Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1640: Deep into Barrenness

It is said that Prince Nacheng, Yue Tuo, received the edict from Emperor Duduo of the Qing Dynasty, left Shenyang City, Shengjing, and headed north.

After passing Tieling and Kaiyuan, we entered the land of Haixi Jurchen.

This Haixi Jurchen is mainly composed of four tribes: Yehe, Ula, Hada and Huifa. It was originally a powerful tribal alliance alongside Jianzhou.

Later, after uniting with Horqin and other nine coalition forces to attack Lao Nu, he was gradually surrendered by Lao Nu and became part of the Jurchen Eight Banners.

Therefore, when Yue Tuan came here, it was as if he had come half way to his own home.

When the leaders of each tribe saw the prince passing by with his army, they took out their prey and food and entertained him warmly.

Yue Tuo originally wanted to take the opportunity to recruit some troops, but he saw that most of them, old and young, had already been included in the army, so he had to give up.

After Yue Tuo left the Haixi Jurchens, he entered the territory of the savage Jurchens.

This savage Jurchen, also known as Dudonghai Jurchen, is roughly distributed along the coast of Heilongjiang.

Previously, when Hong Tai became emperor, he had conquered the Hurha tribe among them, and gained more than 7,000 men and women, and more than 2,400 men, which greatly enhanced the strength of Hou Jin.

Therefore, this time Yue Tuo also planned to follow the same pattern, using both grace and power to subdue the savage Jurchen.

Bai Qi Chao Ha Zhang Jing Sam Mushka couldn't help but said to Yue Tuo: "The previous expedition against the Hurha tribe only captured more than 2,400 Ding, but now if His Highness wants to capture 3,000 in one fell swoop, he must surrender to Bomu Boguoer! "

"Who is this?" Yue Tuan asked as he had never participated in the crusade against the savage Jurchens.

"Among the Blackwater tribes, Suolunda Huli is the most powerful. Suolun is originally from Liao. He is a nomadic herder on the Qili River. He can pull back the strong hit Dongsi, Huji, and Benshou. He is more powerful than all the tribes. Bomu Boguoer wins the hearts of the people. , arrogantly calling himself King Khan. All the cities and towns in the north and south of the Yangtze River are afraid of joining him." Samushka couldn't help but reply.

The so-called "Blackwater" refers to Heilongjiang, where the Blackwater Governor's Office was set up in the Tang Dynasty, and the tribes along the coast were called "Blackwater Mohe".

In the Ming Dynasty, the Nurgandu Division was established here to manage countless guard posts distributed throughout this generation.

However, since the rise of Lao Nu between the White Mountains and the Black Water, blocking the communication between the north and the south, most of these tribes turned to the Later Jin Dynasty and became vassal.

This Bomubogor was born in the Huli tribe of Solunda, also known as the Dahur tribe, and was the predecessor of the Daur tribe in later generations.

This man's tribe was powerful and he was quite ambitious, so he had a brave name among Sauron's tribes, and he was called Arakbaatar Khan.

The Jingqili River where he lived was a tributary of the middle and upper reaches of the Heilongjiang River, located in the territory of later Russia.

"Is this... is this possible?" Yue Tuo was startled when he heard this and asked hesitantly.

"It will definitely work!" Unexpectedly, Bai Qichao Ha Zhangjing Samushka said disapprovingly, "Although there are many people in our generation, they are just savages in the mountains."

"Now that I have my consort Baldaqi helping me, why should I be afraid?"

This Samushka is a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles since his days as an old slave.

He had made great achievements in the previous expedition against the Hurha tribe, and was therefore promoted to the third class Mele Zhangjing and Bai Qichao Ha Zhangjing. These words naturally carry weight.

Yue Tuan pondered for a long time and thought to himself: "These Sauron tribe are all brainless people. If we can really subdue them, not only will the current predicament be solved, but my strength will also be greatly increased!"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but said: "In this way, let's be polite first and then fight. If Bomubogor is really willing to submit to me, there will be no mention of anything else."

"If not, don't blame me for being ruthless with the sword!"

"Good!" Nasamushka couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly praised, "This way you can live up to my name as the Jurchen... Prince of Manchuria!"

The two of them had decided on their plan and then led the army to kill in the Jingqili River area.

This era in the Heilongjiang region was completely different from that of later generations.

In later generations, due to the development of railways, people basically traveled through Shenyang, Jilin, and Harbin, with vast plains along the way.

