Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 174 A devastating defeat

The team at the junction of the two rebel armies was none other than Li Jiyu. Since Li Jiyu joined Zhang Shun, his performance has been mediocre, so Zhang Shuncai specially placed him near the "Purple Golden Liang" because he was worried that this person would fall off the chain at the critical moment. It just so happens that we can share the pressure with the help of the "Purple Golden Liang" department.

Before the war started, Zhang Shun was actually most worried about Zhang Sanbaibu. Zhang Sanbai and Li Jiyu were both rookies. Zhang Shun did not dare to put the two men side by side for fear of being defeated like a mountain. He had no choice but to place Jiang He, who had the most combat effectiveness, in the middle, just to stagger the two of them.

However, Zhang Sanbai had to occupy the edge of the battle line. According to Zhang Shun's many years of experience playing real-time strategy games such as Rome Total War, holding back in the middle and outflanking the two wings are the most common tactics. Unless the gap in strength and combat effectiveness between the two armies is too large, it is generally difficult to achieve a direct breakthrough in the middle.

Therefore, Zhang Sanbai, who is on the far left of the left wing, is likely to be the focus of the breakthrough for the officers and soldiers. This is why when Zhang Sanbai rushed into the enemy formation with great momentum, Zhang Shun quickly sent the experienced Wei Congyi forward. , for fear that officers and soldiers would break through the left wing.

As a result, there was trouble on Li Jiyu's side, and Zhang Shun was beating drums to cheer him up again. Unable to escape, he immediately ordered Liu Cheng to lead the cavalry to raid.

As the saying goes, heroes see the same thing, so the "Purple Golden Liang" cavalry under his command could not play its role, and he was also suffocating. At this time, seeing the officers and soldiers tearing apart the front line, leaving just enough space for the cavalry to penetrate, he quickly ordered two hundred cavalry to attack.

Zhang Shun is close, while "Zijinliang" is far away. Therefore, Liu Cheng's cavalry charged forward first and rushed directly along the torn line of officers and soldiers. They directly rolled up the officers and soldiers who tried to surround Li Yuyu's department and killed dozens of them.

This was achieved when the officers and soldiers turned around and were on the left side of the cavalry, which was not conducive to horseback killing.

The officers and soldiers were facing Li Jiyu's troops. Unexpectedly, their backs were exposed, and Zhang Shun's cavalry rushed to kill them. Suddenly, these officers and soldiers were in chaos.

It didn't matter that these officers and soldiers were in chaos. Before they had time to withdraw, the cavalry sent by "Purple Gold Liang" broke into the formation. Infantry against cavalry can only rely on formation. Now that there was no formation of officers and soldiers, they could not resist the cavalry of "Purple Gold Liang", but they were directly killed by the two hundred cavalry of "Purple Gold Liang".

At this time, Li Jiyu's troops were half-surrounded by officers and soldiers in the center, and the cavalry of the "Purple Jinliang" troops broke in. "The flood washed away the Dragon King Temple," and they couldn't control themselves and exchanged hands.

Li Jiyu's troops were in a tight formation to fight against the officers and soldiers; but the cavalry of the "Zijinliang" troops broke through the formation of the officers and soldiers and could not hold back, so some cavalry rushed towards Li Jiyu's troops.

Li Jiyu's troops were less powerful and were rushed away by the cavalry. It was just that the powerful crossbow was at its end and could not penetrate the plains. The cavalry rushed into Li Jiyu's crowd and lost its impact. Li Jiyu, who was jealous of being killed, raised his swords and chopped off the horse.

On the battlefield, the sword has no eyes. Both sides had no time to care about who was right. For the sake of their lives, each made the tactical moves they should make.

Li Jiyu's troops quickly gathered their soldiers and reorganized their formation; while the "Zijinliang" cavalry quickly broke away from contact with the infantry, preparing to distance themselves for a second charge.

However, something happened that no one expected. Liu Cheng's cavalry, which launched the charge for the first time, passed by the officers and soldiers who were turning back on Li Jiyu's department, and happened to follow the gap in the officers and soldiers' line and rush behind the formation of the officers and soldiers.

