Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1693 Three Kills

When Zhang Shun led Wukong, his left and right guards, Nanjing surrender minister Jiu Xun, wealthy people, salt merchants and others to Shangyuan Gate, the battle was over.

There was blood outside Shangyuan Gate, and from the city gate to the river bank it was like being painted with cinnabar and vermilion paint.

The short one-mile road illustrates what it means to be a river of blood.

And just above this "river of blood", there are still corpses and wreckage "floating".

Guns, spears, armor, and flags were thrown everywhere. They were either soaked in blood, or stuck diagonally on the ground or on the corpse, or held tightly in the hands of the corpse.

There were still many wounded soldiers struggling and wailing in the bloody water. Their faces could not be seen, only their bodies were covered in blood!

Hell, this is a hell on earth!

"Ugh, vomit!" The noble ministers, aristocratic families, and wealthy salt merchants who had already vomited nothing more couldn't help but vomit out some sour water.

If Zhang Shun's prediction is correct, I'm afraid they will suffer from nightmares for the past month.

Although this is cruel, it is the simplest, most direct, and gentlest way Zhang Shun can think of to deter these unscrupulous people.

"Your Highness!" At this moment, the sad Wang Ding, who was squatting in front of a horse corpse, quickly came up to meet him.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Shun looked at Wang Ding, whose eyes were red, and pointed at the dead horse on the ground and asked.

"My horse is dead!" Wang Ding sighed.

"?" Zhang Shun almost complained on the spot after hearing this.

He knew he didn't mean it, but he still couldn't help but secretly complain.

It turns out that this horse is a good horse. It was a gift given to Wang Ding by his brother Wang Shiguo when Yulin Jiangmen decided to join Zhang Shun.

Unexpectedly, the war horse followed Zi Wang Ding and charged repeatedly. Finally, it was exhausted and fell to the side of the road.

"You did a good job today. With one against four, it can be said to be a great victory!" Zhang Shun nodded with satisfaction and promised by the way.

"This king will not only reward you this time, but also reward you with a good horse as a reward for your contribution today!"

"Hey, it's nothing, it's nothing." Wang Ding quickly waved his hands modestly after hearing this, "This Zheng family navy seems to have a decent posture, but in fact, it's just a donkey's shit with a shiny surface, and once it's beaten, it's all exposed. !”

"..." As soon as Wang Ding said these words, all the princes, old officials, wealthy families and salt merchants on the scene fell silent.

It turned out that Wei Guogong Xu Yunjue, Baoguo Gong Zhu Guobi and others had heard that Zheng Zhilong had sent a navy to come, and they couldn't help but have high hopes for him.

They only boasted that he was rare in the sky, unparalleled on earth, that his writing was comparable to that of Zhuge, and that his martial arts was comparable to that of Yue Wu.

No one expected that this bullshit would be slapped in the face so quickly.

Thousands of mighty elite soldiers were beaten by less than one battalion, leaving corpses strewn across the field and rivers of blood.

The gap between front and back was so huge that no one could recover for a while.

"Hey, if only there was a navy here, this battle would be perfect!" Just as everyone was immersed in shock and could not forget it for a long time, Zhang Shun had already raised his eyes and looked into the distance, looking at the chaotic water on the river. division.

After a hard fight by Wukong, Wang Ding and others, Xu Chengming and Zheng Zhifeng were killed until their blood flowed into a river, and they finally escaped to the boat.

Fortunately for Xu Chengming, most of the boats they took were small boats, and they quickly left the river.

Most of the warships under Zheng Zhifeng's command were sea-going ships with huge hulls and many sails. It would be quite difficult to set sail.

At this time, if a navy takes the opportunity to attack, discipline them and there will be no return.

It's a pity that Huang Sunmao and his troops respected themselves and refused to come, thus wasting this rare opportunity.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun's teeth were itching with hatred, and he wished he could pull out Huang Sunmao and chop him into pieces.

"Your Highness, look at that!" Just when Zhang Shun was filled with anger, Wang Duo suddenly pointed toward the river to the west and said, "What is that?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Shun looked along Wang Duo's hand and saw a small boat floating among the waves in the rolling Yangtze River.

Then there was a song: "Grandpa was born between heaven and earth, and does not live in the Five Mountains or Three Mountains; I am in charge of the rivers and Huaihe Rivers, and I do not seek wealth and rank, nor do I serve as an official. Now I hear that the waves are invading the Yangtze River, and I am rushing to be the first to protect you!"

"It's him?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but was stunned when he heard the song, and immediately laughed.

"Your Highness, this is it." Wang Duo couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the singing sound somewhat familiar.

"An old friend!"

"An old friend?"

"My old friend Huang Shoucai, the rescue came too late. Please forgive me, His Highness King Shun!" At this moment, a loud voice came from the river.

"Huang Shoucai? Who is this?" Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and couldn't help but whisper among themselves.

"No, it's 'Water Thief' Huang Shoucai, hurry up, tell Zheng Zhifeng to set sail!" Only Xu Chengming's face changed drastically when he heard this, and he couldn't help but give orders repeatedly.

"Huang Shoucai?" Although Zheng Zhifeng didn't know what this man was capable of, but when he saw the rebel navy going down the river, he thought: Not good!

He quickly ordered: "Quick, quick, the small boat is coming up; the big ship is getting ready to raise its sails and set sail!"

"Set the boat on fire!" While Zheng Zhifeng and the others were in a hurry, Huang Shoucai's roar was heard.

Suddenly, billowing smoke appeared from the boat that was floating in the waves.

Nearly a hundred small boats, like nearly a hundred rockets, trailing long smoke trails, slammed into Zheng Zhifeng's fleet.

The sharp iron cone at the front of the boat slammed into the hull of the huge sea-going ship and was firmly connected.

The sulfur, fodder, saltpeter and oil loaded on the boat burst into flames, licking the hull of the ship mercilessly.

Those hulls made of precious woods such as yellow pear wood, iron wood, teak wood, etc., resisted desperately for a while, but eventually sparks burst out helplessly.

The precious wood used to build the hull was at the top, and the heavy red barbarian cannons, complicated rigging sails, and the elite soldiers who had just been defeated had all lost their due role.

"Let's go, let's go quickly!" Zheng Zhifeng's heart sank, and he looked at the rebel soldiers who were still watching eagerly on the shore, knowing that he could not be kind today.

why why?

It was obvious that the "shun thieves" had neither a boat nor any soldiers, so why did they lose?

It’s okay if you lose. Anyway, you have a boat and you can use it to go freely.

Why did the enemy's fire ship appear at the critical moment?

"It's over, it's all over, it's all over!" Just as Zheng Zhifeng was immersed in sadness, a voice suddenly rang out.

Zheng Zhifeng turned around and saw that the supervisor Zhu Dadian was shouting at the sky and the earth, with tears streaming down his face.

Zheng Zhifeng looked at the burning warship, at the burning man who was jumping off the ship, and at the "shun thieves" who were hunting the drowned soldiers in the water like ghosts. Go underwater.


"Dang Kouhou has fallen into the water, Dang Kouhou has fallen into the water!"

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