It is said that Li Dingguo's plan has been decided and he will personally lead his troops to climb Nanshan.

How could Shen Shikui and Jin Yu be willing to comply? They quickly stopped him and said: "The commanders of the three armies must not rely on bravery. A man who relies on bravery is no more than a man's ears."

"Now King Shun has entrusted General with a big task. If anything happens, how can we have the face to see His Highness?"

"This" Li Dingguo couldn't help but hesitate after hearing this.

This is the truth, but if this person cannot do it himself, he will feel a little uneasy after all.

"General, I am willing to go on your behalf!" At this moment, a young general suddenly stood up and volunteered.

"You?" Li Dingguo couldn't help but look him up and down when he saw him.

"This is such a serious matter that I have to take action!" Unexpectedly, Shen Shikui suddenly said.

Li Dingguo looked at Shen Shikui, then at the young general, and finally ordered helplessly: "Okay, stop trying to earn money, let Bai Wenxuan do it this time!"

It turned out that this selected version of Bai Wen belonged to Zhang Xianzhong's heroic general. Later, after Zhang Xianzhong's death, he followed Sun Kewang to the capital.

At that time, Zhang Shun was preparing to let Sun Kewang turn to civilian service, so he bid farewell to Sun Kewang and came to work under Li Dingguo.

Li Dingguo knew that he was brave, so he kept him by his side as a personal guard general.

"The general will definitely live up to his mission!" When Bai Wenxuan saw Li Dingguo agreeing, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Shen Shikui and Jin Yu felt relieved when they saw that Li Dingguo no longer put himself in danger.

Not long after, Bai Wenxuan selected more than a hundred "Mao Hulu" elites and came to the foot of Nanshan Mountain.

At that time, the breath turned into ice, and the withered and yellow vegetation covered the entire hillside under the cover of ice and snow.

"Let's go!" Bai Wenxuan put on his cotton armor, hook gun and bow and arrow, then grabbed a woodcutter and ordered.

"Here!" The "hairy gourds" behind him were also equipped with ordinary equipment, and they all responded.

Bai Wenxuan stopped talking and began to walk up the mountain.

At the beginning, the mountain road was not too steep, but it was a bit slippery, but it was still walkable.

However, after a while, the grass and trees gradually covered the road, and Bai Wenxuan had to wield a wood chopper to clear the branches of the trees and grass.

After a while, he got tired, so he stepped back a little and let the soldiers behind him take over.

After repeating this process, we came to a steep place after a while.

"What's going on?" Bai Wenxuan couldn't help but stepped forward and asked when he saw that he had stopped in front of him.

"Young general, look, you can't go up!" The soldier in front quickly pointed out.

Bai Wenxuan looked forward in the direction of the soldier, and saw a huge rock blocking his way, but he couldn't get around it.

"Use a rope!" Bai Wenxuan ordered directly.

When he followed Zhang Xianzhong in Sichuan, he had walked many mountain roads like this, so he was very experienced.

"Okay!" Someone had already received the order, took out a rope, tied a live buckle on one end of the rope, and then threw it upward, and the live buckle happened to be set on a stalagmite-shaped stone tip.

"Tug hard first to see if it can hold the person back, and then go up again!" Bai Wenxuan couldn't help but instruct.

"Okay!" The soldier pulled hard twice, and when he saw that it didn't move, he grabbed the rope and climbed up step by step.

After climbing up like this, the terrain became increasingly steep and difficult to navigate, so everyone put their kitchen knives on their waists and took out their hook guns.

Some are hooked on rocks, some are hooked on trees, or some are connected with spears, climbing up step by step.

As we climbed higher, the cold wind on the mountain became more and more biting, making people's faces hurt.

But the sweat on his body seemed to be free of charge, soaking the clothes on his body, and the clothes were sticky on his body, which made people very uncomfortable.

I don't know how much effort was wasted, but it was easy to climb most of the way, and the carefully selected soldiers were exhausted.

We happened to reach a mountain col ahead, which could be used to take shelter from the wind and rest our feet.

Bai Wenxuan quickly let the soldiers rest for a while, ate some dry food and drank a few sips of warm wine, and then regained some strength.

