With the weather in Jiangnan, winter always passes very quickly.

It was only March, and the weather suddenly became warmer.

Zhang Shun had already taken off his winter clothes and put on his spring clothes.

The three girls, Dong Xiaowan, Bian Yujing and Bian Min, even took off their bloated cotton clothes, exuding a youthful atmosphere, like flowers in bud outside the city.

It's quite a bit like "the thin spring clothes in the leisure courtyard where flowers fall, and the thin clothes in the spring courtyard where gossip falls".

In just over a month, the rebel army also controlled Taiping, Zhenjiang, and Changzhou south of the Yangtze River after Li Zicheng went south, and controlled part of Suzhou.

Now that Li Zicheng had been sent by him to attack Anqing upstream of Nanjing with Huang Sunmao, other things were gradually getting on track, and Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel free.

As the saying goes: When you are full and warm, you are thinking about lust. When people are free, it is like looking for something to do.

Just when the "impotent man" Zhang Shun was about to make a move, wondering whether to start with Dong Xiaowan or Bian Yujing first, Wang Duo and Qian Qianyi couldn't help but hurried over together.

"Your Highness, there is an urgent report from Kunshan. The Oolong Association has caused an uprising in Taicang, burning down the fields and houses of several wealthy families and injuring lives." The two of them had seen Zhang Shun and couldn't help but report quickly.

"These wealthy families and officials in Kunshan and Taicang strongly demand General Luo Shangwenluo to send troops to quell the rebellion and deal with the culprits as soon as possible!"

"It seems that Zhang Pu's situation is not very good!" Zhang Shun frowned and couldn't help but sigh, "Well, it just so happens that the Spring and Autumn Festival is about to start, so I, the king, can go there together!"

"This" Wang Duo and Qian Qianyi were surprised when they heard this, and quickly tried to dissuade them, "Your Highness, a gentleman does not build dangerous walls."

"Nowadays, the 'pirates' are still entrenched in overseas islands and are eyeing the mainland. If I hear that His Highness is going there, there is no telling what trouble will happen."

It turns out that although Zheng Zhifeng was defeated, the navy still retreated to the Zhoushan Islands and frequently harassed coastal and riverine areas.

Its land division is based in Taizhou and connects to Fujian in the west. It frequently harasses Songjiang, Suzhou and Guangde. Therefore, the rebels can only actually control half of Suzhou.

"Only people in the world are afraid of me, and there is no reason for me to be afraid of others!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun laughed and said, "When I raised the army, the enemy army was more than a hundred times better than me, and I was not afraid. How can I be afraid of a small person now?" Dragon and phoenix won't work?"

Wang Duo and Qian Qianyi couldn't stop Zhang Shun, they just tried to persuade him a little bit.

Immediately, Zhang incidentally left Wang Ding and Wang Duo in Nanjing, and led Huang Shoucai's navy, Wukong and his bodyguards down the river and drove directly to Jiangyin.

As the saying goes: Mountains to the south and water to the north are yang, mountains to the north and water to the south are yin. Jiangyin is located south of the Yangtze River, so it is named: Jiangyin.

After marching for two days, the rebel army arrived outside Jiangyin City.

There is a port outside Jiangyin City called Huangtian Port.

It is said that it was opened by Lord Chun Shen of Chu to divert water from the river to irrigate the fields, hence its name.

When Zhang Shun got off the boat, Qian Qianyi couldn't help but act as a guide and told Zhang Shun: "This Jiangyin is surrounded by mountains and rivers, so it is a good place."

"It has a large river to the north, a canal to the south, and a river to the east. There is also Junshan, which rises out of the plains and overlooks the river. After the Song Dynasty crossed south, they once set up camps at the foot of the mountain. In case of emergency, this was an important place for war and defense."

"Although this place is not as good as Zhenjiang and controls the north and south, it is still an important town."

"In the past, Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty ordered generals to conquer it and sent Wu Liang to guard it. Zhang Shicheng could not cross the river to the north of the river, nor could he go up the river to see Jinling."

