Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 180 Loyalty and Bronze

When Zhang Shun's troops arrived in Changzi County, they had strict military discipline and did not disturb the people. However, the subordinates of "Zijinliang" were not restrained, and most of them were thieves. They looted along the way, which was very despicable.

Zhang Shun was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't want to offend "Purple Gold Liang", so he had to turn a blind eye with a dark face. As a result, Zhang Shun wanted to avoid the trouble, but unexpectedly the trouble came to his door.

Zhang Shun never expected to see the rebels under the command of "Zijin Liang" driving the people of the nearby village into a cave, and then smoking and roasting them with sulfur, wet firewood and other materials. The people in the cave were crying and coughing. I don’t know how many people there are.

Zhang Shun had no choice but to send Chen Changzhen to persuade him, but it turned out that this group of people were rebellious and unruly people. They believed that they were under the command of the rebel leader "Zijin Liang" and did not show any respect to Zhang Shun. They even insulted Chen Changzhen in person.

What kind of person is Chen Changzhen? How can he accept their arrogance? What's more, he couldn't bear to see the behavior of this group of "rogue bandits", so he gave the order and took the lead himself, rushing in and hacking the leader of the "rogue bandits" to death on the spot.

The rest were frightened when they saw this and fled away one after another. Chen Changzhen was well aware of the principle of "doing one thing and not doing anything else", so he quickly ordered: "Don't leave any one alive, you will see people alive, and you will see corpses after death!"

It's ridiculous that none of the bandits who bullied the weak and feared the strong could escape, and they were all hacked to death on the spot by Chen Changzhen's cavalry. Someone was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy. His head was broken and he shouted: "Grandpa is benevolent and righteous, we will never dare to offend grandpa's power again!"

Then Chen Changzhen rode over and shouted: "I talk to you about benevolence and righteousness, but you don't want to talk to me! Now I talk to you about swords, but you want to talk to me about benevolence and righteousness. Such a shameless person, How can you stay in this world and harm others!"

After saying this, he rode over and solved these disasters one by one with his sword. Then, fearing that other rebels would discover this situation, he asked his men to gather the corpses of these bandits. Using the firewood, sulfur and other materials they collected and the bonfires they lit, they were given a fever.

At this time, Zhang Shun got the news and came over. Seeing this situation, he sighed and said to Chen Changzhen: "Brother is interested, but you can't be so reckless next time. If the second master finds out, I won't be able to explain it!"

Zhang Shun knew what Chen Changzhen meant, so he deliberately ordered the killing of these bandits without asking him for instructions. If the second boss "Zijin Liang" finds out in the future, and if he cannot dissuade "Zijin Liang", he can go to "Zijin Liang" to take the blame himself.

Although Zhang Shun admired Chen Changzhen's loyalty, he had to point out that the two of them were sworn brothers. As the leader, how could he deny the past?

When Chen Changzheng heard this, he knew that he had not thought carefully, but he asked unsatisfactoryly: "The third brother raised the army not for these scandalous things, how could he lose his original intention?"

Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and could only explain: "To seek shelter from others, I can only keep myself clean! If Zhang succeeds in his ambition in the future, he will live up to the people of the world!"

Hearing this, Chen Changzhen knelt down on one knee and said: "Changzhen was born with only loyalty and righteousness. Loyalty means choosing a person to help him wholeheartedly; justice is the cause of justice in the world! Now that my lord has said this, Changzhen can only use this Retribution with death!”

Zhang Shun was very moved after hearing this, knowing that he had truly conquered this person this time. It turned out that although Chen Changzhen was recruited by Zhang Shun, he was quite confused because Zhang Shun was quite cunning and did not match the "Liu Bei-style wise king" in Chen Changzhen's mind.

This time he saw the harm done to the people by the rebels, and he felt angry, so he killed these thieves to vent his anger. He originally thought that Zhang Shun had lost his original intention, and he was ready to follow the "Purple Golden Liang" and become the traitor, but he didn't expect that Zhang Shun also had his own reasons.

