Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1653 Where to go?

"What, the 'shun thieves' made a surprise attack on Shengjing?" Duduo couldn't help but screamed when he heard this, and yelled, "What does Dudu do for food?"

"Didn't I repeatedly tell him to send scouts, set up sentries, conduct repeated inspections, and repeatedly detect the movements of the 'submissive thieves', and be careful not to be taken advantage of?"

"What does he do for a living? Why did he let the 'shun thieves' kill him at the foot of Shengjing City!"

"Your Highness, as the saying goes: A clever woman cannot make a meal without rice. Even if Du Du detects the Han people, he has few soldiers and generals, and it may not be of any help. Prince Li Lie frowned on behalf of Shan, and defended Du Du, and then this Then I asked the messenger."

"How many people did the 'Shun Thief' go to this time? Do they have heavy artillery?"

"Three thousand fine cavalry, but no artillery!" The man responded loudly, "But Lord Beile has sent people to the two wings of Horqin and asked the Six Flags troops from these two wings to come to Shengjing to aid!"

"Okay, well done!" Daishan nodded with satisfaction, then turned to Duduo and said, "Your Highness, calm down, since there is help from the Horqin Department, even if Dudu made some mistakes, it did not ruin the overall situation. "

"The top priority is how to deal with the problems in Shengjing, Liaoyang and Phoenix City!"

"Liaoyang has been lost, Phoenix City must not last long, it is better to abandon it!" Duduo pondered for a moment, then gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"However, the locations of Shengjing and Liaoyang are extremely important and must not be lost!"

"If we lose these two places, our Qing Kingdom will face disaster!"

"What your Majesty said is true!" Na Daishan pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and couldn't help but nod in agreement.

In fact, except for Liu Zhiyuan of Fuzhou, who is still struggling, the entire eastern and southern Liaoning has been lost, and now only the area north and east of Liaoyang remains.

Among them, the southeastern area of ​​Liaoyang is the main transportation route to North Korea, and the Xindiian and Kuandiian fortresses in the northeastern area are used to isolate North Korea and the Jianzhou Road border wall.

Only the generation north of Liaoyang, south of Kaiyuan, with Shenyang as the core, had fertile soil, and it was considered the last wealthy land that Hou Jin could control.

If this place is lost again, then I am afraid that the entire Qing Dynasty will have no choice but to flee to the white mountains and black waters to become savages.

However, if we want to firmly control this area, we can only control the two strong cities of Shenyang and Liaoyang.

Now that Liaoyang has been lost, the next best thing is to defend Tokyo City and Shenyang City, which is the last hope of the Qing Dynasty.

But you can't defend it to death. You must know that if you defend it for a long time, you will lose it.

Once a place is broken through by others, it will face the risk of collapse.

"If there is one, then there are two!" Na Duduo was worthy of being a veteran. After calming down, he couldn't help but said, "Since the Han people can send three thousand, they can naturally send ten thousand."

"Keep the scouts and spies paying close attention to Shengjing's movements. If something goes wrong, I will immediately lead troops back for reinforcements!"

Of course Daishan understood Duduo's intention of leading troops back to support. To put it bluntly, he wanted to take advantage of the mobility advantage of the Houjin Cavalry to form a local advantage in a short period of time.

In the battle of Lao Nusarhu, this method was used. "No matter how many ways you come, I will only go all the way." Only then was it possible to defeat the Ming army.

This time Duduo wanted to copy the old slave's old wisdom, defeat Lu Xiangsheng's troops in one fell swoop, and then join forces to recapture Liaoyang.

It is said that Duduo and Daishan had already made up their mind and divided the soldiers into two parts.

One part, numbering about 10,000, is temporarily commanded by Daishan; while the other number, numbering over 20,000, is commanded by Duduo and is ready to go north at any time.

However, at this moment, news suddenly came from the north, claiming that Horqin's left wing had surrendered to the "thieves". The strength of the "thieves" had increased to more than 10,000 people, and they also carried "10,000 catties of red cannons". For a time, Shengjing City was in danger. Please also ask "Your Highness" to return the assistance as soon as possible.

