Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1660 Things are unpredictable

"General, the Tartar chief has led his army out of the city today to attack Zhang Shuai!" At dawn, Lu Xiangsheng got the news that Duduo had sent out his army.

"Oh?" Lu Xiangsheng responded lightly, and then returned his gaze to the map on the desktop.

Zhang Shun could see it, Duoduo could see it, but there was no reason why Lu Xiangsheng couldn't.

If you want Pinglubao to go to support Baitapu, you will definitely not be able to bypass Shenyang, Shengjing.

In other words, if Lu Xiangsheng sends troops to support Baitapu, sending too few troops will have no effect; if he sends too many troops, Pinglu Fort will be empty, but it will be easily besieged by Shenyang's defenders.

Pinglu Fort is now the transfer point for the grain and grass transported by the rebel army from the direction of Guangning, and is an important place to protect the grain road.

The Art of War says: An army will perish if it has no baggage, it will perish if it has no food, and it will perish if it has no accumulation.

Once this place is lost, there will be no need to fight this battle. Lu Xiangsheng and Zhang Sanbai can go home to coax their children. Oh, by the way, these two people don't have children yet, and they can't coax them even if they want to.

"Fight!" Lu Xiangsheng was silent for a long time, and finally looked away from the map.

"Fight? How to fight?" Manzhu Xili, Wu Keshan and the others couldn't help but look at each other.

To be honest, the four people on Horqin's left wing actually regretted it when things got to this point.

They never expected that Duduo, who was at the end of their rope, would still have this trick. If they lost this battle, the rebels could retreat and make a comeback, but the three banners on Horqin's left wing would probably be exterminated.

When they thought of this, the four of them couldn't help but feel cold, and their hearts became more determined to fight to the death with Hou Jin.

"If he attacks our camp, we will attack his city!" Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but sneered.

"Report, the 'Shun Thieves' are out!" As soon as the rebels made a move, Houjin's scouts, who were closely watching Pinlu Fort, discovered the movements of the rebels.

"How many people and horses, what are they doing?" Anping Beiledudu couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this, and asked quickly.

This battle was already doomed when Duduo was preparing to attack Baitapu with all his strength.

He was not afraid that Lu Xiangsheng would not send troops. What he was afraid of was that Lu Xiangsheng did not send troops according to Duduo's idea.

"Looking at the flag, it's Lu Xiangsheng and Horqin's left-wing cavalry, trying to bypass Shenyang and attack His Majesty's back!" The scout reported quickly.

"What?" Du Du was a little surprised when he heard this.

According to his and Duoduo's assumptions, Lu Xiangsheng's best choice is to take the initiative to attack Shenyang.

Moreover, before Duduo left, he had already prepared Shenyang's offensive and defensive battle.

However, he never expected that at this time, Lu Xiangsheng would actually plan to support Zhang Sanbai.

Different from the rebels, Duduo set out from Shenyang to attack Zhang Sanbai this time. Naturally, it was too late and there was no need to set up a camp. He just lined up in the south of the city.

Now that the two sides are attacking and defending, you can imagine how much chaos will be caused once the rebel cavalry appears behind the Duduo formation at a critical moment.

Du Du didn't dare to gamble, nor did he want to gamble.

With no choice but to do so, he had no choice but to give the order: "Durhu, listen to the order, let me and your three thousand fine cavalry go. I will lead the three thousand fine cavalry myself to fight, and Duerhu will temporarily take over the duty of staying behind. Be careful not to be taken advantage of by thieves!"

There were not many soldiers and horses in the city of Shenyang. After Duduo turned back, he transferred 4,000 soldiers from Horqin's right wing, who was not reliable, and added 4,000 soldiers and horses from his own headquarters. He now has a total of 6,000 soldiers.

These 6,000 men and horses faced Lu Xiangsheng's third battalion headquarters troops and horses, plus Horqin's 5,000 cavalry on the left wing. Naturally, they could only "have more than enough to defend, but not enough to attack."

However, although it is "insufficient", it can still cause some trouble to Lu Xiangsheng.

By the way, Du Du had finished arranging the defense matters in the city, and then led his troops out of the west gate of Shenyang. When he saw Lu Xiangsheng, Manzhu Xili and others galloping past not far away, he quickly chased after them.

"General, Donglu has indeed caught up with him!" Manzhu Xili saw him and reported quickly.

"How many people are there?" Lu Xiangsheng looked at him strangely and thought to himself: Aren't you a bald man calling the monk bald?

