"Are you Mr. Zhang? You have been wronged!" Zhang Shun looked at the scribe who was tied up and couldn't help but quickly ordered, "Quickly, untie Mr. Zhang, no, I'll do it!"

Seeing that Wukong hadn't made a move yet, Zhang Shun was about to step forward.

Unexpectedly, Wukong grabbed the rope that bound Zhang Pu, pulled it gently, and heard a "pop" sound before it broke into two pieces.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang has suffered!" Zhang Shun quickly helped Zhang Pu up and asked Tian Jianxiu unhappily, "What's going on? Why did you tie Mr. Zhang?"

"Well, Zhang Pu met my general and spoke rudely, openly encouraging my general to rebel against His Highness!" Tian Jianxiu explained quickly.

"Oh? Are there any?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but look at Zhang Pu after hearing this.

After hearing Zhang Shun's words, Zhang Pu couldn't help being surprised and happy, and quickly sow discord and said: "Your Highness clearly knows that Li Zicheng's 'thief' nature is hard to change, and he intends to capture the king, kill him, and separate the Dongjiang River, so he invited me to come .”

"Unexpectedly, I refused to obey, but he actually beat me up and accused me of inciting them."

"Fart, how can there be such a thing in the world that confuses right and wrong!" Before Zhang Pu could finish his words, Tian, ​​who was already angry when he saw that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, retorted loudly.

"Okay, okay, so that's what happened. General Tian, ​​please calm down!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing after hearing this, and asked Zhang Pu instead.

"Sir, you are a famous person in the world, how can you behave like a villain?"

"Your Highness!" Zhang Pu couldn't help but said angrily after hearing Zhang Shun's words, "I am a famous scholar from Jiangdong, and I am taught by the saint. How could I act like this?"

"Please, Your Highness, grant me a sword as soon as possible so that I can make my will known through death!"

"Death to express one's ambition?" After hearing this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth and asked, "What is your ambition?"

"Let the world know that 'Mr. Renxue, the servant', in order to protect his master, he demoted his biological mother to nothing!"

"You, you. I will fight with you!" After hearing Zhang Shun's words, Zhang Pu's eyes suddenly went straight and he couldn't help but rush forward.

Unexpectedly, he was grabbed by Wukong and picked up like a little chicken. He dropped it to the side and was unable to get up for a long time.

"Ahhh!" Zhang Pu was stabbed in the painful spot by Zhang Shun, and there was no way to vent the pent-up energy in his heart. He couldn't help but beat him randomly and yelled. The three women, Dong Xiaowan, Bian Yujing and Bian Min, were so frightened that they hurriedly pulled Zhang Pu away. If you go smoothly, go back.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun waved his hand and signaled them to leave. Then he looked at Zhang Pu and said, "I thought that if you are a great talent, you must have some great lectures to teach me. When I saw him today, I couldn't help but be disappointed."

"Madam is born between heaven and earth. There should be no distinction between men and women, beauty and ugliness, rich and poor, wise and foolish, noble and humble!"

""Warring States Policy" says: If you treat me as a countryman, I will repay you as a countryman! "Mencius" also says: Shun was sent to the countryside, Fu Shuo was raised among the boards, and Jiao Ge was raised among the fish and salt. Among them, Guan Yiwu was promoted to the scholar, Sun Shuao was promoted to the sea, and Baili Xi was promoted to the city. They are all like this!"

"They are respected by the world because of their talent and learning. However, they are humiliated by the world without showing their talent and learning?"

"Sir, he was born into a big family, so he should know his private interests. If one person is a slave, he will be a slave for the rest of his life. What's the difference between raising people and raising cattle and horses?"

"Without three meals a day, there will be no leisure for life. The young have no support, and the old have no support. But if something goes wrong, they will be beaten and kicked, and their bodies will be left in the ditch. No one dares to ask questions."

"When you give birth to children, your children and grandchildren are not your own children, and your wives and daughters are not your own wives and daughters. They are slaves of your master's family. Is it because of the teachings of sages that you are so unkind?"

"Confucius said: When I am old, I am like the old of others; when I am young, I am like the young of others. He also said: Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you."

"Sir, great talent, please tell me how to keep slaves without violating the teachings of the saints?"

"You really want to abolish slavery?" Zhang Pu, who was already in pain, couldn't help but be startled when he heard this.

"I not only want to abolish slavery, but also want to abolish low status and establish a society where everyone is equal and free!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but nodded and smiled.

"Your Highness is joking!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Pu shook his head when he heard this and said, "The punishment is not as good as that of a doctor, and the courtesy is not as good as that of a common man!"

"Your Highness is the most respected person in the world. He achieved great ambition at a young age and took over the world against his will, to the point where he regards superiority and inferiority as nothing."

