Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1677 Rebellion

"Long live, long live!" Accompanied by bursts of cheers, Zhang Shun, Hong Chengchou, Wukong and others entered Xuzhou City.

Zhang Shun looked up at the auspicious clouds in the south, then looked down at the soldiers and civilians kneeling on the ground, feeling dazed for a moment.

The cloud is still the same cloud, and the people are still the same group of people. However, in the eyes of that group of people, the cloud has a different meaning.

This is not so much a superstition as an expectation, a high hat and a fig leaf.

For ordinary people in this era, they have no power. Like ants, thieves come to demote thieves, and officials come to demote officials. This is a true portrayal of them.

As for the big households in Xuzhou City, although they are stronger than ordinary people, their strength is still limited.

Although in peacetime they have huge influence, in wartime they are just pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered, plump but without tusks.

As for Liu Liangzuo and his troops, they did have a certain amount of strength, but when the rebel artillery mounted on the top of Yunlong Mountain, they had only two options: surrender or die.

"Your Highness, go this way, Chang Yingcang is over here, there are still 400,000 shi of grain!" Liu Liangzuo quickly guided.

"Four hundred thousand stones?" Zhang Shun frowned. Although this amount is not a lot, it is not too much according to the size of Xuzhou City.

Xuzhou, Dezhou, Linqing, and Huai'an are the four major wharves on the Grand Canal. They all have constant surplus warehouses, each storing millions of tons of grain.

Previously, the rebels captured Linqing and Dezhou, and obtained a total of 15.6 million shi of grain. They never expected that Xuzhou, which was geographically more important, only received 400,000 shi.

"Actually... Actually, Xuzhou originally had more than a million stones." When Liu Liangzuo saw Zhang Shun's expression, he didn't know what Zhang Shun was thinking, so he quickly explained.

"It's's just that Zhu...Zhu Dadian used half of the money to train troops..."

"Oh?" Zhang Shun nodded when he heard this, as if nothing happened.

He just pondered for a moment, and suddenly realized something was wrong: "Where did he get the courage to embezzle all these grains?"

"When... His Highness was so powerful that the court could no longer provide food and salary, then... then he was allowed to use the grain from the canal..." Liu Liangzuo glanced at Zhang Shun secretly and explained.

"Uh..." Zhang Shun suddenly realized when he heard this.

It turned out that the rebels had just occupied Luoyang and launched a "food war" to buy nearby grain.

Among them, most of the grain in Changyingcang in Xuzhou was distributed to the rebels.

"Okay!" Zhang Shun nodded, indicating that he understood.

When Liu Liangzuo saw that Zhang Shun was not happy, he felt uneasy and couldn't help but said again: "Your Highness, Yang Sichang is now aggressively conquering the Runing area, and Fengyang is empty."

"If we can send a light cavalry, we can surely capture him in one fight!"

"Oh?" Zhang Shun's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Liu Liangzuo's words.

It turned out that Zhang Shun's rush to Xuzhou this time was mostly for show. In fact, he had no intention of personally commanding his soldiers to attack the city and plunder the territory.

However, if given the opportunity, he certainly wouldn't mind taking a chance on it.

Zhang Shun pondered for a moment and then ordered: "Wang Ding will listen to the order and immediately prepare all the troops and horses to follow me to Fengyang."

"Hong Chengchou led the main force, went down the river, and attacked Huai'an."

"Let Li Zicheng pacify Shandong and garrison Xuzhou on standby. There must be no mistakes."

"Your Highness?" Hong Chengchou was shocked when he heard this and was about to speak to persuade him.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun waved his hand and said, "Don't worry. If you can fight, then fight. If you can't, then leave. I will not put myself in danger."

"Then...okay!" After hearing this, Hong Chengchou received the military order.

"Your Highness, are you really not afraid?" Not long after, Wang Ding and his men finished cleaning up, and then together with Zhang Shun and Wukong, they left Xuzhou with about 4,000 riders.

"With you guys protecting me, why should I be afraid?" Zhang Shun smiled.

Wang Ding's cavalry battalion, which was originally composed of Yulin generals, was not only well-equipped, but also had extraordinary combat effectiveness. It had also served as Zhang Shun's standard battalion before, so he was willing to take this strange risk.

"Your Majesty, I have sent Zhu Dadian to Yingtian Mansion to arrange a palace for your Majesty, and he will move to the south of the Yangtze River in a few days." While Zhang Shun and others were waiting for the trip, Yang Sichang was reporting to the "fake emperor" Zhu Changxihui.

"Oh? What were the other people's reactions?" Zhu Changzi couldn't help but ask.

"Qian Qianyi has persuaded most of the Donglin Party members to support His Majesty. Among them, Zuo Guangdou's protégé Shi Kefa took up the post of Minister of War and was stationed in Yangzhou." Yang Sichang explained.

"I want to use Fengyang as the core, connect Xuzhou, Huai'an, Luzhou, and Runing to the west to build a strong Jiangbei defense line, and then try to restore it."