Manzhu Xili smiled and did not explain. He just smiled and said: "There are about three thousand riders."

"Three thousand cavalry? Do you dare to come out with three thousand cavalry?" Lu Xiangsheng also laughed, "Wait a little further away before taking action!"

"Yes!" Manzhu Xili, Wu Keshan, Hong Guoer and Dong Guoer also nodded confidently.

When Du Du saw the rebel cavalry heading south without stopping, his face suddenly turned ugly.

Obviously, what Lu Xiangsheng bullied was his lack of soldiers, and what he bullied was the slowness of his horses.

In fact, there were many war horses in the Later Jin Kingdom. After Lao Nu unified the Jurchen tribes, they evolved from a fishing and hunting tribe into a nomadic fishing and hunting federation.

However, in the first battle when Hong Tai entered the pass, Hou Jin lost nearly 100,000 horses, and then another 10,000 to 20,000 horses were lost under successive attacks by the rebels.

Since then, even Houjin, which is famous for its heavy cavalry, has begun to experience a shortage of war horses.

For example, this time, Du Du led three thousand cavalry and almost the same number of horses.

Compared with the "cavalry battalion" with one person and three horses and Horqin's left wing with one person and three horses, this is much worse.

However, the matter has come to this, no matter how hard it is, Du has no choice but to grit his teeth and persevere.

In this way, the two sides chased each other for seven or eight miles. Suddenly, they heard only the sound of a cannon, and Lu Xiangsheng, Manzhu Xili and others turned around and came to kill them.

Du Du secretly screamed in pain and quickly sent a Jia La Zhangjing to lead more than a thousand people to meet the enemy. He led the remaining two thousand soldiers to dismount and form an array.

After finally completing the formation, the cavalry that went to meet the enemy had been defeated by the rebels and fled back to the formation.

Lu Xiang Shengbian led eight thousand cavalry to surround him, constantly harassing and testing him with bows, arrows, and firecrackers, and was ready to charge into the formation at any time.

While commanding his soldiers to defend, Dudu encouraged him: "This place is not far from Your Majesty. As long as we persist for a few hours, Your Majesty will surely come to help."

However, just as Du Du stood firm, Manzhu Xili advised Lu Xiangsheng: "The general came in a hurry this time and did not bring artillery."

"However, on the battlefield, the fighter plane disappears in an instant. Please allow me, general, to drive my horse into the formation and break his turtle formation!"

"Uh" Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but feel dazed when he heard Manzhu Xili's words.

Since ancient times, when the two armies fought, their own troops were always driven into battle by others. I don’t know when it was their turn to drive their horses into battle against others.

"Okay, okay, okay, if that's the case, let me, the 'Qibing Battalion', be responsible for the charge immediately afterwards!" As the saying goes, "repaying a favor with a favor", since Manzhu practices etiquette so well, Lu Xiangsheng will not sit back and enjoy the success.

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Manzhu Xili nodded with satisfaction, and then ordered to Wu Keshan, "Brother, please select 500 old and weak horses as soon as possible and prepare to go into battle!"

Not long after, Wu Keshan finished the selection and hurriedly took more than a dozen herders and 500 horses to visit Lu Xiangsheng. Unexpectedly, Lu Xiangsheng was armoring the horses.

"General, what are you..." Wu Keshan couldn't help but ask.

"Oh, I picked out five hundred outfits, and I'm going to give this guy a hard time!" Lu Xiangsheng pointed to the busy soldiers behind him as a matter of course.

"Armor and horse equipment?" Wu Keshan took a closer look after hearing this, and saw that the people behind Lu Xiangsheng were not only wearing iron armor themselves, but the horses were also covered with horse face, chicken neck, horse body armor, breastplate and other parts.

Compared with the full suit, this outfit is much simpler, but the frontal protection ability is not reduced at all.

In addition to Wu Keshan, he had spent a lot of money to buy 500 horses, but Lu Xiangsheng actually brought out another 500 horses to pretend to be.

He couldn't help but laugh out loud as he imagined the scene of these five hundred armored cavalry taking the opportunity to rush in after his own war horse stepped on them.

"What's wrong?" Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but look at him strangely.

"It's nothing, I suddenly felt a little funny." Wu Keshan pointed to the Hou Jin army who was waiting in full formation and said, "They used to deal with you like this, but now we deal with them like this."

"In the words of you Han people, this is really 'life is impermanent and everything in the world is unpredictable'!"

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