Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 170 A new journey

After the sacrifice, everyone looked excited, even Zhang Shun, who had always been calm, felt a little elated. He himself didn't expect that the sacrifice would have such an effect. It was as if God handed him a pillow when he was sleepy. Now Zhang Shun himself doubted whether he was God's biological son.

In order to rush on the road, he pretended that the wind and rain along the way were God's test for him, but it turned out that God fulfilled it here, which was so amazing. Especially the subordinates who had not experienced the Mengjin flood incident were shocked by this celestial phenomenon this time.

After the rain, the sky cleared up, and a rainbow hung in the blue sky. Everyone looked at the misty mountains below and the lush green grass and colorful flowers on the top of the mountain. They and others seemed to be in a dream. Only the gentle mountain breeze, blowing coolness on the face, reminded everyone that the scene just happened really happened.

The worship was over, the wind and rain stopped, the mountain road was still difficult to navigate, and everyone was still embarrassed after struggling for a long time, but their expressions were obviously different from when they came. Not only was everyone full of energy, but everyone's respect for Zhang Shun also rose to a new level.

This time, even Zhang Shenyan, who has always been a gossip, fell silent. Although this kind of celestial phenomenon is not impossible, God and Zhang Shun cooperated so well, which makes people doubt that this son is God's biological son. .

After Zhang Shun took them down the mountain, Zhang Shun said nothing or gave no orders, but what happened at Shun Wangping quickly spread in the camp. Some people didn't believe it at first, but as the information came out more and more, things became more and more exaggerated, and some people even said with certainty:

"At that time, there was a heavy wind and rain on the mountain, with lightning and thunder. The lord ordered three animals to be sacrificed in person. There was a thunderbolt, and suddenly the clouds cleared and the fog dispersed. Emperor Shun's golden body appeared from the sky, and he issued a decree and said: 'You They are also my descendants. Now they have returned to their ancestors and have the appearance of double pupils. They should live for three hundred and eight years in the world. If you are so good, don't ruin my reputation."

What he said was so true that if Zhang Shun hadn't experienced it personally, he would have almost believed it. Zhang Shun himself couldn't help but sigh: "It's really like three people become a tiger, and ten thousand people become a dragon!"

Although this prophecy was widely circulated in the camp, Zhang Shun clearly felt that the morale and loyalty of his generals and soldiers had been greatly improved. However, Zhang Shun himself did not lose his mind. On the contrary, the construction of the camp was fully entrusted to the red lady, and he personally led Li Shian and others to study the newly acquired Western cannon.

After many shooting tests and comparisons, Zhang Shun obtained a lot of data and concluded as follows:

First, the Western cannon is well-made and has a reasonable design that is better than the Crouching Tiger Cannon. Its range and accuracy are both higher than that of the Crouching Tiger Cannon. Zhang Shun believes that one of the reasons is that the barrel of the Western cannon has been milled, making it smoother and smoother; the other is that the diameter of the Western cannon is higher than that of the Tiger Crouching Cannon. The former is about twenty times as long as the caliber, while the latter is only ten times as long as the caliber.

Second, from the perspective of lethality, the larger the caliber of the artillery, the greater the lethality. This is also an important reason why the well-made Western artillery could not suppress the squatting tiger cannon at that time. From this point of view, small-caliber Western guns are not practical weapons on the battlefield.

Third, from the perspective of firing shotshells, the lethality of Western cannons of the same caliber is actually not as good as that of Crouching Tiger cannons. Zhang Shun believes that the main reason is that the Western cannon has a larger diameter and is not dispersed enough when firing shotshells; the Tiger Crouching Cannon has a larger area for firing shotshells and has better lethality.

Fourth, according to Zhang Shun’s experimental research on the Taiping Car, it was found that the largest transportation capacity in this era should be the transportation capacity of this kind of Taiping Car. Originally, the Taiping Car's transport capacity could reach about 3,300 jins, but after Zhang Shun's improvement, its transport capacity was only 3,000 jins.

From this point of view, if you want to make a cannon, no matter what model it is, it is best not to exceed three thousand kilograms. Strictly speaking, even the gun frame, gun body and other dragging objects together should not exceed three thousand kilograms.

Based on the above data, Zhang Shun initially designed three types of artillery. The first type is a super-large-caliber mortar, which imitates the principles of later generations' "heartless cannons" and the Ming Dynasty's bowl-mouth blunderbuss. The weight is controlled between two and three thousand kilograms, and is specialized in producing super-large-caliber explosive shells.

The second type is the large-caliber Western cannon-type Tiger Crouching Cannon. It adopts the advanced shape of the Western cannon and is made into a cannon with a caliber ten times its length. It is specially designed for large-caliber solid bullets and shotguns.

The third type is a medium-caliber Western cannon, imitating the Western shape and designed as a field cannon that mainly shoots solid bullets. After war screening, compare the advantages and disadvantages of the second and third types, and then decide which model to focus on.

