Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1661 Another victory

"Horse, look, that's a horse!" After being besieged for several rounds by the rebels and Horqin's left-wing coalition, the cavalry suddenly retreated, and what came into view was a group of war horses.

According to their eyes, these war horses are either old or short, and cannot be considered good horses.

However, such a group of unqualified war horses caused a commotion among Hou Jin's soldiers.

"Stop making any noise, anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!" Du Du calmly gave the order, but his heart felt chilly.

Driving horses to march into formation is driving horses to march into formation!

They are so familiar with this, not only the Mongolians like to use it, but they themselves also like to use it.

When encountering the "Barbarian"'s turtle formation, it is their common tactic to use some old and weak war horses that are about to be eliminated to disrupt the opponent's formation.

However, now this tactic has been learned by the "Barbarians", and their soldiers can only hold the "Barbarians'" "fire sticks" and use their flesh and blood to resist the "Barbarians" driving horses into the formation.

Damn it Horqin, he couldn't help but cursed secretly, and quickly continued to order: "The gunmen will come out, the spearmen will follow, the swordsmen and axemen will press the formation, and the cavalry in the formation will be mounted and on standby!"

Just as he was getting ready, he saw a burst of smoke in front of him, and a group of war horses galloping towards him driven by several shepherds.

Du Du couldn't help but swallowed nervously and watched without saying a word.

Eighty feet, fifty feet, thirty feet, twenty feet

"Fire!" Du Du couldn't help shouting, and the cannon player clicked his finger upon hearing the sound, and the sound of the cannon suddenly resounded.

The war horse was surprised by this and seemed to be a little panicked.

The shepherds quickly waved their riding whips, driving back the horses that were scurrying around and disrupting the formation, and kept hitting them in the same direction.

"The musketeers stand back and the spearmen hold back!" Du Du quickly ordered again.

The musketeer who had just finished shooting quickly hid in the spear array, while the rear golden spearman sat there with a look of horror on his face, not daring to move.

"Boom!" The horses and the crowd collided without any fanfare. The spearmen who were blocking the front were either killed or injured, and some were even trampled directly by the horses and turned into mud.

"Quick, sword and ax hand, sword and ax hand!" Du Du shouted loudly without even looking at the rebel horses breaking through several layers of spear formations.

After the horses passed by, they were followed closely by the enemies who took advantage of the situation.

If there is no swordsman at this time, everything will be over.

The swordsman in double armor walked out somewhat clumsily, blocking the road that was dispersed by the horses.

The horses dispersed, and what came into view was not an infantry, but a group of armored cavalry galloping towards them.

"No, it's cavalry, it's cavalry in uniform!" The originally confident Hou Jin Dao and Axeman suddenly became panicked.

For these swordsmen and axemen, it would not be scary if they were heavily armored soldiers.

Anyway, you can't do anything to me, and I can't do anything to you.

However, now that it is the armored cavalry who are rushing up, the situation is different.

Due to the good defense and powerful impact of the armored cavalry, there is a chance to threaten these double-armored soldiers.

It's too late, but it's soon.

Just when Hou Jin was at a loss what to do, Lu Xiangsheng took the lead and came over to kill him.

"Ha!" People borrowed horse power, and swords borrowed human power. Lu Xiangsheng shouted loudly and slashed down with his sword.

The soldier in front of him subconsciously used the sword in his hand to make a move, but it missed the mark, and the heavy sword struck him hard on the neck.

"Crack!" The neck guard blocked the penetration of the blade of Lu Xiangsheng's sword, but it could not stop the penetration of power.

The powerful chopping force directly broke his cervical spine.

The man couldn't help but scream, clutching his neck and fell down.

At the same time, other rebel soldiers couldn't help but rush over one after another. They might use spears, broadswords, or axes. Although they might not be able to kill the Houjin heavy armored soldiers in front of them in one fell swoop, they also caused relatively large damage to the opponent. Big casualties.

Some of the more daring people deliberately used their spears to deflect the opponent's weapons, and then used their power to hit the opponent's body so hard that the opponent's tendons were broken.

