Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 179 Heading North to Lu'an

The second boss, "Purple Gold Liang", said he would not fight, so naturally no one was willing to fight. Zhang Shun knew that the metal of his artillery might be tired and needed to be recast; while the camp had lost a strong general like Gao Jie and did not want to attack the city forcefully.

What's more, everyone won a great victory in the battle at night. Not only did they seize many weapons and armor, but they also captured many officers and soldiers, and they all wanted to take the time to add them to their own team. Such an ordinary county town, naturally no one had any intention of conquering it.

Now that the war is over and everyone is ready to wait for recruitment, everyone has to go back to the camp to repair. The Chuangying camp is in Wu'an County on the east side of Taihang Mountain, and the "Zijinliang" rebel camp is in Licheng County on the west side of Taihang Mountain.

Both groups need to go north to Lu'an and then return to camp. Zhang Shun's original intention was to take the opportunity to return to Shunwangping camp and cast cannons again. As a result, the "Purple Golden Liang" asked Zhang Shun to go to the rebel camp with him.

It turned out that after the rebel army entered Shanxi, each ministry established a large camp deep in the Taihang Mountains in Licheng County in order to have a place to place their families. The terrain here is difficult and it is hidden in the mountains so that officers and soldiers cannot find it. It is suitable for the rebel army to make timely repairs.

Zhang Shun originally loved his family and did not want to go there. As a result, after Xu Ziyuan and Zhang Shenyan found out, they both encouraged Zhang Shun to go there.

Because Xu Ziyuan was good at drawing Western-style maps, he was commissioned by Zhang Shun to make nearby maps. Now that Zezhou's mountain topography and urban checkpoints are almost mapped, I intend to take the opportunity to inspect the topography of Lu'an and prepare to draw a map of Lu'an Prefecture.

On the surface, Zhang Shenyan proposed to get to know and communicate with other rebels more, which would be beneficial to Zhang Shun's cause, but secretly he hoped to find out more about the reality of the rebels. Zhang Shenyan has now thought clearly. His family is wanted by the government. If he wants to stand up, he can only make meritorious service and receive an imperial edict.

How could Zhang Shun not know that these two men may not be sincere, but what they said was very reasonable, so he followed their advice, accepted their views, and agreed to become the second leader of the family "Purple Gold Liang".

At that time, it was already the morning of the next day. Seeing that the fighting was over, Zhang Shun immediately reorganized his troops and reorganized his team.

According to the military register and the inventory of generals under his command, Li Jiyu's troops lost 62 people in this battle, 47 of whom were killed in battle, and 15 were seriously injured; Zhang Sanbai's troops lost 71 people, of which 49 were in combat. died, and 22 were seriously injured; Jiang He's tribe lost 44 people, of which 31 were killed in battle, and 13 were seriously injured; Wei Congyi's tribe lost 12 men, six were killed in battle, and six were seriously injured; Liu Cheng's tribe lost Of the sixteen men, thirteen were killed, three were seriously wounded, and nine horses were lost. Chen Changzhen's tribe lost nine men, nine were killed in battle, and eight horses were damaged.

The total loss was nearly 200 people, which can be said to be a heavy loss. It corresponded to the original "Purple Gold Liang" sentence "Next time we fight, how many people are available?" Fortunately, Zhang Shun had added a large number of officers and soldiers and prisoners, so there was no longer a situation where no one was available. He even killed Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi Province, and his reputation was greatly enhanced.

The more than 300 people who came specifically to seek refuge with Xu Ziyuan were the most reliable, and were directly supplemented by Zhang Shun to the generals who were in short supply. He also had more than 100 people who were rich enough to be directly assigned to Xu Ziyuan to serve as miscellaneous workers. The five hundred personal guards who were surrendered by Liu Cheng were relatively reliable, and most of them were cavalry. They were directly intimidated by Liu Cheng's battle and all surrendered, including men and horses.

