Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 181 Rebel Camp

Zhang Shun was very happy to get these more than 20 coppersmiths. It was mentioned in the online novels he read in his previous life that bronze was the easiest cannon-casting material with good performance at that time. He didn't particularly know how to cast cannons, but he had a scientific way of thinking and understood some basic principles.

There is a lot of data for Zhang Shun. As long as he slowly tests it, he can obtain the ideal artillery model. In the past, artillery was cast from cast iron or forged from wrought iron. Not only could the artillery materials not be easily reused, but it also took a lot of time.

But with copper, the situation is different. Zhang Shun could order the coppersmith to make the artillery and test various data repeatedly. Even if the artillery explodes, it will not hurt anyone. Even if the artillery is broken, it can be recast by melting it.

Therefore, Zhang Shun deliberately collected some copper materials and coppersmiths during his march in Changzi County. Along the way, we also collected about thirty coppersmiths and hundreds of sets of gongs, cymbals, and cymbals of all kinds.

It turns out that Changzi County is world-famous for its copper music production, among which the technique of "beating a gong with a thousand hammers and finalizing the sound with one hammer" is the most famous. When making a copper instrument, these craftsmen are divided into fitters and four hammerers. The fitter is a master and is a master of all-hand skills. One of the four hammerers wields a small hammer, and the remaining three wield large hammers. Hammer, hot forged copper ingot.

When Zhang Shun learned about this from the manger master, he was fortunate to find that he had actually recruited a few fitters, otherwise he would not be able to continue making copperware.

After Zhangzi County, Tunliu County is to the north, Lucheng County is beyond Cunliu, and Licheng County is to the north of Lucheng. Zhang Shun's trip actually took a long way around Lu'an Fucheng.

It turns out that Lu'an City is where the Ming Dynasty clan Prince Shen's Mansion is located. For the safety of the clan, Lu'an Mansion mobilized all the elites of the government and stayed behind closed doors for fear that the rebels would attack the city. The rebel army led by "Zijin Liang" has not yet decided to completely break up with the Ming Dynasty, and has a tacit agreement not to attack Lu'an Fucheng.

As soon as the Qixu Taoist entered Lu'an Mansion, he smiled at "Purple Gold Liang" and said: "The second head of the family, this is God's will! This Lu'an Mansion should be a chaotic house, and the Zhu family will be in chaos from here!"

"Zijin Liang" was still dreaming about Zhao'an. He felt it was harsh when he heard it, so he replied with a face: "Taoist Priest be careful, if someone mentions this matter after Zhao'an, it will be quite inappropriate!"

Taoist Qi Xu chuckled lightly when he heard this and didn't take it seriously.

In fact, Qixu Taoist explained the problem of naming here in one sentence. Therefore, in the eighth year of Jiajing reign, after Luzhou was promoted to Lu'an Prefecture, in order to seek good luck, Fuguo County was named "Changzhi County", taking the name of "Changzhi County". It means long-lasting peace and stability. This is also the reason why it was called Changzhi City in later generations.

Zhang Shun and others passed Tunliu County and then entered Lucheng County. As a result, Zhang Shun suddenly discovered that the coppersmiths he had worked so hard to recruit had instantly "depreciated" in value.

It turns out that Lucheng County has more copper utensils, especially copper vats, copper basins, copper spoons, copper locks, copper pots, etc., and copper and tin shops are everywhere. Zhang Shun was overjoyed and quickly ordered people to "recruit" coppersmiths and "purchase" copper, tin and other materials.

These people have been robbed several times by "Zijin Liang" and others, how can they be willing to submit honestly?

It turns out that in this era, copper represented money. The so-called copper coins were just lead-copper alloys. This copper barely entered the ranks of precious metals. After the "Zijinliang" heard about this, they sent someone to tell Zhang Shun: "The copper and tin in Lucheng have been exhausted, little brother, don't delay your trip!"

Zhang Shun's face turned dark after hearing this. Fortunately, I finally found more than a dozen coppersmiths in several shops before I finally quit.

