Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 168 The One Hundred and Forty Sacrifice (Part 1)

Although Chen Jindou calls himself a "veteran", he is not very outstanding among the "four blows of destiny". Taoist Master Na Ma started his career by observing physiognomy and Feng Shui and also had the means to make suggestions; Zhao Yutou preached and advocated Zhang Shun to imitate the ancient sages and sages to start his career; although Chen Jingzhi did not play much, he played in high-end technology such as astrology and celestial phenomena , coupled with being the only living member among the four, it is not even comparable to Chen Jindou.

Therefore, Chen Jindou took advantage of Zhao Yutou's absence and waited for an opportunity to invade Zhao Yutou's "sphere of influence", saying: "My lord is a man of great power and lives in a land of virtue, but he has no intention of finding the place of Emperor Shun. There is God's will among them! This is a warning from Heaven. The Lord will inherit the virtues of Emperor Shun and establish a dynasty for 318 years. He will accept Heaven's orders and save the people of the world from fire and water!"

Zhao Yutou seems to be an honest boatman. In fact, during his lifetime as a ferryman, he has already developed the ability to observe words and emotions. As soon as he saw Chen Jindou, Zhang Shenyan and others gathered around Zhang Shun, he knew something was going on here, so he immediately put down what he was doing and came over.

He just happened to hear Chen Jindou's tricks to squeeze out his "authority", but he was too mature to say anything, and instead listened attentively. Chen Jindou was involved in his "unprofessional" field. As expected, he preached a few words, but he didn't know what to say anymore, so he could only look at Zhao Yutou in embarrassment.

Zhao Yutou smiled slightly, bowed to Zhang Shun, and then continued Chen Jindou's words: "The old saying goes: God cannot take it, but it is the fault. Now that my lord has been warned by God, he should prepare three animals to sacrifice to Emperor Shun. I feel grateful for God’s mercy.”

Zhang Shenyan didn't take it seriously when he saw a few country magicians chatting with each other. He only changed his expression when Zhao Yutou proposed to "prepare three animals to sacrifice to Emperor Shun." Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun had such a person under his command, who even understood the sacrificial behavior in Zhou rites.

"Zuo Zhuan" says: The great affairs of the country lie in sacrifice and military affairs. This "Si" refers to sacrifices, and this "Rong" refers to war. As the leader of the "rogue bandits", Zhang Shun should attach great importance to war, but if he performs sacrifices, the nature will be different.

As the lord, performing sacrifices is to legislate the system. Although Zhang Shun had outstanding ideas, he did not have a particularly deep understanding of this area because he had experienced the mature social systems of later generations. Relatively speaking, Zhang Shenyan had a much deeper understanding of this area.

In the pre-Qin period, monarchs frequently recalled their ancestors and offered sacrifices to their ancestors, in order to demonstrate their legal status through their bloodline origins. After the Qin and Han Dynasties, the status of the aristocratic system in political life declined, and the monarchs began to establish their own legal system through activities such as enshrining Zen and worshiping Confucius.

Now Zhang Shun's sacrifice to Emperor Shun is the first step to establish another legal system. Then he will naturally establish a grammatical system. Then, he will establish a simple political system and begin to actively or passively intervene in the struggle of the world. .

Although Zhang Shun was ignorant about this, his intuition told him that this matter was necessary, so he agreed to Zhao Yutou's proposal and ordered the soldiers to prepare three animals, incense, candles, table cases and other items.

The so-called "three animals" refer to the three kinds of livestock used for sacrifice: cattle, sheep, and pigs. Pigs are another name for pigs. Zhang Shun and others acted in a hurry, where were the livestock? Then they went to the foot of the mountain to buy it.

The red lady was new and didn't know Zhang Shun's past, so she felt strange and asked: "We just arrived here, the camp is weak and supplies are scarce, why do we do this extravagant and wasteful thing?"

"What the Red Lady said is true, building the camp should be the top priority!" Zhang Shun agreed after hearing the words, "It's just that I was born with double eyes, and everyone said that I inherited Shun's virtues to conquer the world. Today I accidentally bumped into Emperor Shun It’s a good place to pay homage to the place where you work hard!”

The red lady was surprised when she heard this and took a closer look. Sure enough, her eyes were naturally double, and she couldn't help but be shocked. Everyone knows that in the grassland, the weak eat the strong, and there is no respect for benevolence, justice and etiquette. But I don’t know that because of this, I am crying out for something I lack. On the contrary, they pay more attention to the things that the gods and gods talk about. This is one of the reasons why the herdsmen first believed in the Immortality Heaven and later believed in Lamaism.

The red lady had been in the border area for a long time and was quite in awe of all kinds of miracles and religions. Now that she heard that Zhang Shun was the son of destiny, she couldn't help but believe it.

Zhang Shun knew that this matter should not be rushed. Seeing that Hong Niang was well organized in building the camp, he simply ordered the appointment of Hong Niang as the construction manager and was fully responsible for the construction of the camp.

The matchmaker also did her part and drew a simple pattern for Zhang Shun to check. Zhang Shun took a look and saw that the planning was neat and the construction was orderly. The first step is to establish checkpoints before and after the valley entrance. The second step is to set up a camp in the valley with the Chinese army's tent as the center. The third step is to impose checkpoints, build city gates and barbicans, and finally start to set up other military defense facilities.

Zhang Shun looked at it for a long time and had no objection. He just thought of the incident when Yu Jin and others were flooded by Guan Yu's Seventh Army, so he told him to pay more attention to building on a high place near the stream to prevent being submerged by flash floods.

The red lady got Zhang Shun's support and immediately and resolutely directed the whole camp to build the camp. Which department is responsible for logging, which department is cutting stone, which department is clearing the site, which department is responsible for building the front and rear checkpoints, and which department is responsible for building the camp, all are clearly arranged. She also borrowed Liu Yinggui's military judge from Zhang Shun as a supervisor. Anyone who was lazy or could not complete the task on time would be punished individually.

At this time, there was a dirty man who felt that the red lady was just a little girl who was making trouble with Israel, so he bullied her because she was young and thin-skinned, acted like a rogue, and deliberately violated the cane punishment.

As a result, the matchmaker didn't follow Zhang Shun's previous method of beating the man's back with a thin wattle stick. She made Liu Yinggui take off the man's pants on the spot and ordered him to spank his buttocks twenty strokes with a thick wattle cane in front of everyone.

The man thought he could scare off the red lady by stripping off his shirt, but she didn't expect that she would directly order her to take off her clothes and spank her. In order to prevent the executioner from being merciful, the number of beatings was reduced, and the red lady even directly supervised the beatings, which was a real beating. Everyone couldn't help but look at each other, and had no choice but to follow the order and beat the guy's buttocks until the blood dripped and the flesh was torn.

After someone heard about this incident, they sued Zhang Shun in the name of "indecent". As a result, Zhang Shun didn't care at all, but praised: "It's natural to be rewarded and punished!" So far, no one dared to have sex with the red lady.

After Li Sanniang heard about this, she went to the red lady to confirm it. After receiving the affirmative answer, although she was filled with admiration in her heart, she smiled mercilessly and asked: "Sister, you are so old. , why do you still like to look at other men’s butts?”

The red lady was immediately angry and said with a black face: "A spanked butt is no longer called a butt!"

"What's that called?" Li Sanniang asked curiously.

"Come here and give it a try, and you'll know!" Red Lady smiled maliciously.

"Then forget it! Forget it!" Li Sanniang was so frightened that she ran away quickly.

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