Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1629 Chao Angel

After Zhang Shun ate Master Shen and wiped her clean that day, Li Dingguo, Sun Kewang and others never saw her again.

The weather got cooler day by day, and soon an old master came in.

The old master opened the book tremblingly and began to explain according to the book.

Sun Kewang and Li Dingguo, who were listening to the class below, couldn't help but look at each other. They understood in their hearts: This Master Shen was probably slept with by His Highness!

Surprisingly, the two of them didn't have any unnecessary emotions in their hearts.

It is natural for mother to sleep with father.

It's a pity that they also lost the opportunity to become fathers to other classmates!

Just after school that day, Li Dingguo was about to go home to vent his anger, but unexpectedly he was grabbed by Sun Kewang.

"What's wrong?"

“There’s something fun to watch today!”

"What's the excitement?"

"The angel of North Korea is visiting!"

"Oh? Let's go together, let's go together!"

The two people paid close attention and quickly climbed up the wall of Cining Palace, rode up and looked in the direction of Yangxin Palace.

But just as he saw a group of people being welcomed by the Ministry of Rites, they slowly walked into the Qianqing Palace.

"Is the king of North Korea okay?" In the Qianqing Palace, the fat man Zhu Changxun asked with a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty, everything is fine. It's just that the Donglu bullied our poor and weak army. After humiliating us several times, please give us the final say!" the North Korean envoy couldn't help but cry.

"Ah, this" Zhu Changxun quickly looked at Zhang Shun.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun sneered and said: "North Korea is a vassal country, and now it has turned to others, which is a serious crime. Now it does not want to make progress, but seeks perfection and blames the emperor?"

The envoy was not a fool. He naturally knew who was in charge of the "Ming Dynasty". He quickly apologized to Zhang Shun and said, "My country was in trouble before, and we had no choice. Now that we have the help of our country, the barbarians are scared. Do our people dare not die in service?" "

"I would like to offer you ten beauties, a hundred pairs of furs, and a hundred pieces of silk, to express my wishes!"

"Beauty?" Zhu Changxun was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly said, "Okay, that's a good relationship!"

His useless look immediately made the ministers below cough.

Not to mention how everyone cared about it, Zhang Shun returned to Yangxin Hall after the morning court. The envoy had already sent a letter to ask for an audience.

Of course, Zhang Shun knew that in the early dynasty, both sides were just paying lip service. Now that they were getting down to business, he asked his envoys to come in to discuss.

"Angel Jin Yu of the Joseon Dynasty has met His Royal Highness King Shun!" The envoy couldn't help but hurriedly kowtow.

"Get up, give me a seat, and serve tea!" Zhang Shun nodded and said politely.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" After hearing this, Jin Yu sat up and said, "This time, our country has also prepared two beauties for Your Highness, and ten mink skins, all of which are top-grade, to express our feelings!"

Top grade?

Zhang Shun immediately understood that this guy was telling him tactfully that Zhu Changxun was picking out the leftovers for him.

"I'd like to thank you here in advance!" Zhang Shun chuckled and said, "Eat the sugar coating and shoot back the cannonballs." "However, the top priority is for North Korea to reorganize its army as soon as possible and cooperate with our army to destroy the Donglu at any time!"

Although Zhang Shun was already aware of Huang Sunmao's tendency, according to his status, he would not bargain with Jin Yu like a man in the market.

For him, he only needs to observe the rough outline and everything will fall into place.

"This country of Korea has poor soldiers and weak troops, which is far better than the country with abundant supplies, and the soldiers dare to fight." Jin Yu hesitated after hearing this, and couldn't help but bargain, "I would also like to ask Your Majesty to lift the ban on sulfur and saltpeter from our country. Reward some firearms and gunpowder, and then you will be able to fight!"

"Huh?" Zhang Shun laughed when he heard this, "I heard that your king has surrendered to the Donglu. How can you guarantee that these sulfur, saltpeter, gunpowder, and firearms will not fall into the hands of the Donglu?"

"Now it is not that I am begging you to send troops, but that you yourself have to prove your loyalty to my heavenly kingdom!"

As soon as Zhang Shun said these words, Jin Yu broke into a cold sweat.

