Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 167 Camping Place

Zhang Shun was about to ask someone to pull out the cannon from the mud, but Wukong behind him laughed and said, "Master, why bother? Let's see what Lao Sun can do!"

After saying that, Wukong asked someone to find a thick rope, tied it with a live buckle, and he carried it around twice. Then he threw it forward and caught the cannon, and pulled it out of the mud with three pulls and two pulls. This move calmed all the strange people under Zhang Shun. Even Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but exclaimed: "Evil comes from evil, Fei Lian should be ashamed! I don't know why such a talent is not reused by the imperial court?"

Both Erai and Feilian were famous warriors under Shang Zhou. Although Zhang Shenyan acquiesced in being attached to Zhang Shun, he still couldn't help but mock Zhang Shun from time to time.

As a result, Zhang Shun didn't care at all, but said modestly: "Don't dare! I am from a humble background, and I dare not be as famous as the emperor." Zhang Shenyan was speechless.

Zhang Shun got the Western cannon, and his heart was filled with joy. This was really like "nothing can be found after breaking through iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it."

Now that he had received the unexpected "benefits", Zhang Shun was too lazy to quarrel with "Purple Gold Liang" and others. He was polite for a moment and then parted ways.

Although "Purple Gold Liang" is dim and incompetent, he still has some conscience. Seeing that Zhang Shun came to rescue him overnight, but left without any intention of repaying him, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion, saying: "This 'Optimus Prime' is really a warm-hearted person. Even if it doesn't come in time, it will be a timely help. I It’s not as good as that!”

Qixu Taoist glanced at him sideways and thought: This guy is hopeless. If he doesn't want to offend Zhang Shun, he can be friends with him; if he has completely offended Zhang Shun, he must be completely incompatible with each other. Now like this, on the one hand, he is grateful for the other person's help, but on the other hand, he has completely offended the person without knowing it. I'm afraid it will not end well.

After Zhang Shun bid farewell to the "Purple Gold Liang" and other rebels, he headed south. They didn't go anywhere else this time, they just went to join Chen Jindou, Hong Niangzi and others who were looking for a camp location.

It turns out that last time the Red Lady revealed that Huang Lai'er, the "traveler", was camping in the Taihang Mountains of Wu'an County, Zhang Shun deliberately avoided this place and tried his best to set up the camp in the opposite place.

This would prevent Huang Lai'er from seeing him with his head up and his head down, and secondly, it would prevent officers and soldiers from encircling the rebel camp. It would be safer to live far away from the rebel camp like myself.

In particular, "Purple Golden Liang" revealed that he and other rebels' camps were stationed in the Taihang Mountains in Licheng County, which strengthened Zhang Shun's idea of ​​placing the camp in Zhongtiao Mountains. Licheng County and Wu'an County are close to each other. Once some camps are exposed, it may affect other camps and attract a large number of officers and soldiers to the mountains to encircle and suppress them.

After Zhang Shun traveled south for more than ten miles, he arrived at the place where the two parties agreed to communicate and found the long-awaited messenger. The messenger told Zhang Shun that the Red Lady disliked the fact that the area was close to the city and there were many villagers, so it was easy to be discovered, so she led the team to the southwest to find a camp site.

After hearing this, Zhang Shun led his team to the southwest, and at the same time found Zhang Shenyan and asked, "You are a local, have you ever heard of where in the mountains is suitable for setting up camp?"

Zhang Shun knew that Zhang Shenyan still had other intentions, but the whole Zhang family followed him, not afraid that Zhang Shenyan would not do anything. If he colludes with the government again, he may accidentally end up exterminating his clan.

Zhang Shenyan was indeed much more cautious. He thought for a long time before saying, "I wonder if the general has ever heard of the Eight Scenes of Yangcheng?"

"I'm not a scholar, how could I hear about such an elegant place?" Zhang Shun said happily.

"The Eight Scenes of Yangcheng are the Eight Scenic Spots of Xicheng Arbor, Nine Nv Immortal Platform, Lingquan Songyue, Qindu Boat, Haihui Longqiu, Panting Peaks, and Mangshan Solitary Peak. I am not talking about the eight sceneries of Yangcheng with you when I mention these eight sceneries. Fengyue, do you know what kind of city is Xicheng in the trees of Xicheng, one of the eight sceneries?"

"Oh? Where is this city?" Zhang Shun cooperated and praised him.

"This Xicheng is not an ordinary city, it is just a mountain. It is called Xicheng Mountain, and it is also known as Shengwangping. It is more than sixty miles southwest of Yangcheng. Because the top of the mountain is like a basin and a flat, and it is surrounded by a city like a fortress, with east, west, north and south. Four gates, so I analyze the city."

"There is a forest of trees on the top of this mountain. There is Tangwang Temple and Tangwang Pond, which are said to be the place where Tangcheng Tang prays for rain. There is also a Dragon Pond in Shandong, which is unfathomable. If you take control of this place, it will be as good as the Jincheng Tang Pond, and you only need a capable general. If we defend it, we will be able to repel thousands of troops from the front!" Zhang Shenyan remonstrated.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel moved after hearing this. Judging from what Zhang Shenyan meant, the terrain here is difficult and it is not far from Yangcheng. If you go out to rob, it will only take a day. However, Zhang Shun, who has always been prudent, did not express his position in time. Instead, he said: "Yes, I heard that this treatment is feasible. After meeting with Chen Jindou and others, we will see the results of their search before making a decision."