Na Duduo was shocked when he heard this, and quickly called Daishan and discussed: "I had expected this, but unexpectedly it turned out to be useful."

"I also ask Prince Lilie to garrison Tokyo for me. Within ten days, I will defeat the 'thieves' and return!"

"Take care, Your Highness, I will surely live up to your great trust!" That Daishan looked solemn when he heard the words, and he couldn't help but bowed quickly.

Duduo had decided on his plan, so he quickly organized his troops and headed north.

However, it didn't matter if he had any movement. There were spies over there who had already discovered Hou Jin Ding's movement and quickly reported it to Liaoyang coach Zhang Sanbai.

"No, the Tatars are leaving now!" Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but sneered, "It seems like General Lu must have poked the Tatars in a sore spot!"

"Then what should we do?" Zu Dashou frowned, feeling that there was no solution to the matter and was at a loss what to do.

"If he wants to come, he will come. If he wants to leave, he will leave. Who do you think I am, Zhang Sanbai!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Sanbai sneered.

"If he can't keep his eyes on me, Liaoyang City, can't I just keep an eye on him in Tokyo City?"

"If he wants to leave, we will leave; if he wants to stay, we will stay. I want to see what he can do!"

"Ah? General, the Tatars are full of cavalry!" Zu Dashou couldn't help but remind him quickly.

"Cavalry? I'm fighting cavalry!" Zhang Sanbai said arrogantly, "It's one hundred and twenty miles from Liaoyang to Shenyang. The cavalry only takes one day and night, and the infantry doesn't take two days."

"If he dares to hit me back, I will fight him to the end!"

"Huang Degong, I am with your battalion, do you dare to defend Liaoyang City?"

"General, don't worry. If you are in the city, you will be dead. If you are dead, the city will be dead!" Huang Degong couldn't help but replied loudly after hearing this.

"I don't want your city to perish, it doesn't matter whether the people are dead or not!" Zhang Sanbai reminded coldly, "In just a few days, Zhang Damou's cavalry and Li Dingguo's men and horses will arrive."

"If it takes more than five days, if it takes less than three days, you will definitely see results. Can you hold on, or can't you?"

"The final general will definitely live up to the general's high expectations and defend this city as impregnable as a rock!" Huang Degong immediately replied with a louder voice.

"Okay, this Liaoyang City is entrusted to you." Zhang Sanbai nodded with satisfaction, and then sternly ordered, "Others, follow my order and follow me out of the city!"

"General, take your orders!" After hearing Zhang Sanbai's domineering order, everyone was not afraid, but became excited.

Thousands of calculations and traps from three sides have finally forced Donglu into a dead end. What are they afraid of?

It’s today that you make great achievements, and you’re the one who becomes the general!

"Dong dong dong!" Along with the sound of war drums, just as Emperor Duduo of the Qing Dynasty led his cavalry out of Liaoyang City, the rebel commander Zhang Sanbai also left Liaoyang City under the escort of his soldiers.

"Report~ The 'Shun Thief' has also left the city!" Scout Houjin soon discovered the movements of the rebels and quickly reported to Duduo.

"How dare you, thief!" Na Duduo was furious when he heard this, "Zhang Sanbai, you dare to underestimate me, you deserve to die."

"I won't leave today, I will kill him on the spot!"

After speaking, he actually ordered a fight to the death with the rebels.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible!" Lao Daishan heard the words and quickly stopped him, "What Zhang Sanbai relies on is his power!"

"The power now belongs to him, not to me, so I cannot delay."

"However, I saw that this guy was so arrogant, and he actually had a right to die."

"If His Majesty rushes to Shengjing first, kills the 'Shun Thief' Dao Ruiqi, and then takes advantage of Zhang Sanbai's departure from Liaoyang to catch him off guard, then the 'Shun Thief' will definitely be in chaos!"

"If the 'Shun Thieves' are in chaos, I will take the opportunity to cover up and kill them. Liaodong may not be completely restored!"

"Okay, well said. If we win this battle, Prince Lilie will be the first to win!" Duduo's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

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