Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1692 Defeat Zheng Zhifeng again

"Dong dong dong!" Accompanied by bursts of rapid drumbeats, heavy-armored elites from two divisions of the rebel army appeared outside Shangyuan Gate.

Shangyuan Gate is the Guocheng Gate outside Nanjing City, located on the top of Lime Mountain.

Due to the terrain, Zhang Shun could not see the situation here from Yuejiang Tower, but Wang Ding could see the battle outside Fengyi Gate from here.

When he saw that the bodyguards led by Wukong defeated Xu Chengming like a rock, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "Your Highness's bodyguards have already won the victory over Fengyi Sect, and we can't be compared!"

At the same time that Wang Ding said this, most of Zheng Zhifeng's soldiers had already landed.

He has a total of more than 10,000 men and horses under his command. Excluding the sailors and those left behind on the ship, there are a total of 6,000 men and horses available.

These 6,000 men and horses were arranged into three square formations, spread out along the river bank.

The soldiers sent by Wang Ding only had two divisions of one thousand troops, which were not as many as Zheng Zhifeng's square formation. They also formed two square formations, one on the left and one on the right outside the city.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The two sides had just finished forming their formations, and before they had time to make any move, Zheng Zhifeng's ship began to fire.

It turns out that the three gates of Funing Gate, Shangyuan Gate and Guanyin Gate, which are winding on the limestone mountain, are close to the Yangtze River and are only more than a mile away from the river. Therefore, the ships docked on the Jiangmen can use red barbarian cannons to bombard the rebels outside the city gate. .

Under normal circumstances, Hongyi cannons are inaccurate beyond one mile.

However, it could not withstand the numerous artillery on the opposite side, and two or three Russian iron bullets penetrated the rebel formation, killing seven or eight elite heavy armored soldiers.

"Bastard!" When Wang Ding saw him on the wall, he couldn't help but cursed and ordered, "The whole army attacks!"

Following Wang Ding's order, the two groups of rebel troops lined up in neat formation and pressed forward.

There are thousands of words in the art of war, but there is only one sentence: "Inflict harm on others, but not others".

Then Wang Ding was a veteran, how could he not know?

However, the situation is now stronger than the people, and they have to take the initiative to attack.

"Fire cannons!" Seeing the rebels approaching, Zheng Zhilong gave the order, and the sound of fire cannons was heard all of a sudden.

"Clang!" Most of the lead bullets hit the bright armor of the rebels. Apart from bending the armor and creating sparks, they had no effect.

Of course, occasionally rebel soldiers were unfortunately shot and fell to the ground on the spot, but these were a very small number.

"Move the gun?" Du Hongyu, who was walking forward in the array, was surprised when he heard the sound of the gun.

However, he then thought about it. Firearms such as bird guns and hook guns came from the West, so it was not surprising that the Zheng family had some equipment.

Thinking of this, he saw that he was already approaching the opponent's formation. The Zheng family's gunners in front of him were retreating one by one, and the spearmen were gradually revealed.

Du Hongyu's mind changed and he couldn't help but order: "Put up a Franchise!"

The cannon can shoot eighty steps, while the range of the Franchise is only fifty.

Under normal circumstances, the Franchise would naturally not be able to shoot against the cannon.

But that's not the case now.

The heavy armored soldiers of the rebel army had already approached about 20 or 30 steps outside the Zheng family's formation, and they were already within charging distance.

Therefore, Zheng Zhifeng had to order the withdrawal of the gunmen and prepare to use the spearmen to resist the rebels.

However, Du Hongyu did the opposite and ordered a bombardment with Franchise aircraft.

"They... what are they doing?" The spearman holding the spear tightly in his hand saw the rebel heavy armor soldiers who were ready to charge at any time suddenly stopped giving orders, and instead squatted down to fiddle with something.

"Frangji, that's Franji!" Someone had already seen it clearly and couldn't help but scream.

"Boom, boom, boom!" At this moment, the Franchise rang out, and countless shotguns hit the Zheng family's formation like raindrops.

"Ah, ah!" The spearman was caught off guard and was hit by a dense barrage of shotguns.

Some people relied on the protection of iron armor and escaped.

Unfortunately, some people were penetrated by the armor, or injured parts that were not protected by the armor, and fell to the ground screaming.

"Bastard!" Zheng Zhifeng saw how cunning the "submissive thief" was and became furious. He couldn't help but shouted an order, "Kill him, kill him!"

Many of the soldiers of the Zheng family came from the sea, and their many years of life at sea have honed their bravery.

When they received Zheng Zhifeng's order, they counterattacked decisively.

Since there were many soldiers from the Zheng family and few soldiers from the rebel army, soon, except for the Chinese army, the other two formations came from the left and right from both sides, surrounding Du Hongyu, Jiang Yaozu and others from three and a half sides.