At this time, Wang Zhaosheng and Song Tongyin were taken aback and quickly mobilized reserves for defense, fearing that Liu Cheng's cavalry would counterattack behind the officers and soldiers' formation and directly cause the front to collapse.

However, Liu Cheng deeply remembered the hatred of the "Eight King Kongs". At this time, after he broke through the front line of officers and soldiers, he saw a banner with the word "Song" next to the banner of Song Tongyin's army from a distance, so he mistakenly thought that this was where Song Tongyin was.

In fact, Liu Cheng had also heard about Song Tongyin's dismissal, but at this time he was blinded by hatred and did not expect so much. And Song Tongyin came here secretly. He only managed to gather these troops because of his reputation as an official. Who would have thought that it would be such a coincidence?

Then Liu Cheng couldn't help but shouted: "Dog officer Song Tongyin, take your life! Brothers, go to the dead and avenge the 'Eight Vajras'!"

After saying that, he actually led two hundred cavalrymen and launched a desperate charge towards where Song Tongyin's banner was. The cavalry who followed Liu Cheng were originally the personal guards of the "Eight Vajras", or were related by blood, or were favored by them. In short, they were die-hard loyalists of the "Eight Vajras".

Now that I have met my enemy, I am extremely jealous. I don’t care about the front or not, or the overall situation. Instead, they all follow each other desperately, shouting: "There will be no rebirth, revenge for the 'Eight Vajras'!"

Song Tongyin was playing drums there and his back ached. He was already quite old and his physical strength was not as good as that of young people. He originally planned to beat the drums and three links symbolically to boost morale.

Unexpectedly, someone from the rebel army on the opposite side also beat the drum and competed with him. Although Song Tongyin didn't know about soldiers, he also knew that the sound of drums was the momentum. If he showed any signs of weakness, the morale of his side would probably drop.

With no other choice, Song Tongyin had no choice but to bite the bullet and fight Zhang Shun to the end. Both sides are chasing each other, you are low and I am high, you are slow and I am fast, and they are actually fighting each other even though they are separated from each other. That Zhang Shun was young and powerful, while Song Tongyin was relatively old. If there hadn't been something wrong on both sides of the front, Zhang Shun would have been so tired that he vomited blood on the spot.

As a result, before Song Tongyin had a chance to vomit blood, he discovered that the "rogue" cavalry was charging towards him, and he was shocked.

Tongyin of the Song Dynasty was originally a civil servant, and he did not set up any Biaofu camp. He only mobilized 500 more elite people as guards. Being charged by Liu Cheng's cavalry this time, he couldn't help but be confused and quickly ordered the troops to be mobilized to return to defense.

As a result, if the water from afar cannot quench the thirst nearby, where can we get it in time? Liu Cheng charged into Song Tongyin's guard camp and stabbed dozens of people to death directly from the front. At the same time, several rebel cavalry were stabbed off their horses by Song Tongyin's guard camp, and they did not know whether they were alive or dead.

Liu Cheng looked at Song Tongyin who was not too far away expressionlessly, and ordered the cavalry to retreat and break away from the guard camp. Then he retreated about a hundred or two hundred steps and charged towards Song Tongyin's guard camp again.

Song Tongyin no longer bothered to beat the drum to cheer him up. He just looked at each other with the expressionless Liu Cheng, and his heart suddenly burst into tears.

At that time, Liu Cheng was not very far away from him, and he could clearly see the anger hidden in the other person's eyes. That's not a momentary burst of anger, that's an unforgettable hatred! That's a look of death.

Song Tongyin was not a general who was experienced in life and death, nor did he have unwavering faith. He was afraid. He didn't know how to deal with it, so he had to order the guard battalion to resist desperately, while preparing to take a few personal guards to try to escape on horseback.

