Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1659 Forced Attack

After the golden shield vehicle was loaded with rammed earth, it became much heavier, and even its speed slowed down.

Although some shield vehicles were hit and destroyed later, due to the buffer of rammed earth, the casualties were much less.

Not long after, the rear Golden Shield chariot soldiers arrived outside the rebel trench, which was the last line of defense outside the camp.

The Hou Jin soldiers quickly stopped the shield truck, dug some soil, piled it behind the shield truck and compacted it to build a bunker, and then used small carts to fill the rebel trenches.

"Boom, boom, boom!" At this time, the sound of artillery sounded again on the wall in front of the rebel camp.

However, after most of the shells hit Hou Jin's shield vehicle, they were silently absorbed by the rammed earth.

"If you can't use artillery, you have to take heavy steps to kill!" Zu Dashou frowned when he saw it, and couldn't help but suggest.

It turns out that the Ming army and Hou Jin had fought against each other for a long time and knew each other's methods well.

During the Battle of Shenyang, "The Ming Dynasty dug ten layers of trenches, about one person deep, and inserted sharp wood at the bottom of the trench. There was only one stone's throw in the trench, and one layer of trenches was dredged. Only ten or twenty people could lift the trench inside. The big wood was used as a fence. Inside the fence, a two-story trench was dug, five feet wide and two feet deep, with sharp wood inserted into the bottom of the trench. Shield carts were arranged on the inside of the trench, and each cart was equipped with two cannons and four small cannons. The first cart was spaced one 10 feet, build a barrier of earth, as high as the navel, and set up five cannons between the barriers."

Later Jin used this shield-chariot tactic to fill in the trenches one by one, and then fought hand-to-hand and broke through the Ming army's camp in one fell swoop.

Nazu Dashou knew this very well, so he advised Zhang Sanbai not to rely on artillery anymore.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Sanbai smiled when he heard this and said: "General Zu, don't disturb me, let's see how I break it!"

Zu Dashou looked at Zhang Sanbai in confusion, and couldn't help but look at the camp again, only to see that there were suddenly crowds of people in the east and west corners, and about twenty artillery pieces were suddenly pushed out.

As soon as the artillery showed its head, it aimed at Hou Jin's shield vehicle position and fired with a "boom".

Because the Houjinze shield car only blocked the front, and a lot of soil was piled up on the unblocked sides, it was impossible to turn for a while. Suddenly, the soldiers, slaves, horses, carts and other people and objects behind the shield car were all exposed to the rebel artillery. under.

These artillery pieces all use solid cast iron bullets, which can penetrate clouds and crack rocks once fired.

The soldiers, servants, war horses, carts and other characters of Hou Jin were like paper, and everything they blocked was broken into pieces.

At this moment, Chengzheng Suohai, who was leading the troops, hurriedly avoided the rebel artillery shells and loudly ordered: "Quickly, dig up the soil quickly and use shield trucks to protect both sides!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, another burst of shells came.

By coincidence, a cannonball hit a guard next to him, instantly beating the man to pieces.

Suddenly, the red and white hoods were smashed down, and blood poured on his head.

Suohai shuddered all over and felt a warm liquid flow out and fill his entire crotch.

"Chengzheng, Chengzheng, are you okay?" At this moment, the guards on the left and right couldn't help but hurriedly surrounded him.

"It's okay, it's okay. Go dig the soil for me quickly. What are you doing standing here?" Na Suohai yelled loudly, fearing that others would find out that Cheng Zheng, the official of the Ministry of Justice, had peed his pants in fear.

"Oh." Everyone looked at each other in confusion after hearing this. They didn't know where he got such enthusiasm. They quickly and cautiously stuck to the side of the shield car and began to dig out the soil on it.

Accompanied by bursts of "red cannon" sounds, and after paying the price of more than forty people, Houjin's party finally set up the shield vehicles on both sides, barely protecting the left and right sides.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Suo Hai couldn't help but loudly ordered: "Quick, fill in the trench while the 'Shun Thief' artillery can't be used!"

