Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1625 Dongjiang Story

"Are you Mr. Shen's daughter?" Zhang Shun looked at the woman lying on the ground curiously.

From his perspective, the woman's figure was like a gourd, and she really had a good figure!

"It's the slave's family!" The woman responded timidly, not daring to raise her head.

"Get up and give me a seat!" Zhang Shun said with a slight smile, "I don't like having people kneel down to answer questions."

"Tch!" As soon as Zhang Shun finished speaking, he heard the disdainful voice of Zhang Zhoutian and Zhu's fourth daughter.

"Thank you for your grace, Your Highness!" After hearing this, the woman stood up, then sat down at an angle, and then secretly glanced at Zhang Shun.

It didn't matter, but she saw Zhang Shun's tiger eyes looking at her eagerly. Her cheeks turned red and she quickly lowered her gaze.

"Ahem!" Zhang Shun was a little embarrassed, so he coughed and said straight to the point, "Mr. Shen sent you to see me. What's the matter?"

Actually, it's nothing. Actually, I just want to see if I can seduce you.

Mrs. Shen glanced sadly at Zhang Shun, who was being "protected" by four beauties, lowered his head and said: "It's nothing serious, just some old memories. My father was afraid that His Highness would be misunderstood by villains, so he sent a special order to the Nu family. Come and tell His Highness."

"Oh? What happened in the past?" To be honest, Zhang Shun felt happy when he saw a beautiful woman reporting to him.

This Shen is in her late twenties, like a ripe peach, the juice will flow when you take a bite.

However, Zhang Shun is now a monarch, and he is only one step away from ruling the world. Naturally, he will not be like before, loving everyone he sees and accepting others he loves.

He's a serious guy now, and serious people never pitch a tent.

After thinking about it for a while, Shen said: "In the beginning, the old slaves started in Jianzhou and massacred Liaoshen. Wang Huazhen, the governor of Liaodong at that time, sent Mao Wenlong to lead more than 190 people from the Sancha River to the sea. East gathers refugees from Liaodong."

"At that time, the Eastern captives were tyrannical, and countless Liao people were killed, so they had to flee everywhere to avoid the disaster. At that time, the father and daughter of the slave family were also among them."

At this point, Shen's eyes suddenly turned red, as if she remembered her precarious escape.

"Uh" Zhang Shun wanted to say something to comfort him, but suddenly he felt four people staring at him.

He had no choice but to pretend he didn't see it and just silently muttered in his heart: "I'm sorry, although I sympathize with you, but if you open your mouth, who will sympathize with me!"

Mrs. Shen had been brewing emotions in her heart for a while, but seeing that this "killer with a thousand swords" showed no sympathy at all, she had to give up.

She calmed down her emotions and continued: "Coincidentally, General Mao heard that Zhenjiang Fort of Donglu was empty, and Chen Liangce, an officer in Zhenjiang Fort, had also been dissatisfied with Donglu for a long time. Together, they captured Zhenjiang Fort and captured him alive. The guerrilla attack on Tong Yangzhen is the beginning of the Dongjiang River!"

As the saying goes: insiders listen to the rules, but outsiders are very lively.

Zhang Shunhe was so surprised when he heard Shen's words. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "He is a true hero!"

He only led a team of less than 200 people. In just a few years, he managed to build a huge Dongjiang foundation under the nose of the powerful old slave. He was indeed an extraordinary person.

Mr. Shen was stunned when he heard this, and after a long while he sighed with a complex expression and said: "Everyone in the court can agree with this, but everyone wishes that he would die early and live well."

"His Highness alone can't say it, but I didn't expect that these words came from His Highness!"

Zhang Shun and the other girls were silent for a while after hearing this.

Yes, Mao Wenlong made this great contribution and can be said to be a key figure in stabilizing the situation in Liaodong.

As a result, the high hall was filled with people who were fighting for power and profit, so much so that they died unjustly.

And what about Zhang Shun? She didn't owe him any favors, but in just a few years, she had turned into a white person and turned the world upside down.

If we talk about heroes, which hero in the world can compare with the famous "King Shun"?

But someone who didn't need to say these words said these words.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Shen, who was originally flattering, suddenly straightened his expression, tightened his collar, and then continued as if nothing had happened: "At that time, China's food and salary were insufficient, so the concession was used to extract some cents from the profits to supplement the military. It’s not enough.”

"The sea prospered from this, and the Dongjiang River prospered from this. The father and daughter of the Nu family were highly valued by Mao Shuai because they were well versed in writing and good at arithmetic."

Hey, where are my benefits?

Zhang Shun glanced under her neck several times, but found that he couldn't see anything, so he had to look away angrily.

