Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 17 The public wants to cross the river

In the evening, all the generals finished their work and came to report to Zhang Shun.

Zhao Yutou told Zhang Shun that the recruitment of soldiers had been completed, and the original amount of about 1,000 troops had basically been replenished. There are only two points that need to be explained: one is that there are many hungry people in Mengjin, and there are many people who want to eat with them;

Zhang Shun asked everyone for their opinions, and everyone suggested to recruit more soldiers so that they could bring more food. Zhang Shun thought about it, and decided to recruit another 500 soldiers. The surplus food was distributed to the families of the soldiers, and the rest was distributed to the hungry people on the spot. By the way, he hired more ox carts for transportation. Zhao Yutou was still in charge of this matter.

Secondly, Chen Jindou reported that he had found some books, and handed over a thick stack to Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun took a rough look, and found that most of them were scripts, lunar calendars, Four Books and Five Classics, etc., so it was too late to take a closer look. They told Chen Jindou that the matter was considered complete, and arranged for him to find some horses tomorrow so that everyone could ride them; in addition, they would find some tarpaulins for tents. If there were no tarpaulins, ordinary cloth would do.

In the end, Zhang Sanbai reported that he had found three blacksmiths and was working hard to build gun heads. It is estimated that sixty or seventy gun heads will be delivered tomorrow. In addition, he searched the county government and the people and obtained a total of more than thirty long guns of various types, which means that they can be delivered almost tomorrow. Equipped with more than one hundred spearmen. In addition, he asked: "I saw a lot of weapons such as axes and machetes in the farmer's yard. Do you want to recruit them and use them?"

Zhang Shun thought for a while, and said to him: "It's better than nothing, so we'll recruit them together." Then, he arranged for Zhang Sanbai to continue to be in charge of this matter. And the ax is installed.

After everyone reported, Zhang Shun felt uneasy, so he called Zhao Lizi, and asked him to send a few people to Luoyang on horseback, to keep an eye on the movement of the Henan Guard, and if there was anything unusual, he would hurry back and report it in time. Everything was arranged, but luckily the next day was fine.

By the afternoon of the second day, everything was over and everyone was ready to retreat. Zhang Shunnai ordered everyone to load grain into the carts, totaling about 800 shi. In addition to the expropriation of tents, the collection of gold and silver from the homes of county magistrates and county officials, a total of eighty or ninety carts were loaded.

In view of the fact that some of the drivers were old and difficult to follow, Zhang Shun asked Zhao Yutou to distribute grain, settle his wages at once, and bought all his ox carts, and then recruited young and capable drivers in the city to fill the drivers. Afterwards, everyone took advantage of the night to return with a full load and returned to Hanguang Wuling. The two sides met each other and asked each other about their parting, both of them were very embarrassed. I haven't seen you for two days, but I feel like meeting again after a long absence.

Zhang Shun asked how Taoist Ma was staying behind, and Taoist Ma said that except for a few people who tried to steal food and were killed by him, nothing else happened.

So, everyone talked about future affairs. Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun laughed out loud at this time, and started rewarding meritorious deeds, announcing in public:

Zhao Lizi has the ability to break the door, Wukong has the ability to charge into battle, and Chen Jindou has the ability to cut the classics. These three are each given twenty taels of silver. Ma Daochang has the merit of staying behind, Zhang Sanbai has the merit of fighting and recommending, Zhang Wuhao has the merit of fighting and offering advice, and also rewards five taels of silver. Liu Yinggui has the merit of supervising the war, and rewarded him with two taels of silver. After receiving the rewards, everyone smiled happily.

As for Zhao Yutou, the reward is twenty taels of silver. When everyone heard it, they were all dissatisfied.

Zhang Shun said with a smile: "Let me tell you the credit for it, and it will not be too late if there are any objections."

