Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 175: Using soldiers is like a god

Military activity, or war, is a fierce battle between two groups, but it is not just a battle. Military activities include many contents. The narrow military activities include recruiting, training, post-war, marching, camping, arraying, field battles, attacking and defending cities, and the finishing work after the war.

The successful conclusion of the Battle of Lingchuan and the epic victory were certainly very gratifying. However, the finishing work that should be done cannot be less. It is roughly divided into gathering the team, placing prisoners and collecting loot.

At this time, because the rebels were desperately chasing the officers and soldiers, they had already dispersed. Zhang Shun finally managed to gather Chen Changzhen, Wei Congyi, Jiang He and Li Jiyu together. As for Zhang Sanbai, he was not able to come back for a while because he pursued too far.

Zhang Shun returned to the battlefield and happened to see everyone rushing over surrounded by Liu Cheng. When meeting Liu Cheng, Zhang Shun inevitably had his own thoughts in his heart.

This person is a remnant of the "Eight Vajras". I don't know what he is thinking about accomplishing this great feat and avenging this great revenge. Will he be proud of himself? Will he leave himself and others because he has no worries? Will it turn its back on customers and breed undue ambitions?

Winning a battle is gratifying, but whose hands win is also very important. Since ancient times, military merit has been the fastest way to quickly enhance prestige. How many heroes have exhausted all their power, only to be overturned in a single battle by a person who is usually unremarkable; how many tycoons have dominated the contemporary era, but were defeated in one battle and lost the chance to dominate the world; and how many monarchs and ministers have been shocked by their outstanding achievements. Lord, causing the monarch and his ministers to turn against each other.

Zhang Shun secretly warned himself that if the two sides cooperate, they will work together, and if they don't, they will leave. He must not be petty. He will lose his reputation for magnanimity and lose the idea of ​​joining the world's heroes.

As a result, before Zhang Shun could make any reaction, Liu Cheng hurriedly walked dozens of steps, rushed to Zhang Shun, and fell to the ground with a "plop", and his helmet fell out. I saw him crying with tears in his eyes: "My lord is indeed a god in using troops. Liu Cheng has fulfilled his mission and his great revenge has been avenged! From now on, no matter in water or fire, with my lord's order, Liu Cheng will go through fire and water, no matter what!" My life belongs to the Lord."

Zhang Shun was surprised and very happy, thinking: This Liu Cheng is quite good, and he is not proud of taking credit, which is really rare!

Zhang Shun quickly picked up Liu Cheng's helmet, put it on Liu Cheng's bare head, helped him up, and praised: "In the past, I heard that Zhang Wenyuan's 800 cavalry defeated Sun Quan's 100,000 troops, making the heroes of Jiangdong dare not Looking north can stop a child from crying at night! I only take this to be the words of a novelist."

"Now I can see the heroic appearance of the general. He led only 200 elite cavalry, took the banner of the army, and killed Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi. I'm afraid the legendary sage Guandi is nothing more than this! I've heard for a long time that you are an extraordinary person. , You are so brave. But looking at it today, it is the heroes of the world who underestimated the general!"

When Liu Cheng heard Zhang Shun's praise, his ears turned red, and he quickly said humbly: "Where, where! It's too much praise, it's too much praise, it all depends on the command of the lord."

"When we first met my lord before, my lord swore that Song Tongyin would pay with his blood. At the beginning, we only thought that the lord was comforting us, just to gain our service."

When Zhang Shun heard this, he thought to himself: You are right, I really think so. How do you treat me?

As a result, I heard Liu Cheng continue to say: "Now we know that our lord is a man who values ​​love and justice and keeps his promises. Although I, Liu Cheng, say that I am not good at using soldiers, I also know that with so many thousands of people fighting together, I was lucky enough to be undefeated. , I’m so lucky. Who would have thought that the master would still remember the enemy of me and others, so he would take the risk to open the front line, lure the officers and soldiers to attack, and just wait for the opportunity to let us go, giving us the opportunity to take revenge with our own hands!"

"Now that Shanxi Governor Song Tongyin has been crowned, I think the culprit must be dead soon. We are supposed to die, but we have received such a great favor from our lord, how dare we not die in service!"

Liu Cheng's subordinates also took the opportunity to echo and shouted: "Die with me! Die with me! Die with me!"

After Zhang Shun heard what Liu Cheng said, he immediately couldn't laugh or cry. He originally ordered: "Liu Cheng quickly led the cavalry to pass through the gap in the formation, waiting for the opportunity to move, which may kill the officers and generals!"

The original intention was to let Liu Chengcai rush through the gap in the formation, then wait for an opportunity to rush back to Wang Zhaosheng's formation, or look for an opportunity to attack Wang Zhaosheng. Who would have thought that this guy understood that he had deliberately arranged for him to lead the dead soldiers across the front line, waiting for an opportunity to kill Song Tongyin and avenge the "Eight King Kong".

Before Zhang Shun could say anything, Chen Jindou smiled and said, "Brother Liu Cheng has underestimated our lord. The true emperor must be a god in his military use! When the rebels were trapped in the valley of Jiuxian County, it was my lord who personally led the troops with thousands of soldiers." Breaking ten thousand, defeating Song Tongyin, everyone can survive! Now, it is not fair to kill a small governor of Shanxi! One day, we will enter the Forbidden City and kill the bird emperor. This will be called a sage!"

When Liu Cheng heard this, he remembered the scene where the officers and soldiers were as fearful as tigers when they escaped from danger in the valley. He couldn't help but said with shame: "But it was Liu Cheng who underestimated my lord and left him alone. In the future, please take care of me and let everyone be more careful." Make a contribution!"

At this time, Zhang Shun discovered that Liu Cheng and others were not acting, but really believed that he had commanded their formation to kill Song Tongyin. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. I really don’t know why you went to kill Song Tongyin, and I didn’t even know you actually killed him.

Zhang Shenyan didn't know how to use soldiers, but he also knew Zhang Shun's power. At this time, he looked at Zhang Shun with a complicated expression and thought: Is the Ming Dynasty really going to end in the hands of this person? Judging from the behavior of this person, it seems that he does not come from a wealthy family, and he has not received orthodox education. How can he gather people with literary skills and use military force with force?

While Zhang Shenyan was thinking about it, Liu Cheng ordered his subordinates to bring Song Tongyin's body, commander's flag and other items over and ask Zhang Shun to check them.

Zhang Shun looked forward and saw that Song Tongyin's brocade clothes were already filthy, and there was a big hole in his chest. The black blood that had spread out had already stained his chest.

Looking at his upper body, he saw a scar as big as a bowl, but it was a pity that it would never grow again. Zhang Shun asked strangely: "Where is Song Tongyin's head?"

When Liu Cheng heard this, he took a blood-stained package from the hands of the soldiers behind him, shook it and a round thing came out. When Zhang Shun saw it, he saw that it was none other than the governor of Shanxi, Song Tongyin.

It's just that the official who was in charge of the border area died with his eyes open. His face and hair were covered with blood and dust, and they rolled to a low place on the ground. When Zhang Shenyan saw him nearby, he couldn't help but be shocked. He quickly turned his head away and couldn't bear to look any further.

Zhang asked by the way: "How do you want to deal with it?"

Liu Cheng then replied: "Lord, I am going to use him to worship the spirit of the 'Eight Vajras' in heaven!"

Thanks to fans "Evil Eye EX", "Drifting in the Wind 1234", "Warhammer Total War" and "Madman" for their rewards. Thank you all for your support!

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