"Hurry, trap them quickly, cavalry attack, cavalry attack!" Seeing that the rebel cavalry did not break the formation in one fell swoop after charging, Du Du seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw.

It turned out that he saw from a distance that the leader was tall, wearing a green robe and holding a big sword. If it wasn't Lu Xiangsheng, the commander of the rebel army, who was it?

He didn't expect Lu Xiangsheng to be so reckless and dare to charge into the battle himself.

If this person could be captured and killed in one fell swoop, it would definitely cause chaos in Lu Xiangsheng's department and solve Hou Jin's current predicament in one fell swoop.

The Houjin heavy armor soldiers who were almost stunned didn't understand what was going on. After hearing the order, they had no choice but to step forward and test the rebel cavalry who had just lost their horse speed.

Then the golden cavalry came out from the left and right directions of the formation to test the rebel armored cavalry who had lost speed.

"Capture Lu Xiangsheng alive and wipe out all the armored cavalry!" Du Du couldn't help but shouted and sent an order to the entire army.

Hearing this, Hou Jin and others could not help but feel a surge of hope in their hearts, and they quickly shouted loudly: "Capture Lu Xiangsheng alive and wipe out all the armored cavalry!"

"Okay, well done!" Unexpectedly, Lu Xiangsheng was not afraid to laugh back and shouted loudly, "I want to see how he captures this general alive and annihilates all my cavalry with props!"

"The armored knight obeys the order, dismounts and fights on foot!"

Following Lu Xiangsheng's order, the rebel armored cavalry, which had lost their horse speed, instead of moving away, turned over and dismounted, and then led by Lu Xiangsheng, formed a cone-shaped formation.

The cone-shaped formation was the most advantageous to attack, but Na Lu Xiangsheng advanced instead of retreating, and continued to kill into the rear golden formation.

"What is he going to do!" Du Du was shocked when he saw it from a distance, and he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Kill!" At this moment, two more cavalrymen were seen fighting out of the rebel formation, one on the left and one on the right to greet the Houjin cavalry who had just come out of the formation.

"No, I've been fooled!" Du Du looked at the two men and then understood what was going on.

It turned out that this time Lu Xiangsheng actually used himself as bait to attract the Houjin cavalry.

With this move of Hou Jin's cavalry, the already precarious formation of Hou Jin's army was broken.

Without the blessing of the military formation, these three thousand Hou Jin soldiers became lambs to be slaughtered.

"Kill, kill!" Manzhu Xili and Hong Guoer were like two hungry wolves, leading two thousand fine cavalry respectively, and quickly rushed towards the Houjin cavalry who had just come out.

"Kill!" The enemy was extremely jealous when they saw him.

When Hou Jin's cavalry saw that the person who came was actually Horqin's left wing who had betrayed Hou Jin, they couldn't help but become even more angry. They rushed forward with their spears raised and their sabers brandished.

"Kill!" Horqin's left-wing cavalry was not afraid. Four groups of cavalry, two in pairs, collided fiercely.

For a time, people were on their backs, and no one knew how many people died.

"Come again!" Manzhu Xili had just killed him, and he couldn't help but turn his horse's head, pointing his sword at the Houjin Cavalry on the opposite side.

"Kill!" The two sides collided again without any fancy.

No matter how fancy the tactics are, when implemented on the battlefield, they will definitely be bloody and cruel.

Houjin's side did not dare to abandon their infantry and run for their lives.

Naturally, the people who were practicing rituals did not dare to abandon their cavalry and charge into the formation.

Only the cavalry on both sides can win or lose, and the final outcome of this war can be determined.

Over and over again, again and again.

I don’t know how many times the two sides charged, or how many times they collided.

Just when Manzhu Xilisha's sword was curled, his arms were too heavy to lift, and the horse he was sitting on was a little weak, Houjin's cavalry finally couldn't help but abandon the infantry and fled into the distance.

At the same time, Du Du also got on his horse and ordered the soldiers with a sad and angry look: "The whole army obeys the order, mount the horse and retreat!"

Thank you to book friend "Suiwei" for the big prize, thank you to book friend "Kuaifeng" for the big prize, thank you all for your support!

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