In view of the technical difficulties of the first two types of artillery, Zhang Shun did not design it rashly for the time being. Instead, he had a Western cannon of his own, so he could scale it up and design a large field Western cannon for use.

As a result, after Zhang Shun's preliminary calculations, he could enlarge the design of a heavy Western cannon about eight feet long, with a caliber of about four inches, capable of firing ten kilograms of iron, and weighing three thousand kilograms. However, at this time, the camp was still under construction, and Zhang Shun had no iron material in his hand to cast it.

It happened that the team rested in this valley for a few days, and Zhang incidentally took the team to search for some iron materials near Yangcheng, so that he could reorganize the team and leave the camp the next day.

It is about 120 to 30 miles from Shun Wangping camp to Yangcheng. Zhang Shun's team traveled lightly and could reach Yangcheng in two or three days.

As a result, Zhang Shun's team arrived near the "Chengjing Arbor" mentioned by Zhang Shenyan the next day. He was very curious about how dangerous this place was, so he simply walked an extra twenty miles to check it out.

Zhang Shun went to the mountain to take a look, and sure enough, the trees in the city lived up to their reputation. According to later generations, this Jicheng Mountain is a typical karst geological landform. There are large and small lime karst funnels all over the ground. It is said that Yangcheng has "72 dulong nests, 124 ghost mills, and 360 small iron pots" a long time ago.

It is said that after it rains in Jicheng Mountain, most of the rainwater will seep into the ground along these cave funnels. Zhang Shun analyzed that there should be a huge cave under this mountain, or it might be more appropriately called an "underground river".

There is also a temple on the mountain of Jicheng Mountain, which is the Tangwang Temple where people begged for rain. This King Tang was Shang Tang, the founder of the Shang Dynasty, who was also the Shang Tang of Yao, Shun and Yu. He was also a generation of holy kings who founded the Shang Dynasty for more than 500 years.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but regret when he heard this. Although he had previously boasted that his family would have a dynasty of three hundred and eight years based on prophecies, no one can have too many dynasties if the country continues. This Shang Dynasty is more than two hundred years older than me, which is really enviable.

Fortunately, those three hundred and eight years were no longer in his hands. Thinking of this, Zhang Shun felt better.

After making preliminary calculations on the lawn at the top of Xicheng Mountain, Zhang Shun almost wanted to give up on Shunwangping. The lawn here was more than twice as big as Shunwangping. It wasn't until Zhang Shenyan told him later that this place was only sixty miles away from Yangcheng that Zhang Shun calmed down.

In terms of topography and resources, this Jicheng Mountain is a first-class good land. It is as steep as a city on all sides and has lake water. If Zhang Shun's prediction is true, there should be a large number of fish in the underground caves, which can be used as a food supplement. It couldn't be more perfect.

However, it is too close to the county seat and is easily surrounded and suppressed by officers and soldiers. Unlike Shunwangping, it is not only located in the deep mountains and jungles, but also at the junction of the four counties of Yangcheng, Qinshui, Yicheng and Yuanqu, and these four counties belong to Zezhou and Pingyang Prefecture.

Not only would it cause difficulties for the officers and soldiers in the encirclement and suppression, but if things were not harmonious, Zhang Shun and other troops would have the opportunity to rush into Huaiqing Mansion, which was not far away. The Huaiqing Prefecture belongs to the Henan Chief Envoy Department and is not under the same jurisdiction as the Shanxi Chief Envoy Department, which creates difficulties for the officers and soldiers in their encirclement and suppression operations.

Zhang Shun thought about it and found that Shunwangping was more suitable for his and others' current needs, so he resisted the idea of ​​moving the camp. However, in line with the principle of no waste, Zhang Shun deliberately left more than ten reliable people to establish a stronghold here.

In this way, we can observe the intelligence of the coming and going of the enemy, and secondly, we can be alert to Yangcheng's movements and give Shun Wangping an early warning. Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but admire Zhang Shun when he saw that Zhang Shun could resist his greed and had the means and decisiveness.

He thought to himself: This man is so scheming, I am afraid that Emperor Chongzhen, who is better than women, can't deal with him. Fortunately, the Ming family has a great cause and should be able to stabilize the situation.

Zhang Shenyan had been in the center for a long time. After all, he had different views. At this moment, like most people in the Ming Dynasty, he thought that the Ming Dynasty was in power and he was determined to forge ahead. This should be the era of the Ming Dynasty's resurgence. Who would have thought that within ten years such a building would collapse.

Zhang Shun didn't know what Zhang Shenyan was thinking. After he finished arranging the "Dongping" affairs, he saw that it was getting late, so he arranged for the soldiers to camp and rest.

Tangwangping and Shunwangping are very similar. They are both high and steep, with alpine meadows. They are located in the east and west, so they are also called "Dongping" and "Xiping" respectively.

That night, Zhang Shun sent his soldiers to find pools in caves on the mountainside to catch fish, and as expected, hundreds of large white fish were fished out. Zhang Shun kept a few for himself to entertain a general under his command, and the rest of the white fish were divided among his soldiers.

