After the rebels captured Dengzhou and Shuicheng on November 3, the news quickly spread to Qingzhou.

Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation and governor of Fengyang, was so frightened that he could not help but withdraw from Qingzhou with King Heng and retreated to Zhucheng and Rizhao area.

Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang took the opportunity to advance from east to west and successively captured the vast areas of Qingzhou, Laizhou and Dengzhou.

Hong Chengchou also took the opportunity to go south, capture Yanzhou, and confront Liu Liangzuo who was stationed in Xuzhou.

As a result, the two sides temporarily formed a stalemate from the east and west with Mount Tai and Mount Xinmeng as their boundaries.

Taking advantage of this gap, Huang Sunmao, the new admiral of the Denglai Navy, rushed to the capital in person, met with Zhang Shun, and put forward the suggestion of "liaison with the subordinate countries."

"Allied with North Korea in the east and attacked the Tartars in the west?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but repeat it again after hearing this.

"Yes, Dongjiang is alone and has been attacked repeatedly by Donglu. He is already exhausted and can't move." Huang Sunmao couldn't help but explain.

"If we order it to face the east, I'm afraid it will be full of ambition but not strong enough."

"North Korea was originally a vassal state of the Celestial Dynasty, but it was frightened by the might of Donglu's troops, so it had no choice but to compromise with them."

"If we can regain the support of North Korea and send troops eastward, we will definitely make sure that the Eastern captives will not be able to take care of both the head and the tail!"

It turns out that although Huang Sunmao's position is not very high, he is a capable official.

Not only did he serve as Qingden Laibei Dao for many years, but he also served as an envoy to North Korea during the Tianqi period, so he had considerable insight into the situation in Liaodong.

Today's Dongjiang Town has gone through several battles and has been severely weakened. Shen Shikui has only a few thousand soldiers left, which is better than nothing.

Although Hou Jin couldn't eat him for a while, he was unable to fight back against Hou Jin for the time being.

North Korea was different. Although it suffered two conquests by Hou Jin and also lost troops and generals, the emaciated camel was still bigger than the horse.

If it could really be reversed, even without sending troops, just cutting off trade and tribute with Hou Jin would be enough to put great economic pressure on the embattled Hou Jin.

Not to mention, depending on Mingguo's influence on North Korea, it can also mobilize its troops to attack from the direction of Yiju, which can further involve Hou Jin's troops.

"Mobilizing Korean soldiers? Can this be done?" Zhang Shun frowned and asked.

Influenced by the concepts of his previous life, Zhang Shun's understanding of North Korea, a vassal state, still rested on the stereotype of "I will give you a title, and you will nominally submit to me."

As for mobilizing other people's troops, this was something he couldn't even imagine.

"Why not?" Huang Sunmao looked at Zhang Shun strangely and couldn't help but explain.

"North Korea is a vassal state of our Celestial Empire, so it naturally has the obligation to fight."

"In the early days of Yang Hao's campaign against the Eastern captives, the imperial court recruited 13,000 men from the third battalion of North Korean fire gunners. Marshal Jiang Hongli and Deputy Marshal Jin Jingrui of the Korean capital led the three battalions of 13,000 soldiers and horses, and crossed the river from Changcheng to attack in a pinch. Donglu."

"In the past, during the campaign to aid the DPRK, the imperial court also discussed calling in Ryukyu and Siamese troops. How is this justified?"

Good guy, Zhang Shun heard what Huang Sunmao said and called him a good guy.

He was used to hearing about China's history of humiliation in his previous life, and he always thought that his family had been a doormat since ancient times.

I never expected that even by the end of the Ming Dynasty, it would still be a "great power".

For things like war, the Ming Dynasty could actually mobilize vassal states thousands of miles away to participate in the war with a single edict.

Of course, it was precisely because of this cognitive limitation that Zhang Shun did not further contact North Korea to contain Hou Jin.

"Then... what percentage does Admiral Huang think the visit to North Korea will be successful?" Zhang Shun hesitated and asked.

"I don't dare to guarantee the tenth level. If I say the seventh or eighth level, I'm still certain!" Huang Sunmao responded with a smile.

"For one thing, the country of Korea was originally a vassal state of our country and has admired the king for a long time. It must be ashamed to rely on the barbarians."

"Secondly, Donglu has been a trouble to North Korea since ancient times. His regime is tyrannical and he often engages in bullying, which will naturally cause dissatisfaction from all over North Korea."

