Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 173 The decisive battle in Lingchuan (Part 2)

Due to Zhang Sanbai's bravery and Wei Congyi's support, Wang Zhaosheng's pressure suddenly increased. The right wing of officers and soldiers, which was originally the main offensive force, was suppressed by the rebels.

The morale of the right-wing officers and soldiers dropped sharply, and they almost did not dare to confront Zhang Sanbai. Wherever Zhang Sanbai went, the officers and soldiers retreated. Wang Zhaosheng had no choice but to ask a messenger to inform the former governor Song Tongyin of the military situation on his side, and suggested that if Zhang Daojun could not suppress the right wing of the rebel army, the governor should be asked to dispatch the Chinese army for a full-scale decisive battle.

Although Song Tongyin, the former governor of Shanxi, was not familiar with the art of war, he had been an official for many years and had a relatively accurate grasp of human nature. Since he heard Wang Zhaosheng say this, he immediately judged that even Wang Zhaosheng did not have the confidence to resist the "rogue bandits" for too long. If not, Wang Zhaosheng should suggest that the officers and soldiers continue to stalemate with the rebels to wait for an opportunity to win.

After Song Tongyin got the news, he quickly sent someone to ask about Zhang Daojun's situation. As a result, the situation at Zhang Daojun's place was relatively stable. Due to the faster rate of fire of the Franchise and the higher accuracy of the Western cannon, the camp was beaten to death.

Although Chuangying is said to be good at fighting, the opponent has Western artillery in the long range and French aircraft in the mid-range. If you want to rush forward for a hand-to-hand fight, you must face the weakening of two firepowers before you can engage the officers and soldiers.

After Zhang Daojun suffered a big loss against Zhang Shun's artillery last time, he brought more artillery this time for fear of encountering Zhang Shun again. As a result, all the shells from these artillery pieces were "fed" to the camp.

However, defense is okay; if they plan to take the initiative to attack, Zhang Daojun's tactics of relying on artillery to suppress the enemy will probably be incompetent.

Song Tongyin had no choice but to ask Wang Zhaosheng again for fear of messing up the matter again. Wang Zhaosheng received a positive reply and gave all his Feimeng artillery support to the Chinese army.

At this point, Song Tongyin also knew that he was facing a decision before the battle. He thought for a long time before gritting his teeth and ordered the soldiers to wave the flag and command the entire Chinese army to attack. And he took off his official robe, picked up the drumstick himself, and beat the drum to help in the battle.

The dull drum beat sounded and spread throughout the battlefield. Like a sledgehammer, the "dong-dong-dong" blow hit the hearts of the soldiers on both sides.

"Retreat when you hear gold, advance when you hear drums" has been the Chinese military method since ancient times. Both officers and soldiers, as well as the rebels, knew that the moment of the final battle had arrived.

At this time, the sun was about to set, the sky was still dark, the officers and soldiers were in the north, and the rebels were in the south. Neither side had the right time and place to borrow, and they could only fight to the death.

Zhang Shun heard the drumbeating of the officers and soldiers and couldn't help laughing: "They have war drums, don't we? Bring the drums of grievances here!"

This grievance drum taken from Mengjin County has followed Zhang Shun all over the country, and it is still intact. It is currently installed on an ox cart that Zhang Shun has modified.

Zhang Shun climbed up, picked up the drumsticks himself, and beat the drum. As the low drum beat sounded, Zhang Shun shouted loudly: "What kind of drum is this?"

Zhang Shun's subordinates were stunned when they heard the sound, and responded loudly: "Sound the drum of injustice!"

"What's my crime?"

"Not willing to die!"

As Zhang Shun asked and his soldiers answered, morale gradually increased. Most of them were people affected by the disaster in Mengjin, and they couldn't help but think of the horror of the disaster, the embarrassment of their families, and the indifference of the government.

As I thought about it, I couldn't help but get angry: Why do we have to suffer so much? Why can't we live a good life? Why are we always oppressed by the government?

Thus, anger is transformed into courage, and courage is transformed into fighting power. This is what is said in the saying, "The courage of a husband is to fight with all his strength."

The morale of Zhang Shun's side was high, which made Wang Zhaosheng's department miserable. After the battle between the two armies, the situation on both sides turned around. The "Zijinliang" tribe was suppressed by the Song Tong Yin tribe.

It turns out that although the "Purple Golden Liang" is strong, it relies more on its thousands of cavalry, and its infantry's combat effectiveness is average. This time the two sides met on a narrow road, with the infantry facing each other. The cavalry was unable to play its role for a while, so the fight became more difficult.

What's more, as soon as the Feimeng artillery team behind Song Tongyin's front line came out and bombarded the "Purple Gold Liang" formation from behind the front line, they only left the "Purple Gold Liang" unit unable to fight back. The strength is inferior to others in the first place, but now it is like two opponents teaming up to fight one person. How can they beat each other? However, the elite cavalry of the "Purple Golden Liang" could not join the battle in time, so they could only act in a hurry.

However, the "Purple Golden Liang" is still a powerful force. Although it is usually a bit useless, if it is not capable, how can it suppress the thirty-six battalions of rogue bandits and securely become the leader of the rebel army?

He quickly mobilized some of the sword and shield players, raised the shields, and connected them densely together to form a backward inclined plane. Since the flying cannon has a short range and is not very powerful, the shell is about the same size as a later can. Even if it explodes directly on the shield, it cannot break the shield.

What's more, this flying fog cannon is a shell that is ignited by twisting powder. It has a high misfire rate and the explosion time depends entirely on experience. In order to prevent artillery shells from exploding in front of them, many officers and soldiers try to keep the twist length of the powder as long as possible.

This is why when many Feimeng cannon shells fall on the shield, the powder has not been burned yet, and they can only roll down the slope formed by the shield and explode behind the formation. Basically, they can no longer attack the "Purple Gold Liang" formation. create a threat.

On the contrary, due to the instability of the flying Mongolia cannon, many shells exploded in their own formation over time. In order to save money and facilitate movement, most of the gunners of the Feimeng cannon were unarmored personnel. Instead, they injured a lot of the officers and soldiers on their side, and their morale plummeted for a while.

Song Tongyin saw that the Feimeng cannon did not achieve the success he thought, so he had no choice but to order the withdrawal of the Feimeng cannon.

As a result, after a battle between the Chinese army and the Chinese army, the two sides returned to the stage of mutual stalemate. However, at this time, due to the strong combat effectiveness of Zhang Shun's subordinates, their own front line moved forward a lot; while the "Purple Gold Liang" department's front line retreated a lot due to the suppression of the officers and soldiers' flying artillery. As the two rebel armies advanced and retreated, they formed an arc.

Since Zhang Shun had only a thousand soldiers and horses, fewer than Wang Zhaosheng's troops opposite him, the battle line was relatively short. So in fact, when the two sides faced off, part of Wang Zhaosheng's team faced the "Purple Gold Liang" team.

At first, Wang Zhaosheng did not notice this problem. It was not until the rebels advanced and retreated and the battle lines were pulled apart that Wang Zhaosheng discovered the problem with the opponent's formation.

The advance of Zhang Shun's department and the retreat of the "Zijinliang" department just caused a disconnect between the two departments. Wang Zhaosheng couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw this, and quickly ordered the officers and soldiers at the junction of the two rebel armies to roll in the direction of Zhang Shun, directly cutting off the connection between the two rebel armies and tearing apart the rebel front.

The author found that when the two chapters were put together, it seemed that people felt that there were too many subscription coins and were not willing to buy them, so they should be published separately! In fact, they are all charged according to the number of words, there is no difference.

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