Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 172 The decisive battle in Lingchuan (Part 2)

Because of Zhang Sanbai's decisiveness and fierceness, both the enemy and ourselves were immediately frightened, and the left-wing troops rotated smoothly.

Zhang Shun also regained some confidence, followed the same pattern, and asked Li Jiyu to rotate again. Fortunately, most of Li Jiyu's subordinates were township party members who followed him in rebellion. Although their combat effectiveness was worse, they relatively trusted each other, and the rotation was completed.

As for Jiang He's subordinates, they have high fighting qualities and often serve as vanguards. Maybe they also often perform this kind of rotation before battle, which makes it easier to rotate.

Zhang Shun just breathed a sigh of relief, but the officers and soldiers on the opposite side couldn't bear it anymore. The officers and soldiers on the opposite side did not dare to rotate, so they had to mobilize their forces for support.

Not long after, Zhang Shun heard screams one after another, just like the fireworks released everywhere during the Lantern Festival in rural areas in later generations. Before Zhang Shun could react, dozens or even hundreds of cylinders flew towards Zhang Shun's formation.

Some exploded in the air before they hit the ground, some exploded as soon as they hit the ground, some fell to the ground and rolled twice without making any movement, and some rolled twice and continued to explode. The destructive power was not very strong, and many of the flying fragments could not even penetrate the armor. However, the exposed parts of some unlucky soldiers were injured by this "bomb".

After the "bomb" exploded, it was still not over. It released some smoke, and many soldiers only felt sick and weak when they smelled it. Zhang Shun saw that the smoke released by the "bomb" was even poisonous, so he quickly asked Wei Congyi to tear some cloth, dip it in water and send it to the front line, covering his mouth and nose, and then stabilized the formation.

However, originally the two sides fought in formation, with frontline soldiers fighting, and everyone was evenly matched. Now the soldiers behind the officers and soldiers could still use their strength, which suppressed the momentum of Zhang Shun's men.

Zhang Shun had no choice but to order the artillery loaded with shotguns to be pushed forward, preparing to fire a close volley at the opponent's line.

This technique of pulling the cannon to close range for firing was nicknamed "bayonet on the cannon" by a certain army in later generations. Although bayonets also appeared during this period, they were not popular enough due to technical reasons. Zhang incidentally called this method "artillery hand-to-hand tactics."

In fact, this tactic also has great risks. The quality of the artillery during this period is not up to standard. If the artillery explosion occurs, the opponent's formation may not collapse, but your own formation will collapse first.

However, Zhang Shun's men were all novices and did not have a high awareness of the dangers of these things, so they happily transported the artillery to the front line and ignited the gunpowder at the officers and soldiers on the opposite side. The sound of almost continuous artillery fire was heard, and the formation of officers and soldiers on the opposite side suddenly became bloody.

The power of shotgun fire at close range became apparent again. The corpses of the armored officers and soldiers on the opposite side were all beaten to pieces. There were hundreds of people missing in an instant, and their morale was greatly reduced. Seeing this, Zhang Sanbai shouted loudly, abandoned his horse, and rushed into the enemy's formation at the head of the army.

The emergence of firearms is definitely a comprehensive subversion of the cold weapon warfare pattern. In the previous era of cold weapons, the two sides fought each other for a long time, and it was not necessarily possible to kill many of the other side's troops. But when firearms appear, the result is different. Hundreds of casualties can result if one is not careful. In particular, the blood caused by artillery is not something that soldiers who often fight with cold weapons can easily accept.

At present, the officers and soldiers in front of them were stimulated by this kind of blood. Their formations were in chaos for a while, and they were killed by Zhang Sanbai, who was invincible.

However, the officers on the opposite side were not a vegetarian. After the defeat, they actually set up their formation again to block Zhang Sanbai's attack. Those officers and soldiers who tried to attack their formation were killed on the spot.

It turns out that when fighting in this formation, because most people are right-handed, it is easy to launch attacks to the left front side. This also results in the fact that one's own side's right formation can often gain a tactical advantage.

