Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 177 Jin Liang pursues Dao Jun under the moon

Zhang Shun, "Chuang Jiang" and others just cleaned up the battlefield without mentioning it, but the whereabouts of the second leader "Purple Gold Liang" disappeared. It turned out that this man did not capture prisoners or pick out armor, but instead went after Zhang Daojun.

Zhang Daojun was also very depressed. He had been shadowed by his father Zhang Quan and served as a military attache of the third rank, commanding military affairs. He had a bright future in the imperial court. However, he was demoted to Yanmen Pass because he was friendly with the eunuch Yang Weiyuan and others and took the wrong side.

Unexpectedly, at this time, bandits were everywhere and the imperial court was using force. Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi Province, admired his talents very much and recruited him as a staff member. As a result, Doujiazhuang, where the family was located, was besieged many times by rogue bandits, and despite several confrontations with rogue bandits, they were unable to gain the upper hand, let alone accumulate merit to atone for their sins.

What made him even more desperate was that Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi who was originally his supporter, was dismissed from his official position by the imperial court because he lost Zezhou. If this is the case, the day when he will come forward will be far away.

At this time, when Song Tongyin relied on his personal relationship to win him over to annihilate the bandits, he naturally said nothing, brought his servants and artillery, and went all out, intending to annihilate the giant bandit "Purple Gold Liang" and make an immortal contribution.

As a result, unimaginable things are unpredictable, and the situation that was originally a sure thing turned out to be a head-on collision with the main force of the rogue bandits. The two sides fought with each other and competed with each other, and the officers and soldiers gained a slight upper hand. However, they did not expect that Song Tongyin died on the spot, and the officers and soldiers collapsed instantly.

Zhang Daojun simply couldn't believe such a jaw-dropping ending. He was originally a member of the Imperial Guard and often participated in the military. He was also considered a man who knew the military. He never expected that the officers and soldiers would be defeated so tragically.

Fortunately, Zhang Daojun had four to five hundred servants under his command, with his father Zhang Quan's bodyguard as the backbone. He was well rewarded and trained hard, and he was quite good at fighting, so he was able to protect Zhang Daojun.

As a result, Zhang Daojun retreated with his front foot, and the "Purple Gold Liang" chased with his back foot. Zhang Daojun crossed the mountain, and "Purple Gold Liang" followed him across the ridge. Zhang Daojun crossed the river, and "Purple Gold Liang" followed him. "Purple Gold Liang" is like a dog-skin plaster that cannot be removed once it sticks on.

Since Zhang Daojun was located on the left side of the officers and soldiers' formation, Zhang Daojun could not escape toward Gaoping County. Also, because "Purple Golden Liang" was pursuing fiercely, he had no time to retreat to Lingchuan County, so he had to escape along the mountain road toward Zezhou City.

Unfortunately, the moon was bright that night and I could see clearly. This not only facilitated Zhang Daojun's retreat, but also made it easier for "Purple Gold Liang" to pursue.

Zhang Daojun was unable to gather his troops, so he had to abandon other soldiers, horses and firearms, waiting for four to five hundred servants to escape. The "Purple Gold Liang" simply abandoned his infantry and personally led more than a thousand cavalry to pursue them.

Zhang Daojun had no choice but to retreat to the rugged mountain road to reduce the power of the "Purple Gold Liang" cavalry. Occasionally, the "Purple Golden Liang" cavalry came up in pursuit. Zhang Daojun and his servants occupied favorable terrain and drove back the "Purple Golden Liang" cavalry. Then, before the "Purple Golden Liang" cavalry encircled them, they retreated.

The two of them were chasing each other, one behind the other, and before they knew it, the night was already dark. Zhang Daojun and his servants fled to Jiuxian Terrace. They could no longer run away, so they had to occupy favorable terrain and use light flannel machines to suppress the attack of the "Purple Golden Liang" cavalry.

