Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 169 Sacrifice (Part 2)

In the past few days, thanks to the hard work of the red lady, a brand new camp was completed. Zhang Shun was lying happily in his army tent, with the red lady in one hand and Li Sanniang in the other, and he was overjoyed.

As a result, before he could take advantage, Zhu'er burst in with an unhappy look on his face. The girl said with a smile on her face: "Master, the person looking for San Sheng is back. I was afraid that he would come in and bump into you, so I came in early to report!"

Zhang Shun couldn't help but snorted in displeasure upon hearing this, and had no choice but to let go of the beauty in his hand and slowly stood up. It turned out that he had finally managed to settle the fight between the two girls and persuaded them to "put the big things first", but in the end, his "big things" were messed up.

Zhang Shun knew that this was serious business, so he suppressed his displeasure and went out. Sure enough, he saw someone bringing back two cows, four or five sheep, and a black pig. At this time, Zhao Yutou, Zhang Shenyan, and Chen Jindou also gathered around to check on the animals.

Zhang Shun saw that the two oxen were quite strong, so he simply ordered them to be exchanged with the oxen pulling the carts in the supply camp and choose an old ox for sacrifice. Zhao Yutou hesitated after hearing the words, thinking: Wouldn't this be disrespectful to Emperor Shun?

As a result, Zhang Shun saw his expression and knew what he was thinking, so he explained: "Confucius said: Worship God as if God is present. Just follow your heart. Why bother with form?"

Zhao Yutou originally came from a humble background and was not used to extravagant and wasteful behavior. Hearing this, he immediately agreed. Zhang Shenyan, on the other hand, couldn't help but snorted coldly when he heard the words, and said sarcastically: "You are ignorant and have no skills, and you misinterpret the teachings of the sages! Revere God as if he were there. It means to be sincere when offering sacrifices. You can't even part with a strong cow. Where is the sincerity?"

Zhang Shun thought about it seriously and replied: "It should be in my heart! It's not in Tai Lao's body. I wonder what Yafu thinks?"

Zhang Shenyan was too lazy to argue with him. Anyway, even when Zhang Shun was offering sacrifices, if his heart was not sincere and wrong, he would offend the gods and be struck by lightning, and he would take advantage of his wishes.

When all the sacrificial supplies were ready, Zhang Shun sent Chen Jindou to choose an auspicious day and personally led the three animals to King Shun Ping to worship.

This King Shun Ping is located somewhere else, on the main peak of Mount Li, with an altitude of 2358 meters, which is the highest peak in Zhongtiao Mountain. There are more than five to six thousand broad and gentle grasslands on the top of the main peak. According to later generations, it is a rare sub-alpine meadow.

In summer and autumn here, the grass here is green, the flowers are in full bloom, and there are a variety of colors. In winter, the wind is biting and the snowflakes are flying. The snow gradually melts in early April of the following year. Therefore, only herbaceous plants grow here, without thorns, trees or shrubs. It is an excellent alpine pasture. The red lady was born in the border area and was most sensitive to pasture. As soon as she saw this place, she knew that this was a place for herding horses and raising cattle, so she made the previous proposal.

King Shunping is surrounded by high mountains and primeval forests, making it extremely difficult for Zhang Shun and others to trek. Zhang Shun had no choice but to let Wukong and Ji Dan hold the big swords in front, and then they walked and cut the trees and vines blocking the road, thus speeding up their pace.

As a result, before they reached the mountainside, they saw strong winds and dark clouds rolling in. Seeing this, Zhang Shenyan's expression changed, and he quickly advised: "This is a mountain rain, and it's coming quickly and heavily. It's not too late to go down the mountain to take shelter. After the storm passes, it won't be too late to worship again."

Zhang Shun hesitated for a while and said: "I heard that 'when heaven is going to give a great responsibility to a person here, he must first harden his mind.' Today I went to worship Emperor Shun, but I was blocked by this. I'm afraid this is Emperor Shun's treatment of me. Let’s put it to the test!”

After hearing this, everyone had no choice but to continue moving forward. Not long after, as expected, huge raindrops came down with crackling crackles, hitting people painfully. Zhang Shun and others wanted to go back this time, but there was nothing they could do. Fortunately, they were not far from the top of the mountain, so they had no choice but to grit their teeth and keep moving forward.

Originally, Mount Li was quite tall, and the mountain path was steep and slippery. No one was allowed to walk hand in hand, for fear that someone might accidentally slip and fall to the foot of the mountain, where they would be smashed to pieces.

At this time, Zhang Shun also regretted his big words. It turned out that since the rebellion, he had been feeling pressed for time and did not dare to waste too much time, so he thought of finishing the matter today.

Unexpectedly, the prophecy came true and was actually blown away by the rain and wind along the way. Everyone was drenched from head to toe, their bodies had lost their body temperature, and they were shivering from the cold. Zhang Shun knew very well that in this situation, there was no risk of losing his life, so he said: "It's really not possible. Let's find a place to hide from the rain. We can't go on like this!"

At this time, Zhang Shenyan suddenly answered: "Since we are almost at the top of the mountain, let's hold on a little longer! When I was young, I also visited this place. There is the Temple of King Shun on the top of this mountain, which is a good place to take shelter from the rain."

After everyone heard this, their morale was greatly boosted. They gritted their teeth and persisted to the end, and finally climbed up to King Shun Ping. When we reached the top of the mountain, we had a wide view and saw an endless prairie in front of us.

Zhang Shun and others ignored their sighs and glanced quickly. They happened to see the Temple of King Shun not far away and ran over quickly.

