Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1746 One goes and one stays

"Mr. Song, Mr. Zhao, are you really leaving?" Zhang Shenyan looked at the two old men in front of him and frowned.

He knew very well the significance of these two people to Zhang Shun, so he worked hard to retain them.

Unexpectedly, Song Xiance shook his head and said with a smile: "Although His Majesty tried so hard to persuade us to stay, we both came from rough backgrounds. We cannot wield a brush in writing or wield a sword in martial arts."

"Now that I have achieved success and fame, it is better to go back, lest the king and his ministers turn against each other in the future."

"Ah? Your Majesty is not that kind of person!" Zhang Shenyan frowned upon hearing this and explained, "Your Majesty has been trying hard to persuade the two of you, and specifically ordered me to continue to persuade them."

"You two have been with the dragon for a long time, and your hard work has made great achievements. Now is the time for His Majesty to show off his talents. How can we be without your help!"

"Zhang Shoufu has a sharp mouth, but it's a pity that we have already made up our minds!" Song Xiance and Zhao Yutou shook their heads, expressing their strong intentions.

"Could it be that you two dislike the low official rank?" Zhang Shenyan hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but ask.

"The chief minister is joking!" Song Xiance shook his head after hearing this and said, "The old Taoist priest is so virtuous and capable, but he is on the same level as Zhuge Wuhou. How can he dislike the inferiority of an official?"

"Although this Zhao Yutou is not as good as me, he has also obtained the position of Grand Master and the title of Count. He is already satisfied!"

"Yes, I am no more than a fisherman on the Mengjin River. How can He De occupy such a high position!" Zhao Yutou also added, "This time it is really not because of our intentions. It is really due to old age and weak energy. We have no choice. And retreat!"

"Okay then!" Seeing that the two of them were determined to leave, Zhang Shenyan had no choice but to take out two bags and handed them to them, saying, "This is the baggage that His Majesty personally prepared for the two of you. It is not very valuable, but it is Please accept the old clothes and so on."

"Old clothes?" The two of them were stunned when they heard this, and immediately understood that this was Zhang Shun's intention to not forget his old relationship.

The two people quickly bowed in the direction of Qianqing Palace and thanked Zhang Shun for giving him the clothes.

However, just as the two were about to leave, they suddenly saw a group of people coming from the south and were about to enter the city.

The three of them were about to avoid it, but unexpectedly the leader saw them and came over quickly.

The three of them quickly took a look and found out that the person coming was Wang Zheng, who had white hair and beard.

"Who are you?" Sanwang Zheng was surprised when he saw this, and he quickly saluted and asked.

"I'm old and have low energy, so I retired and returned home!" Song Xiance explained with a smile.

"Resign yourself to your hometown?" Wang Zheng was stunned when he heard this, and accidentally stroked the snow-white beard on his chest.

To be honest, although Song Xiance and Zhao Yutou are not young, they are "younger and stronger" than Wang Zheng, who is nearly seventy years old.

"You are different from us. Although you look a little older when you are young, you are still strong after all!" Zhao Yutou continued with a smile, "Although we look a few years younger, in fact, our bones are already dead!"

"I see that these two people are in good spirits and have glowing faces. Where do you start talking about this?" Wang Zheng couldn't help but said in a daze.

"Mr. Wang knew it as soon as he left, why bother to get to the bottom of it like this?" Song Xiance shook his head and couldn't help shouting to Zhao Yutou, "It's getting late, we should get on the road!"

"Ah, you guys?" Wang Zheng was even more confused and couldn't help but open his mouth again.

"Oh, by the way, I have a message for you!" Song Xiance suddenly turned around and said with a mysterious smile, "By the way, talk less about strange powers and more about strange skills and tricks. Maybe it will be helpful to you." This trip will be beneficial to you!”

After saying that, he walked away without even looking back.

It turned out that on the day Zhang Shun ascended the throne, Zhao Yutou traveled thousands of miles to deliver the imperial seal. However, Zhang Shun did not pay much attention to it. Instead, he promoted the idea that "the common people in the world should inherit the imperial seal". This made the extremely keen Song Xiance Clues were found.

There is a saying that "Conquer the world immediately, but you cannot rule the world immediately." Similarly, Zhang Shun can conquer the world by relying on "strange gods and chaotic powers", but of course he cannot rule the world by relying on "strange gods and chaotic powers".

Although Song Xiance and Zhao Yutou did not know that Zhang Shun wanted to get rid of feudal superstition and advocate scientific rationality, they carefully observed Zhang Shun's actions and concluded that Zhang Shun was not optimistic about their own ideas.

Therefore, after attending the enthronement ceremony, the two people lingered in the capital for nearly a month, and then proposed "resigning from old age and returning home" at a private banquet.

Although Zhang Shun didn't know what the two of them were thinking, he still knew about repaying their kindness.

Therefore, he worked hard to retain the two of them, hoping that they could continue to "use their remaining energy."

However, these two people believed that they had "seen through" Zhang Shun, so they insisted on returning to Luoyang to "live out their remaining years in peace".

Zhang Shun had no choice but to give them gold and silver property and some guards, and let the two of them leave.

By coincidence, just as Song Xiance and Zhao Yutou were leaving, Wang Zheng, who made weapons and equipment for Zhang Shun, hurried back to the capital at this time.

The reason was none other than that the missionaries headed by Long Huamin and including Luo Yagu, Deng Yuhan, Tang Ruowang and others, when they were "persuading people to enter", brought in private goods in an attempt to get the Pope to crown Zhang Shun, which caused a stir. Zhang Shun's disgust.

Therefore, after Zhang Shun ascended the throne, he looked down upon this group of missionaries.

These four people knew that they hated Zhang Shun and were afraid that he would start a "lesson case" again, so they quickly invited Wang Zheng to Beijing in an attempt to use him to ease the relationship between the two.

Not to mention what these people were thinking, after Wang Zheng met Zhang Shenyan, they entered the city together.

Wang Zheng didn't care about finding a place to stay, so he hurriedly went to see Zhang Shun.

"Wang Zheng? Why is he here?" When Zhang Shun received Wang Zheng's post, he couldn't help but asked in surprise.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's not related to those Far Westerners!" Gao Qiqian reminded him with a smile.

He had served as the supervisor of the Liaodong army and the governor of the Liaodong army. Naturally, he had some contact with these missionaries and the "Western French Party", so he understood their thoughts very well.

"Oh, I forgot about this!" Zhang Shun suddenly realized and couldn't help but smile.

In fact, his attitude towards these European missionaries was also extremely complicated.

On the one hand, he found that the level of local scholars seemed to be good, and he couldn't help but reuse them.

But on the other hand, he also knew that it was the West that first opened the Age of Discovery, and then formed the famous "Renaissance" on this basis.

If you build your own business behind closed doors, I'm afraid it will be no different from the Manchu Qing Dynasty that closed itself off in its previous life.

Therefore, on the one hand, he was extremely disgusted with the missionaries' preaching behavior, and on the other hand, he wanted to learn the advanced knowledge of Western science, technology, painting, etc. brought by these missionaries, and he was very conflicted for a while.

"Okay, let him come in!" Zhang Shun hesitated for a moment, but finally gave the order.

Although Wang Zheng was not as good as the civil servants and generals, his status under Zhang Shun was also extraordinary.

On the one hand, he is a native Chinese scholar, but at the same time, he is an extremely devout Christian.

Secondly, Wang Zheng had taken refuge with himself before and made many instruments and weapons for himself. He had no credit but hard work, but he was unexpectedly beaten to death with a stick.

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