"You must know that if there are no kings and ministers, fathers and sons, husbands and wives, the world will be in chaos!"

People of this era have never experienced modern society at all, and naturally cannot imagine the concept of equality for everyone. Therefore, as soon as they heard that Zhang Shun "abolition of slavery", they couldn't help but become "rebellious".

When Zhang Shun heard this, he couldn't help but smile and said: "The superiority and inferiority are due to responsibilities; everyone is equal, which is personality!"

"For example, now that I am the most respected person in the world, I want to make beggars eat the food they complain about. Is that okay?"


"Why? It's an insult to his dignity!"

"Now that I am the most respected person in the world, I want General Li to attack the rebellion. Is that okay?"


"Why, this is official business!"

"This" Zhang Pu thought for a long time after hearing this, and couldn't help but light up his eyes and said, "Your Highness, are you saying that 'the public has superiors and subordinates, and private individuals have no dignity'?"

"The enemy!" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect Zhang Pu to have such an experience.

He thought carefully for a moment, and it seemed that this sentence "the public belongs to the superior, the private has no dignity" summed up all his thoughts.

However, Zhang Shun did not know that just when he was surprised by Zhang Pu's ability to understand and summarize, his words were like a bolt from the blue, setting off a storm in Zhang Pu's heart.

It turns out that it has been two thousand years since Confucius founded Confucianism. Although there have been constant tinkerings during this period, it is ultimately a set of doctrines based on the classical aristocratic society. It has been difficult to adapt to the gradually civilian and flat society since the Song and Ming Dynasties. Social development.

It was this backward gene that was an important reason why the barbarian societies of the Yuan and Qing Dynasties were able to quickly establish their rule with backward civilization after they took over the Central Plains.

To put it bluntly, the society of the Central Plains has been unable to get rid of the shackles of backward ideas. Instead, it was dragged back to the rule of the "aristocratic" by the barbarians.

However, Zhang Shun's advanced ideas "introduced" from later generations were very suitable for solving the problems of civilianization and liberalization of society in the late Ming Dynasty, so Zhang Pu was shocked as a "man of heaven".

"In other words, if a person has money, he can hire others to cook for him, take care of his garden, weave and spin cotton? He can even form an army. No, no, this cannot, this is 'official business'! "Zhang Pu drew inferences from one instance and quickly thought of a lot.

"Yes, that's the theory!" Zhang Shun nodded with satisfaction, "Unless it violates the law, these matters can be negotiated by oneself."

"Then that person has too much power, right?" Zhang Pu frowned and couldn't help but question.

There is only one law in this era, the "Da Ming Law". If everything relies on the law, it is obvious that personal power will expand rapidly.

"This. This requires the establishment and improvement of the entire legal system!" Zhang Shun smiled, "That's what I think."

The two of them were talking to each other, completely unaware that one was pacing back and forth with his head held high, while the other was still lying on the ground, sometimes pondering, sometimes arguing vehemently.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly someone shouted: “Your Highness, it’s time to eat!”

"Oh?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, but seeing that it was getting late, he couldn't help but smile, "In that case, then I'll invite you, sir, to have dinner with me!"

"Ah, this" Dong Xiaowan couldn't help but look embarrassed when he heard this.

It turned out that she only cooked for Zhang Shun and had no part in preparing Zhang Pu's meals.

"It doesn't matter, just serve more rice later!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he saw Dong Xiaowan's expression and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Hey, how can this be done? How can this be done? I am a guilty minister, how can I dare to talk to His Highness?" Zhang Pu quickly refused after hearing this.

"Hey, sir, you are still servile!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but joked before he could finish, "The public has superiors, private individuals have no respect!"

"This is a private banquet, what can you say?"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry for being rude!" Zhang Pu couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and then Shi Shiran got up from the ground.

But because he had been lying there for so long, half of his body was numb and he almost fell back.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun had quick eyes and quick hands and reached out to help him up again.

Zhang Pu didn't say anything this time, and only one sentence popped into his mind: "You treat me like a countryman, and I will repay you as a countryman!"

Not long after, Dong Xiaowan actually brought out two dishes, one was tiger skin meat, and the other was fried meat with frost sunflower.

"Come on, come on, eat, eat, eat!" Zhang Shun handed Zhang Pu a pair of chopsticks, and then started to eat happily.

"This" Zhang Pu couldn't help but was stunned. He found that no one came to serve the dignified King Shun when he was eating, and there were no other delicacies. He was stunned for a moment.

"What's the matter? Doesn't it suit Mr.'s taste?" Zhang Shun asked strangely when he saw that he was reluctant to move his chopsticks.

"It's nothing!" Zhang Pu smiled awkwardly and said with emotion, "Unexpectedly, His Highness actually does what he said, and he is as consistent as he is on the outside. This is a disgrace to me, a disciple of the saint!"

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