Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1747 Calendar Dispute (Part 1)

"Oh, Mr. Wang, why are you here?" Zhang Shun looked at Wang Zheng in surprise and said, "Quick, give me a seat quickly!"

"I was surprised to hear that His Majesty has received a great treasure, so I came to congratulate him!" Wang Zheng was stunned when he heard this and quickly replied.

It turns out that an official like him cannot leave his post without permission, let alone enter the capital without permission.

Although he relied on Zhang Shun's old relationship and was not very worried about Zhang Shun punishing him, he did not dare to blatantly challenge this rule.

So, he hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but continue: "Whenever a new dynasty is established, it will be easy to change the color and correct Shuo."

"It's not for me to tell you what your clothes look like today. The only thing that matters is Zhengshuo. Please make your decision as soon as possible!"

The so-called "change of color" refers to changing the color of official uniforms and military uniforms.

For example, the Qin Dynasty was black, and court and military uniforms were mostly black; the Ming Dynasty was red, and official robes and military uniforms were mostly red.

Nowadays, Dayu is newly established, and it is born in response to Tu De, with yellow as the authentic color.

However, since the Tang Dynasty, yellow has been the exclusive color of the Yellow Emperor.

Therefore, Zhang Shun specifically decreed that ocher yellow should be used as the imperial color, and other golden, apricot, light yellow and other colors are not prohibited.

However, due to the huge stock of clothing in the Ming Dynasty and the rareness of yellow, most officials only embroidered some yellow patterns on the original official robes to show the difference.

However, under Zhang Shun's strong request, the Ministry of Industry conducted several experiments and found that cheaper cork roots, yellow cinnamon, sophora seeds, and sophora flowers could be used for printing and dyeing, resulting in an earthy coarse cloth, which could also be used for military uniforms.

The so-called "correcting the new moon" means "it means the beginning of the year, and the new moon means the beginning of the month. It means that the king will be in power, and it means starting from me, changing the old and using the new."

That is to say, changing the starting time of the year and month. For example, the Xia Dynasty used the first month as the first month and "the dawn is the new moon"; while the Shang Dynasty used "the twelfth month as the right month and the cockcrow as the new moon"; the Zhou Dynasty used "the tenth month as the new moon"; January is the first month, and midnight is the new moon."

Therefore, "Historical Records" records that the Xia Dynasty used "Xia Zheng", the Shang Dynasty used "Yin Zheng", and the Zhou Dynasty used "Zhou Zheng".

However, this method of changing back and forth is too troublesome and can easily affect agricultural production.

Therefore, since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty once again adopted "Xia Zheng" as the correct calendar, successive dynasties often promulgated new calendars as a symbol of "correcting Shuo".

Of course, since re-establishing the calendar was not only a huge project, but also took a long time, some dynasties used a trick, that is, to change the name of the previous dynasty's calendar and continue to issue it.

For example, Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty changed the Yuan Dynasty's "Time-giving Calendar" to the "Datong Calendar" and continued to use it.

Now that Zhang Shun has just ascended the throne, he only has a rough understanding of the calendar.

He had not yet made up his mind whether to continue using the old calendar under a different name or to make a new calendar, so Wang Zheng came at the right time.

"Oh? What do you think, sir?" Zhang Shun thought that since you raised this question, you must have made a decision in mind.

"The "New Calendar" submitted by missionary Long Huamin and others previously used Western methods, which is a hundred times better than ours." Wang Zheng couldn't help but laugh.

"There were many people who were dissatisfied. After several verifications, the new laws were all 'in close harmony with heaven'."

"Wait, wait, do you think that I can't understand the calendar and can't check the original records?" Just as Wang Zheng was boasting and boasting, Zhang Shun suddenly interrupted.

"Huh?" Wang Zheng was stunned when he heard this, his face turned red and he felt ashamed.

It turns out that what the missionaries and Wang Zheng called the "New Calendar" was the "Chongzhen Almanac" formulated during the Chongzhen period.

The content of this "Chongzhen Almanac" is extremely large, including a total of forty-six kinds of works and a length of one hundred and thirty-seven volumes. The main content includes five parts: Dharma Yuan, Dharma Number, Dharma Calculation, Dharma Instrument, and Huitong.

Among them, Fayuan describes relevant astronomical theories, with a total of forty volumes; Fashu refers to formulated astronomical mathematics tables; Fashu refers to the mathematical methods used to calculate astronomical calendars; Magical Instruments describes the corresponding astronomical Instrument; and Huitong is a conversion table of Eastern and Western units.

In addition, it also includes "The Origin of the Calendar" and "An Examination of Food in Ancient and Modern Times", which tells the story of how the calendar was formulated and how it "crushed" Qin Tianjian and Dongju during the formulation process.

When Zhang Shun first received the "New Almanac", upon first reading, he couldn't help but lament the development of Western science and technology and the vulgarity and ignorance of traditional Chinese scholars.

However, unexpectedly, when the missionary came to persuade him to enter the palace, Chongzhen's concubine Tian Xiuying exposed the truth.

At that time, Zhang Shun was busy with his ascension to the throne and had no time to distinguish.

After everything was done, he asked someone to retrieve the original files of the three-way contest between the Qintian Prison, the Eastern Bureau, and the Western Bureau, as well as Chongzhen's Zhubu and imperial edicts. Only then did he discover that the missionaries had not only secretly tampered with the results of his calculations, It also tampered with the outcome between the three.

It turns out that since Chongzhen ascended the throne and Xu Guangqi entered the court, he has been advocating and promoting the Western calendar.

But since then, it has annoyed two people.

One is Qintian Supervisor Zheng Ge Chengke, and the other is Wei Wenkui, a folk scholar.

Among them, many members of the Ge clan are practicing "Sitian" industry, and for example, they serve in Qintian Prison.

In other words, what Ge inherits from science is the ancestral astronomical calendar, and its main viewpoints and algorithms come from the "Da Tong Li", which is the "Time Calendar" of the Yuan Dynasty.

The latter one, Wei Wenkui, is even more incredible. To outsiders, he looks like a complete "minke".

Not only was he unclear about his mastership, but he also devoted himself to studying the "Huangji Jingshi Shu" written by Shao Yong in the Song Dynasty.

To be honest, this sounds unreliable at first sight.

The "Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu" is not even mentioned in the textbooks of later generations. At first glance, it seems to be a wild way.

When Zhang Shun ordered his people to find this book, he became even more convinced of his point of view.

It turns out that this "Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu" is a book that emphasizes Yi Li, He Tu Luo Shu and so on. At first glance, it looks like Song Xiance and others.

Do you think he seems reliable?

Not at all!

However, under the coordination of the "faint emperor" Chongzhen, such a "rotten bureaucrat" and a "civilian from a wild background" were divided into three rounds to compete with each other.

They were the Qintian Prison headed by Ge Chengke, the Eastern Bureau headed by Wei Wenkui, and the Western Bureau headed by Xu Guangqi and assisted by missionaries.

No matter how Zhang Shun looked at it, he thought the latter had a great chance of winning.

However, in the second year of Chongzhen, the fourth year of Chongzhen, the seventh year of Chongzhen, and the eighth year of Chongzhen, the errors of the Western Bureau headed by Xu Guangqi were relatively large, including in the calculations of solar eclipses, lunar eclipses, and the moon, Jupiter, and Mercury. Big, even big mistakes have been made, resulting in consecutive defeats and dismay.

As for science, victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs, but it doesn't matter.

However, Zhang Shun never expected that this group of people would be so shameless.

Not only did they modify the calculation results, but they also confused right and wrong and criticized the traditional Chinese calendar.

This is exactly what is unbearable!

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