Now that Zhang Shun said these words, Chen Changzhen saw it as an oath, so he responded like this. It was regarded as a "contract" between the two of them. Zhang Shun was happy when he saw that he had finally convinced this person. When he was about to say something, he saw the soldiers who were collecting trophies passing by with several copper hats in their hands. He was quite surprised and asked, "Why did my brother capture so many copper hats?"

"What kind of copper cap?" Chen Changzhen asked in confusion when he heard this. He turned around and couldn't help laughing, "My lord, he saw it wrong. This is not a copper cap, but a copper cymbal!"

After saying this, Chen Changzhen picked up two "bronze hats" from the soldiers' hands, rubbed them against each other, and made a loud sound.

Zhang Shun took a closer look, but he saw it wrong. He thought about war issues all day long and looked at everything like weapons and equipment.

Thinking of weapons and equipment, Zhang Shun's heart moved and he quickly asked: "How many bronzes were seized this time?"

Chen Changzhen didn't know, so he quickly called his soldiers and asked, only to find out that these twenty bandits had snatched more than ten sets of cymbals and three to five bronze gongs from nowhere.

Before Zhang Shun could ask, he suddenly heard an exclamation. Zhang Shun turned around and saw that the people hiding in the cave heard the sound of the cymbals and stretched out their heads to look at the situation outside.

Zhang Shun's heart moved and he quickly asked Chen Changzhen to go and call the people out. At the beginning, the people were frightened by the disaster caused by the bandits and did not dare to come out. Until Chen Changzhen told them that the thieves and bandits were all killed by him and others. Otherwise, they would have been smoked to death in the cave.

Under the leadership of an old man, these talented people came out timidly. Zhang Shun didn't take it seriously, but asked kindly: "My father-in-law is frightened. Where are we? What do you do for a living? Why are you being harassed by bandits?"

When the old man saw that he was a kind-faced man, he couldn't help crying: "We are originally from Mazhuang at the foot of the mountain. We have been making bronze wares for generations. We never wanted to attract thieves. When they came to the village, they not only burned, killed, raped and plundered us, but also drove us and killed us for fun." .”

"Our village is not big to begin with. It has been repeatedly attacked by thieves, and there are not many old and weak people left. Even my three-year-old grandson was thrown to death by them! There are only twenty or thirty of us left. Today will be the day next year. On the anniversary of the death of our whole village, we unexpectedly met a noble man, and I would like to thank him for his life-saving grace!"

After speaking, the old man took the lead in kowtowing to Zhang Shun and Chen Changzhen. Zhang Shun quickly pulled the old man up and said, "How can I receive such a great gift at such a young age? You can kill me! What are my plans for the future?"

The old man was at a loss when he heard this and just cried: "We can only wait for death. There is nothing else to plan!"

Hearing this, Zhang Shun pretended to think for a moment and said: "I wonder what you call me? In that case, I have a gracious request. I wonder if I can lead the young and old in the village to follow us to make bronze wares. Food and accommodation are included. , your life safety is also guaranteed."

The old man didn't expect such a good thing to happen, so he hurriedly kowtowed again, but was stopped by Zhang Shun. He could only say: "Old man, my family name is Ma, and I call him Manger. The nickname offends the ears of noble people. Please don't laugh at me."

"Your kindness is so great that we will never forget it. In fact, in addition to the six or seven of us, there are three old men, eight strong men, eleven weak women, and four or five children in the cave. The old man has a thick face, so I would like to invite you to And take it in!”

How could Zhang Shun not allow it? He originally coveted these talents and quickly agreed. As expected, the old manger thanked him profusely, entered the cave again, and brought out the villagers.

Zhang Shun looked at them and saw that they were all craftsmen with strong bodies and thick calluses on their hands. It was estimated that most of them could do copper work. But some people saw that they were also thieves and were so afraid that the manger quickly kicked the man twice and said with a smile: "There are some strong men in the village who are timid and make the nobles laugh!"

Zhang Shun said "no problem" and ordered Xu Ziyuan: "Register them as coppersmiths. We will take people to the village to take a look and get some craftsmen and materials for making copperware. Let’s go!”

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