Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1678: Unstoppable

Rolling black smoke filled the sky over the imperial city, and raging flames licked the tall Fengtian Hall.

Zhu Changzi, Yang Sichang and others were covered in fire, screaming and wailing while dying in the palace.

Tragic, too tragic!

Zhang Shun turned his head, and the scene in front of him was unbearable.

Wang Ding, Zu Dale and the others had already turned a blind eye to such scenes, and there was nothing wrong with them in their hearts.

Only Qian Qianyi, the newly promoted leader of the Donglin Party, saw this and thought to himself: "The sage said: A gentleman who lives far away from the kitchen cannot bear to see his death."

"Although His Royal Highness King Shun was born into a gangster, his benevolence is natural. He is far better than Zhu Changzi and his like, and he has the qualities of a saint."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but comfort him: "Your Highness has a kind heart, so he can't bear to look down upon it. However, the other party is responsible for this fate, so why should your Highness blame himself!"

"I already know this, but I'm just expressing my feelings." Zhang Shun shook his head and couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, he also knew in his heart that even if these two people refused to burn themselves to death, they would probably only end up committing suicide.

This is how it is in a world of great strife. Either you kill me or I kill you. There is no room for mercy.

However, emotion is emotion, but it still cannot erase the importance of this battle.

To the north of Fengyang is Xuzhou, to the east of Fengyang is Shouzhou, to the west of Fengyang is Huai'an, to the southeast of Fengyang are Yangzhou and Nanjing, and to the south of Fengyang is Luzhou.

As the saying goes: To defend the river, you must defend the Huaihe River. If this place is lost, the natural dangers of the Yangtze River will almost become a thoroughfare, and the city of Nanjing will face the front of the rebel army.

Sure enough, seeing Zhang Shun break away from his sadness, Qian Qianyi couldn't help but stepped forward to offer advice: "Your Highness, even though I am a scholar, I have also heard that military speed is the most important thing."

"Your Highness lives in Fengyang. He can call Huai'an, Shouzhou, and Luzhou to surrender. He can capture Anqing in the west and Yangzhou in the east. Then he can send his troops south to seize Yingtian and capture half of the southeastern half of the country. This is the opportunity to unify the world!"

As soon as Qian Qianyi finished speaking, Zu Dale hurriedly stepped forward and offered his invitation: "Shouzhou is the gateway to the west of Fengyang. It is located in the upper reaches of Fengyang and connects to Yingzhou in the west."

"The guard general Zu Kuan is a servant of my ancestral family. I would like to ask Your Highness to forgive his disrespect and send me to persuade him."

"You won't have to waste a single soldier to tell him that he's coming to surrender!"

"Okay, sure!" Zhang Shun agreed without any hesitation upon hearing this.

It turns out that Shouzhou, originally called Shouchun, is located one hundred and eighty miles west of Fengyang. It controls the Huaiying River and the Jiangtuo River. It is the key hub of the northwest and the shield of the southeast.

To put it more bluntly, it means controlling the traffic arteries from the Huaihe River Basin to the Yangtze River.

Its upper reaches is Yingzhou, and then it is divided into two, one way is Yingshui passing through Zhang Shun's hometown, Chenzhou, and the other is the Huaihe River leading to Runing.

If they cannot occupy this place, the remnants of King Lu's clan will flow down the river, and Fengyang Mansion will gain and lose again.

"Then the guilty minister will go and persuade Liu Zeqing, the water transport commander stationed in Huai'an, to surrender!" Qian Qianyi hesitated after hearing this, and then took the initiative to speak.

"Okay, you're right!" Zhang Shun nodded, immediately overjoyed.

The Jianghuai area is also called Huaisi.

Among them, Huaizi refers to the Huaihe River Basin, and Si refers to the Si River area.

Surabaya was originally the largest tributary of the Huaihe River. Since the opening of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Surabaya has become part of the Grand Canal. Huai'an, located on the banks of the Surabaya River, is an important town that controls Surabaya, or the Grand Canal.

Once Shouzhou and Huai'an fall into the hands of the rebels again, it will be like the overwhelming power of Mount Tai for Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

"What, Fengyang is lost?" Zu Kuan, who was closest to Fengyang, got the news first.

"Yes, this Ming Dynasty pill!" Zu Dale smiled and said helplessly.