When Du Hongyu and Jiang Yaozu saw this, they were not surprised but happy.

The two troops couldn't help but retreat slightly. Like a Tai Chi diagram, the first division changed into a semicircle, forming a circular formation that was better at defense, and started fighting with the three formations of the Zheng family.

"What a thief, so powerful!" Zheng Zhilong couldn't help being surprised when he saw the rebels changing their lineup like clouds and flowing water.

He has seen many enemies in the south, including red-haired ghosts who are extremely proficient in cannons and artillery, extremely brave Japanese pirates, and Franji people who are extremely good at phalanx formations, to name a few.

However, he has never seen such fierce and tenacious men and horses, who were hit by red barbarian cannons and bird cannons without collapsing, and who were surrounded on three sides and were able to trap the beasts and still fight.

However, fortunately, there are not many "successful thieves" in this group. Otherwise, I am afraid that the boat will capsize today.

However, just when Zheng Zhifeng breathed a sigh of relief and prepared for the coming victory, suddenly a "rumbling" sound came from the distance, maybe like thunder, like drums, or like an earth dragon turning over.

"Cavalry, cavalry, armor and cavalry equipment!" At this moment, Zhu Dadian suddenly exclaimed.

"What kind of armor and riding equipment?" Zheng Zhifeng looked confused, but he soon understood.

It was ten minutes in the evening, and the rays of sunlight shone from the west, illuminating the cavalry and soldiers in front of them, and dazzling rays of light flickered.

"Knight, this is a knight, oh, my God, save me!" At this moment, the Franji mercenaries under Zheng Zhifeng quickly reacted and couldn't help shouting in a strange tone.

Yes, this is the last man and horse in Wang Ding's hands, an armored cavalry covered in Ming armor.

In fact, this armored cavalry is no different from the previous armored cavalry of the rebel army. It is also a half-armored cavalry.

The horse he sits on is only equipped with the front half parts such as chest and neck guard.

However, even such a half-armored cavalry cannot be easily resisted by Zheng Zhifeng's soldiers.

"Spearman, spearman, quickly turn around and hit it, hit it!" Zheng Zhifeng couldn't help but shouted anxiously.

"Dang Kouhou, it's over, let's go quickly, let's go quickly!" Seeing this, Zhu Dadian couldn't help but pull Zheng Zhifeng to persuade him.

Are you kidding me? In your current situation, can you withstand armor and riding equipment?

"Superintendent, you don't know something. My phalanx uses the method of flange machine!" Zheng Zhifeng couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "The musket hand is used to attack the enemy, and the spear hand is used to stop the cavalry. unfavorable."

"Supervisor, please be patient and let me break it for you!"

No, are you serious?

Upon hearing this, Zhu Dadian looked Zheng Zhifeng up and down, and couldn't help but hurriedly ran away to the ship without looking back.

"Ah, you..." Zheng Zhifeng didn't expect that Zhu Dadian would be so timid, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart: No wonder the state affairs are at this point, it turns out that the civil and military officials in the city are so greedy for life and afraid of death.

It's too late, but it's soon.

Just when Zheng Zhifeng was filled with emotion, the rebel armored cavalry First Flag slammed into the spear array.

"Huh, it's blocked!" Zheng Zhifeng was startled, and then he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the spearmen were not defeated.

"Kill, kill!" However, he never expected that just after the first flag hit, the second flag followed closely behind.

However, the third flag, the fourth flag, and the fifth flag come again and again, as if they are endless.

"Ah, this" Zheng Zhifeng's expression turned ugly.

"Ah, run quickly, I can't stand it, I can't stand it!" Soon, the spearmen who had withstood several impacts began to collapse, and the gunmen who were covering them were exposed again.

"Kill!" The panting Wang Ding couldn't help but shouted when he saw that the formation had been broken, and he excitedly led his cavalry to kill him again.

"Kill!" Seeing that the Zheng family's phalanx began to become chaotic, Du Hongyu and Jiang Yaozu couldn't help but lead their heavily armored elite soldiers to fight back.

For a moment, the Zheng family's phalanx was in chaos. Wang Ding, Du Hongyu and Jiang Yaozu led heavy cavalry and heavy footwork to repeatedly attack and kill them, and soon collapsed.

"How is this possible?" Zheng Zhifeng couldn't believe her eyes.

He never expected that his six thousand versus one thousand five hundred would suffer such a disastrous defeat!

Zheng Zhifeng was finally pulled onto the boat. Unexpectedly, Zhu Dadian had been waiting for a long time.

He knew that Zheng Zhifeng was a little dissatisfied, so he couldn't help but comment: "Although all of the Zheng family navy men are good men, their armor, discipline, and training are not as good as those of others. How can they accomplish anything now that they are so brave?"

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