He doesn't understand military affairs, so he doesn't know that this is a taboo for military strategists. As the head coach, Song Tongyin's wavering immediately caused the guard camp to waver. The guard battalion lost its determination to die and was charged by Liu Cheng's cavalry, killing them directly.

At this time, before Song Tongyin had time to climb onto his horse with several of his guards, he was rushed by Liu Cheng's cavalry. Liu Cheng was also rude, for fear that after capturing this man alive, other incidents would occur. Then he charged directly in person and shot Song Tongyin through him with one shot.

Liu Cheng was afraid of losing his spear, so when the two met, he drew his spear and passed by, then turned his horse back. He personally jumped off the horse and went to check whether Song Tongyin was alive or dead.

I saw that a big official from that side, the feudal official Shanxi Song Tongyin, had a hole in his chest that was gurgling with blood, and his mouth was opening and closing like a fish that was about to die of thirst.

Liu Cheng showed no mercy. He just pulled out the knife from his waist and chopped off his head. Then he lifted it up, got on his horse and shouted loudly: "Song Tongyin is dead. If you don't surrender now, how long will it take?" !”

When Song Tongyin's guard camp saw this, they couldn't help but burst into an uproar. The governor died in the battle. One can imagine their fate as guards. In many ancient war tactics, the general was killed in battle, and the guards could not kill the enemy and redeem themselves, but beheaded them all.

Where can Song Tongyin's guard camp find a governor who is as important as Song Tongyin? Many of them had to kneel down and surrender immediately, for fear that Liu Cheng and others would not take them in.

Liu Cheng quickly led his cavalry to kill other recalcitrant guard camps, and promptly cut down the banner of Song Tong Yin Zhongjun.

When the officers and soldiers heard the commotion behind them, they turned around and saw the Chinese flag slowly falling down, and the whole army was shocked. They heard shouts everywhere that "Song Tongyin is dead", and there were countless "thieves and bandits" who had cut off their escape route, so they couldn't help but abandon their helmets and armor and run for their lives.

Zhang Daojun and Wang Zhaosheng quickly ordered people to suppress them, but how could they still suppress them? Seeing that if he didn't retreat, he and the others would die without a burial place. Zhang Daojun and Wang Zhaosheng quickly fled with their troops.

Zhang Shun, the "Zijinliang" and the three troops of Chuangying were fighting fiercely on the front line. I don't know when they were all over, but they suddenly felt that the front was loose, and the officers and soldiers were defeated on their own.

Immediately, the rebels didn't care what was going on, and immediately "beat up the drowned dog" and chased him.

Zhang Shun heard the cries on the battlefield and vaguely guessed the real situation. He quickly ordered his men to pursue them with all their strength, leaving no time for the officers and soldiers to reorganize their formation.

As expected, Wang Zhaosheng and Zhang Daojun had experienced military affairs for a long time. They tried to reorganize their formation several times and then retreated as soon as they started fighting. However, Zhang Shun and his men were trying to catch a duck and did not give them time to breathe, so they never had the chance to reorganize their formation.

Zhang Shun tried several times to command Chen Changzhen to rush into the officers and soldiers and kill Wang Zhaosheng or Zhang Daojun on the spot. However, the two men had many guards and their tactics were similar. Although Chen Changzhen was highly skilled in martial arts, he failed to achieve results several times.

Finally, the sky darkened and the rebels could no longer expand their victory. Zhang Shun gathered his troops and sorted out the prisoners and collected the spoils.

To be honest, when I wrote about this war, I did not even expect to achieve such great results. Basically, the formations on both sides and the commanders had been arranged. I never expected that at the end of the deduction, I would find that Liu Cheng, who had penetrated the formation of officers and soldiers, would actually rush towards Song Tongyin, the former governor of Shanxi. My initial preparation was that the cavalry who had penetrated the formation of officers and soldiers would charge from behind, but when I finally saw the words Liu Cheng, I realized that he would not charge from behind at all.

This is really how the characters' personalities are determined, and after their respective conditions are determined, the plot will happen naturally. The protagonist will suddenly become famous, and the author also needs to polish the subsequent plot!

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