"By leveraging His Majesty's power during this trip, I will definitely be able to persuade the monarchs and ministers of North Korea to change their minds!"

"In this way, I will give you one thousand elite men, allocate one sealing warship as the flagship, and select another hundred large and small ships to go from Denglai to Tianjin, from Tianjin to Lushun, from Lushun to Dongjiang, and then turn to North Korea. "Zhang Shun pondered for a moment after hearing the words and couldn't help but make a decision.

"It has three purposes. One is to promote the prestige of our country and let the people and vassals along the way know the strength of our navy."

"The second day is to explore the waterway. I know that this route is dangerous."

"Three days to open trade and resume maritime trade as soon as possible."

"On the fourth day of the establishment of ports, I also ask Admiral Huang to carefully inspect these ports and separate trading markets at these locations for merchants to trade."

"This" Huang Sunmao was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Although he is not Wu Yanzhong, he has served as deputy envoy to Denglai for many years. Naturally, he knows a lot about the trade between Denglai, Dongjiang, North Korea and even Houjin, and even the profits are huge.

Huang Sunmao couldn't help but test it out: "Your Highness, this kind of trade mostly involves cloth, grain, ginseng, fur, and medicinal materials."

"If this is indeed the case, I am afraid that the cloth and food in our Central Plains will pass through the hands of the Koreans and flow into the hands of the Eastern captives!"

"Oh? How do you say this?" Zhang Shun frowned and couldn't help but ask.

"Your Highness, your Majesty!" Huang Sunmao reported quickly, "North Korea is a country of poor people. It has always traded with us, mostly using linen, ginseng, furs, and medicinal materials in return for China's brocade and food."

"However, the barrenness of Donglu is even worse, and ginseng, fur and medicinal materials are even better."

"Therefore, when there is trade, it often goes from Donglu to North Korea, and from North Korea to China. In the final analysis, North Korea is just a Japanese!"

To put it bluntly, the trade between Korea and the Ming Dynasty mainly involved the exchange of ginseng, fur, medicinal materials and other specialties for Ming Dynasty cloth and grain.

Later, the output of Jin's ginseng, fur and medicinal materials was more than that of North Korea, and the quality was even better than that of North Korea.

Therefore, the trade between North Korea and the Ming Dynasty was actually the change of trade between Hou Jin and the Ming Dynasty.

In this way, Hou Jin could use the gold and silver and other valuables snatched from the Ming Dynasty to exchange for enough supplies through North Korea to maintain his poor economy.

"Oh?" After hearing Huang Sunmao's words, Zhang Shun suddenly felt that the matter was getting tricky.

Previously, Wu Yanzhong advocated a sea ban, but now Huang Sunmao also opposes the opening of the sea. There must be huge benefits in this.

If there are huge interests, there will naturally be huge interest groups.

Although he is now inferior to ten thousand people, he cannot do everything personally. In this case, he can't be anxious after seeing this matter.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile and said: "I see, if Admiral Huang hadn't reminded me, I would still be in the dark."

"In this case, let's put this matter aside for now and ask Admiral Huang to go to North Korea as an envoy as soon as possible to promote our country's national prestige!"

"Your Highness is a truly sage and wise king. I dare you to die if you don't obey me!" When Huang Sunmao saw Zhang Shun's change of heart, he was overjoyed and quickly flattered him.

The two complimented each other, and then Huang Sunmao left.

But as soon as Huang Sunmao left, the girls walked out of the screen.

"Your Highness, this person's words are flashy and cannot be trusted at all!" Natian Xiuying was the first to speak.

"Why don't I know this?" Zhang Shun sighed, and then ordered, "In a moment you will draft an edict for me, saying that just after the war, the palace is empty, and His Majesty ordered the selection of beautiful women and supervisors near the capital. .and one hundred eunuchs each.”

"The age must be between thirteen and fifteen, and orphans should be given priority."

As the saying goes: It is easy to conquer the world, but difficult to dominate the world.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why Zhu Di violated the ancestral precepts and began to use eunuchs wantonly.

Thank you to the reader "Red Sleeves Dream Tears" for the large reward, thank the reader "aferwe" for the multiple rewards, thank you to "The Dawn of the Dark Star", "Book Friends 20221125091245305", "That Who Before Dying" and "The Sky is Cold and Green" , "book friend 20180102091031460" and other people's rewards

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