Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 184 Apprenticeship

As a soul from later generations, Zhang Shun's understanding of the importance of knowledge is still not as profound as that of the ancients due to the explosion of information. The "Eight Great Kings" Huang Hu was originally a blacksmith, and he was deeply aware of this kind of situation. So when he saw Zhang Shuntong's literary art of war and his willingness to teach his adopted son, he wanted to let them become his disciples.

As the saying goes, "Teach the disciples and starve the master to death." Under normal circumstances, the master will not teach real things to his disciples unless he is a direct disciple. Huang Hu was also very cunning and thought of taking advantage of the situation.

Zhang Shun was not a craftsman and did not know much about the tricks. He saw that these four children were quite clever. He often explained the art of war to his generals and let them listen. So Zhang agreed to Huang Hu by the way.

After the four boys kowtowed three times, Huang Hu immediately handed over the apprenticeship ceremony, a big red envelope and four apprenticeship posts, for fear that Zhang Shun would regret it.

Although Huang Hu's education level was not high, he could not directly ask Zhang Shun to write a few apprenticeship posts. However, he was a blacksmith, and he had some understanding of the content of these posts, so he directly took action himself, dug out the original apprenticeship post from his family, and copied it into four copies in a crooked way before completing the formality.

Now that the apprenticeship is over, there must be a apprenticeship banquet. Zhang Shun originally planned to visit the "Hunshi King" and "Guo Tianxing" after visiting the "Eight Kings", but it turned out that these things couldn't be avoided. He had no choice but to follow Huang Hu and stay for a meal.

This time Huang Hu did not dare to take advantage of the situation, so he directly prepared a sumptuous banquet and selected two beauties to serve Zhang Shun.

I don’t know whether it’s because Zhang Shun’s vision is too high or because the aesthetics of the two eras are different. Zhang Shunling didn’t see how these two people could be called “beauties.” However, it was difficult to refuse such kindness, so Zhang Shun couldn't bear to argue with others about this on the spot, so he reluctantly accepted it.

Although these two "beauties" are not very beautiful, they are better than gentle. One served Zhang Shun with food, and the other served Zhang Shun with wine, which made Zhang Shun feel at ease. For a moment, Zhang Shun felt a little carried away, thinking: I will train my own mother-in-law again and see how she serves others? Who is like them, always making fun of themselves?

At this time, Huang Hu saw that Zhang Shun's entourage was tall and burly, and he liked him, and also intended to bring him over to have a drink with him. As a result, Wukong licked his lips and refused: "Master has ordered me not to drink alcohol!"

When Huang Hu heard this, he looked at Wukong's bald head and felt that he understood the reason, so he joked: "I have only seen meat-and-wine monks, but I have never seen a monk who keeps the precepts. Who is your master?"

Wukong thought about it and found that his master had not forbidden him from saying this, so he pointed at Zhang Shun and replied: "My master is this 'wine-meat monk'!"

Huang Hu was stunned when he heard this, and Zhang Shunyi was speechless. Huang Hu asked strangely: "Brother Optimus Prime, have you been a monk before?"

"Uh-huh," Zhang Shun said vaguely, "I can't stand the rules and regulations, so I won't do this long ago."

"Haha!" Huang Hu laughed when he heard this. After laughing, he winked and said, "I understand, one word is monk, two words are monk, three words are ghost, music official, and four words are hungry ghost!"

Zhang Shun looked depressed when he heard this. He was ready to argue, but after thinking about the two women in his own family, plus the two girls who were married to each other, he felt really guilty, so he had to remain silent.

Huang Hu just said that what he said hit Zhang Shun's mind, so he put it aside for the time being. Instead, he wanted to find out some information from Wukong. However, it would be extremely rude to directly ask Wukong what skills your master taught you, so he smiled and said, "Since you are a disciple, what skills do you know?"

When Wukong heard this, he was very happy and was about to respond, but then he thought of Zhang Shun's instructions, so he had to hold back those words in his heart, and changed his words and boasted: "I, Old Sun, have a thirty-six kilogram iron rod in my hand, which can be used all over the world." Invincible!"