By the same token, Zhang Shunbu, who is on the left, is already at a disadvantage. This was also one of the little ideas of "Purple Golden Liang" and "Chuang Ying". They bullied Zhang Shun because he was young and inexperienced, and deliberately put Zhang Shun on the left side in order to temper his arrogance.

At the same time, this is also the reason why "Purple Gold Liang" placed the Chuang Camp in the right formation. Because the subordinates of "Chuang General" fought bravely, "Purple Gold Liang" tried to use the Chuang Camp to break the left formation of the officers and soldiers. The result was disastrous. Before he could break the left formation of the officers and soldiers when he broke into the camp, Zhang Shun took the lead and broke the right formation of the officers and soldiers.

The "Purple Golden Liang" was unexpected and did not even have time to dispatch reserve troops in time to help Zhang Shun expand his victory.

And the person in charge of the right formation of officers and soldiers was none other than the long-famous Wang Zhaosheng. It turned out that the rebels had been preparing for so long, and the officers and soldiers were not idle. Although Song Tongyin had been dismissed from his official position at this time, he did not abandon his official position. On the contrary, before the next governor Xu Dingchen took office, he once again used his personal relationship to summon Zhang Daojun of Yangcheng. The three gathered most of the troops and launched an attack on the rebels.

Therefore, after the two sides met unexpectedly this time, the three people discussed making Song Tongyin the commander-in-chief of the central army, Zhang Daojun the commander-in-chief of the left army, and Wang Zhaosheng the commander-in-chief of the right army. Although Song Tongyin was not good at commanding, he was still a high-ranking member of the party, and he could still do it by sitting in the middle of the army and holding down the formation.

Although Zhang Daojun's military training level is average, he is best at firearms, so he is most suitable for defending against the vicious "camp breaking" of the rebels. This time they broke into the camp and rushed into battle many times, but as expected, they were all driven back with fierce fire from Zhang Daojun's Western cannon and Franchise machine.

As for Wang Zhaosheng, he was the best at using soldiers among the three, so at the beginning of the formation, he brought a large number of firearms and reserves, preparing to defeat the left wing in one fell swoop and sweep the rebel formation. Among them was a firearms team using small mortar "Flying Mongolian Cannon", which was prepared to break the left wing of the rebel army.

It's just that the officers and soldiers never thought that since Zhang Shun made the artillery, he had made many military exploits with it, relying on the cannon to shoot at close range. As the saying goes, the ignorant are fearless. Both the "Zijinliang" and "Chuang" tribes in the rebel army are soldiers who have fought for a long time.

Although they are becoming more and more experienced in battle, the soldiers are also becoming more and more slippery. After all, you only have one life, and if you lose it, there will be nothing. So when they fought, they seemed to be quite organized, but in fact, Zhang Shun felt that they were just a breath away from a strong army.

Because there are severe penalties for breaking into the camp, it seems that the combat effectiveness is better, but the "Purple Gold Liang" troops are even worse.

At that time, all the rebels looked like this, not to mention most of the officers and soldiers. Basically, they are all "the one who flees when he hears the enemy is inferior to the brave, the one who flees when he sees the enemy is the middle brave, and the one who flees after meeting the enemy is superior brave".

This is one of the reasons why Zhang Shun likes to use cannons to shoot at close range, killing a large number of officers and soldiers in a short time and causing psychological shock to the enemy. Then, taking advantage of the low morale of the officers and soldiers, they charged desperately and defeated the enemy formation in one fell swoop.

The people under Zhang Shun's command were originally honest and honest people. Especially when Mengjin was recruiting soldiers, most of the soldiers recruited were young men with a simple mind. They were influenced by storytelling and opera. They just thought that all wars in the world were life and death. Dare to fight and fight hard.

Especially Zhang Sanbai was already very powerful. When he swung the three-pointed two-edged sword weighing twenty kilograms in his hand, no one could stop him. Even if the soldiers were wearing armor, they could be directly cut open by the twigs of the three-pointed two-edged sword he chopped down.