"Purple Golden Liang" led more than a thousand cavalry to catch up, and saw Zhang Daojun occupying a dangerous terrain and guarding it with firearms. The cavalry under the command of "Zijin Liang" could not play the role of horses, so they had to abandon their horses and launch an attack in infantry formation. They attacked several times in a row, but were repelled by Zhang Daojun's dense flange machine.

"Purple Gold Liang" couldn't help but curse: "This guy has thrown away his armor along the way, how come he still has so many furlong machines?"

The leader of the cavalry who participated in the attack under "Zijin Liang" explained awkwardly: "The officers and soldiers discarded all the heavy large and small flanges, and all the light and small flanges were in their hands. None of them were discarded."

"Then there are more than a thousand of us, but we can't take down five hundred of his people?" "Purple Gold Liang" said angrily.

"The mountain road is narrow and our formation cannot be deployed. We can only come forward in groups of three or five to kill people!" the cavalry leader explained.

"Purple Gold Liang" had no choice but to come forward in person, stood outside a stone's throw away, and shouted loudly: "Where is Mr. Zhang? Do you still know 'Purple Gold Liang'?"

When Zhang Daojun heard this, he did not lose his momentum and just cursed: "You are a traitor and a traitor, even if you turn into ashes, I will recognize you!"

"Zijinliang" laughed when he heard this and said: "I wanted to surrender before, but you didn't allow it; I also wanted to surrender before, but you didn't allow it. What now? You are desperate, can you allow us to surrender?" "

Zhang Daojun was stunned when he heard this. How could he defeat the entire army just to ask for surrender? This is a "loyal thief"!

However, Zhang Daojun had no choice. "Purple Golden Liang" only knew that he was from the Jinyi Guards of the Central Committee, and he could communicate with the governor nearby, and he could reach Tianting from far away. But Zhang Daojun's family knew about his own affairs, and he was just a criminal who was demoted to the frontier. You "Purple Golden Beam" come to worship me as a Bodhisattva, but you don't know that this Bodhisattva is a clay sculpture. I myself cannot protect myself!

Zhang Daojun had no choice but to reply: "I am fully aware of your loyalty. If you are really loyal to the court, please give me half a month's grace. This is to facilitate communication between me and my colleagues, and let's see if we can reach Heaven!" "

"Zijin Liang" couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this. He quickly got off his horse, knelt down and kowtowed a few times, and replied: "I don't want to disturb Duke Zhang, but I would like to ask him to say a few words! If he becomes an official in the same court in the future, he will have to rely on Duke Zhang." Support!"

Zhang Daojun had nothing to say after hearing this, and just asked in a low voice: "How did such a fool become the commander of these thirty-six thieves? Unexpectedly, the officers and soldiers were defeated by such a fool several times. This is really a shame and a great humiliation!"

Zhang Daojun's soldiers were speechless. Only an old servant who had followed Zhang Daojun's father for many years said with a bitter smile: "The officers and soldiers have been defeated by the Tartars in the north and the rogue bandits in the west for many years. The master of the family should be used to it!"

Zhang Daojun couldn't help but lamented when he heard this: "When I was young, I determined to avenge my father, and I would be single and take care of Shan Yu; but now my face is withered and my temples are stained, I can only look at the moonlit sky and sigh. The thieves and bandits are running around at the foot of the mountain, who is worried about the general mountain? No matter whether the people are alive or dead, When will the thieves stop shouting! The general has no ambition to serve the country, but he is too embarrassed to defend the border and die!"

How did "Purple Golden Liang" know that Zhang Daojun and "Zhang Gong" were looking at the bright moon on the mountain, feeling sad for spring and autumn. I just got Zhang Daojun's guarantee, and I was immediately overjoyed. I thought: That Qixu Taoist really used good methods. Last time I asked him why Song Sanlang could receive the imperial edict, but I couldn't? He replied: It's just because Song Sanlang defeated Gao Qiu three times, and the second master only lost to "Gao Qiu" three times! Now it seems that what was said is true.

It was very difficult for me to write this chapter. I looked up information and compiled poems, so I was very sincere. Comrades, could you please subscribe?

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