Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1628 A few things about going to school

It is said that Zhang Shun recognized four more adopted sons, but this adoption was not in vain.

The main reason why he recognized Sun Kewang was because of his management ability.

Unlike Zhang Shun and Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong is easy to kill and is a lunatic.

Not only did Zhang Shun dislike him, but even his adopted sons criticized him.

When the four of them changed their fathers, Zhang Wenxiu and Zhang Nengqi also changed their surnames to Liu Wenxiu and Ai Nengqi respectively.

As for Zhang Xianzhong, two people dug up a willow tree, nailed it into three long pieces and two short pieces, and buried it hastily.

Poor Chen Changzhi eagerly looked for a good log for him, but it was of no use.

Not to mention how Liu Wenxiu and Ai Nengqi trained soldiers and horses and stayed under Chen Changzhi to serve as their subordinates. Let us also mention that since Li Dingguo and Sun Kewang recognized their adoptive fathers, Zhang Bian ordered them to study in "neixue" for the time being.

It's interesting to say that Zhang Shunxin's internal school originally had no teachers, and he planned to go into battle himself.

Then, after he met Mrs. Shen last time, he found that this woman was not only proficient in literature and calligraphy, but also good at accounting, trading, economics, taxation and other studies.

Since Zhang Shun recognized Li Dingguo and Sun Kewang as his adopted sons, he originally planned to let these two people take charge of the matter.

Therefore, he invited Shen to serve as a teacher, specializing in teaching accounts, trade, taxation and other subjects.

After five or seven days of this, Zhang ordered people to call Li Dingguo and Sun Kewang for assessment.

As a result, they unexpectedly found that the two of them looked depressed and lacked energy. Among them, Sun Kewang was even more pale and his steps were sloppy.

Zhang Shun opened his mouth to ask, but he had no idea what he had learned.

He couldn't help but said angrily: "My father asked you to go to school in the hope that you will become successful. I don't know what you are doing all day long, but you haven't learned even a single ounce of economic knowledge!"

Zhang Shun's thunderous anger immediately frightened the two of them.

Sun Kewang was no longer as cunning as before, but instead lowered his head in shame.

In the end, Li Dingguo couldn't help it anymore and couldn't help but said: "Father, you'd better take a look. This, we can't be blamed for this!"

"Oh?" Zhang Shun laughed angrily when he heard this, and couldn't help but sneered, "In that case, I will leave for a while. I want to see what is going on!"

The place where the adopted sons go to school is near the Cining Palace, not too far from the Yangxin Palace.

By the way, Zhang rushed over with Li Dingguo, Sun Kewang and others, taking three steps at a time and two steps at a time.

As soon as he arrived, he heard the saying "In the beginning, human nature is inherently good", but it was children over seven years old and under thirteen years old who were taught here.

"Where is our school!" Li Dingguo quickly pointed out.

Zhang Shun followed Li Dingguo's instructions and walked over. When he came to a school, he heard Shen's soft voice: "The method of accounting is divided into four categories: 'advance, pay, deposit, and due'. The so-called advance means Refers to"

Zhang Shun listened to the words without any problem, and couldn't help but stretched his head and looked inside strangely. This sight didn't matter, and he was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

I saw more than a dozen children, all of them dumbfounded, drooling, staring at the stage.

It was obvious that he was already distracted and wandering.

It is impossible for all of my adopted sons to be so stupid!

He was about to push the door open when he was grabbed by Li Dingguo: "Your Highness, look!"

Zhang Shun followed Li Dingguo's finger and looked towards the stage, only to see Mrs. Shen sitting there upright, describing the accounting method in a mellow tone.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but raised his eyebrows.

"Master, you are so beautiful," Li Dingguo blushed and turned his head.

"Huh?" Zhang Shun looked at the tightly wrapped Shen in confusion, and then at the group of kids below, and it took him a while to understand what was going on.

It turns out that this group of cubs lost their parents when they were young and have never enjoyed half of their mother's love.

Finally, Shi Moxi took care of her, but because she was only a little girl herself, she acted more like a sister.

It is said that children who lack maternal love since childhood are more obsessed with older women.