Zhang Shenyan also knew that this was a mature statement and stopped talking. He could only look back and look at the Zhang clan members following Zhang Shun's team, trudging through mountains and rivers with difficulty. The land of Zezhou in Shanxi is originally a place where mountains and rivers intersect, and this time we purposely traveled to the southwestern mountains. You can tell that the journey is very uneasy!

However, Zhang Shenyan had an ox cart to travel with, so he couldn't control much. Zhang Shenyan once wanted to talk to his son Zhang Luxuan on the way, but was repelled by the contemptuous looks of Zhang Luxuan and Wu Xian.

Zhang Shenyan felt bitter in his heart, and no one knew about it, so he could only sigh: "Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, so don't worry about them!"

Everyone had not had a good rest last night. In the morning, they had fought a battle with Zhang Daojun and other troops to rescue the rebels, so they were quite exhausted. So after traveling for another twenty or thirty miles, Zhang Shun had to stop the team to rest and prepare for tonight's camp.

After dinner in the evening, Zhang Shuncai, Chen Jindou and others met. Zhang Shun didn't expect that the red lady was so persistent. Originally, Chen Jindou felt that the selected locations were good, but the Red Lady still felt that they were not perfect, so she sent soldiers over the mountains and ridges to check Yuanqu, Qinshui, Jiyuan and other places.

Now it is said that a place that is very suitable for a camp has been found, and the red lady is taking people to check it out. Thinking of the beauty of the Red Lady, Zhang Shun couldn't help but smacked his mouth and thought: "This Huang Lai'er has made a big loss this time. He really lost his wife and lost his army. Unexpectedly, this Red Lady is not only beautiful, but also capable. But it’s not ordinary, if she can wholeheartedly run the camp for me, I might as well covet the power in the world!”

On the second day, Zhang Shun let everyone have breakfast early, and then hurried to the place where the red lady went to check. This was really frustrating for the Zhang clan. They were originally a family with fine clothes and fine food, and everyone enjoyed all the glory and wealth. Now they were running around so much that they almost wore out the soles of their feet, and everyone suddenly started complaining.

Zhang Shun asked Zhang Shenyan to go and comfort him, but Zhang Shenyan rushed over with a dark face and cursed: "Those who are willing to have their homes confiscated and their clans exterminated can sit back and rest as long as they want; those who want to survive, just follow along!"

Zhang Shenyan originally had a bad temper. He had been an official for many years and had gained official authority. After a verbal scolding, the Zhang family members immediately became frightened and did not dare to complain again.

As a result, because the mountain road was difficult and the journey was long, it was only on the third day that Zhang Shun felt the location where the Red Lady went to explore.

Zhang Shun met the Red Lady and saw her dressed in red. She was standing in the valley, commanding a group of soldiers to cut wood, shovel grass and level the land.

When the red lady saw Zhang Shun coming over, she smiled and said, "What do you think of this place? It is surrounded by mountains and rivers and is in a river valley. The front and rear exits are narrow, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack!"

"The river is curved here, and the northwest wind blows in winter. It is blocked by the nearby peaks and will not be too cold. The soil in the valley is fertile and warm as spring. It can also be cultivated to make up for the lack of food."

"If officers and soldiers attack and this place cannot be defended, you can retreat from the back. There is a high mountain only a few miles away from here. The top of the mountain is flat and surrounded by cliffs. We can build it first in the future. If anything goes wrong, If you are harmonious, you can also retreat to the mountains."

"For my children, you can raise horses and herd cattle and sheep on the top of the mountain here. This is really a geomantic treasure land given to you by God!"

Zhang Shun looked at her tired face and couldn't help but reached out his hand, gently touched her face, hugged her into his arms, and interrupted her chatter. He said to her with pity: "Although the mountains and rivers are dangerous and the land is fertile, it is not a real Feng Shui treasure land for me. The real Feng Shui treasure land is people like you who work tirelessly!"

The red lady was a little embarrassed to be hugged by Zhang Shun in public, so she tried to break away. Just listening to Zhang Shun's words, I couldn't help but feel that my heart melted.

Although the red lady is a little older than Zhang Shun, her actual age is only in her twenties. In later generations, she is just an inexperienced college student. But she has been working hard with the rebels for several years, and she has been involved in fighting business all day long. How has she ever heard any comfort from others?

She usually only gets awe and fear from others, but after hearing Zhang Shun's remarks this time, she couldn't help but feel warm in her heart. The two whispered for a while, and then Zhang Shun let go of the red lady.

At this time, Zhang Shenyan hurried over. Zhang Shenyan was a gentleman, adhering to the principle of "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, and do no evil action." When he saw Zhang Shun and the red lady acting intimately, he turned away and waited until the two separated before he hurried away. come over.

Zhang Shun looked at him strangely, wondering what he wanted to do. Unexpectedly, this person said to Zhang Shun: "You can't do it here, you can't camp here!"

"Huh? Father, why is this?" Zhang Shun thought to himself, is there something wrong here?

"This place is only a few miles up. It's not anywhere else, but the place where the ancient sage king Shun worked. How could you dare to disturb the sage?" Zhang Shenyan shouted sternly.

Before Zhang Shun could reply, the words were overheard by Chen Jindou who came over. This guy joined in the fun and didn't think it was a big deal. Instead, he shouted: "What Mr. Zhang said is wrong. This is the place where the ancient sage king Shun Emperor worked. Isn't this the will of God? Is this not destiny? Is this not the law of heaven?"

Thanks to fans "Flying Piggy," for the tip! Sorry everyone, the author is pressed for time today and only has one update of 3,000 words!

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