"Among them, Liu Liangzuo left Xuzhou, Mou Wenshou left Huai'an, and Yang Yupan left Luzhou. The governor of Fengyang, Zhu Dadian, was in the middle to coordinate..."

"Report, enemy traces were found outside the city!" Just as Yang Sichang was talking and imagining a bright future, soldiers suddenly broke into the report.

"What, how many people and horses, under what banner?" Before Yang Sichang could ask, Zhu Changzi asked with an earthy face.

"Your Majesty, there is about a battalion of men and horses under the banner of a general named Wang!" The soldier quickly reported.

"Oh? Don't worry, Your Highness!" Yang Sichang couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"I have fought against the 'Shun Thief' for many years, and I have never heard of a strong general named Wang. He must be an unknown person."

"Liu Liangzuo is in the north now. If a large group of troops showed up, we should have received the news long ago."

"There is no movement from Liu Liangzuo's department now. It must be a fish that slipped through the net from nowhere. Let me let the old minister break it for Your Majesty!"

"Okay, okay, okay, then I'll thank you for your help!" After hearing this, Zhu Changzi felt a little relieved and hurriedly issued an edict.

After Yang Sichang received the edict, he said goodbye to Zhu Changxi and quickly mobilized his troops to fight.

"Zu Dale, the main force of our army is now scattered in various places, and it is difficult to recruit for a while, so I will trouble you to come over!" Yang Sichang came out of "Xingzai" and quickly recruited the generals of Biaoying under his command.

"General, take your orders!" Nazu Dale heard that the enemy only had one battalion of soldiers and horses, but he was full of confidence and quickly opened the city gate and went to fight.

In fact, this is not entirely due to Yang Sichang and Zu Dalue having excessive confidence.

It turned out that Fengyang City was so vast that it was difficult for only one battalion to defend it. Secondly, Zu Dalue was leading elites from Liaodong. He thought that even if he faced the elites of Houjin, he would still be able to fight.

"General, look!" Just as Zu Dalue came out of Fengyang City with confidence, a soldier had already given him some advice.

"King of Qin? Marshal of the world's soldiers and horses?" Zu Dale couldn't help being stunned, turned around and asked, "Which one is this?"

"That's... His Highness 'Shun... King Shun'!" Zuo Zuo couldn't help but said in shock.

"What?" Zu Dale couldn't help being shocked and cursed loudly, "The thief has been fooled, let's go, go!"

After saying that, he actually planned to turn around and run away to the city.

It's no wonder that Zu Dale's liver and gallbladder were broken. Zhang Shun fought all the way and won every battle. Not only did he capture half of the Ming Dynasty, he also defeated the famous Hong Tai and his like.

Although he also believed that he could fight, how could He De compare with Zhu Xieyuan, Hong Tai and others who died under Zhang Shun's army?

Not to mention Zhang Shun's rich body. Now that he has arrived, his army will naturally arrive as well.

"Where is Zu Dalue going?" Seeing that Zu Dalue was about to retreat to the city, Zhang Shun couldn't help but shouted in unison, "Your brother Zu Dashou asked me to bring you a message, surrender to your highness early, so that my brothers can save the swordsmanship." See!"

As soon as Zhang Shun said these words, Fengyang City's expression changed immediately.


It turned out that Zu Dalue was Zu Dashou's cousin, and the Liaodong cavalry he led were serious "ancestral soldiers."

Now that Zu Dashou has surrendered to the rebel army, Zu Dalue, who is a member of the Zu family, should naturally surrender to Zhang Shun.

"Quickly, close the city gate quickly, close the city gate quickly!" Yang Sichang heard this so clearly from the city that he couldn't help but feel nervous and quickly issued a death order.

"Bastard, I'm still outside, why should I close the city gate?" Zu Dalue was about to turn back when he accidentally got stabbed in the back by Yang Sichang and became furious.

"General, please make a decision early!" However, at this moment, Zuo Zuo couldn't help but reminded him quickly.

"What decision?" Zu Dale was stunned when he heard this, and then he understood.

Fengyang City is empty, and he cannot be trusted. If he continues to be loyal to the end, he may not be able to save his wealth and life!

Thinking of this, Zu Dalue couldn't help but shouted loudly, and said sadly: "It is not my Zu Dalue who has failed your majesty, but your majesty who has failed our Liaodong cavalry!"

"Now I want to be loyal but can't be loyal. I want to live but can't. I just surrender!"

After finishing speaking, he actually pulled out the sword from his waist and waved towards the city gate: "The three armies listen to my orders and follow my instructions to rebel against him and help King Shun capture Fengyang City!"

"Rebellion, rebellion!" When Yang Sichang heard Zu Dalue's words, he immediately felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head in the dog days of summer, chilling him from head to toe.

It’s over, it’s all over, the Ming Dynasty is going to be gone!

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