Qian Qianyi's words seemed unintentional, but they actually hit the target of the current rebel army.

It turns out that Zhang Shicheng was the most powerful and wealthy man in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui.

As a result, after Zhu Yuanzhang captured Jiangyin, he cut it into two parts. Jiangnan and Jiangbei could not take care of both, and eventually the entire Jiangbei area was lost.

Of course, in fact, when Zhu Yuanzhang divided Zhang Shicheng into two parts, he did not just conquer Jiangyin.

The reason why Qian Qianyi said this was mainly to persuade Zhang Shun to take over the prosperous Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas as soon as possible.

Zhang Shun didn't comment on this, but entered the city with everyone in high spirits.

Jiangyin City is very big. Although it is only a county town, it has a circumference of nine miles and 400 households, which is no less than the number of prefectures in Henan.

When Zhang Shun entered the city, he saw that the city was bustling with people, and there were many young people wearing robes and shoes. At first glance, they were scholars who came to participate in the Spring and Autumn Gathering of Fushe.

From time to time, you can still see these scholars, staying together in small groups, arguing loudly.

And some were shaking their heads all the way, as if they were reciting something.

There are also some young people who are full of blood and are playing and messing around in a nearby brothel, and some lewd lyrics and songs are heard.

"Your Highness, do you want to have fun with the people?" Qian Qianyi had always heard of Zhang Shun's lecherous reputation. Seeing him looking up, he couldn't help but suggest.

"Have fun with the people?" Zhang Shun felt that this word was going to be ruined by Qian Qianyi.

To be honest, since Zhang Shun left the capital, he hasn't "eated meat" for a long time, and he is somewhat "excited" when he thinks about it.

However, he pondered for a moment and declined politely: "Forget it, I am not that kind of person!"

Of course, this was not because Zhang Shun had changed his temper, but because he was worried that he would be like the "Syphilitic Emperor" Tongzhi, who lost his life at a young age and lost a large harem in vain.

"Wow!" When Zhang Shun decisively rejected Qian Qianyi's proposal, the eyes of the three girls Dong Xiaowan, Bian Yujing and Bian Min who were following him couldn't help but light up.

Your Highness holds a high and powerful position, is gentle and elegant, and has high aspirations. If it were not for his "impotence", he would really be the most amazing man in the world!

"Your Highness, the general is late, please punish me!" Just when the three women were committing nymphomaniacs, Luo Shangwen hurried over with a team of people.

It turned out that Luo Shangwen's white-armed soldiers were mainly stationed in Changzhou Fuzhi. They came here only because Fushe was going to hold the Spring and Autumn Conference here.

However, now the city is full of fish and fish, and there are many scholars making trouble out of nothing. Luo Shangwen is afraid of what may happen, so he leads troops to patrol everywhere, and thus misses the time to greet Zhang Shun.

"It doesn't matter, that's fine!" Zhang Shun looked at the people around him who were going their own way. There were not many people watching, so he felt much more natural.

"I see that when young men from a wealthy family in the city go out, they always cheer in front of them and support them from behind. It's such a pomp and circumstance, so it won't spread out and cause trouble."

Na Luo Shangwen was helpless after hearing this, so he had to do a good job in defense outside Jiangyin City while personally placing Zhang Shun in the county government office.

"Hey, Mr. Luo, is there a Dianshi named Yan Yingyuan in this city?" After everything was arranged, Zhang Shun couldn't help but ask.

"Dian Shi? I heard that the Dian Shi in this city is named Zhu, and there is no one named Yan!" Naluo Shangwen was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but reply.

"Ah?" In fact, Zhang Shun came here mainly to see the city and Yan Yingyuan, and then take part in the Spring and Autumn Conference.

But he never expected that the famous Yan Yingyuan in history was not here.

However, when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't help but laugh again.

Yes, history has changed.

It doesn't matter where Yan Yingyuan is.

There are already enough heroes in this era, there is no need to ask everyone to be a hero for once.

Sometimes, a person can live his own life and live his life in an ordinary way, which is the greatest happiness.

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