If you want to reach Heilongjiang in this era, you need to go deep along the Songhua River and reach the Heilongjiang area.

Hongtai's previous expedition against the Hurha tribe went northeast from here, and almost conquered the middle and lower reaches of Heilongjiang.

This time it is not the case. This time we can only reach the middle and upper reaches of Heilongjiang by going upstream from Heilongjiang.

The journey was nearly three thousand miles, and it took Yue Tuo and his men nearly a month to reach the mouth of the Jingqili River.

It was the twelfth lunar month of winter and the weather was extremely cold. Yue Tuan was wrapped in fine mink fur, but he couldn't feel warm at all.

As soon as he took a breath, he felt all the hairs on his nose stiffen. As soon as he moved, he heard his clothes rustling, as if his whole body was about to freeze.

"It's so cold in this place where birds don't poop!" Yue Tuo breathed into his palm and couldn't help but sigh.

"Is there any village ahead? Let's go there and warm ourselves up?"

"Your Highness Qizou, there are seven villages in front of us that have surrendered to our country. Just go and have a rest!" Nasamushka responded quickly.

"Submit? Since you have submitted, forget it!" Yue Tuo shook his head and quickly refused.

He knew very well what kind of people he had under his command.

These people are the elites of Hezhe, Xibo and the newly surrendered Huerha whom he recruited from the Eight Banners.

These elites are all top-notch experts in terms of being able to withstand hardship and endure cold weather, and fight in the wilderness.

But when it comes to military discipline, it's not much better than that of the savages.

If Yue Tuo really dared to take them into the camp, they would definitely be burned, killed, and looted.

Then the seven villages that had already surrendered might also fall to Bomubogor.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Yue Tuo had no choice but to order his soldiers to go around this place and not to intrude.

After receiving the news that Hou Jin's army was coming, Baldaqi, who had surrendered to Hou Jin before, really began to call on Sauron's tribes to surrender to Hou Jin to avoid being exposed to war.

However, Bomubogor's reputation among Sauron's tribe was extraordinary, and there were only a few people who accepted him.

Baldazzi was quite worried when he saw this and did not dare to openly join Yue Tuo's side. He just sent a few guides to solve the problem.

When Yue Tuo saw this, he was angry and resentful. He wanted to kill Nabaldaqi first to sacrifice the flag, but the situation was stronger than the others, so he had to give up.

However, because of this, this action was also clouded in his heart.

Therefore, Yue Tuo ordered his soldiers not to cross the river yet, but continued up the Heilongjiang River to reach Wulusutun.

This Ulusutun is the place where Bomubogor "takes rice", that is, the place where rice is collected and transferred to the west of Solon. Its leader is called Mang Guzhu.

The Yue Tuo then ordered him to send a message to Bomubogor: "If you are willing to submit to my clan, three thousand warriors from the clan will accompany me in the battle. If you are unwilling, you will all be defeated!"

Originally, Yue Tuo thought that relying on the strength of Hou Jin's army, he would definitely overwhelm him.

Unexpectedly, when Nabomu Boguoer heard that Yue Tuo asked him to send out three thousand warriors, he couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Everyone has heard of the great military strength of Jianzhou, how can they care about my troops?"

No wonder Bomu Bogor asked this question. As the leader of the Dahuli tribe, he could actually control only three or four thousand men.

If you add in the other tribes he controls, the total number will only be six to seven thousand troops.

If all his brains were given to Yue Tuo, wouldn't he become a loner?

The Sauron guide who followed Manggu Zhu was also a real person. Hearing this, he couldn't help laughing and said: "It is said that they suffered a huge defeat when fighting the emperor in the south, with most of them dead and wounded, so they thought of our troops coming." !”

"What?" Nabomubogor was surprised and happy when he heard this.


It turns out that in the Ming Dynasty, the Barbarian Jurchen tribes had a good reputation. Apart from the need for "tribute" in exchange for necessary living materials, there was basically not much interference with them.

But the Hou Jin Dynasty was not the same. Not only did they pay tribute, but they also moved their tribes and captured their men and women at every turn. This inevitably made these tribes feel a little bit resentful.

Now that Nabomuboguoer heard that "Da Ming" had defeated Hou Jin, he couldn't help but suddenly became concerned.

He couldn't help but sneered: "I, the warriors of the Sauron tribe, have always relied on the strong. Manchuria is just a defeated general under others. How can I be allowed to surrender?"

"If he fights, he will fight; if he doesn't fight, go back to their den!"

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