Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 178 Big Deception

After Zhang Shun and Chuangying defeated the officers and soldiers, they each finished handling the battlefield, and then continued to attack Lingchuan County, trapping Wang Zhaosheng in Lingchuan County.

This time, the camp also got a lot of artillery. Although they were all small French guns and some Western cannons, Huang Lai'er and others were overjoyed. They had seen the power of Zhang Shun's artillery before, and were beaten all over the head by Zhang Daojun. They finally realized the role of artillery, and this time they followed Zhang Shun's example.

Little did Zhang Shun know that because of his messing around, Chuangying had changed his view on firearms. Whether this is good or bad is unclear.

However, Zhang Shun didn't care about the changes in the camp. This guy also got a lot of French guns and a few Western cannons this time. He liked them so much that he handed them over to Li Shi'an and ordered him to lead a team to bombard Lingchuan County.

As a result, there was great joy and sorrow. For some unknown reason, two artillery pieces suddenly exploded, injuring more than ten people and killing several gunners.

This artillery doesn't matter, it's made of iron anyway. If it doesn't work, just find a chance to cast a dozen more. It's just that this kind of gunner is rare. At this time, the gunner who can fire is easy to find, but the gunner who can shoot accurately is hard to find.

There were few literate people in this era, so they couldn't understand what Zhang Shun told them about ballistics, parabolas, and air resistance. What's more, Zhang Shun hasn't used this knowledge for many years. At most, he only has one concept left and no formula to use at all, which makes it even harder to understand.

It is simply like the legendary saying "To make oneself faint, one wants to make others enlightened". You don't understand it yourself, but you still want to teach others?

Zhang Shun had no choice but to adopt stupid methods to cultivate more than a dozen talents, and they were treated as treasures by him, for fear that others would win him over. Good guy, a quarter of the talent is missing this time.

What's even more tragic is that because the artillery exploded this time, the rebels under Zhang Shun also had doubts about the reliability of the artillery, and they were not as active as before in igniting the artillery.

Zhang Shun wanted to tell them that it was okay. It was normal for the body to explode in this era, and it was weird not to. However, Zhang Shun held it back at least. He was afraid that once these words were spoken, none of his gunners would be able to escape.

Zhang Shun knew that these artillery should have been fired too much, and the gun body must have accumulated a lot of problems. It was not visible on the surface, and it would explode after a long time.

However, in order to appease his gunners, Zhang Shun had no choice but to go and check it himself. He held the black cast-iron fragments in his hand and looked at them seriously for a long time, and then said seriously: "These two artillery pieces caused too much damage and were evil. They need to find a Taoist priest to do some rituals." Keep everyone safe!"

As a result, after hearing this, the gunners under Zhang Shun moved farther away from the artillery. Zhang Shun smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, this evil only causes trouble when the artillery is ignited. So these are empty cannons and can't hurt anyone."

Seeing the false alarm, the gunners felt relieved and quickly asked where they could find Taoist priests.

When Zhang Shun saw whether this method was possible, he found that he had a large number of feudal superstitious elements under his command. Then he smiled and said: "I heard that there is a Taoist Taoist Qi Xu under the second master. If it's just right, could you please come and help me?"

When the Qixi Taoist was invited over by Zhang Shun's subordinates, he couldn't believe his ears that he was being asked to perform rituals on their artillery.

Qixu Taoist had nothing to say, and secretly complained in his heart: Damn it, how come everyone has learned how to lie after I have been away for a few months? After a long time, I, the old Taoist priest, will be unemployed.

Zhang Shun looked at the former "Taoist Master" who was wearing iron armor and was getting stronger and stronger, and was now a pragmatic Taoist, but he was unable to complain. This savage veteran is very old, but he can actually fight in person?

Zhang Shun brushed off the sticky red and white object in the whisk that was stuck in the hands of the old Taoist Niubi, and said with a smile: "Taoist Qixu, don't blame me for disturbing you. But at your age, you have to go to the battlefield? How come the whisk is stained red!"

The old Taoist priest shook the fly whisk proudly, throwing out some blood, and said with a smile: "Old Taoist priest, I have boundless magic. I can use the light whisk to make it look like a hammer. I have a method here. First, practice with heavy objects for ten times." With an eight-pound iron hammer, you can practice it until you can swing it freely, like a feather. This is called lifting a weight as if it were light. Then practice using a feather as light as a feather, until you can swing it as if it were a huge weight. This is called lifting a weight as if it were heavy. After practicing here, you can pick flowers and leaves. , can hurt others!"

The soldiers under Zhang Shun's command couldn't help but be fascinated after hearing this, and they all praised: "Taoist Master is good at immortal magic. Come and do some rituals with us!" Others who were confused shouted: "Taoist Master Hu Be brave, have the ability and perform with me, then I can trust you!"

The Qixu Taoist was resolute and said with a smile: "Knocking another person's head to pieces will only taint my treasure. Let me knock a branch for you to see!"

Before he finished speaking, the Qixu Taoist swung the whisk in his hand vigorously. There was a "click" sound, and he suddenly used the soft hair on the whisk to break a branch as thick as two fingers.

When Zhang Shun's subordinates saw this, they couldn't help being shocked, and they all praised Qixu Taoist for his powerful immortal skills. Only Zhang Shun was puzzled. How could Taoist Ma himself not know how much he weighed and what he was doing here?

The Qixu Taoist knew that Zhang Shun knew his details, so he explained in a low voice while others were not paying attention: "There is an iron gall hidden in my fly whisk, which is like a goose egg and is designed to crush people's heads!"

After Zhang Shun heard this, he almost said: Are you the heavy-armored priest?

It turns out that Taoist Ma was walking alone in the world. He was afraid of encountering danger, so he made a pair of iron whisks. Except for the horsetail decorated on the surface, there was an iron gall hanging inside the horsetail. What kind of whisk was this? This is clearly a flail made of fine iron!

This game is really insidious. You watch the old Taoist priest pull it out with a light whisk. You thought he was going to wipe the dust off you or drive away mosquitoes and flies, but who would have expected that he would either have broken muscles or broken bones or a brain blossom.

How pitiful many heroes lost their lives at the hands of this old Taoist priest. When Zezhou City was in chaos, the two cronies sent by Han Tingxian to supervise the old Taoist priest were accidentally killed in the hands of the old Taoist priest.

After hearing this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but cursed secretly: How insidious!

Not to mention that Zhang Shun and others were not ready to prepare incense, candles and other tributes for the ceremony, but they heard that "Purple Gold Liang" was back.

I saw the second leader "Zijin Liang" in high spirits and said happily: "It's a big deal! Zhang Daojun has been persuaded by me and agreed to tell the emperor about our loyalty to the court. At this point, I will get rid of the identity of a bandit and enjoy peace and quiet." The high-ranking official has gone with a generous salary!"

"Is this true?" Zhang Shun asked doubtfully. He came from a later generation. Although he didn't know much about history, he should have heard about it. He didn't know what the outcome was in history.

"It's guaranteed to be replaced if it's fake!" "Purple Gold Liang" smiled.

"Will we continue to fight in Lingchuan County?" someone asked.

"Why fight?" "Purple Gold Liang" asked, "We are all colleagues after all, let's save each other's face!"

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