Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1697 Zhang Pu’s Determination

Zhang Pu left, and despite Zhang Shun's repeated attempts to stay, he left.

It's not that he disagrees with Zhang Shun's ideas, but that he agrees with Zhang Shun so much that he takes the risk of going back to persuade Fushe members to support Zhang Shun.

Fushe is not a simple academic society, but consists of Yunjian Jishe, Xiangshan Tongshe, Zhexi Wenshe, Jiangbei Nanshe, Jiangxi Zeshe, Litingxishe, Zhongzhou Duanshe, Zhedong Chaoshe, etc. A large society composed of more than a dozen societies.

Because of its strong influence, it is also known as "Xiao Donglin" and "Si Donglin". In addition to advocating exchanges of knowledge and tempering one's character, it also advocates "exerting rents, revoking membership, withdrawing envoys from the middle, and stopping internal affairs." Hold".

That is to say, the court was required to exempt local arrears of taxes, appoint dismissed officials, remove the eunuchs sent by the emperor to various places, and suspend the eunuchs' armor training, etc., which reflected the interests of the landlords, merchants and citizens in the Jiangnan area.

In terms of ideological propositions, restoring society is actually the rebirth of the Donglin Party.

Since Zhang Pu established the Fushe, it has been extremely influential in just a few years. More than tens of thousands of people have followed it. Many civil and military officers, sergeants and officials, and school students all claim to be Zhang Pu's disciples.

Even on the original historical line, in order to fight against Wen Tiren, Fushe also controlled the government and pushed Zhou Yanru, who had been idle for eight years, into the cabinet.

The amount of energy is staggering.

Tian Jianxiu praised him for "living in the countryside, but he can also control the imperial court; even though he is idle, he can also rule the world." This is not an exaggeration. This is why he confidently went to "drive a wedge between" Li Zicheng and Zhang The root cause of success.

If Li Zicheng really controlled 20,000 elite soldiers, once he established himself in Jiangdong with the help of Fushe, he would be a "little overlord" again.

However, neither Zhang Pu nor other members of Fushe thought that with the unprecedented growth of the rebel forces, Li Zicheng no longer had the conditions to stand on his own.

One is that Li Zicheng's nephew Li Guo has been "confessed" and is stranded in Shanxi, unable to respond to Li Zicheng's call.

The other one is Liu Zongmin, Dang Shousu, Zhang Rukui, and Luo Shangwen under his command. Dang Shousu and Zhang Rukui are self-contained. Luo Shangwen has become Zhang Shun's die-hard loyalist because he accepted some of Zhang Fengyi's white-pole soldiers. .

Only Liu Zongmin could follow him in rebellion, but he did not have overwhelming power.

Unless Li Zicheng was deceived by lard, there is no way that the prince would not do anything good, but instead do something to make him "King of Wei and Wu".

Zhang Pu was also an extraordinary person. He had originally planned to "die as a martyr", but after meeting Zhang Shun, he had other thoughts.

For one thing, he did come from a humble background. His mother was a slave of the Zhang family, and he received countless looks for this reason.

Second, he saw an opportunity in Zhang Shun.

Although the rebel army is strong and has won over Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi, Zhu Wanling and others, how can Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi, Zhu Wanling and others compare with Fushe, which "brings together the world's cultural context"?

If Fushe completely surrenders to Zhang Shun, he will not only be able to promote his ideals and ambitions, but also be able to completely bury the dying Donglin Party in the ground and then set foot on it.

"Tianru, how are you?" When Zhang Pu just arrived in Taicang, Suzhou, Zhang Cai, one of the "Two Loudong Zhangs" who came to greet him, couldn't help but asked quickly.

"I failed to convince 'King Chuang'." Zhang Pu shook his head with a wry smile, "On the contrary, I was convinced by His Highness 'King Shun'!"

"Ah?" When Zhang Cai heard this, he originally wanted to comfort Zhang Pu, but when he heard the next sentence, he was stunned, "Why is this?"

Zhang Pu was a great talent, ten times better than himself. Of course Zhang Cai would not think that he would be confused by Zhang Shun.