At this time, some soldiers with swords and shields surrounded him, trying to surround and kill Zhang Sanbai. This three hundred is no longer the Amen of Wu Xia in the past, but his martial arts is already proficient. The man first pretended to cut the edge of the opposite shield with a knife, then pulled it hard and used the branch of the three-pointed two-edged sword to hook the shield away. Then he pushed forward with force, directly piercing the opposite armor, and sent it back to the west.

As the saying goes, "When a soldier is raging, a general will be raging in a den." Zhang Sanbai is as brave as a tiger, and the soldiers under his command are just like a pack of wolves, following him to pounce on the enemy and bite the enemy.

Wang Zhaosheng saw that this man was so brave that he couldn't help but sigh that he didn't have any unmatched brave generals. Wu Xian, whom he had recruited before, was also brave enough to charge into battle alone. Unfortunately, he heard that he had been defeated by thieves not long ago, and he still does not know whether he is alive or dead.

At this time, the officers and soldiers and the rebels were mixed together. Wang Zhaosheng had no choice but to command other reserve soldiers to come up and attack from left and right to surround and kill Zhang Sanbai.

Zhang's three hundred subordinates, who originally numbered more than two hundred, had their formation disrupted again and were surrounded in an instant. Zhang Sanbai showed no fear and led his troops to fight and retreat. He broke through the encirclement of officers and soldiers and retreated.

At this time, some rebels were surrounded by officers and soldiers, and they couldn't help crying: "General Zhang, are you abandoning us?"

Hearing this, Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but shouted: "We must live together and die together!" He then led his soldiers and re-entered the encirclement of the officers and soldiers. The officers and soldiers were so frightened that they did not dare to fight.

Zhang Shun was shocked when he saw it from a distance, and quickly ordered Wei Congyi to lead a team to rescue him. Zhang Shenyan knew this and quickly stopped him: "The only remaining troops in our army are your Chinese army and Wei Congyi's troops. If Wei Congyi's troops go into battle, I'm afraid you will have to lead the troops into battle in person next time there is a crisis!"

Although Zhang Shenyan had opposed Zhang Shun a lot before, his words were still prudent.

But Zhang Shun was anxious, so how could he have the time to tell him apart? He shouted: "It's urgent, we have to hurry! If others can get into the battle, why can't I?" Then he ordered Wei Congyi to lead a team to rescue Zhang Sanbai.

As a result, Zhang Sanbai got red-eyed and before Wei Congyi arrived, he shouted: "My lord taught me the art of war and said that we must fight where we are dead. Now that we are in a dead place, we can only live if we must die! Just follow me." Shouting: You must die!”




Zhang Sanbai shouted that he would die, and at the same time led his men to fight bravely, but they all seemed to be desperate for their lives. Zhang Sanbai and his subordinates all had red eyes, like man-eating beasts, and their momentum was like a rainbow. They were so invincible that the officers and soldiers were so scared that they did not dare to fight and flee.

"Purple Golden Liang" saw it from a distance, Don't shook his head, and smiled at Taoist Quxu: "You are so young after all, so you don't care about your wealth and life. You are so dismissive of warriors, I don't know if Optimus Prime will fight again next time. How many people are available?”

Upon hearing this, Taoist Qi Xu forced a smile and said: "What the second master said is true!" He couldn't help but curse in his heart: "How dare a bird laugh at a kite flying high? Rebellion is a matter of risking one's life. Today, I cherish my life, and I cherish my life. Then why not die at home and have no worries about your life?"

Not to mention what the "Purple Golden Liang" was thinking, Zhang Shun was also shocked when he saw this kind of desperate battle in a narrow road for the first time.

Zhang Shun's soul was originally from a later generation. He lived a prosperous life and rarely found himself in desperate situations. Therefore, Zhang Shun was full of strategies and flexible in thinking, but he was less ruthless than other rebel leaders.

Zhang Shun always thought that his lack of ruthlessness was not a shortcoming, but rather his own strength. It is precisely without this ruthlessness that he can maintain his bottom line and be considered a real person.

