Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1621 Continuous Human Sacrifice

After Zhang Shun's intention was conveyed to the cabinet, the ministers had nothing to say.

Even Kong Zhenyun, who had always been upright and had been appointed as Zuo Du Yushi and in charge of the Du Procuratorate, did not say a word.

For both Zhang Shun and Zhu Changxun, the palace was too deserted.

Have you ever seen an emperor or a powerful official who didn't have three to five hundred people waiting on him in the courtyard?

Not only can these two people compare with the emperors of the past dynasties, they can't even compare with ordinary middle-class families.

But no one expected that this edict would immediately cause a huge uproar.


It turns out that no one cares about this beautiful girl or eunuch, but these one hundred eunuchs give people a bad association.

"You are still recruiting orphans between the ages of thirteen and fifteen? This is not recruiting prison students. This is trying to dig up the roots of us scholars!"

"Whenever the imperial court selects candidates, the imperial examination is the most authentic one, while the rest are all hereditary. Could it be that Your Majesty does not trust scholars?"

There was a lot of discussion for a while, and some officials did not dare to take charge alone, so they quickly reported to Zhang Shun.

"Huh? I dare to block the recruitment of several supervisors. Could it be that I think my sword is not good enough?" Zhang Shun suddenly became furious.

"Your Highness, you must not do it!" As soon as Zhang Shun said these words, Zhang Shenyan, the chief minister of the cabinet, quickly admonished, "Now is the time to employ people. How can we lose the heart of scholars all over the world because of a small loss?"

Reputation is not important even if it is not important, but it is important even if it is important.

Zhang Shun can ignore his own reputation, but he cannot ignore the reputation of the rebels.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but let out a long breath and said: "That's all, in that case, let's forget about the supervisory students!"

"Your Highness, Holy Ming!" Hearing the words, everyone couldn't help but worship.

Saint? Ha, Zhang Shun laughed strangely.

Is this what it's like to be an emperor?

Although he has not yet proclaimed himself emperor, he has already felt the obstruction of his policies by one interest group after another.

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you?" When Zhang Shun went down to court and walked into the Yangxin Hall with a dark face, Li Sanniang noticed that something was wrong with his expression.

"It's okay!" Zhang Shun was furious and didn't want to pay attention to her.

"I don't know about your stubborn temper?" Li Sanniang smiled when she heard this, "If you are angry, why not play with the child for a while."

"Xiao Huaji and Xiao Ping'an are also old. They will go to school in two years. I'm afraid you won't be able to play with them."

She knew him too well, even though he was usually cheerful, once he got really angry, even eight cows wouldn't be able to pull him back.

Rather than forcefully persuade him, it would be better to wait for him to calm down on his own.

"Going to school?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and then his eyes lit up, "By the way, where is Momo Xi and Nizi?"

"Ah? You want her to sleep with you? I'm afraid she won't be able to do it for a while!" Li Sanniang said with a bitter smile after hearing this.

"Oh? What's the matter? Didn't that girl say she wanted to give me a son all day long?" Zhang Shun did not correct her misunderstanding, but just said with a smile.

"She, didn't she adopt many children for you? There are probably seventy or eighty of them now, large and small, how could she be so busy?" Li Sanniang explained.

"Besides, there are several teenagers who are not suitable to hang out in this Cining Palace. I found a few rooms for her next to Cining Palace, and selected about ten women from among the sinners in Cining Palace. Someone, take care of the children there for her.”

If others dared to make such independent claims, Zhang Shun would have turned against him long ago.

However, since this person is Li Sanniang, it doesn't matter.

"Oh? Well, I'll go over and take a look later!" Zhang Shun pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"Your Highness, can I follow you?" Zhang Shun had just finished speaking when he unexpectedly heard someone speaking in a low voice.

He turned around and saw Zhou Yufeng looking at him with a pleading look on his face.

"Okay, let's go together later!" He pondered for a moment and then understood what Queen Zhou was thinking, "I haven't seen her for a long time, it's time for you to go see her!"

As the saying goes, mother and child are connected.

Even though she behaved like a kitten next to Zhang Shun, in fact, she still cared about her child in her heart.