Zhang Shun simply added more than 300 people to Liu Cheng and expanded his cavalry to 500 men. As for the remaining 200 people, about 100 were divided and replaced and supplemented by the sworn brother Chen Changzhen, so that Chen Changzhen's scout battalion reached its full strength of 200 riders.

Zhang Shun himself transferred more than a hundred people with strong martial arts skills from Chen Changzhi's command and the remaining more than a hundred cavalry to form a cavalry guard. They were led by Wukong and Ji Dan, who had already practiced their riding skills well.

The remaining surrendered officers and soldiers who were not particularly reliable were treated as favors by Zhang Shun and presented to "Purple Gold Liang" and "Chuang Jiang" respectively. After the two received Zhang Shun's "gift", they were very happy and secretly praised Zhang Shun's character and character, which was indeed first-rate.

Only more than thirty Feimeng gunners were retained by Zhang Shun and were temporarily placed under Li Shian's jurisdiction. By now, Li Shian's men had expanded to about a hundred people.

At this point, Zhang Shun's men and horses expanded rapidly, from the one thousand soldiers brought out of the camp to nearly two thousand. Nearly half of the prisoners were brought in by his subordinates, and the whole army might collapse if they were not careful. However, Zhang Shun was not worried at all and coerced good people to join the army. He and his generals had already had very mature experience. As long as he led them to fight a few battles with officers and soldiers, they would be no different from other rebels.

What's more, Zhang Shun also made careful arrangements for these prisoners. First of all, the four battalions at the front, left and right only added some prisoners, and the original old people had the advantage; secondly, Liu Cheng's prestige was rising, and Song Tong Yin's personal guards were afraid of him like a tiger, so he relied on him to suppress the three hundred surrendered cavalry; finally, he and his sworn brother Chen Changzhen was in charge of hundreds of people, so he could control the situation. As for the remaining 100 people being arranged under Xu Ziyuan's command, firstly, they can just appease Xu Ziyuan and the officers and soldiers prisoners. Secondly, these more than 100 people have no weapons and cannot be used.

In this way, Zhang Shun spent a whole day arranging the surrender of soldiers. Early the next morning, Zhang broke camp and went north to Lu'an Prefecture with the "Purple Gold Liang" and "Chuang Jiang".

Zelu Prefecture is the so-called Shangdang place in ancient times, but the name has its own origin. Di Ziqi of the later Qing Dynasty said in "A Study of National Policy and Place Names" that "the earth is extremely high and is aligned with the sky, so it is called Shangdang." . This revealed Shangdang's original intention, which is to "live on the top of the Taihang Mountains, with the highest terrain, and be aligned with the sky."

During the Warring States Period, Taihang Mountain was once known as the "Backbone of the World." In the late Warring States period, the Qin State captured the land of Zelu through the Battle of Changping, which was known as "breaking the backbone of the world". From then on, the world was at the mercy of Qin.

In a broad sense, Shangdang includes the four areas of Ze, Lu, Liao and Qin, and its core is Lu'an Prefecture. Even the place of Shangdang in a narrow sense sometimes refers to Lu'an Mansion. This is the first time that Zhang Shun has entered an area outside Zezhou since he entered Shangdang.

Previously, Zezhou where Zhang Shun was located was called the Zezhou Basin, and later it was also called the Jincheng Basin; while this Lu'an Prefecture was called the Shangdang Basin, and later generations it was called the Changzhi Basin. These two places are the most fertile places in Shangdang. place.

The two basins are bounded by mountains such as Danzhu Ridge, Yangtou Mountain and Fajiu Mountain. This has been the traditional boundary mountain between Lu and Ze prefectures since ancient times. Zhang Shun followed the other two units of the rebel army through the above mountains and entered Changzi County of Lu'an Prefecture.

The origin of the name of Changzi County is related to Danzhu Ridge, the boundary mountain between these two places. Legend has it that Danzhu, the eldest son of Yao, was granted a title here, so it was named Changzi County.

Thank you to fan "Youyuan Beiyuan" for the large reward, thank you to fan "Optimize" for the two rewards and "YYJ Come on Duck" for the reward. thanks for your support!

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