But now that he saw Zhang Sanbai fighting for his life, Zhang Shun suddenly understood what he lacked as a leader of the rebel army. It is this ruthlessness that is lacking. As a general, Zhang Sanbai didn't have to charge into the battle or fight for his life. Even if he was unfavorable in the battle, it was excusable, and he would not severely punish him.

However, he still rushed forward, because the two armies met on a narrow road and could only fight with this breath! Those with strong Qi will win, and those with depressed Qi will lose. How does this look like fighting for the world with oneself? If I didn't dare to put down my entire worth, how could I win this huge gamble?

It turns out that Zhang Sanbai's background was different from others. He lost his parents when he was more than ten years old and wandered around with his sister. It was in this situation that he saw all kinds of ill will towards him. If he wants to survive, if he wants to protect his sister, he can only be crueler, more evil, and more vicious than others.

This is a survival game without any bells and whistles. It wasn't until he was recruited into the circus by the class leader that the situation got slightly better. However, all kinds of covetous eyes were still surrounding him, glaring at them like hungry wolves, all thanks to his divine power and ruthless intimidation.

Now entering the battlefield, Zhang Sanbai once again aroused the ferocity of the past. Anyway, he is wearing armor, so why should he be afraid of being surrounded by officers and soldiers? Zhang Sanbai only saw the enemy, only fighting. He held the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, thinking nothing but killing the enemy with great pleasure.

He likes the heavy weapons in his hands to tear apart the enemy's armor like pieces of paper, and chop open the enemy's body like pork; he likes the enemy's blood to spurt and splash everywhere, and then sprinkle hot on himself; He likes the way his enemies tremble when they look at him. As long as he rushes over, they will tremble and kill them without any resistance!

By the time Wei Congyi rushed over, Zhang Sanbai had already killed the officers and soldiers surrounding him and others, and was even ready to continue the pursuit with a knife. Wei Congyi, who arrived in time, quickly pulled him back.

At this time, Zhang Sanbai himself had become a gourd of blood, his whole body was sticky, and black and red blood was dripping down his armor, like an evil ghost walking out of hell.

He was surrounded by the corpses of officers and soldiers. The armors and helmets of many corpses had been directly broken by heavy weapons. Black and red blood was still flowing out from the broken holes, like cracks in the rocks in the mountains. Like spring water seeping out of it.

Wei Congyi looked at Zhang Sanbai with complicated eyes, feeling both awe and fear in his heart. Everyone said that Wei Congyi was ruthless, but in fact, Wei Congyi only had a cold heart of calculating numbers.

"The Art of War says: There is no action without gain." All battles and loyalty are the results of Wei Congyi's calculations in his heart. He is only cruel to others, but not to himself.

But this three hundred is completely different. Since he followed Zhang Shun, apart from his magical power, there is nothing outstanding about him. His martial arts were learned from Chen Changzhen, and his military skills were learned from Zhang Shun's lectures and imitated other generals.

He looks no different from other ordinary generals, except that he is willing to share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers, eat, live and train together. As a result, I was so blind that I couldn't see that this was a truly ruthless person, a ruthless person who could be even more ruthless to me.

He has studied the art of war since he was a child, and has long been accustomed to the sayings in military books about general virtues such as "If a soldier does not drink all he drinks, he will not go to the water; if a soldier does not eat all he eats, he will not eat. If you fight, you will lead the soldiers, if you retreat, you will not dare to go first." Preaching.

Now we see that there are people who have really achieved this step and achieved the goal of "seeing a soldier as a baby, so he can go to the deep stream with him; seeing a soldier as a beloved son, so he can die with him."

A person can truly endure hardships more than a soldier, work harder than a soldier, and cherish himself more than a soldier. Then which soldier is not willing to die for him? Which opponent can stop such a general?

Wei Congyi believed that if given time, this man would become a famous general who would make a splash. Does this lucky fruit really have destiny? Another weight was added to Wei Congyi's cold calculation in his heart!

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