"First, the merit of offering strategies. Offering three strategies to recruit the hungry people, taking Mengjin, and crossing the Yellow River. It is the solution to our current emergency. Second, the promotion of talents, his grandson Zhao Lizi and the strong man Zhang Sanbai are all recommended by him. Also. Thirdly, this person has already made up his mind about the future matters that we were supposed to discuss."

"How dare you ask?" Everyone asked.

"Mengjin has no danger to defend, and it is close to Luoyang, so it is not a place to stay for a long time. Zhao Yutou has already suggested that I cross the Yellow River, and use the mountains in Shanxi as the place to develop my business. These three strategies are all their merits, because they attacked The granary is not good, this is its fault. Three merits and one fault, in total, a reward of twenty taels of silver, why not?"

Everyone listened, thought for a moment, and had to admit that Zhang Shun had clear rewards and punishments. Prior to this, Ma Daochang and Chen Jindou had also discussed privately, and they also believed that Mengjin could not be guarded, and there were only three places that everyone could go to: one was Songshan Mountain, the other was Funiu Mountain, and the third was Taihang Mountain.

People in Songshan have the worry of Shaolin Temple. Shaolin is the sect of monks. Shaolin monks are famous all over the world. They were often recruited as elite soldiers for the Ming Dynasty. If everyone goes here, they will probably cast themselves into a trap.

People in Funiu Mountain suffer from hairy gourds. Since the end of Yuan Dynasty, "hair gourd" has been famous all over the world for a long time, and its reputation is still higher than that of Shaolin monks. They are also soldiers, with their feet bound and their heads bound, with long spears and heavy arrows, killing people as a profession. It is only because they use animal skins as their arrows and houses like gourds, so they are called the "hair gourd" army. According to here, the benefits are mixed. It has the advantage of recruiting troops and the danger of being encircled and suppressed. But the mountains are not high enough, and the valleys are not deep enough, so it has never been heard of anyone who has succeeded in guarding this place since ancient times.

Only the land of Taihang has high mountains and lush forests, and the officers and soldiers cannot reach it. Since ancient times, those who raised troops have mostly used this as their foundation. During the Jiajing period, there was an uprising in Lu'an Mansion, and it took three years before the imperial court put it down, which shows the danger of the place.

Ma and Chen thought this strategy would be enough to subdue Zhao Yutou, but they didn't expect that the guy had already suggested it when he suggested it last time. However, fortunately, this strategy has some flaws, and I don't know how to deal with it.

At this time, everyone really asked: "But the flood is rolling and never receding, and there are no boats, how can we cross the river?"

Everyone was wondering, but suddenly they heard singing coming from the river. They turned their heads to look, but saw that the water surface was dotted with lights of boats.

Everyone couldn't help being shocked. It was the time of the flood, and the water conditions were different from usual. Few boatmen dared to cross the river at this time, let alone at night? Furthermore, the flood broke out a few days ago, and many boats and boats were capsized. Are there any safe ones? They couldn't help but asked one after another: "Who is this? How bold is he to cross the river?"

"My lord is a real dragon, and I have never heard of dragons being trapped by water since ancient times. The river god who came here to help me heard that my lord is in trouble, so I came to help." Zhao Yutou replied confidently, "I don't know if you have heard of it. 'River God' Huang Shoucai? I have already sent someone to call him, and now he is here."

"It turned out to be him, no wonder it is so!" Zhang Shun, Ma Daochang, Chen Jindou, Liu Yinggui, and Zhang Wuhao were not locals, so they didn't know this person, but Zhao Lizi and Zhang Sanbai suddenly realized.

It turns out that Huang Shoucai, whose name is Yingjie and Duiquan, is from Yanshi, Henan. He lost his father since he was a child, and his family was in a difficult situation. When he was young, he used boating as a profession. He was so intelligent that he knew the water properties of the Yellow River very well. He is also familiar with river principles, and is extremely good at dredging and guiding rivers to eliminate floods. Therefore, it is called "the god of the river".

In such a flood, no one else dared to cross the Yellow River except this man who led the way. After Zhao Yutou offered his advice, he had already sent someone who was familiar with water, swam through the flood, and went to Yanshi to look for him. Unexpectedly, he just came back today.