"'King Chuang' is tall and taciturn, and has the style of Uncle Liu Huang!" Zhang Pu couldn't help but sigh, "But 'King Shun' is magnanimous and has the style of the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, which is much better than him!"

"Is nothing too much?" Zhang Cai was a strict man, and he had always heard that Zhang Shun was a "thief and bandit" and was involved in the old affairs of Wei Wu and Liang Zu, so he had a very bad impression of him.

"I have observed that the generals under his command are all unruly, like wolves and tigers. If they were not restrained by them, the world would be in chaos!" Zhang Pu couldn't help but explain.

"Looking at her habits, she is known for being lustful. However, there are only three maids, and each meal only has two dishes, which is very simple!"

"Instead of talking about the affairs of the world, His Highness said, 'Animals are slaves, just like cattle and horses, and they are extremely unkind.' This is completely different from what you and I stand for."

"This person can be used as a support, but not as an enemy."

"If we take the lead in returning to society and join him, we will surely be able to help the world and show our ambition!"

"Tianru, the king chooses his ministers, and the ministers are also the king." When Zhang Cai heard this, he couldn't help but said seriously, "You want to take refuge in King Shun, but I have nothing to do with it. Others may just scold you."

"But you actually want to encourage the entire society to defect to King Shun. Do you know how much pressure you will face?"

"I know, but I don't want to watch the Fushe that I created with my own hands go to ruin!" Zhang Pu was silent for a moment before speaking.

“This time, I visited ‘King Chuang’ and ‘King Shun’, and also saw the remains of the war outside Nanjing, and then I understood a truth.”

"What's the point?" Zhang Cai asked strangely.

"We are like the vines, and others are like the big trees. No matter how lush the vines grow, they will eventually wrap around their trees."

"Just like the two of us want to 'treat others as equals', even Zhang Yao, who was born as a slave, cannot be admitted as a disciple. But King Shun wants to 'abolish slavery', but only a piece of paper can cause a great earthquake in the world."

"Why? They have soldiers, guns, and principles. How can we defeat them?"

"If we join forces, it will be different."

"Softness can overcome hardness, and weakness can control strength. Although he can control us now, we may not be able to control him in the future!"

"The world is not the world of one person, the world is the world of everyone. When the time comes, even if it is the dignified King Shun, what will he do?"

"You think well, but do you think those people will follow you?" Zhang Cai couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this.

It turns out that since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang despised and tabooed the Confucian scholars because they mostly followed the Mongolian and Yuan dynasties for dominance and prosperity and did not feel ashamed to follow the Hu. Therefore, he established a set of methods to "hijack" the scholar-officials.

For example, no one can be granted a title without military merit, and other examples include the establishment of factory guards, prison edicts, and the court staff that is often used to humiliate ministers.

All this vaguely reveals the fact that the Ming Dynasty's attitude towards the scholars was to keep them as "slaves", and used hostility and humiliation as the main means to treat them.

Therefore, the scholarly style of the Ming Dynasty was also characterized by surliness and intolerance. Scholars also had the characteristics of being "excited and eager to do the best for their own good", "rising up when they hear about it, and fighting when there is advice", and like to criticize and destroy the sages.

That's why Zhang Caicai reminded Zhang Pu, no matter how famous you are now, once you do something they don't like, you will soon be criticized and slandered all over the world.

Of course, in fact, the surly attitude of the Ming Dynasty scholars was not only due to the so-called monarch's attitude, but also due to the fact that after the great development of society in the Ming Dynasty, society developed towards flattening, civilianization, and commercialization, which in turn led to the conflict between Confucian views and society. inevitable result.

On the one hand, these scholars were deeply bound by traditional loyalty, filial piety and justice, and were unable to resist the existing feudal system.

On the other hand, they were deeply influenced by the reality of the so-called budding capitalism, which inevitably led to their own strange thoughts, and then formed a "surly" scholarly style.

"If you want to achieve great things, how can you look forward and backward?" Unexpectedly, Zhang Pu was not afraid when he heard this, but smiled.

"I want to convene the Spring and Autumn Assembly again to debate the right and wrong with the Confucian scholars!"

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