked in shock.

He has a total of 7,000 soldiers, of which 3,000 were taken away by Huang Sunmao, the "traitor", and 4,000 were left. Among them, 1,500 were in Laizhou, 1,500 were in Shuicheng, and 1,000 were left behind to guard Deng. state.

As a result, his more than a thousand soldiers and horses were defeated in half a day, which was really unbelievable to him.

"Not like a Tatar, but more like a 'submissive thief'!" Bai Dengyong hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"The Tatars shave their heads and speak in bird language, which is different from the Chinese. Although they have a strange accent, they can still understand a few things!"

"'Successful thief'?" Chen Hongfan was shocked when he heard this and couldn't help but look at Zan Hua Wu Tingzhong and said.

"I, Huang Sunmao, wanted to imitate the two thieves Kong and Geng, but I didn't expect it to be like this. If it turns out to be the case, it would be terrible!"

It turned out that the incident happened suddenly, and Wang Youyi was fighting fiercely with the rebels in "Xiaohai" again, so Chen Hongfan did not know the cause of this "rebellion".

He originally thought that Huang Sunmao was like Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming, but he never thought that there was another force involved.

As the saying goes: "A slight mistake can make a thousand miles difference." Chen Hongfan was not accurate at all, and as a result, Fatty Zhang stole Dengzhou City.

Nazan Hua Wu Tingzhong quickly remonstrated: "General, since its establishment, this water city has been more focused on sea than land. Therefore, during the Denglai Rebellion, it was often attacked from the south."

"Now our army is surrounded by enemies from both sides and we are truly formidable."

"The general must make a decisive decision. First guard the south gate, and then wipe out all the 'rebels' before we can do anything!"

"The words of praise for the painting are reasonable!" Chen Hongfan pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and couldn't help but quickly ordered, "Bai Dengyong listened to the order and immediately led a thousand soldiers to guard the south gate with me."

"The others, please continue to attack the 'rebels' with me. We must destroy them all at all costs!"

"Here!" After hearing this, the generals hurried away.

It was only at this time that Wu Tingzhong said worriedly: "The bravery of the 'Shun thieves' is even worse than that of the Tatars."

"If Bai Dengyong is alone, it may be difficult to resist. But now the general has only two thousand people around him, so it is difficult to take care of both."

"In my opinion, it's better to use fire to attack and completely burn down his ships, and then we can argue!"

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