However, just as he began to mobilize his soldiers, he heard only the sound of a cannon.

The sound of this cannon is different from the previous sound. The sound is smaller and the sound is duller.

Just when Suo Hai was confused, there was a loud noise that made his ears buzz.

An unknown object hit his helmet with a thud, causing him to stagger, and then screams and wails began.

"What's going on, what's going on?" Suo Hai shouted in confusion.

"It's thunder, it must be thunder!" Unexpectedly, at this moment, the soldiers suddenly started making noise.

"What thunder?"

"It's just a flower bomb"

"Boom! Boom!" Suo Hai pounced quickly and fell to the ground, finally dodging another disaster.

While still in shock, he finally understood what kind of weapon it was.

It turned out that the rebels saw the Hou Jin soldiers setting up a shield chariot and were unable to threaten the Hou Jin soldiers behind the shield chariot for a while, so they used Fei Biaogun.

This flying blunderbuss is a large mortar that fires direct-fire projectiles, specifically targeting enemies behind their respective shelters.

If dozens of kilograms of flowering bombs fall down, a few of them will be crushed to death if they are "blooming", and one or two if they are "not blooming".

Some war horses were frightened, suddenly opened their reins and ran out, jumping and jumping, leaving everyone helpless.

After several more rounds of bombardment, they were beaten to a pulp, and finally the Golden Shield chariot soldiers finally filled in several passages in the ditch in front of the rebel camp.

However, after this bombardment, another thirty or forty people were lost.

The originally menacing shield chariot soldiers were already exhausted and could not be put to great use.

Na Duduo quickly sent another battalion to replace the shield chariot soldiers, but was beaten again by rebel artillery, and then the formation change was completed.

However, after these rounds of bombardment, Suo Hai, the official of the Ministry of Justice, discovered the flaws of the rebels and couldn't help but sneered: "Although the 'Shun Thief's' artillery is powerful, it is not without gaps to take advantage of."

"From my perspective, the city gate is the gate of death, and the foot of the city wall is the land of life."

"You guys, please listen to my military orders. Although the 'Shun Thief's' artillery is powerful, it can't do anything!"

As soon as Suo Hai said this, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "No wonder we suffered heavy casualties before we reached the city gate. If the general hadn't seen through it, we would have died without a burial place today!"

Immediately, the Jin soldiers prepared ladders and sent a group of troops to attack the west side camp.

The rebel camp was built in a hurry, with more than ten feet of rammed earth, and did not require large siege equipment such as ladder trucks.

Soon the Jin soldiers arrived under the rammed earth wall. Due to the shooting angle, the foot of the wall actually became a blind spot for the artillery on the rebel city.

Hou Jinbing then boldly set up a ladder and prepared to climb the city.

Zu Dashou saw it from a distance and couldn't help but look at Zhang Sanbai again.

Although he didn't speak this time, his meaning was very clear: I said the city wall was too low, and you still didn't believe it. Have you seen the consequences now?

Zhang Sanbai didn't say anything, but instead motioned for Zu Dashou to continue reading.

"Boom, boom, boom!" At some point, the artillery at the main entrance of the rebel army suddenly pushed out and fired a dozen iron bullets diagonally towards the corner of the wall.

The Houjin siege troops, who were originally huddled together, were penetrated by artillery shells from the southeast to the northwest like a gourd.

The Houjin elite, who were wearing heavy armor, were immediately shot into two pieces by the cannonball.

Broken limbs and remains were flying everywhere, and the entire wall was painted red with bright red blood.

The wails, pain, screams and cries of fear intertwined together and turned into the most beautiful music in hell.

Due to the obstruction of the fortress wall, Zhang Sanbai and Zu Dashou on the white tower could not see the situation at the foot of the wall.

Zhang Sanbai already knew this, but the ancestor Dashou didn't know why.

As the screams came, he became more and more curious. He couldn't help but stand on his tiptoes and look desperately to the north, trying to carefully explore what was going on outside.

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