As luck would have it, this Shen is a mature woman with a curved front and a curved back, and her whole body is full of female temptation. Who can withstand this?

Just when Zhang Shun's expression was uncertain, he heard a "pop" sound and saw Sun Kewang kneeling down.

"Father, foster father, please give me a teacher. I can do anything you ask me to do!" Sun Kewang's face turned red and he begged in a low voice.

"Huh?" Zhang Shun was almost angry with him.

Let’s not talk about how to reward Shen from a good family.

Zhang Shun focused on training him this time, and originally planned to let him handle the "Beiyang Maritime Trade" matter for him.

As a result, before this matter even started, you got married to Shen Shikui, a key figure in it. What the hell am I doing?

"Look at your potential, haven't you seen a woman in eight lifetimes?" Zhang Shun couldn't help scolding him, "Look at Li Dingguo, he doesn't want to"

"Father, I want it too!" When Li Dingguo saw Sun Kewang kneeling down, he was feeling regretful, fearing that he would take the lead. When he heard Zhang Shun's words, he quickly answered.

"Ahem!" Nima, Zhang Shun was almost pissed to death by these two boys.

"Who is making noise outside?" At this moment, Mrs. Shen heard the noise outside the school and couldn't help but ask.

"It's me!" Zhang Shun responded quickly and casually kicked Sun Kewang who was kneeling on the ground.

After Sun Kewang was kicked, he woke up and stood up in a hurry.

Zhang Shun then opened the door and said, "I have nothing to do today. I happened to pass by here and came to check. Unexpectedly, I disturbed the lady!"

"Ah, it's okay!" Mrs. Shen quickly stood up after hearing this and said, "Actually, it's time for the students to finish class, just in time to give them a rest."

"Oh? You're not busy. Let me take the test first before get out of class is over!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but sneered, then turned to ask his adopted sons, "What categories are these accounting methods divided into? They are all What's the meaning?"

"Ah?" All the righteous sons were stunned when they heard this, and immediately looked at each other.

Seeing that no one answered, Shen couldn't help but show disappointment on his face.

"This accounting method is divided into four categories: 'advance, pay, deposit, and due'. The so-called advance refers to" At this moment, a crisp voice happened to come out.

Zhang Shun took a closer look and found that this person was none other than his adopted son Li Dingguo.

It turns out that Li Dingguo just now was not sitting in the school and could not see Shen's figure, so he remembered it clearly.

"Ha, since you remember to understand this 'Dragon Gate Account', do you really understand or not understand the 'Four-legged Account'?" Do you think that I can't see the thoughts of your thick eyebrows and big eyes?

"Ah?" Li Dingguo was stunned when he heard this.

Sun Kewang smacked his mouth and wanted to tell Zhang Shun that he knew how to "Four Leg Accountant", but he looked at Zhang Shun's expression and didn't dare to say anything.

"Get out of here, I'll talk to your wife!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but cursed as he looked at this group of people in distress.

All the adopted sons felt as if they had been granted amnesty, and even the female wives did not care to look at them, and ran away one by one.

"How old are you to say that to them?" Mrs. Shen looked amused. Seeing that the children had all run away, she asked with a smile.

"It's not big, but it's a bit taller at least!" Zhang Shun smiled and then explained, "Actually, I don't want to be like this, I just want to be less aggressive, for fear that I won't be able to control them!"

"Oh? Does Your Highness also want to be more aggressive and discipline the servants properly?" Mrs. Shen suddenly blushed and looked aside.

"Uh." Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard the words, and then realized that there was some ambiguity in the questions and answers between the two people just now.

He couldn't help but look up and down, feeling restless in his heart.

These days, "the three monks have no water to eat." Although Zhang Shun is surrounded by beautiful women, he can't seem to eat.

Now, a delicious peach suddenly came to his mouth. How could he control it?

And Mrs. Shen has been surrounded by a group of half-year-old children who are in the midst of youthful agitation these past few days, so it is naturally a bit difficult to bear it.

When she saw that Zhang Shun did not answer her words and said that he despised her, she could not help but boldly said: "The slave family knows that it is difficult to get into the eyes of His Highness, but... the valley is not yet open."

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