In this era, materials are scarce and people's lives are difficult. It is not easy to eat enough, let alone eat meat? These people usually only eat meat during the New Year and festivals, but now they can actually eat fish, and they suddenly turn into gluttons and start eating and drinking.

Until the next day, when Zhang Shun was about to break camp, everyone was still unwilling to leave. Zhang Shun originally planned to act according to military law and kill a few thorns to establish his authority, but seeing these people looking at him eagerly, he couldn't do anything for a while.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun had a quick mind. After thinking about it, he gave the order: "Where is Zhao Yutou? You are older and may have hurt your body due to the fatigue of traveling and riding. You can choose a hundred soldiers here to be responsible for catching white fish for everyone." Fish, can it be made into dried fish?”

Zhao Yutou was originally a Zhouzi fisherman. Fishing was his old profession and it was convenient for him to improve his life. How could he disagree? He agreed immediately.

Zhang incidentally left behind a hundred young men from Mengjin Ferry, and asked Zhao Yutou to lead the fishermen, while he led more than a thousand men and horses all the way to Yangcheng.

The previous county magistrate of Yangcheng had been fired by Zhang Shun, and the new magistrate had not yet taken office. I don’t know whether it was because his superiors didn’t have time to make arrangements, or because the new county magistrate was afraid that the rebels would not take office. Anyway, Zhang Shun easily entered Yangcheng County with his “prestige” last time.

The people of Yangcheng all know that "The Thief Qingtian" is very easy to get along with, and they live their lives normally without being surprised. Sure enough, when Zhang Shun entered the city, he did not disturb the people, but only sent soldiers to buy some iron materials, cloth, grain and other supplies.

As the saying goes, "Rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests." Anyway, he had plundered a large amount of silver coins in Zezhou last time, so at this moment, he could not commit robbery and tarnish his reputation.

The people of Yangcheng were initially wary because Zhang Shun attracted "Zijin Liang" and others last time. However, seeing that Zhang Shun acted fairly, those businessmen saw business opportunities and came to their homes one after another to sell their products. , or simply ask Zhang Shun to place an order with him and then deliver it to the designated location.

There were even some brave ones who actually beat the grievance drum at the gate of the county government office and asked Zhang Shun to seek justice for them. Zhang Shun couldn't escape for a while, so he had to appoint Zhang Shenyan to be responsible for the trial. For a while, Yangcheng was actually beaming with joy.

After finally finishing the work, Chen Jingzhi led a spy over. Zhang Shun glanced at him doubtfully, and Chen Jingzhi quickly said: "My lord, this is the second master's messenger. I have a letter for you."

Chen Jingzhi had some grudges against Zhang Shun before, but now after what happened at "Shun Wang Ping", he became more respectful to Zhang Shun.

When Zhang Shun saw the letter presented by the spy, he checked that it was correct, opened it, and saw the following content written crookedly on the letter:

Brother "Optimus Prime", I, "Purple Gold Liang", know I can't help you, but the imperial court sent Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, to participate in the encirclement and suppression of our rebel army. Now we should work together to overcome the difficulties.

Handwritten by the second boss "Zijin Liang".

Xu Ziyuan listened in front of him and couldn't help but sneered and said to Zhang Shun: "This man is capricious and despises the lord. What should I do with him?"

Zhang Shun thought for a moment and said with a smile: "Zi Yuan is too careless. After all, the second master is the leader of the rebel army. Now he has summoned the rebel army to fight against the officers and soldiers. This is a public matter. How can you abolish the public service for personal reasons?"

After hearing this, the spy couldn't help but cup his hands in admiration and said: "'Optimus Prime' is indeed very righteous!"

Zhang Shunsheng accepted it and asked: "Where is the second master? Can you mention where to meet?"

"The second master is in Zezhou City. He has already discovered that the officers and soldiers are under his command in Lingchuan. They seem to want to spy on Zezhou City, so they summoned the rebel army and worked together to defeat it!" The man replied neither humble nor arrogant.

Zhang Shun was very surprised and asked, "Who are you? You don't look like an ordinary messenger or spy."

"My name is He Jin. Everyone loves me. I have a nickname called 'King Zuo Jin'. I am unknown and have never missed the shopkeeper's ears." The man smiled.

Zhang Shun also smiled and said: "You are so brave, you have already openly declared yourself the king."

"The method of Zuojin is to use six ounces of coptis and one ounce of Evodia, specifically to relieve liver fire. My 'Zuojin King' is different from that Zuojin Pill. It does not relieve liverfire but only relieves open fire. How can I not be called the king?"

Zhang Shun laughed loudly and said: "What a great ambition! Then we will work together to vent the flames of Zhu Ming!" Then he ordered the entire army to leave Yangcheng and rush to the west of Zezhou.

Four thousand words, two chapters combined into one. The author is too lazy to separate them. Let’s read them together!

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