Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1626 Death of Zhang Xianzhong

The girls were immersed in Shen's words and couldn't help themselves for a long time.

After finally coming back to their senses, Zhang Yan and Zhou Yufeng, the former queens, couldn't help but come to their senses first and asked in unison: "Your Highness, what do you think?"

"It's really good!" The waist-to-hip ratio is pretty good! Zhang Shun nodded with satisfaction.

"What's good?" Everyone looked confused.

Zhang Shun reluctantly glanced at Shen who was retreating out of the door, then looked back and said: "She is right, this matter is really not simple!"

Hey, didn't you come here to seduce me on purpose? Why did you leave?

Do you think I am a gentleman?

Actually I'm not, really not, I'm just a pervert!

"Look, look, what are you looking at? They've gone far away!" Tian Xiuying saw that he was still looking outside, and couldn't help shouting in disgust, "Princess Princess, Princess Princess, why don't you come over and take care of him!"

"What do you care about?" As soon as Tian Xiuying finished speaking, Li Sanniang stuck her head in and asked.

"Uh, take care of your man." Tian Xiuying originally wanted to scare Zhang Shun, but she didn't expect that she actually called Zheng Gong in.

"Oh, I can't control it!" Li Sanniang shook her head and shrank back.

Fortunately, Li Sanniang was kind and didn't say anything.

If it were Ma Yingniang and Gao Guiying, they would have added another sentence: "Anyway, there are so many 'vixens' around him, and this one is not the least of them!"

Zhang Zhoutian and Zhu's four "vixens" were so embarrassed by this "ha" that they lost their temper for a moment.

And just when everyone was in embarrassment, they suddenly heard Gao Qiqian shouting outside: "Your Highness, Zhang Rujing wants to see you!"

"Oh? Let him in!" Although after Shen's explanation, Zhang Shun had a better understanding of the situation in Liaodong, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and focused on the next thing.

"Your Highness, Zhang Rujing, has met!" After the girls retreated behind the screen, Zhang Rujing walked in with great dignity.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he saw him, and he smiled and said, "We haven't seen you for a few days. Ru Jing is becoming more and more knowledgeable."

It turns out that although Zhang Rujing has followed Zhang Shun for several years, he is only fifteen or sixteen years old now and looks like a half-grown child.

I haven’t seen him for a while, but he has grown half a head taller and looks more or less like an adult.

"It's all thanks to His Highness's grace!" Zhang Rujing said humbly.

"Okay, we master and apprentice are not outsiders, what are you saying?" Zhang Shun smiled and couldn't help but ask, "What do you want from me today?"

"By the way, how about the beauty I gave you earlier? Have you enjoyed it? Do you want me to teach you some more postures?"

Zhang Shun's words immediately made the young Zhang Rujing blush, and also made the four women behind the screen secretly spit.

"I've used it!" Zhang Rujing lowered his head, his voice as low as a mosquito buzzing.

It turns out that after Zhang Shun entered the Forbidden City, most of the original palace maids were not retained, but some young and beautiful ones were selected as rewards for the generals.

Most of the generals under his command were born with mud-legged backgrounds. They had never seen such women, and all of them were worshiped as fairies.

Therefore, many men who had no need to marry took these women as their first wives.

Some men who were already married wanted to stop marrying and spoil their concubines, so Zhang Shun scolded them.

By the way, Chen Changzhen, the general of Zhenxi, also heard the news somehow, and wrote a letter from all the way, eagerly asking for two.

Although this piece of Rujing is not as lustful as Brother Chen, it is said that after taking it home, he could not figure out the way for a long time, and even made a lot of jokes about it.

When Zhang Rujing saw that Zhang Shun was still asking questions, he was frightened and quickly turned to the topic: "Your Highness, I have something important to report!"

"Oh? What's the matter?" Zhang Shun felt strange and thought to himself: Now that you are stationed in the city, what important matter can you have?

"My foster father is dead, Zhang. Zhang Kewang is here!" Zhang Rujing hesitated for a moment and said in shock.

"Your foster father?" Zhang Shun paused, then remembered that it was Zhang Xianzhong, and couldn't help asking quickly, "Why is he dead, and why is Zhang Kewang here?"