One is the former Ming Prince Zhu Cixiang, and the other is the former Ming Princess Zhu Ainao.

The older one is seven or eight years old, and the younger one is six or seven years old. They are almost old enough to start school.

When Zhang Shun was ready, he took Li Sanniang and Zhou Yufeng with him, and then escorted by Wukong out of the Yangxin Palace and headed to the Cining Palace.

The Cining Palace is on the west side of the Yangxin Palace, so it's not too far away.

After walking a few steps, everyone arrived at Cining Palace.

"I have met Your Highness!" Concubine Liu of Xuanyi, who was already eighty years old, saw Zhang Shun coming in and hurriedly came forward to pay her respects.

"Get up, I have nothing to do, just go around!" Zhang Shun looked at the white-haired old concubine in front of him, and couldn't help but said with a bit of pity on his face.

"Mother!" At this moment, two clear children's voices, a man and a woman, were heard, and then the two children threw themselves into Queen Zhou's arms.

"My son!" Queen Zhou hugged the two children into her arms after not seeing them for several months, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Your Highness, this..." Princess Xuanyi couldn't help but look embarrassed when she saw this.

"It's okay, let him go!" Since he brought her here, he naturally acquiesced to let the mother and son meet.

Seeing that the three of them were crying sadly, Zhang Shun smiled and said: "It seems that we are a bit redundant here, why don't we go out for a while?"

"Bitch thief, are you the one who took possession of my mother?" At this moment, unexpectedly, Zhu Cixiang suddenly broke away from Queen Zhou's arms and pointed at Zhang Shundao angrily.

"Ah? What are you talking nonsense about?" Before Zhu Cixi finished speaking, Princess Xuanyi, Queen Zhou and others were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

This guy is a living king of hell, how dare you mess with him?

"So what if it is, so what if it's not?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but look at him with amusement.

When every man grows up, he will develop a psychology called "patricide plot".

Their father is their guide and the mountain they will climb.

If it is a biological father and son, then this mentality will disappear when the son matures, and then he will take over the flag from his father and move on.

But between a non-biological father and his son, it may turn into a real "parricide"!

"Zhang Sheng?" Li Sanniang was startled when she saw Zhang Shun's expression and quickly reminded him.

"It's okay, can I argue with a child?" Zhang Shun smiled at Li Sanniang and Queen Zhou, and then waved his hand to Zhu Cihong.

"Come on, let's go over there and talk a little bit about men!"

"Okay!" Upon hearing this, Zhu Cixi stood up suddenly and walked towards Zhang Shun.

"Hong'er." Queen Zhou turned pale with fright and quickly grabbed her son.

"Don't worry, a gentleman's words are hard to follow!" Zhang Shun emphasized again.

At this time, Zhu Cixi also stretched out his hand to break off Queen Zhou's hand, and stubbornly pursed his lips and said: "Mother, don't let your child be looked down upon."

"Hong'er? Wolf'er?" For some reason, Zhang Shun smiled, and then the two of them walked outside under the gaze of everyone.

To everyone's surprise, the two did not fight or get angry.

Instead, Zhang Shun knelt down and faced him face to face, wondering what he said.

However, Zhang Shunshi suddenly stood up, but Zhu Cixiang hesitated and bowed down.

"Hong'er, you guys!" After the two of them turned back, Queen Zhou couldn't help but check her son in a panic, but found nothing unusual.

"Mother, I'm sorry, I have already worshiped Your Highness as my adoptive father." At this moment, Zhu Cixi hesitated to say something, which immediately surprised everyone.

"And Your Highness allows me to continue to sacrifice to my father."

Those who govern the world with filial piety will not harm others' relatives; those who govern the world with benevolence will never stop people's sacrifices.

Zhang Shun has always regarded himself as benevolent and righteous, but he was able to do such a thing.

However, no one would believe that with just these few words, Zhang Shun could subdue the former Ming Prince Zhu Cixiang who hated him deeply.

However, it is unknown what the two of them said and what deal they made at that time.

In the end, this incident became one of the many unsolved cases in history.

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