It was dawn, and the rebels had just recovered from the joy of rebirth after the disaster. "Purple Gold Liang" counted its subordinates and leaders, and found out that six of them including Gunshan Hu were killed. No matter how faint "Purple Gold Liang" was, he couldn't help but feel sad.

He couldn't help but cry: "How unfair is the world? They actually killed many of my Shaanxi brothers!" After hearing this, the "Mangyxing" couldn't help but persuade: "Everyone has earned his life in vain. If you die, you will be free. How can this be so?" Acting like a son or daughter?"

"Zijinliang" stopped crying after hearing this, and asked, "Who is saving me this time?"

Qiuxu Taoist looked at the "handsome" flag with flying dragons and phoenixes in the distance, and replied: "Henan's 'Optimus Prime'!"

"Purple Golden Liang" was silent for a long time after hearing this, and couldn't help but sigh: "You are a true righteous man, but I couldn't help him before, but today I know the virtue of Optimus Prime. I, Purple Golden Liang, offended him, and he not only You didn’t blame me, but you saved my life, I’m so ashamed!”

Afterwards, "Zijinliang" saw Zhang Shun's team approaching, so he quickly tidied up his clothes and went to see Zhang Shun.

In fact, after Zhang Shun forced Zhang Daojun to retreat, he did not deliberately stay here to see the "Purple Gold Liang", but he wanted to see if he could get some benefits for being a good person. Some autumn breeze.

As a result, he happened to be blocked by "Purple Gold Liang". This "Purple Gold Liang" was already naked. Because he had been wearing a helmet all night, several marks were squeezed out on his bare head. Coupled with staying up late and fighting hard, the whole person was very weak, which was reflected on his face with a pale face and a depressed look.

The "Purple Gold Liang" forced his body to bow to Zhang Shun, and said sincerely: "'Brother Optimus Prime', I couldn't help you last time, but I mistakenly believed Han Tingxian's words of thieves and birds, Please forgive me!"

understanding? Zhang Shun didn't want to forgive him at all, but since the relationship between the two parties was already estranged, he had to start talking politely.

So, Zhang Shun smiled and said: "What did the second master say? How can we, brothers, have a quarrel because of a villain? This time I heard that the second master was trapped on the bank of Qinshui River. I was also very worried and hurriedly led him all night. The soldiers came, hurrying and taking their time, and when I saw that the second master was fine, my little brother felt at ease."

The second head of the family, Zijin Liang, really thought that Zhang Shun was a generous person. His eyes turned red with emotion and he said sincerely to Zhang Shun: "Little brother is so loyal. Brother, I won't say anything. From now on, little brother But there is a sound, and my brother will not respond!"

Zhang Shun heard this and thought to himself: "Do you think I'm a fool? Even a mentally retarded person wants to learn how to deceive others without fear of making others laugh!"

While the two were talking, the Taoist priest suddenly ran over and whispered to the second master, "Zijin Liang": "Second master, Han Tingxian is neither dead nor able to escape. He was caught by our rebels. You just reported to me, how should I deal with it?"

The voice of Master Qixu was not very loud, just enough for Zhang Shun to hear clearly. Just when "Purple Golden Liang" was boasting nonsense, he happened to hear the news and couldn't help but be startled. Then, he realized the consequences of this news being known to Zhang Shun. He couldn't help but glared at Taoist Qi Xu, and looked at Zhang Shun awkwardly. No matter how thick-skinned he was, his face would always turn red this time.

He murmured for a long time, then smiled and said: "Brother Optimus Prime, I know you hate Han Tingxian deeply. Now this person has some use for me. If you give me two days, I will hand him over." As for you, even if you are cut into pieces by a thousand swords, death will not be a pity!"

Zhang Shun resisted the urge to roll his eyes and thought to himself: "How long has this idiot been? He still wants to take advantage of Han Tingxian's relationship to try to recruit Zhang Daojun, for fear that he will die without a burial place in the future!"

But then again, Zhang Shun actually has no hatred for Han Tingxian, and the only person he hates is "Purple Gold Liang".

Although Han Tingxian tried to murder himself, he ended up cheating Zhang Shenyan and "Purple Gold Liang". The two offset each other, and whether they killed or not had nothing to do with them. It's just that on the one hand, this "Purple Golden Liang" is submissive to him, and on the other hand, he doesn't hesitate to offend himself. From this point of view, he still despises himself.

If it had been anyone else, he would have walked away. Zhang Shun was originally a broad-minded person, and when he saw that it was a pragmatic Taoist who came to remind him, he knew that there must be some calculation, so he pretended not to know. He smiled and said: "In that case, then the second master is confirmed!"

The second head of the family, "Purple Gold Liang", couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw that Zhang Shun readily agreed. He thought to himself: "I won't be able to use my camp in the future, so why not inform this person in advance and it will be considered a good deal with him."

So, the "Purple Golden Beam" smiled and said: "Little brother Optimus Prime has just arrived, and we are divided into groups. We have never invited the little brother to my camp."

"If you have time in the past few days, you might as well follow my brother to visit Licheng. My brother has a huge camp there, which is just the right place for you and your little brother to settle down. If your brother has other opportunities in the future, my little brother is willing to continue to follow you. It's best for me, if you don't want to, just give this place to little brother Optimus Prime."

Zhang Shun is such a clever person, how can he be willing to do so? However, in order to settle accounts in the future, Zhang Shun did not push too hard and just responded with a smile: "Thank you very much for the kindness of the second master. I will bother you someday when I have time."

"Purple Gold Liang" liked it when he saw that Zhang Shun was being deceived by his empty talk. Feeling a little guilty, he wanted to compensate Zhang Shun with something. However, he had just been defeated and his soldiers had suffered heavy losses in property. The "Purple Golden Liang" could not give him anything else for a while.

Later, after being reminded by Taoist Qixu, "Purple Gold Liang" remembered that the officer and soldier had a cannon stuck in the mud by the river. This "Optimus Prime" has always liked cannons, so I just gave him one as a favor.

Originally, Zhang Shun was not very interested in the cannons mentioned by "Purple Golden Liang", but in line with the principle of not missing out, he took Li Shi'an and others to check it out.

It didn't matter, Zhang Shun couldn't help but be overjoyed. The artillery piece stuck in the mire was none other than the Western cannon that he had longed for. It turns out that this Daojun not only equipped his own bodyguard with artillery, but also equipped other officers and soldiers with some Western artillery.

This Western cannon uses a double-wheeled gun mount, making it easy to move. It was just that the officers and soldiers accidentally pulled him down to the soft soil near the river and accidentally fell into it. The officers and soldiers wanted to defeat the "Purple Gold Liang" headquarters and come back to retrieve the cannon. Unexpectedly, they were forced to retreat by Zhang Shun. The officers and soldiers were anxious to retreat, so they left the cannon behind.

Only then did Zhang Shun realize that the artillery that Zhang Daojun used to fight back must have been this Western artillery piece. For a moment, Zhang Shun forgot about his unhappiness about encountering the "Purple Gold Liang" and quickly ordered his soldiers to salvage the cannon.

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