"After the 'Eight Kings' and His Highness divided their forces, they went deep into Sichuan and moved around, winning and losing each other." Zhang Rujing hurriedly told the story after hearing this.

"Unexpectedly, later I heard that His Highness was so famous that he defeated the Ming Dynasty and entered the capital. I was anxious to compete with His Highness for a day and took the risk to attack Chengdu City."

"Who would have thought that Sichuan's General Soldier Hou Liangzhu, Deputy General Soldier Zhang Ling and Mrs. Shizhu Qin were all famous generals and could defeat them with one blow."

"That Zhang Ling is known as the 'Divine Crossbow General', and his arrow skills are so powerful that he actually hit the 'Eight Kings' with one arrow."

"By the time everyone rescued him, he was already dying. Before he died, the 'eight kings' said to the three of them: Hopeful, Wenxiu and Nengqi: Sure enough, the destiny is not mine, but King Shun. After I die, you and others will You can surrender to King Shun and still not lose your wealth and honor, but then die from exhaustion."

"Ke Wang, Wenxiu and Nengqi were helpless and fled to Shaanxi with the remaining defeated generals. They have now been resettled by General Chen."

"Na Wenxiu and Neng Qi stayed in the army to appease the soldiers. Wen Xiu and Neng Qi were entrusted by General Chen to come to see His Majesty with documents and seals."

"He was concerned about the old incident of leaving His Highness and following the 'Eight Kings', so he didn't dare to come to see you without authorization, so he begged to come to me."

"Why is this silly boy so thoughtful?" Zhang Shun smiled when he heard this, and then sighed, "In the past, I and 'Purple Gold Liang', 'Living Cao Cao', 'Eight Kings', 'Chuang Jiang', and 'Lao Hui Hui' , 'Eight Vajras' and the others are all familiar with each other, but unexpectedly only me and 'Chuang Jiang' are left today!"

Zhang Rujing couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this. Since Zhang Shun said these words, he must have been thinking about his original friendship.

"Let's do this. If this child is free, let him come to see me later. If he wants to marry before marriage, I will also choose a good one from the palace maids for him." Sure enough, I heard Zhang Shun say again.

"He is waiting outside, ready to be summoned by His Highness at any time!" Zhang Rujing responded quickly.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, my foster father died miserably. Please avenge him!" Following Zhang Shun's order, Zhang Kewang, who had been seen crying so hard, threw himself in with tears streaming down his face.

Oh, this is still a filial child!

Zhang Shun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he could only comfort him: "Okay, hopefully, I have already heard about this matter, and I ask you to show your condolences and comply with the change!"

It would be great for such a scumbag to die, and it would save "brothers" from fighting each other in the future!

Zhang Shun comforted him again, and Zhang Kewang, who was finally comforted, stopped crying, and he vividly told the story of his entry into Sichuan.

Zhang Shun heard his story that after entering Sichuan, Zhang Xianzhong only cared about killing and showed no mercy, so that he became enemies everywhere.

And how he himself managed to maintain the logistics of the "camp offering" made Zhang Shun's eyes light up.

He couldn't help but smile and said: "At any rate, I am fighting with your adoptive father and brothers. Since you have surrendered to me, how can I treat you badly?"

"I plan to let Na Wenxiu and Neng Qi continue to lead the army, and they will be promoted to the rank of commander-in-chief and viscount. As for you, the smartest one, I want you to select your manpower to do a big thing for me. I don't know if it will work? "

"Okay, I listen to Master!" Zhang Kewang rolled his eyes when he heard this, and he agreed, and then asked again, "I wonder why the palace is like my adoptive father?"

What a good boy, he obviously doesn't have any old feelings for Zhang Xianzhong in his heart, but he pretends to be like him.

Zhang Shun smiled and then said: "After I ascend the throne, I will give him the title of 'Prince Yi Zhong, Thousand Years Old', so that everyone in the world can respect him."

"Choose a good cemetery and bury him. Then, send ten good families to clean him for generations to come. What do you think?"

Good guy, you're just playing around with your feelings and don't give me any real benefits!

The little fox suddenly changed his mind and cried loudly: "My father, you died so miserably!"

"Now that you have gone away in glory, you have left me alone, my son, and left me all alone. How can I live in the future?"

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