This King Shun Temple is not very big, and I don’t know when and who built it. To be honest, it is only two thatched houses. Everyone rushed in and found that the thatched house was in disrepair and was still leaking. However, it was built with stones from the mountains. It was strong and sturdy, and it was enough to protect it from wind and rain.

Everyone asked Hong Niangzi, Li Sanniang and other female relatives to go to the side room, while the others rested in the main room. Jicheng was stronger and was trying hard to pull the old cow into the house.

Chen Changzhen saw it and said, "Lao Ji, don't bother. It's raining so hard now. How can we offer sacrifices? Just put the cows outside and let everyone light a fire and dry their clothes before offering sacrifices."

When Ji Cheng heard the words, he placed the three animals outside the temple, tied the reins to the stone in front of him, and then ran into the house. Chen Jindou took out the flint, found a few handfuls of thatch and some fallen leaves and branches in the temple, and lit the bonfire.

Everyone had been baking their clothes for a long time, even the branches that were not very damp outside the house were burned, and the heavy rain had not stopped yet. Zhang Shun saw something was wrong and said, "Anyway, the sacrifice is in the temple. Everyone is hungry after climbing the mountain all morning. We might as well finish the sacrifice early and everyone can share the sacrifice meat!"

Everyone was so hungry that they agreed. So Zhang Shun asked Zhang Shenyan to preside over the ceremony. Everyone killed the cows, sheep and pigs on the spot and put their heads on the table.

Then, Zhang Shun held three incense threads and lit them on the candle nearby. He bowed three times and kowtowed nine times before offering incense. This great ceremony of three bows and nine knocks is quite particular. This three steps of bowing and one bow, one bow and three knocks, if so, it will be three, and the great ceremony will be completed. Zhang Shun even asked Zhang Shenyan for advice before he knew how to salute.

After Zhang Shun saluted and was about to burn incense, the sky suddenly brightened up, and lightning struck, illuminating the dark sky and earth, which just illuminated Zhang Shun's determined eyes. Zhang Shun put the three sticks of incense into the incense burner without changing his expression and his heart did not beat. At this time, the thunder suddenly arrived, and there was a loud thunder, like a thunderbolt.

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other and turned pale. Only Zhang Shun calmly took out the memorial text and read in a calm voice by the candlelight:

On the day of Wei, Zhang Shun, the commander of the rebel army, sacrificed three animals from Tailao to Emperor Shun in the temple, and said:

It has been illustrious for thousands of years and has a long history.

Chinese sages, Yao, Shun and Yu,

Externally they drive away Di Yi, and internally they are virtuous in all directions.

His contribution lasts for a long time, and future generations will look up to him.

Now if you want to emulate it, you should be King Shun of virtue.

Fire embers are born in the earth, killing all the monsters.

Who else would it be if I didn't give it to you? Oh, Shangxi!

At the beginning, when Zhang Shun read the memorial text aloud, it was dark and dark, and it was windy and rainy outside. As a result, as Zhang Shun read aloud, the sky became brighter and the wind and clouds gradually weakened. After Zhang Shun finished reading the memorial text, the sky became brighter and there was no wind or rain.

When the sacrifice was over, Zhang Shun ordered Zhao Yutou to cut up the sacrificial meat. Zhao Yutou knew the importance of this position, so he couldn't help but smile and divided the cow, sheep, pig, etc. into several portions, and distributed each piece to everyone for everyone to cook and eat.

These sacrifices may seem like a lot, but in fact they are quite different from the domestic animals of later generations due to their variety and feed. The cattle and sheep were a little better, but the black pigs were native pigs. Each one was no more than the size of a goat, and there really wasn't much meat to share.

Everyone divided a small piece, boiled or roasted it, and devoured it when it was cooked. After some finished eating, they saw that it was sunny outside and ran out to take a look. The sun emerged from the clouds and shot a ray of sunlight that was shining on Emperor Shun's temple on the top of the mountain. He was shocked and called everyone out to watch.

Everyone went out to take a look, and sure enough, there were still dark clouds everywhere in the sky, and the sun was shining brightly only over Emperor Shun Temple. Chen Jindou was shocked when he saw this, and he quickly knelt down in the muddy water and shouted: "Long live my lord, I inherit Shun's virtue, and he is the only one in heaven and earth. He should be a true dragon, sweep away the remaining light, and ascend to the throne as a great treasure!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this and couldn't help being shocked. They knelt down quickly and shouted in response: "Inherit Shun's virtue, the heaven and the earth are the only ones, wipe away the remaining light, and ascend to the throne as a great treasure!"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he immediately felt dumbfounded. He felt quite as ridiculous as when he saw the Sun Moon God Cult disciples in "The Swordsman" shouting, "The leader of the Oriental Cult, for thousands of years, he has cultivated civilized martial arts and unified the world."

However, how could Zhang Shun dare to laugh at this time? Instead, he could only look like a magic stick and responded loudly: "If the destiny is with me, I will create peace for all generations! If the destiny is not with me, I will be the pioneer of the king! Oath to me China has created the world and avoided a thousand-year catastrophe!"

Originally, Zhang Shun just wanted to fool them, but somehow he opened his mouth and started talking about the "thousand-year catastrophe". He thought of the techniques used by ethnic minorities to fool and weaken the people in later generations when they came to a powerful country, of the so-called "changes unseen in a thousand years" of later generations, and of the centuries of humiliation and struggle of later generations. He couldn't help but have an idea: Now that I'm here, I, Zhang Shun, should shoulder the burden of the sufferings of future generations. The people of this world should not suffer the same sufferings again!

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun shouted loudly: "The destiny is mine, I am the Han Gao Tang Zong!"

When everyone saw that Zhang Shun had made up his mind, they couldn't help but agree: "Destiny is mine, and I am the founding father of the country!"

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