He knew that Zhang Shun's words were an excuse, but now this excuse worked particularly well.

Who made the Korean country surrender to the Donglu in the front, and the "Ming Army" in the back kicked off the Donglu who were in full swing?

Today he can defeat the famous Donglu, and tomorrow he can naturally change the country of Korea.

"Your Highness, what you said is true. This is all the fault of our country!" Jin Yu quickly admitted, "But our country does not have strong soldiers or generals. If we rush to accept your Highness, we may miss the important events of the country!" "

Although I can't defeat you, I can cheat on you!

"I'm in trouble? I'm not afraid!" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "Since we don't have strong generals and strong soldiers, then I will send a general to train for training. If I lose, I will not blame you!"

"This." When Jin Yu heard Zhang Shun's words, he thought to himself: There is no way to escape after seeing this!

He gritted his teeth and said, "Well, thank you in advance!"

When Zhang Shun saw that Jin Yu responded, he smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? Donglu Xu doesn't have three heads and six arms."

"When Hong Tai led 150,000 troops into the pass, I killed half of them. Such a great reputation is nothing special."

"Now that your country has sent troops, when the Donglu are destroyed, the matter of surrendering to the Hu before will be ignored."

"Ah?" Jin Yu was overjoyed when he heard this and thanked him repeatedly.

Seeing that the matter was almost over, Zhang Shun continued: "In addition to this matter, I have two things to do when I see you today."

"On the topic of trade, I intend to send a special envoy to explore the roads along the way and thoroughly determine the sea routes between you and us to avoid damage on the way. What do you think?"

"It's a matter of course!" When Jin Yu heard about this good thing, he responded repeatedly.

"However, in my humble opinion, our ships are far inferior to those of our superior country. It would be better to return them to Dengzhou Road. Your Highness, please refer to the details."

"Oh? This matter will be decided after the investigation is completed, let's not mention it for now!" Zhang Shun secretly made a note in his heart after hearing this, and then continued: "General Envoy on the 2nd, I heard that Japan is in the south of Korea. I don't know if it is there. Connected by sea?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" How did Jin Yu know what Zhang Shun was thinking? When he saw Zhang Shun asking, he quickly responded with a smile, "If you start from Shiduoshan in our country, you can first go to Seoul, and then go back from Seoul. Go to Busan, and then go to Kyushu Hakata Port from Busan.”

"Oh? That's it!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction after hearing this.

Why do you think Zhang Shun asked this?

It turned out that he had been studying the sea routes for trade with North Korea for a long time, but found a problem.

That is what he calls the "Bohai Sea Route". In fact, it is a "dead-end road". Once you reach North Korea, you have to turn back.

Both North Korea and Liaodong are places where supplies are scarce compared to the Central Plains.

This means that in the process of doing business with Liaodong and North Korea, the Central Plains will not "exceed", and some of its transportation capacity will be wasted.

Putting aside the outgoing and inbound shipping, in terms of shipping capacity alone, if you want to avoid this situation, try to form a closed-loop trade route.

And if we want to form a closed trade loop, then this trade route cannot stop at North Korea.

Then, Zhang Shun thought of that country "a mere strip of water" - Japan.

Japan is an island country, and maritime trade with China is also very prosperous. For example, folding fans and Japanese swords are famous Japanese trade items.

If the rebels can open up a route from Dengzhou to North Korea and then to Japan, they can connect the route from Japan to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, forming a complete closed loop.

In fact, things were just as Zhang Shun expected. While North Korea was trading with the Ming Dynasty through tribute, it was also trading with Japan through Busan.

Even some Chinese cloth, medicinal materials, porcelain, tea and other items are the bulk of North Korea's resale trade.

This trade route has always existed, but due to the lack of government support, Chinese merchants often sailed to North Korea and lacked the motivation to explore further.

It's a pity that although Jin Yu was a great scholar in Korea, he was not proficient in economics.

With Zhang Shun's few words, he got the key information out without even realizing it.

When Zhang Shun heard this, his heart suddenly became hot.

Navigation first, then trade, followed by the navy, opening commercial ports, then establishing concessions, and then colonies.

The methods of the great powers in the previous life were repeated one after another. When conditions permit, Zhang Shun will also follow suit.

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