Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1654 Rush for help

"Drive, drive!" Emperor Duduo of the Qing Dynasty spurred his horses and led the army towards Shenyang, the capital.

Twenty thousand cavalrymen filed in, and the loud sound of horse hooves made people's ears hurt.

Duduo, who was originally filled with gloom, was aroused by this momentum, and his blood boiled for a while.

Although the "Qing Dynasty" lost troops and generals and lost thousands of miles, he still had to cheer up.

As long as he defeats Lu Xiangsheng and then comes back to defeat Zhang Sanbai, everything he has lost will come back.


"Say!" Duduo shouted impatiently.

"The 'thief'. The 'thief''s cavalry are catching up again!" the scout reported weakly.

"It's shameless to give him face, right!" Duduo couldn't help but became furious when he heard this, "Go back and kill this thief first!"

"No, Your Majesty, you must not do it!" As soon as Duduo said this, everyone couldn't help but stop him.

To be honest, Zhang Sanbai was in an extremely dangerous situation at this moment.

Once Duduo strikes a blow and then mobilizes more than 10,000 people under Dai Shan's command to cut off Dai Shan's retreat, I am afraid Zhang's three hundred and one others will fall into death.

However, even with such a huge advantage, Duduo could not look back.


It turns out that the situation between the two sides is just like playing games in later generations.

Two people on one side have already broken through the high ground with their troops and are about to push to the crystal.

But the main force of the family was too late to return to the city, so they had to rush back as hard as they could.

And Zhang Sanbai's team is desperate to start a team, preparing to hold off their opponents.

Do you think this Duduo can fight?

He can't fight!

If the two sides really "start a team", I'm afraid it won't take three to five days to determine the winner.

And once Lu Xiangsheng takes the opportunity to capture Shenyang, the capital of Shengjing, the Qing Dynasty will be completely finished!

He had no choice but to fight, but couldn't.

It's like a piece of fat hanging in front of you, your mouth is watering but you can't take a bite.

Although Na Duduo was extremely angry, he had not lost his mind at least.

After some persuasion from everyone, he only separated a group of cavalry to block it, and he still led the main force of his troops to attack Shengjing.

"Is Duduo coming?" Just as Duduo led the main force of the Hou Jin Dynasty to do both, the movement was soon discovered by the rebels.

Lu Xiangsheng pondered for a moment, then couldn't help but smile and said: "Put away the artillery, let's stay away for the time being."

"This" Manzhu Xili, Wu Keshan, Hong Guoer and Dong Guoer looked at each other in shock after hearing this.

We finally made up our minds and betrayed Hou Jin, but then you left after seeing him?

"Four Wuyou, Duduo has only thirty to forty thousand troops under his command. Excluding those stationed in Tokyo and Shengjing, there are at most twenty-five thousand." Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but laugh as he didn't know what these four people were thinking. .

"Now that I have the help of all of you, the total number is 14,000 to 5,000, and dealing with them for several days is just a piece of cake!"

"The number of fourteen to five thousand?" Manzhu Xili and others couldn't help but look at each other when they heard this.

Why do you Han people bully us for not knowing how to count?

You have only two battalions of men and horses under your command. Adding in the five thousand of us, we only have more than ten thousand men.

"This general still has a battalion of men and horses staying at the foot of Duerbi Mountain. I have sent soldiers to summon them!" Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but laugh.

"You" Manzhu Xili and others were shocked and angry after hearing what Lu Xiangsheng said.

It turns out that Duerbi Mountain is the only way for the rebels to pass, and it is also the only way to go to the Horqin tribes.

Lu Xiangsheng actually left a force here despite the critical situation. His purpose can be imagined.

If Horqin Zuo was not aware of current affairs, I am afraid that this group of troops would have rushed into the tribe where only the old, weak, women and children were left.

The four faces of Manzhu Xili, Wu Keshan, Hong Guoer and Dong Guoer looked a little ugly, but also a little happy.

At this point, there was no turning back, so the four people had no choice but to pretend they didn't know.

So everyone, led by Lu Xiangsheng, abandoned the simple camp and headed northwest.

It didn't matter what the rebels did, but they didn't expect that Naduoluo Anpingbeile Dudu temporarily escaped disaster.

It turns out that since Horqin's left wing defected to the rebels, Horqin's right wing was naturally ready to move.

Horqin's left-wing daughter had a good birth and got married to "King Shun", but Horqin's right-wing daughter did not.

If they surrendered for no reason, they might have their heads borrowed, so everyone followed Du Du's son Du Erhu into the Shenyang City of Shengjing.