"Zu Dashou has already voted, and Liaoxi Jiangmen has also voted. Why should we insist on it?"

"This" Zu Kuan was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but said in disbelief, "What did he promise?"

"Nothing was promised!" Zu Dale shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "It turns out that the powerful Liaoxi general is nothing in his eyes, and there is no room for bargaining at all."

"Why?" Zu Kuan couldn't help but raised his voice.

"Just because I didn't rely on the generals of western Liaoning, I wiped out one hundred thousand elite soldiers of Houjin, and beheaded the leader Hongtai and his famous kings Azige, Jierharang, Hauge and others." Zu Dale said with a sarcastic face. road.

"Well, he has the ability!" Zu Kuan couldn't help but feel disappointed after hearing this.

Although he appears to be a slave of his ancestral family, he is actually a professional warrior, or knight.

Like most elites in western Liaoning, he learned martial arts, horse riding, archery, and military skills such as battle formations since he was a child, in order to use his wealth and life to fight for wealth.

According to their thoughts, most of the soldiers and horses in the world are like this.

Who would have thought that a Hongtai would come out of nowhere and cause heavy losses to the generals in western Liaoning.

Then, there was another Zhang Shun, who directly defeated Dai Xiao and Every Household Pima of the Later Jin Dynasty, and almost destroyed his country in one battle.

In the face of such a strong contrast, their struggle for most of their lives seems like a joke.

"Down, down, down, God's will is like this, how can humans be so embarrassed!" Zu Kuan couldn't help but sigh, took off the helmet on his head, and slammed it on the table.

"All the hits are gone!" When Qian Qianyi rushed to Huai'an City in person, Liu Zeqing, the commander-in-chief of water transport, was setting up defenses, preparing for a decisive battle with Hong Chengchou who was coming down the river.

However, at this moment, he heard the unbelievable news.

"Yes, yes Fengyang City is gone, and Nanjing City is also in danger!" Qian Qianyi explained with a wry smile and shook his head.

"It is said that His Royal Highness King Shun arrived in Xuzhou that day, and auspicious clouds suddenly appeared on Yunlong Mountain, which had not changed for thousands of years. They appeared in five colors and turned into dragons. Is there any fighting spirit in Xuzhou City? So he surrendered to King Shun."

"Now that King Shun had captured Xuzhou, he doubled his campaign and attacked Fengyang by surprise. Yang Sichang was caught off guard and lost the hearts of the people, so he died in one battle!"

"That's it, that's all. The situation is like this, what can I do?" Liu Zeqing was not a loyal minister at all. Hearing this, he couldn't help but sigh and gave the order directly.

"Instruct the whole army to change flags and flags, and respectfully welcome King Shun's troops into the city."

"Huai'an surrendered?" When Hong Chengchou led the main force of the rebel army southward along the Grand Canal and rushed outside Huai'an City to prepare for a big fight, unexpectedly, Huai'an Prefecture surrendered. .

"Yes, now that a certain person is the secretary of King Shun, he has persuaded the city to surrender in accordance with His Highness's orders. Please also ask Governor Hong not to use swords lightly." Qian Qianyi couldn't help but laugh.

"伱" Hong Chengchou took charge of his troops, but was unexpectedly defeated by Zhang Shun first and had no choice but to surrender.

Finally, he was entrusted with an important task by Zhang Shun, but was limited by the rebel strategy. He defeated Yang Sichang, but he was not decisive and could not show his ability.

Originally, he thought that in this battle, he would finally be able to show his prowess, but he never expected that the Huai'an Mansion would surrender without any bloodshed, which only made him feel a bad feeling in his stomach.

"Don't be upset, Commander Hong. I have a plan to protect your position." When Hong Chengchou entered Huai'an City angrily, Liu Zeqing saw that Hong Chengchou was not very happy and couldn't help but offer his advice.

"What are your plans?" Hong Chengchou frowned and asked very unhappily.

"A certain soldier is the commander-in-chief of water transportation, and he has many ships under his command." Liu Zeqing laughed when he heard this.

"Going south from here is Yangzhou. How can the Minister of War, Shi Ke, know nothing about soldiers? How can he defend this big city?"

"Now that the news from Huai'an Mansion has not been passed on, if Commander Hong can take advantage of the opportunity to attack and seize it, His Highness will be pleased!"

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