"Let's go, keep climbing up!" Bai Wenxuan ordered when he saw that the soldiers were almost resting.

In fact, the soldier was so tired this time that after resting, his whole body didn't want to move.

After some urging, everyone lazily got up and followed Bai Wenxuan to continue climbing.

After climbing like this for another hour, it was getting dark and the rebels came to a cliff.

"General, this... this can't be reached!" The soldier threw the rope several times, but all failed.

"It's a bit high!" Bai Wenxuan looked up and found that there were no trees or protruding rocks on this cliff to draw strength from, and the rope couldn't reach it.

Bai Wenxuan looked around quickly, but he had no way to go. He fell into a dead end for a while, and couldn't help but said anxiously: "What should I do!"

"General, there is a way, but... it's just not easy to move..." Just when Bai Wenxuan was at a loss, a soldier suddenly said.

"Oh? Say it quickly!" Bai Wenxuan couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Look there, General, just throw the rope over and crawl over!" The soldier pointed to the right.

"Oh?" Bai Wenxuan looked over there and frowned immediately.


It turns out that there is a road leading up there, but it is disconnected from where the rebels are staying, and there is an abyss between the two, which is impassable.

On the opposite side, it was flat, with only a pine tree half-hidden and half-revealed, making it impossible to cross by throwing a rope.

"In this case, whoever can climb over here with a rope will be rewarded with a hundred taels of silver and promoted to the next level!" Bai Wenxuan pondered for a moment and couldn't help but look at the cliff between the two.

If someone is brave and can climb sideways to the opposite side with a rope like later generations of rock climbers, the road can be connected.

"This..." Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, but no one came forward for a while.

"You're not going? You're not going either? If you don't go, I'll go!" Bai Wenxuan saw this and knew that he would fight hard this time.

"General!" Everyone was startled and quickly stopped him.

"What, do any of you dare to go?" Bai Wenxuan couldn't help but feel a hint of hope in his heart.

"Uh..." Everyone shook their heads quickly.

"Okay, then let me go!" Bai Wenxuan did not insist, but ordered the soldiers to tie the rope around his waist, then put down the armor, spear and other items, only fastened a hatchet, and pressed his face against the cliff, starting Climb to the other side.

Originally, he thought he would be very scared, but because he was stuck to the cliff, unable to see the abyss beneath his feet, his heart actually calmed down.

Bai Wenxuan didn't dare to neglect. Every time he found a place to stay, he dared to move a step laterally.

Sometimes I managed to move seven or eight steps, but because there was no place to stay in front of me, I had to step back and continue to choose another path.

He climbed like this for more than half an hour, and finally climbed to the other side.

Then he tied the rope to this end, and asked the soldiers to tie the other end to the opposite end. He asked the braver soldiers to bring more ropes with the help of the protection of the ropes.

Finally, the rebel soldiers made a simple bridge using ropes and felled wood, and then crossed over.

After all the soldiers have climbed over, the road behind will be much easier to walk.

When everyone finally climbed over the ridge, their vision suddenly became wider.

I saw some lights and smoke a mile or two ahead. Everyone was stunned and suddenly became overjoyed.

It turns out that the Phoenix City is located in a vast area, and the place where Wang Yuanzhong and his people live is just an area in this "dustpan".

Bai Wenxuan and his soldiers quickly put on their armor, strung their bows and arrows, and then went to touch the smoke.

When everyone touched it, they suddenly smelled the aroma of rice.

It turned out that Wang Yuanzhong was entertaining his soldiers to stabilize people's hearts.

And when everyone was drunk, they heard that Bai Wenxuan and his men were waiting for the magic soldiers to descend from the sky, and suddenly the killing general came out.

Don't look at these people. They are also elites, but they are unarmed and in chaos. Where is the neatly dressed Bai Wen who selects a group of opponents and kills them with just one charge.

Wang Yuanzhong's liver and gallbladder were broken. Before he could leave, rebel soldiers overtook him and killed him with random swords and gunfire.

Phoenix City, which was originally impregnable, suddenly fell into the hands of the rebels.

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