Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1639 The final struggle

"Bastard!" When Duduo got the news of the fall of Guangning, his first reaction was to become furious.

The rebels can think of a sneak attack on Shenyang, and naturally Duduo can also think of it.

In fact, Guangning not only blocked the rebel army's way deep into Liaoze, but also blocked the new road opened by Hou Jin.

It turns out that after the Jin Dynasty established its capital in Shenyang, in order to deal with the threat of the Ming army as soon as possible, it had been looking for a new road to Guangning.

After many investigations, Hou Jin discovered that he could reach the Guangning area by going west from Shenyang, along the northern edge of Liaoze to the Juliu River, and then turning southwest.

It's just that this road is not repaired and is quite muddy, but it is fully sufficient for the passage of the army in winter.

In the original history, construction started about two years later, and it took about a year to build the road from Shenyang to Juliuhe, which was called Shengjing Dual Road.

It was not until the Qing army entered the pass that they had the manpower and material resources to completely build this Shengjing Dual Road, which was cut and straightened.

Of course, although this road has not been built yet, it does not prevent people and horses from passing through.

So when Duduo got the news that Guangning had been lost, he couldn't help himself.

"Your Highness, the top priority is how to adjust the deployment to guard against sneak attacks by 'shun thieves'!" Nadai Shan saw that Duduo was furious. Although he felt a feeling of disappointment in his heart, he still cheered up and remonstrated.

"Be on guard, be on guard! Whenever we, the Qing Kingdom, need to be on guard against others, aren't they always on guard against me, the Qing Kingdom?" Duduo became even more furious after hearing this.

"Your Majesty, victory or defeat is a matter of military strategism. Attack and defense are military tactics. How can we use emotions?" Dai Shan couldn't help but asked with a bit of displeasure.

"Uh..." Duduo took Daishan's drink and calmed down a little this time.

"Guangning is gone, and the Liaohe River area to the west is empty, and our flanks are directly exposed. It seems that the only way to withdraw is!"

"Your Highness, if this is the case, then the Fuzhou Liu Zhiyuan Department will be equivalent to being abandoned by the Qing Dynasty!" Dai Shan couldn't help but remind him.

"This won't work, and that won't work either. What do you think we should do?" Duduo was squeezed by him and couldn't help but get angry again.

"I think Your Majesty should leave one unit to hold on to Tokyo, and then lead the main force to march westward and retake Guangning!" Dai Shan sneered.

"You..." Duduo became furious when he heard this and asked, "It's certainly possible for our army to move westward. What if the 'Shun' thieves' don't attack Tokyo, but turn around and head west?"

"This..." When Daishan heard this, he immediately lost his temper.

It turned out that Hou Jin, relying on his superior cavalry and military strength, could launch an attack on Niuzhuang and Guangning while suppressing Zhang Sanbai.

But once the main force of Houjin leaves, Zhang Sanbai can completely ignore Tokyo City, turn west, and directly open the passage from Phoenix City to Yiju, North Korea.

By then, Hou Jin will not only lose the vassal state of Korea, but will also be threatened by the rebels united with North Korea and Dongjiang to Hetuala, where Hou Jin started.

The problem Hou Jin faces now is the same as before. He can't lose this and he can't lose that.

I want it all, but I can't take care of it.

"Let's do this. If that doesn't work, we can only send more people north to catch some savages and come back to replenish our troops!" Duduo pondered for a long time and finally decided helplessly.

"'s too cold at this time of year, so it's hard to handle!" Daishan frowned when he heard this and couldn't help but remind him.

"Cold? What's it worth? It's just because it's too cold that we have a chance to turn defeat into victory!" Duduo suddenly laughed.

"I don't want more this time, I just want three thousand savages. Wearing iron armor and keeping them as a 'lucky weapon'!"

"Three thousand?" Dai Shan was startled when he heard this. He couldn't help but think about it carefully for a long time, and found that only in this way could he have a chance of survival.

Finally, he nodded helplessly and said: "Okay then, leave the defense of Shenyang City to Du Du, and let Yue Tuo lead two thousand people to catch the savages in the early stage!"

"Sure, it's settled!" Duduo nodded, and then warned, "By the way, tell Du Du that he must prepare the defense west of Shenyang, and he must not be taken advantage of by 'shun thieves'!"

It turns out that the "savages" mentioned by Duduo and Daishan refer to the Sauron tribe of the Jurchen tribe.

This is the collective name for the Oroqen, Daur and Ewenki tribes in later generations, which are roughly distributed in the middle and upper reaches of Heilongjiang.

Because these tribes are relatively primitive and backward, the tribesmen are tough and cruel in temperament. They also have good hunting skills and are natural warriors.

Therefore, Hou Jin liked to capture these wild Jurchens to serve as elites since he was a slave.

All they need to do is put on iron armor, equipped with hard bows and swords, and these people will be dead soldiers who charge into battle, so they are deeply loved by the Jurchens.

In the ninth year of Tiancong alone, on the eve of Hong Tai becoming emperor, he captured six to seven thousand barbarian Jurchens and more than 2,400 young men and women at one time, and incorporated them into the banner.

Therefore, Duduo planned to capture three thousand men this time, just to use them as a trump card in the decisive battle with the rebels in the future.

In fact, in a battle involving tens of thousands of people, once three thousand dead soldiers are killed at a critical moment, it can indeed completely change the situation of the entire battlefield.

"What? Three thousand more to arrest savages?" When Yue Tuo, who stayed in Shenyang, Shengjing, received the "imperial order", he wanted to shirk it.

But this time, not only Duduo, but also his father Daishan jointly requested him to go, and he really couldn't object.

It's just that the perception of his father Daishan in his heart made him a little disgusting.

It can be said that the previous conflict between father and son was to hide it from the eyes of Lao Nu and Hong Tai.

Now that both Lao Nu and Mrs. Hong are dead, he asks his son to go deep into the mountains and forests of Heilongjiang to catch Jurchens in this almost cold winter month?

I think you don’t want me to catch the Jurchens. You want the black bears in the mountains to catch me and eat me, and never come back.

Different from the inherent impression of many people, they think that Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang are all very cold and the environment should be similar.

In fact, this is not the case. Although these three places are very cold, the cold temperatures are completely different.

Taking the Hetuala and Shenyang areas where Lao Nu and others live as an example, the coldest temperature in winter is only a dozen degrees below zero, and it is extremely rare to get below minus 20 degrees.

In the middle and upper reaches of Heilongjiang where Suolun is located, the average temperature in the twelfth lunar month is basically below minus 20 degrees.

There are even temperatures of more than 30 degrees below zero and 40 degrees below zero.

What concept?

It's minus ten degrees Celsius, so if you wrap up tightly, your face may just feel a little cold.

And when it's more than 20 degrees below zero, you can feel your nose hairs when you breathe.

When it reaches minus 30 degrees Celsius, you are lucky enough to hear the sound of your own clothes.

If you ask a young man who lives in temperatures below minus ten degrees all year round to catch Jurchens in the deep mountains and forests of Heilongjiang in the dead of winter, isn't that going to cost him his life?

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