Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1656 Food and Grass

"On the 20th day of the twelfth lunar month, I stationed myself at Hupi Post. I was sure that the Eastern captives would attack, so I scouted and set up a camp. I occupied it at night and obtained twenty-seven heads and one hundred and three war horses."

"On the second day, I moved to Baitapu, which is twenty miles away from Shenyang. The captive chief Duduo retreated to Shenyang, and the two sides reached a deadlock."

"Baita Pu?" When Zhang Shun heard this, he couldn't help but move his eyes to the map.

The Baitapu is located to the west of the south of Shenyang, while the Pinglu Fort where Lu Xiangsheng is stationed is located to the west of the north of Shenyang. If these two places are connected in a line with Shenyang, they will be approximately 120 degrees apart. The angle looks like.

"No, it's still not possible!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Although Pinglu Fort and Baitapu are in strategic locations, blocking the Donglu road from the north and south, they are too far apart to form a horn. The power!"

If Hou Jin concentrated his troops to attack one place, the other place could only watch helplessly without being able to rescue him.

"Then what should we do?" Zhou Yufeng frowned and put down the squid in his hand.

"If it doesn't work, let Yang Guozhu move!" Zhang Shun pondered for a moment and looked at Yizhou and Guangning.

"Is this possible?" Zhou Yufeng was surprised when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Tian Xiuying: "No, no, this can't be done at all!"

"Why is this?" The girls couldn't help but look at her in wonder.

"The food and grass are really hard to support!" Tian Xiuying couldn't help but raise the thin calf in her hand and said with a wry smile, "Look at Lu Xiangsheng's thin calf. Not only is the front line short of food, there is even moldy food."

"If we send more troops to the front line, I'm afraid... I'm afraid it won't be able to support it!"

"What?" Zhang Shun and others were shocked when they heard this, and quickly went over to take a look. They saw that it said that on a certain year, month and day, one thousand kilograms of grain and grass were received, of which about eight hundred kilograms were moldy, and the rest were filled with gravel and many soldiers. There are complaints.

"Straight bitch, who did this!" No matter how good-tempered Zhang Shun was, he couldn't help but curse.

The front line is tight and the rear line is tight. This is really unreasonable!

"Li Shukong, where is Li Shukong!" Zhang Shun couldn't help shouting, "Let him take over the Tongzhou granary immediately, count the grains, and send troops to deliver the account books to me!"

"On this matter, how could you lose such a temper?" Zhang Yan saw that Zhang Shun was furious and quickly comforted him.

"What's this matter? The world is big and the food is the biggest thing!" Zhang Shun became even more angry after hearing this, "A tough man can't even lift a knife after being hungry for three days!"

"They are not trying to embezzle my king's food. They clearly want my life!"

"Send an order to Lu Xiangsheng, don't eat the moldy grain, and buy some livestock from the Horqin Department to replace the shortage!"

"Yes!" After hearing this, the girls hurriedly wrote and began to draft military orders.

"Then what should we do with Yang Guozhu?" Tian Xiuying took the lead in drafting it and couldn't help but ask.

"Yang Guozhu still has to let him go!" Zhang Shun frowned and continued, "Let Hou Gongji go out of Yizhou and Guangning, let Zhang Fengyi forget it, and let Xu Quan lead five thousand gunmen to Shanhaiguan to guard! "

"Ah? Okay!" The four girls suddenly heard a familiar name and were stunned for a moment before answering.

It turned out that after Zhang Shun learned that someone dared to tamper with his food and grass, he had to send his cronies to garrison important places as much as possible.

He originally planned to send Zhang Fengyi to send troops, but considering the possibility of rebellion in important areas of the capital, Xu Quan was sent instead.

Zhang Shun's calculations were settled, and Tian Xiuying raised the same question again: "What should I do if there is insufficient food and salary?"

"This" Zhang Shun also had a headache after hearing this.

It turns out that the rebels mainly relied on sea transportation to transport grain and grass to Liaodong.

As a result, it is now freezing cold and the boats are not working. The food and grass needed completely rely on storage before winter.

According to the original plan, the rebels stored grain and grass in Jinzhou, Niuzhuang, Liaoyang and Jinzhou to support the troops in these places.

Now Zhang Shun needs to add more troops and horses according to the situation. How can they be fully used?

However, without additional troops, Zhang Sanbai and Lu Xiangsheng are not enough to gain an overwhelming advantage, so it is really difficult to handle.

Zhang Shun hesitated for a long time, and finally reluctantly ordered: "I tell Yang Guozhu to make arrangements for the time being and be ready to reinforce Shenyang at any time!"

Since food and grass are tight, we cannot send more soldiers to the front line to consume food and grass. We can only wait until the war between the two sides reaches a critical moment, and then carry out a fatal blow.

"That's fine!" Tian Xiuying nodded upon hearing this, and then began to immerse herself in drafting military orders.

Not to mention Zhang Shun's headache about food and grass, let's talk about Li Dingguo leading three battalions to surround Fenghuang Mountain City. They could not attack for a long time, and they were in a deadlock for a while.

On this day, the rebels continued to bombard the city walls on the mountain with flying blunderbuss, while Li Dingguo led Dongjiang Commander Shen Shikui and Joseon Dynasty Angel Jin Yu and others to climb Cuanyun Peak.

This Cuanyun Peak is the highest peak nearby. Because it towers into the clouds, it is named Cuanyun Peak.

Li Dingguo stood on the top of the mountain and looked down. He saw clouds and mist at the bottom of the mountain, and Phoenix Mountain City was looming in it, like a huge dustpan.

It turns out that Fenghuang Mountain City is surrounded by abrupt peaks and steep rock ridges on three sides, and only the north side is formed by accumulation of artificial stones and roads.

From bottom to top, there are more than 80 artificial city walls and barriers. Now the rebels are bombarding them back and forth with flying blunderbuss. They have broken through more than 40 of them, and there are still more than 40 that are still under Hou Jin's control.

Li Dingguo looked at it for a long time, then suddenly his eyes lit up and he said: "I have a plan to protect the place where Wang Yuanzhong died without a burial!"

"What's the plan?" Shen Shikui and Jin Yu were stunned when they heard this, and couldn't help but ask.

"Although this Phoenix City is called steep, in fact the most steep ones are Zuanyun Peak and Dongda Dingzi Peak on the east and west sides, followed by the south and the flattest north."

"However, the way into the city from the north is full of thieves' city walls and barriers. It can only be conquered bit by bit. It seems easy but is actually difficult."

"If a surprise force climbs up from the south mountain and crosses the ridge into the city, the defenders will be defeated without a fight!"

"I see that although the south side is not as steep as the east and west sides, it is also beyond the reach of humans, so how can it be reached?" Jin Yu couldn't help but be shocked when he heard this.

It turns out that this cliff is really steep

"Why not?" Li Dingguo couldn't help but smile, "As long as there is a mountain, there must be a road."

"I have three thousand 'hair gourds' under my command. They are all descended from the mountain people. They can climb over mountains and ridges as if they were walking on flat ground. They will definitely be able to climb here!"

"Now I am leading an army of more than 10,000 people to fortify the city and waste food and money. If I can't defeat it with one blow, how can I go to see His Highness?"

"This" Jin Yu was stunned when he heard this, and then he realized that the "His Royal Highness" Li Dingguo called was not King Li Ju of Korea, but the current King Shun, Zhang Shun.

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