Don't underestimate the nickname "River God", but it is powerful. Since ancient times, in the land of China, mountains, rivers and rivers have offered sacrifices, but there are only "five mountains and four blasphemy". The so-called "Five Sacred Mountains", the forehead is the southern mountain Hengshan, the nose is the middle mountain Songshan, the face is the northern mountain Hengshan, the left cheek is the eastern mountain Taishan, the right cheek is the western mountain Huashan; For the river, the nose is for the economy. These nine are described by the five senses of a person, and they are all righteous sacrifices, and the rest of the mountain gods, Hebo, are all prostitute sacrifices.

In the previous dynasties, there were many awards for the "Five Sacred Mountains and Four Dus". By the time of Tang and Song Dynasties, the Five Sacred Mountains were awarded the highest kings and the Sidus were awarded the highest princes. Since the founding of the country by Ming Taizu, the titles of mountains, rivers and rivers have been removed, and each has been returned to its original source. The Yellow River has been named "the god of the Xidu River", and most of them are simply called "the god of the river" or "the god of Hebo". This person actually earned the title of "River God" in his human body, which shows his talent.

When the boat docked, everyone took a closer look at the man who came out of the boat: he was about 30 years old, wearing a torn turban, naked upper body, and a pair of shorts, bare feet, full of heroism, Shrewd and capable.

Zhang Shun hurriedly greeted him: "I'm Zhang Wenyuan, you've worked hard, let the brothers come over and drink some hot soup before crossing the river."

Huang Shoucai said a few words modestly, but couldn't refuse, so he brought a dozen boatmen down to have some food. Originally, because of the flood, everyone lost their source of livelihood. It was the time when they were hungry, and they were persuaded by Zhang Shun's three words and two words, and they all started eating and drinking big mouthfuls.

They did not cross the river until they had eaten and drank enough. Huang Shoucai and others had no choice but to extradite him many times because of the large number of people and food. By the way, Zhang arranged for Wukong and Zhang Sanbai to cross the river with 200 of his own guards, and set up a guard by the way. Then began to transport the food and Ma Daochang, who was in charge of the food, and so on, until everyone had crossed the river, then Zhang Shun, Ma Yingniang and others were ready to cross the river.

Zhang Shun and Ma Yingniang boarded Huang Shoucai's boat, the boat was not big, and the space inside the canopy was narrow. Sitting side by side, Zhang Shun and Ma Yingniang felt a lot of embarrassment. The two had misunderstandings before, and they didn't know how to resolve them this time.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Shun simply stood up, but unexpectedly the boat shook. Zhang Shun was originally from the north, so he didn't often take a boat, so he almost fell down. Fortunately, Huang Shoucai saw that he was a rookie, so he hurried over to help him, and there was no bloody drama like Zhang Shun pounced on other girls.

When Zhang Shun got out of the canopy, he saw that it was pitch black outside, and he could only hear the sound of rushing water and whistling wind. The boat ride this time was different from the big boats used to transport grain before. Zhang Shun watched the waves rolling on the sides of the boat, feeling both worried and novel, feeling very strange.

After looking at it for a while, Zhang Shun stood up carefully, and looked back, only to see the lights on the boat behind him, like a dragon swimming. Zhang Shun wondered, in such a strong wind, how could the lights not be extinguished if there was no glass in ancient times?

He looked at the bow of the boat, only to see that it was a lantern hanging on a bamboo pole. Zhang Shun patted his forehead, secretly thinking that he was stupid, this is such a simple solution, he didn't think of it.

"Young master, be careful, don't stand on the bow. If you fall into the water if you are not stable, you may get your clothes wet." Huang Shoucai reminded loudly at this time.

Zhang Shun laughed and found that the boat was small. I have nowhere to go. Just at this moment, a mosquito-like buzzing sound came from the boat tent: "Master, it's windy outside, come to the boat tent for shelter!"

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