After leaving the sad Lucheng County, we arrived at Licheng County where the rebel camp was located. Before the army reached Licheng, Zhang discovered that the terrain had become more complicated.

Zhang Shun didn't know that this place was naturally a good place for peasant uprisings. During the Jiajing period, Chen Qing revolted near this county. Using Qingyang Mountain as his base, he defeated the officers and soldiers and captured most of Lucheng, Licheng, Huguan, and Luzhou, as well as Linxian County in Henan and Shexian County in Hebei to the east of the Taihang Mountains. .

Later, it took the officers and soldiers four or five years to finally suppress the peasant army uprising. In order to prevent the resurgence of the peasant army and to gain a good reputation, Pingshun County was established in 16 miles of Lucheng, 10 miles of Licheng and 10 miles of Huguan, a total of 36 miles. I hope that the people here can stay in peace and keep themselves safe and not cause trouble for the Ming Dynasty. If a riot occurs in time, it can also rise and fall and be quelled in time.

The rebel camp is somewhere else, on Liangjia Mountain not far from Licheng County. Although this place is very close to the county seat, the terrain is difficult and it is close to the Zhuozhang River, so it can be considered a good camp.

What's more, "Purple Golden Liang" believes that this mountain is quite destined for him. Liangjiashan is also called Liangjiashan. He called himself "Purple Gold Liang" and the mountain became his property.

What's more, there are Shiliangkou and Fengdong Mountain to the east of Liangjia Mountain, the Ma'an Mountains to the south, the Longfu Mountains to the west, and the remnants of the Taihang Mountains to the north, all of which are easy to defend and station troops. The other thirty-sixth battalion of rebels are mostly stationed nearby, so they can build momentum and serve as each other's horns.

Zhang Shun took the team everywhere and couldn't help being shocked. At this time, the sky was already cold and the trees were bleak. Without the cover of green leaves, we can only see buildings made of huge stones standing among the mountains in the distance. The towering one is the watchtower, followed by the Stone City, which is once again a small Great Wall.

Within the area enclosed by the Small Great Wall, there are countless camps, and between the camps there are horse racing tracks, military training grounds and other facilities.

Compared to this place, my camp was as shabby as a thatched hut, not worth mentioning at all. However, after all, no matter how nice the Guangsha is, it belongs to others, and no matter how dilapidated the thatched house is, it belongs to him. Zhang Shun clearly knows the difference.

Zhang Shun led his team into the camp with the "Purple Gold Liang" troops, and the camp separated from Zhang Shun and the "Purple Gold Liang" troops. His camp is not in the same place as other rebels, and he needs to cross the Taihang Mountains to return to the camp.

When Zhang Shun's men arrived at the rebel camp, Zhang Shun's men also opened their eyes and were full of praise. In the evening, "Zijin Liang" personally held a banquet and invited other leaders of the rebels in the camp and Zhang Shun and his men to come and have a good time.

Although "Purple Golden Liang" has its shortcomings, the scene was beautifully done at that time. Since there were many leaders in the rebel army, he directly set up a banquet for two to three hundred tables, and called out the musicians and dancers who had been plundered from who knows where, and they all came out to perform.

At first, everyone was very concerned about face. "Zijinliang" knew their virtue well, so he took the opportunity to grab Zhang Shun and told everyone that a new brother had joined the gang, and then introduced Zhang Shun to several powerful leaders one by one. .

Zhang Shun couldn't remember these many people one by one, but he roughly remembered "Xing Honglang", "Eight Kings", "Hunshi King", "Guo Tianxing" and others. After everyone met each other and drank a few bowls of wine, they got drunk. They didn't care about brothers or not. Instead, they pulled the woman in front of them and started to perform the courtesy of Zhou Gong.

Zhang Shun looked at the banquet, which was like a barbaric scene, and was speechless. He left and returned to his residence.

The author is busy today and came back very late. I'm sorry! I could only barely code one chapter, so that’s it for today. If there is a missing chapter, go back and fill it in!

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