Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 183 Visit (Part 2)

After Huang Hu finished shouting, he stood up and walked over to greet Zhang Shun. After the two parties completed the etiquette and took their seats, Zhang Shuncai continued the current topic and said with a smile: "Brother Huang Hu is so elegant. When he got up early in the morning, he started listening to "Water Margin of Loyalty and Righteousness"!"

The "Eight Great Kings" Huang Hu stroked the beard on his chest and said with a smile: "Brother Optimus Prime, you don't know. I only know a few words and don't know much about the art of war. I'm inviting someone to come. , Firstly, I have nothing to do, and let people talk about books to relieve my boredom; secondly, I want to learn how others fight, and kill a lot of court lackeys!"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he was shocked and couldn't help cursing: Ouch, nest! Are you a time traveler?

He remembered reading online novels in his previous life, and there was a story where the protagonist asked a storyteller to tell his subordinates the story of ancient generals, in order to train his subordinates in their military combat capabilities. Even the Manchu Qing Dynasty in the Northeast used "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" as a teaching material to train their subordinate generals.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun got two books on the Art of War from Wang Duo and studied them by himself while explaining them to his generals. Otherwise, he would also use this method to train his subordinate generals.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun was slow to react. When he came to his senses, he smiled and asked, "Brother Huang Hu's words are quite strange, but I don't know what these words teach about how to use troops?"

Huang Hu laughed loudly when he heard this and said: "You want me to pass the test? I used to be poor. I sold dates, worked as a beggar and a blacksmith. Because I was responsible for making ordnance, I was made things difficult by the dog officials in every possible way. No matter how I plead, , just insulting me. I will kill him and join the rebel army to be happy!"

"This incident has really taught me a truth. Being honest will make you bullied, and being cruel can make people scared! What kind of character do I like in "Water Margin"? It's none other than the black whirlwind Li Kui!"

"This Li Kui will kill today and tomorrow. Who is not afraid of a pair of axes? Let me tell you, my brother Song Gongming can do it, why can't this Li Kui do it? Song Gongming is crying and looking like a mother-in-law, but this Li Kui is a good man !”

"If anyone doesn't obey, I'll kill him! If anyone resists, I'll kill him! If anyone doesn't let me get what I want, I'll kill him too! Kill one person and ten people will be afraid of you, kill a hundred people and thousands of people will be afraid, kill ten thousand people Then the whole world will be afraid!”

"The fight between the two armies is nothing more than this! Who is not afraid of a life-and-death fight? Instead of letting them fear the dog officers and soldiers, it is better to let them fear me as the leader. If Li Kui becomes the elder brother, which thief and bird boy dares to bomb Zhao'an? We have already broken through the capital and killed the bird emperor."

"I heard that ancient generals who were good at using soldiers could kill one-third of their own soldiers. I, Huang Hu, am ashamed of myself. I think killing one-quarter is enough! In this way, my soldiers If everyone fears me more than my enemies, I will be able to conquer the world and dominate the world!" Huang Hu shouted murderously.

Although Zhang Shun had experienced the baptism of several months of war and became much more courageous, he could not help but be a little frightened by this man's words. This man was so murderous that he looked like a fierce tiger with his eyes wide open.

This not only reminded Zhang Shun of the eye-catching white-fronted tiger that pounced on him at Tianjing Pass. However, fortunately, Zhang Shun assassinated the tiger cleanly in the first place. Thinking of this, he suddenly became courageous and his eyes flashed with lightning.

Huang Hu, who was already in full swing, was suddenly aroused by Zhang Shun's gaze, which was as straight as a sharp sword and instantly released Huang Hu's aura.

Huang Hu was puzzled, but he still had a high opinion of Zhang Shung. It turns out that this yellow tiger is the best at killing people, and his murderous aura is the most frightening. Zhang Shun was young, only 17 or 18 years old, yet he could face his own murderous aura without changing his expression or heartbeat. He truly lived up to his reputation and was the only hero among the rebels who could kill the governor in a single battle!

In this case, Huang Hu calmed down his momentum, called the four boys around him, asked them to boil water to make tea, and invited Zhang Shun to take a seat.

Zhang Shun and Huang Hu chatted for a while, and then brought up the matter of purchasing bronzeware. When Huang Hu heard this, he smiled and said: "I only want gold, silver and jewelry, never those heavy pickled things! You come to me to trade, but you don't have half a penny! If you are in urgent need, I will be a bit thin and go to other brothers." I’ll help you ask there and see if I can lend you a few hundred kilograms!”

While the two were talking, the four boys boiled water, made tea and brought it over. Seeing how fast they were, Zhang Shun couldn't help but ask: "Brother Huang Hu has so many talented people, why did he find a few boys? Do you want to be the king of children?"

The "Eight Great Kings" Huang Hu laughed when he heard this and said: "'Optimus Prime', I'm just joking. These are some of my lies. My family is poor, I can't marry a wife, but I have no sons. These four people are I saw a kid from the Eighteen Villages in my hometown, and I saw that he was young and clever, so I adopted him as my adopted son!"

"The eldest is named Zhang Kewang, who is only twelve or thirteen years old; the second is Zhang Rujing, who is only eleven or twelve years old; the third is Zhang Wenxiu, and the youngest is named Zhang Qineng. These four are all good at war, and they will be able to support me in the future. Come on. , you guys came here to meet uncle!"

After hearing this, the four boys met Zhang Shun honestly. Zhang Shun had never been in the habit of carrying money. He reached into his pocket and found nothing. When I turned around again, I saw that Wukong was following me. He probably wouldn’t lend it to me even if he had some silver, so he could only sneer and say: “I unexpectedly met four young masters when I went out today, but I didn’t prepare any gifts. Since I heard that the four young masters like The Art of War, then let me tell them a piece of "The Art of War" by looking down at you!"

Huang Hu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickly responded: "Thank you, thank you! I don't know that Brother Optimus Prime is a scholar, so forgive me for being stupid!"

Zhang Shun and Huang Hu exchanged a few polite words, and then explained to them the first chapter of "The Art of War", "The Beginning Plan". Zhang Shun had been thinking about it a lot in the past few months, but he was very familiar with it. He didn't need any preparation, so he just recited every sentence and said it one by one. Huang Hu also had a shy face and raised his ears, listening carefully next to him.

Zhang Shunquan pretended that he didn't see it and didn't mind very much. He simply told it. The eyes of Huang Hu and the four adopted sons were bright.

It turns out that books at this time were much more common than before the Sui and Tang Dynasties, but they were also rare for ordinary people. Not to mention that there are many people who are illiterate. Even if they put books in front of them, many people can't read them.

This Huang Hu was quite proud of knowing only a few words. In fact, there was no difference between reading this kind of classical Chinese without even reading a sentence and being illiterate. Unlike Zhang Shun, he can understand 80% to 90% of the words without even guessing, and he can basically read the sentences fluently.

This Huang Hu was also smart. After a second thought, he quickly shouted: "Donkey Ball, what are you four doing standing there stupidly? Why don't you quickly thank the master!"

These four boys were also well-behaved. After hearing this, they quickly kowtowed with "thump" and "thump", which completely confused Zhang Shun.

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