Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 176 Noble Morality

Zhang Shun agreed upon hearing this, and while Liu Cheng ordered his men to build an altar, he quickly reported to Zhang Shunhui: "Lord, there is one more matter for you to decide on!"

"The guard camp of Song Tongyin surrendered to our rebel army because of the loss of Song Tongyin, for fear of punishment from the government. Liu Cheng did not dare to take charge, please make a decision, my lord."

When Zhang Shun heard this, he smiled and said: "This is a good thing. We will monitor it together with the other prisoners later, and then we will choose loyal ones and assign them to each camp." Liu Cheng nodded in agreement, and went to arrange the memorial ceremony for "Eight King Kong" incident is gone.

Zhang Shun was about to inquire about Chen Changzhen's capture, when he heard a report from his subordinates: "The general who broke into the camp, 'Yi Hu', came to see the general."

Zhang Shun felt guilty and asked a little uncertainly: "What is he doing here?"

Apparently Zhang Shun asked the person who reported the news, but he couldn't find out what happened, so he had to order someone to let him go. As a result, Zhang Shun did not expect that this man came running over with more than 300 people. Zhang Shun was shocked when he saw this and prepared to order his soldiers to defend.

Unexpectedly, the "Tiger" smiled from afar and said: "'Optimus Prime' is really good at it. We are all fighting the same battle. We were chased away by Song Tong and Yin, but we came to your place and slaughtered him like a chicken ear." !”

Zhang Shun heard this and said humbly: "It's all down to the sacrifice of all the brothers. The second master and the camp call themselves." If I, Optimus Prime, were to fight alone, how many more could I defeat? ’

Who would have expected that "One Tiger" laughed and said: "If you can just use soldiers like a god, I, 'One Tiger', will be dissatisfied. Today you are in power, I, 'One Tiger', may not be able to achieve this feat in the future! There is another It’s such a weird thing, but I’m so impressed!”

Zhang Shun was shocked when he heard this and thought: Could it be that the matter between his aunt and me has been revealed?

As a result, "a tiger" pointed at the more than 300 people behind him and said: "'Optimus Prime,' do you recognize these people? I broke into the camp and worked hard to capture them. Not only were they unwilling to surrender to us, they even shouted that they were willing." Surrender to 'Optimus Prime'!"

"This is the first time I have encountered such a strange thing since I became a thief. Thank you for what happened to my aunt last time. We were short of supplies when we broke into the camp, and we didn't have anything valuable to repay you. So I sent them over to express my feelings!"

Zhang Shun looked at them for a long time and didn't find any difference between them and other officers and soldiers. However, some people were willing to surrender themselves, and there was nothing to lose, so they agreed. He smiled and said: "Thank you so much to 'One Tiger', and say hello to your uncle for me! We all belong to the rebel army, so we should work together."

That "a tiger" lost his arrogance this time and left after saying a few polite words to him. At this time, these officers and soldiers rushed over one after another. Wukong was waiting to kill one of them with a stick, when he heard Xu Ziyuan shout: "Brothers, why are you here?"

Zhang Shun turned around and saw Xu Ziyuan and the surrender soldiers brought by "One Tiger" hugging each other and bursting into tears.

Zhang Shun listened in front of him for a long time before he realized that these three hundred officers and soldiers were none other than some of the officers and soldiers who were released after being captured by Zhang Shun. Because they surrendered to the rebels, they were criticized and oppressed by officials after they returned, and many of them had their families destroyed.

In this battle, the officers and soldiers were afraid that they would surrender again, so they tied them up with ropes and forced them to work as coolies to transport weapons and food for the officers and soldiers. It happened that the officers and soldiers were defeated. Because they were connected by ropes and had difficulty moving, they were captured by the camp breakers.

Only then did they remember Xu Ziyuan's foresight in "joining the bandits", and they all asked to surrender "Optimus Prime" in order to get Xu Ziyuan's help.

But Zhang Shun knew about this, but others didn't. Everyone thought that Zhang Shunde was noble and had the style of Emperor Shun. Even Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but sigh: "The virtue of Emperor Shun led to the return of all people. In one year the place was settled as a gathering, in the second year it was a city, and in three years it was Chengdu. The virtue of the Tang Zong was to bring the prisoners back to their own country. Today's commander-in-chief Virtue can influence the enemy, so that the officers and soldiers who were released home will return and surrender on their own. Since ancient times, I have only heard of the rebels taking the initiative to join the officers and soldiers, but I have never heard of the officers and soldiers taking the initiative to join the rebels. Only in this way can I fully understand the virtue of the commander. That’s it!”

This Shenyan cites two allusions. One is that Emperor Shun was virtuous and the people were willing to follow him. The place where he lived became a village in one year, a city in two years, and an administrative district like Du in three years.

Another allusion is that Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty released prisoners who were about to be executed in the autumn and asked them to reunite with their families before returning to die. At that time, the ministers were very opposed. As a result, these prisoners all came back on time.

Zhang Shenyan used this to praise Zhang Shun's virtue. Zhang Shun couldn't help but look at him strangely and thought: "Aren't these officers and soldiers unable to bear the torture of the government's punishment, so they took refuge in me? What you said is so polite. do what!"

As a result, Zhang Shenyan paid homage to Zhang Shun and said: "The commander is so virtuous and everyone in the world respects him. Although the Song Fujun offended the commander Huwei, they are just their own masters. I am his old friend, and Song Tongyin has already been executed." , can you bury General Liu after he has paid his respects?"

Zhang Shun laughed when he heard it. It turns out that you flattered me for a long time because of this. This is true that if you have no desires, you will be strong, but if you ask for something, you will only be soft. Then he replied: "Then let me tell Liu Cheng whether it works or not. Father, don't blame me!"

At this time, Liu Cheng and others had laid out the sacrificial supplies and took Song Tongyin's head. He bowed three times in the direction where the "Eight King Kongs" were buried, and lit incense candles. Then, Liu Cheng and others cried loudly and cried: "Don't disturb the old master, we will avenge you! The others will be brought here sooner or later to pay homage to your spirit in heaven."

Seeing this, Zhang Shun also walked over, bowed three times, and added a stick of incense to the "Eight Vajras". Then, he said to Liu Cheng: "I already know how you feel. Please relax, I will also wait for an opportunity to get the head of the culprit for you!"

Hearing this, Liu Cheng was moved and cried: "I, Liu Cheng, don't know how to thank your lord, so I will kowtow to you!"

After saying that, he kowtowed to him with a bang, even cracking his head. Zhang Shun quickly helped Liu Cheng and others up, and said: "Why is this so? The Eight King Kongs are your brothers, and they are also the brothers of my Optimus Prime. We are all brothers in the four seas, and it is natural for everyone to join the rebel army. Let’s work together! Let’s avenge this together, what’s the difference between you and me?”

Liu Cheng burst into tears when he heard this. He just held Zhang Shun's hand tightly, not knowing how to express his excitement.

Zhang Shun waited for him to calm down a little before he said, "There is something I want to ask for your opinion on!"

"That Zhang Shenyan was an old friend of Song Tongyin. He asked me to bury him. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Liu Cheng wiped his tears and said: "I, Liu Cheng, am not an unkind person. I have lost friends and relatives at the same time. I know how he feels. From this, Mr. Zhang is also a person who values ​​love and justice, Lord." Let him be buried!"

Seeing that Zhang Shun had obtained Liu Cheng's permission, he ordered Song Tongyin to be buried lavishly. His body was pieced together and a geomantic treasure was chosen for burial.

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