Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1700 I have something to say

"Heaven is like an old thief!"

"The lackey of the 'Shun Thief'!"

"An old thief who aids the tyrants!"

"Get off here, get off here!"

"This is the Spring and Autumn Conference?" Zhang Shun looked at the chaotic scene in front of him and couldn't help but look at Qian Qianyi and asked.

"Ahem." Qian Qianyi couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he heard Zhang Shun's question.

"Nowadays, scholars have a surly temperament, are murderous and angry, like to slander the sages, fight against different factions, and criticize their colleagues. This situation and this scene are just two of them!"

"Vulgar temperament, murderous and angry?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this. Seeing the excitement of the crowd under the high platform, rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves were thrown at him without giving Zhang Pu any chance to defend himself. He immediately understood something .

"Not only the temperament is like this, but there are also many 'monster clothes' in it, and the scholar's style is extravagant. The clothes he wears are red today, green in the Ming Dynasty, Song Dynasty yesterday, and Tang Dynasty today." Qian Qianyi pointed to the crowd again.

"There are also countless people who violate the etiquette and wear gold and silver; men and women dress in mixed clothes and have strange shapes."

"Uh." Zhang Shun followed Qian Qianyi's hand and saw a group of "men and women" dressed in colorful clothes. Some of them were even embroidered with animal heads and dragon patterns on their clothes, which was very bold.

There are also many people wearing bright red and purple dresses, with their hair tied up in red silk, their faces painted with white powder, their lips dotted with red, and their cheeks rouged. They look neither male nor female, nor are they decent.

"People at that time wrote a poem about this: I went to the city yesterday and came back full of tears. All the women wearing women's clothes are scholars." Qian Qianyi shook his head again and added.

"Ha, what time of the year is it? Why are you still wearing vermillion? You're so old-fashioned!" Just as Zhang Shun was listening carefully to Qian Qianyi's words, someone suddenly came up to him and sprayed him.

"How brave!" Wukong couldn't help being furious after hearing this, and stepped forward to grab the man and argue with him.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun waved his hand to stop him.

"Your Highness?" Qian Qianyi couldn't help being shocked when he saw it, and thought to himself: Are you too tolerant?

"Hey, it's nothing!" Zhang Shun waved his hand and said with a smile, "Boys and girls, everyone has this time, just wait until you grow up!"

In Zhang Shun's previous life, things like "non-mainstream", "shamate", "buried love family", and "martian literature" were all leftovers from the fun of young people in the past?

Later, young people had no more fun, so they began to play "women's clothing boss" and "Buddhist lying flat", which has been roughly the same since ancient times.

Zhang Shun didn't care much about this. What he cared about was that some people didn't want Zhang Pu to speak.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but ask directly: "By the way, why don't they want Zhang Pu to speak?"

"This" Qian Qianyi was stunned when he heard this, and his mind couldn't help but spin rapidly.

Some people did not want Zhang Pu to publicly debate the "abolition of slavery", naturally because it would endanger their interests.

Zhang Shun is not a fool, he can definitely think of this, so Qian Qianyi doesn't need to say more.

Then, Zhang Shun must want to ask something deeper.

Qian Qianyi thought about this, pondered for a moment, and then said sadly: "Scholars, farmers, industry and merchants, there are four people in the country, but now only three people are left."

"Why? Today's scholars are not scholars, they are merchants!"

"I heard that in the land of Qin and Jin, there were merchants who were arty, wealthy, and educated. They called themselves 'Confucian merchants,' and were often despised by others."

"However, in the land south of the Yangtze River, the nobles now run farms, cloth villages, gold and silver industries, and raise thousands of slaves. How are they different from the 'Confucian merchants' of the Qin and Jin Dynasties?"

“The ‘Confucian businessmen’ there are also the ‘scholar-businessmen’ in the south of the Yangtze River!”

"They are all profit-seeking, have no integrity, and regard everything in the world as a business."

"Zhu Guozhen, a scholar in the former cabinet, said, "There are only two things in being an official: doing things for the country and doing things for yourself. If you can't do both, you are a very foolish person. ’”

"This is really like 'In ancient times, the hooligans in the world were turned into scholars, and in the later times, the hooligans in the world were driven out and made into city hooligans'!"

Zhang Shun was born in Zhongzhou, and he still heard about things in the north, but didn't know much about things in the south. Unexpectedly, he was shocked when he heard Qian Qianyi's words.

"Slave-keeping", running "granges", "cloth farms" and other businesses, what is this?

This is clearly the "slave-holding state" in the South on the eve of the American Civil War!

The American Ming Dynasty in his previous life said that he never expected to be "confirmed" in this place.

If we connect it to the "slaveholding" military group in the Liaodong region, if we hadn't changed history, it would clearly mean that the "South" had won the "Civil-South War".

In fact, based on what Zhang Shun saw and heard in Nanjing in the past month or two, the prosperity and prosperity of Jiangnan really opened Zhang Shun's eyes.

For one thing, even ordinary people are ashamed of wearing commoners and wear more silk and satin.

Secondly, Western gadgets such as the "self-ringing clock", "telescope", "Nuremberg eggs" and oil paintings, which were previously regarded as treasures by Zhang Shun, are not only very popular, but can also be copied locally, and most of them can be innovative.

Most people from middle-class families and those with some spare money sold a few pieces for fun.

Third, the weaving industry, the most important industry in the early days of capitalism, was spread throughout Jiangnan.

Among them, there are those who reel, those who weave, those who print and dye, and those who make clothes. The division of labor and cooperation basically form a complete industrial chain.

If Zhang Shun had not lived here for decades, he would have doubted that he had traveled to the United States during the Civil War or the United Kingdom on the eve of the Industrial Revolution.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun suddenly remembered the famous "Needham Mystery" in later generations.

Is that why capitalism and modern science originated in Western Europe and not in China or other civilizations?

To be more specific, this "Needham Mystery" is divided into two parts:

One is why between the first century BC and the sixteenth century AD, the ancient Chinese were far more developed in science and technology than Europe at the same time?

Another reason is why modern science did not originate in China, but in the West in the seventeenth century.

Suddenly, Zhang Shun suddenly realized.

The reason is simple. In the original history, China's "Glorious Revolution", or China's "Civil War" failed.

The "slave-holding" military group in Liaodong and the "slave-holding" capital group in Jiangnan joined forces to defeat the Nine-Border Military Group in the north.

However, the more backward "slave-holding" group in Liaodong bloodbathed the "slave-holding" capital group in Jiangnan, directly interrupting the budding capitalism in China and causing the social form at that time to once again degenerate into a semi-feudal and semi-slave society.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun looked at the Fushe leader and Jiangnan scholar Zhang Pu who was beaten like a dog in the stands, and couldn't help but feel that it was both absurd and ridiculous.

He couldn't bear it any longer, so he strode onto the stage, stood in front of Zhang Pu, and shouted: "Everyone, wait a minute, I have something to say!"

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