After everyone entered, they were warmly received by Du Du and invited them to help defend the city.

But when Nabadali saw that there were few soldiers in the city, he had some thoughts.

It's night, it's getting late, wait for everyone to retreat.

Badali, Prince of Tushiyetu of the Right Wing Middle Banner of Horqin, could not help but privately said to Budaqi, the former King of Zasaktu County on the Right Wing, and Lama Shixi, the Duke of Zhenguo: "This Qing Dynasty is going to end!"

"How do you say this?" Budaqi and Lama Shixi asked quickly.

"I saw that there were few soldiers in the city, so I quickly sent someone to inquire carefully. Only then did I know that the Qing Dynasty was empty, with only two thousand armored soldiers and two thousand strong men!"

"What, there are so few, no wonder they are so anxious to ask for help from us!" Budaqi and Lama Shixi couldn't help but look at each other.

Together, the three of them already have 4,000 cavalry.

If compared, the strength of the Horqin Right Wing Dao in Shengjing City is not even comparable.

"When it comes to strength, there is nothing in Shengjing City." Nabudaqi and Lama Shixi couldn't help but whisper, "When it comes to what, Dudu is just a Baylor, how can he compare to King Khan?"

"Now that Horqin's left wing has changed its gate, I think he must have seen the emptiness in the city. We should encourage him!"

When Badali heard this, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "Since you two are willing to give up the position of county king and town prince, how can I not give up the title of prince?"

"It's just that the matter is serious and we must not let the news leak out!"

"Got it!" Nabudaqi and Lama Shixi couldn't help but nodded, and then complained, "How can a bird prince or a county prince compare to the dignity of our Khan?"

"Not to mention, an eagle with broken wings is not worth feeding by a hunter; a horse with broken legs and feet is not worthy of being ridden by a strong man."

"The wolves on Horqin Grassland will only follow the strongest wolf king!"

It turns out that Badali originally inherited the title of King Tushtuye Khan from his father Oba, but because Mrs. Hong wanted to "dominate the south", she gave him the title of Jinong and changed his title to Prince Tushtuye.

But now that Mrs. Hong is dead, the city of Shengjing is empty, and the successor Duduo lacks prestige, so his ambition can't help but grow.

"The relationship is good. When the fierce battle between the two sides reaches the critical moment tomorrow, we will all rise up together to seize the Shengjing City and dedicate it to King Shun!" Badali saw that these two people supported him and couldn't help but argue.

"Easy to say, easy to say!" The three of them had already made up their minds, but they would wait until dawn tomorrow and prepare to attack together when the rebel army attacks the city at its fiercest.

However, at dawn the next day, people suddenly emptied the camp outside the city, leaving only a bare camp there.

"What's going on?" The three of them couldn't help but look at each other.

But at this moment, they only heard a burst of noise, and randomly saw a cavalry approaching from far away.

When the cavalry was almost gone, everyone saw clearly that it was Emperor Duduo of the Qing Dynasty who was driving over with the main force.

The three of them couldn't help but feel horrified and quickly looked at each other.

"Are you still rebelling?"

"No more rebellion, no more rebellion. I never thought that this 'submissive thief' would be even less ambitious and cannot be the 'Wolf King'!"

However, just as everyone was making eye contact, they heard Duduo, a man from the city, yelling angrily: "Where are the people? Where have all the people died?"

"Your Majesty, you are back. I will open the city gate for you right now!" Na Dudu responded loudly.

"I'm not asking about you, I'm asking where the 'Shun Thief' has gone?" Duduo said impatiently, "Didn't you say that the 'Shun Thief' has been besieging it for several days and Shengjing City is in danger!"

"Reporting to your majesty, the 'shun thief' sneaked away last night after hearing your reputation!" Du Du couldn't laugh or cry, and explained quickly.

"What? He ran away!" Duduo couldn't help but became furious after hearing this, "Why did he run away!"

It turned out that according to Duduo and Dai Shandao's plan, Lu Xiangsheng's troops were prepared to be caught off guard.

Who would have thought that Lu Xiangsheng had already known where Duduo's main force was, so he placed scouts all over Shenyang and Tokyo from the beginning.

As soon as Duduo left, Lu Xiangsheng got the news, which made him miss.

It didn't matter that this was an empty attack. Duduo planned to use his mobility advantage to create a time difference, but in the end, the time difference was gone.

Not only was the time difference gone, Duduo and Shenyang City, Shengjing behind him, were still at risk of being attacked by Lu Xiangsheng and Zhang Sanbai.

"Where on earth did this thief go?" Duduo couldn't help but became furious and shouted repeatedly.

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