Huang Hu drank some wine and got a little drunk. He was already brave and good at fighting. How could he be convinced when he heard Wukong boasting about the magic conch? Then he sneered and said: "The toad yawned so loudly! Do you have the guts to compete between us?"

Wukong laughed when he heard this and said, "I can't brag, but you can't fight!"

Huang Hu was furious when he heard this, so he took off his coat, raised his sword and wanted to fight Wukong. Zhang Shun knew very well that Wukong was cruel and tight, and was afraid of beating him to death on the spot. He quickly pulled Huang Hu and said, "You are also the commander of the rebel army after all. Why would you be angry with a guard?"

Zhang Shun knew that it didn't matter if this guy died, but at this critical moment when the officers and soldiers were united to resist, he must not die in the hands of himself and others.

How can Huang Hu be willing to obey? Wu Zi wants to challenge Wukong. Zhang Shun couldn't stop him, so he had to snatch his weapon and shouted: "Since the shopkeeper wants to play with my disciple, just play tricks and don't hurt your harmony!"

Seeing that Huang Hu had no weapon, he was not afraid and rushed forward with bare hands. When Wukong saw that he was empty-handed, he also dropped the iron rod in his hand, saving his opponent from denying him.

This Huang Hu is quite tall, but compared to Wukong, he is a child. This yellow tiger originally had a long beard. When he charged, his beard was blown by the wind, he really looked like a tiger descending from the mountain.

It's a pity that his opponent is Wukong. Let alone a tiger, even a real tiger can kill him with his bare hands. Before the yellow tiger could pounce on Wukong, Wukong reached out and grabbed the 1-foot-6-inch beautiful beard on his chest.

Huang Hu cherished his beard the most and did not dare to move around for fear of losing his beard. Everyone saw that the yellow tiger was majestic when he rushed forward, but as soon as he arrived, Wukong grabbed his beard like a rogue, and suddenly his momentum was gone, and they couldn't help but want to laugh.

However, these people knew that this person was narrow-minded and liked to kill people. Everyone was afraid that he would hear and hate themselves, so they were holding back their breath and did not dare to laugh. Many people's faces turned red from holding back.

Huang Hu knew what his subordinates were thinking without even thinking about it, and secretly said cruelly: "Your mother, when these donkey balls leave, I will make sure you look good!"

But he said in his mouth: "A good man is good at martial arts, and he caught the weak spot of Huang Hu. I am so convinced that I lost, so good man, please put down my beard!"

Wukong thought for a while: This person is known as the "Yellow Tiger", and now I, the old grandson, can be regarded as "the tiger's mouth stroking its beard"! Then he let go of the yellow tiger's beard with satisfaction.

Huang Hu quickly picked it up and took a look at it under the light. He found that apart from being a little messy, not many strands seemed to have been pulled out. I breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed my hair for a long time in distress. I was just worried that the light was dim and I didn't know if it could still be called a "beautiful beard".

Huang Hu lost his face and never dared to mention the matter of regaining his place, so he had no choice but to drag Zhang Shun to continue drinking.

Thank you fan "0ptimize" for the tip! Those who know historical data may already know that this Huang Hu is Zhang Xianzhong. To be honest, Zhang and Li were the most outstanding among the rebels at the end of the Ming Dynasty. The behavior of these two people also reflected their routes in the future.

Zhang Xianzhong knew some words and liked to let storytellers tell him and his adopted son the Water Margin and the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and he used his own people. Although this development was slower, it was progressed steadily. The level of the four adopted sons was quite good. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the remaining troops of the Western Camp caused the most trouble to the Qing army.

Li Zicheng, on the other hand, established his own camp in the early stage and liked to recruit some literati as his staff. With the help of these literati, Li Zicheng got rid of the brutal bandit style ahead of time, and the military discipline of his troops was relatively improved. This seemed to be of little use in the early stage, but in the later stage, Li Zicheng suddenly changed his style and successively annexed the Gezuo Fifth Battalion and Luo Rucai's tribe, and recruited and surrendered Yuan Zong's tribe, and then he quickly became stronger.

As a result, once Li Zicheng encountered a military setback, he was defeated and his troops were scattered. On the contrary, the damage he caused to the Qing army was far less powerful than that of Zhang Xianzhong's troops. It’s time and destiny!

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