"However, who would have thought that a child with gold in his mind would be guilty of carrying a jade." Just listen to the woman continue to say.

"Originally, all the profits from this trade were returned to western Liaoning. When General Mao came out, he would seize all the profits. Many people complained about it, so the court banned it."

"In the second year of Chongzhen, Yuan Chonghuan planned to kill the commander and unjustly killed the commander-in-chief Mao. He proposed to establish the Dongjiang Pay Division in Ningyuan and banned the ships from entering the sea. He also requested the court to establish the North Korea tribute road and commercial road in Ningyuan."

"The sea route far away from Funing must be detoured through the Tieshan Mouth of Lushun. This place is full of hidden reefs, with crashing waves and swollen waves. It spans hundreds of miles across the sea. Anyone who sails by this place will be horrified. North Korea has repeatedly requested for the resumption of landing. The old road in the state is fruitless.”

Zhang Shun didn't take it seriously at first, but when he heard this, he suddenly felt horrified.

At first, he thought Shen Shikui sent his daughter Shen here just to seduce him and seek benefits.

It wasn't until he heard this that he suddenly understood that there was such a stake behind Yuan Chonghuan's murder of Mao Wenlong.

Sure enough, the military is the continuation of politics, and politics is the continuation of economics.

Hearing this, Zhang Shun still didn't understand.

It turns out that the most important reason why Mao Wenlong was able to rise in a short period of time, apart from his own ability and the cruelty of his old slaves, was that he controlled the trade nodes between the Ming Dynasty, Hou Jin and North Korea, and gained a lot of economic benefits.

Dongjiang Town relied on the huge benefits of this trade route to ensure its military aggressiveness.

This is the true meaning of "the Ming army is not satisfied with its pay, but is invincible if it is fully paid."

However, it was precisely because Mao Wenlong made a lot of money that he aroused the covetousness of the forces in western Liaoning that also bordered Hou Jin.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but think of Wu Yanzhong and Huang Sunmao who came from Denglai before.

Sure enough, there is no love without reason in this world, and there is no hatred without reason.

Obviously, these two people represent Denglai's forces on this trade route.

From Dongjiang to Denglai, and then from Dongjiang to Ningyuan, these three forces revolved around this trade route, intertwined and intrigued each other, and finally caused the two catastrophes of the "Jisi Incident" and the "Denglai Incident".

Sure enough, when Shen said this, she suddenly stopped talking and looked at Zhang Shun instead.

"I already know, you continue!" Zhang Shun frowned and said with a cautious expression.

"Since the death of Mao Shuai, Dongjiang has no owner!" Mrs. Shen glanced at Zhang Shun suspiciously. Seeing his expressionless face, she didn't know for a moment whether he really understood or pretended to understand, so she had to continue.

"The Dongjiang soldiers were first divided into four associations, and then merged into two associations. Among them, Liu Xingzhi led the Western Association, and Chen Jisheng led the Eastern Association, and they lived together on Pi Island."

"Then the Liu brothers were originally surrendered to the Eastern Han Dynasty, but now they have surrendered to China. They made their fortune by relying on Yuan Chonghuan. How can they convince the public?"

"Soon, he killed Chen Jisheng in order to take over the whole Pi Island and surrender to the Eastern captives. My father has been greatly favored by Marshal Mao, how can I let Marshal Mao's legacy be destroyed in one day?"

"Then destroy that generation and settle the Dongjiang River."

Shen used her soft and charming voice to tell Zhang Shun the past word by word, but Zhang Shun did not need to continue listening.

Dongjiang Town is not so much a border town as it is a "Mao Wenlong Maritime Group".

To put it more bluntly, Dongjiang Town is Zheng Zhilong in "Beiyang", and Zheng Zhilong is Dongjiang Town in "Nanyang". They are both a maritime business group.

The difference is that Mao Wenlong has a legitimate official status and only collects taxes through Phi Island, a key trading node, but does not have his own merchant fleet.

And it is precisely because of this that the competition between Denglai and Liaodong arose.

The two first competed for the trade node connected to Dongjiang Town, and then further competed for control of Pi Island.

The former achieved complete victory by Liaodong Town through Yuan Chonghuan's killing of Mao Wenlong and the Denglai Incident.

And behind the latter's repeated attacks and internal strife in Dongjiang Town, Mingting and Liaodong Town were indispensable every time.

On the surface, this is one endless battle after another, but behind the scenes it is just a fight for Hou Jin to plunder a large amount of wealth from the mainland.

This is exactly:

The world is prosperous, and everyone is here for profit.

The world is full of hustle and bustle, all for the benefit of others.

How much blood and tears, how many heroes and heroes are pitifully buried in their bones.

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