When it got late, the banquet was over. Zhang Shuncai stood up and said goodbye to Huang Hu, preparing to leave with four little ghosts who looked like "little oil bottles". Huang Hu quickly called over the two "beauties" who had just accompanied Zhang Shun and wanted to give them to Zhang Shun to warm his bed.

Where would Zhang Shun want it? Not to mention that he didn't see any beauty in these two "beauties". Even if they were two real beauties with awl faces, well, actually, this was something that he could consider!

The two parties declined each other, but Huang Hu couldn't send them away, so he waved his two "beauties" down in confusion. Until Zhang Shun had gone far away, Huang Hu asked strangely: "Do you think this guy looks like a gentleman who is calm in his arms?"

"It doesn't look like it!" They both shook their heads. Someone else murmured in a low voice: "I think he's already 'Optimus Prime', how can he stay calm?"

"Then why didn't he accept these two beauties?" Huang Hu was even more surprised.

"Maybe... maybe you didn't like it?" someone speculated.

"Then how blind does he have to be?" Others couldn't help but retorted, and everyone was quite confused for a while.

How did Zhang Shun know that they would have so many scenes after he left. When he returned to his residence with his four children, a little drunk, Li Sanniang and Zhu'er happened to be eating.

When Zhu'er opened the door and saw Zhang Shun coming back with four children, he couldn't help shouting: "Mother, it's not good! Our master has brought back four illegitimate children!"

Zhang Shun knocked the bamboo on the head helplessly and said: "What nonsense are you talking about? These are Huang Hu's four pretense. He is my teacher and learns from me."

How can Zhu'er believe it? In her mind, Zhang Shun was a cunning old thief. Apart from that, what other skills could he teach others? I'm afraid it's not a case of adultery and thieves!

Li Sanniang heard the sound and ran out. She was very fond of children, so she took them to sit down and eat together.

She had prepared Zhang Shun's meal, but she never thought that Zhang Shun had eaten it, so she gave some to the four children. The four of them had actually eaten. They didn't dare to offend the master's wife, so they reluctantly added some more, and then they finished the food.

Zhang Shun knew that his home was not suitable for children at night, so he ordered Wukong to take him to a side camp to rest. This side camp is the camp of Wukong, Ji Dan and the two hundred personal guards they command. The advantage is that it is close to Zhang Shun's camp, so it is convenient for Wukong and Ji Dan to take turns on duty at night.

Seeing that there were no outsiders, Li Sanniang smiled and said, "Why would a real man envy other people's pretenders? How about giving birth to a biological son, who is a hundred times better than others!"

Seeing that there were no outsiders, Zhang Shun took Li Sanniang and Zhu'er to study the matter of their biological son.

The next morning, Zhang Shun was going to visit the "Hunshiwang" and "Guo Tianxing", but he didn't want to meet Zhang Shenyan head-on.

Zhang Shenyan smiled and said: "Commander Hao Yaxing, if things are not urgent, I have recently composed a new poem, please correct it!"

Zhang Shun's family knows his own affairs, so he can write a limerick by himself. If he really talks about poetry, how can he "correct" it? Lian Dao didn't dare. However, this person had paid little attention to me before, but now he specially invited me. He must have some ideas.

So, Zhang threw the "Hunshiwang" and "Guo Tianxing" to the Kingdom of Java by the way, and took Wukong to Zhang Shenyan's residence.

When we arrived at Zhang Shenyan's residence, the tent was neat and tidy, but there were no items and it seemed a bit deserted.

Zhang Shenyan picked up a piece of yellow papyrus and handed it to Zhang Shun for him to look at. Zhang Shun took it over and took a look, only to see that the paper was rough, and many of the handwritings were badly blurred, making it almost difficult to read.

I saw such a little poem written on the paper:

Alas, my father, listen to my speech. The provocation arises from greed and cruelty, which implicates integrity and kindness.

The rich do evil, and the poor bear it on their behalf. The evil of high-ranking officials is even worse, while the lowly ones are in the ditch.

I hear ghosts crying in the autumn suburbs, and the emperor cannot be humble when he hears it. The sad wind blows away the face, and the bones support each other.

Also take care of the rich and noble son, holding the candle to replace Chihui. The author suffers his own consequences, wouldn't he be happy with what he did?

It's a thief's hand, and his heroic deeds are amazing. The creature was dissatisfied by Hu Guai, and the creature cried out to the child.

The pain lies in poverty and lowliness, to whom should I complain?

Zhang Shun couldn't fully understand its meaning for a while, but he roughly understood it. I couldn't help but take a quick look at Zhang Shenyan. It turned out that this poem directly pointed out that the corrupt officials and the rich committed evil, which resulted in the tragic fate of the people. It also raised the question "Who can I complain to when I suffer from poverty?"

Zhang Shun was so perceptive that he knew as soon as he heard this that this was the question Zhang Shenyan was preparing for him.

It turns out that Zhang Shenyan was quite upright and sympathetic to the people in the court. Now, walking with Zhang Shun, I saw that the situation in Lu'an Prefecture was even more miserable than that in Zezhou, and I couldn't help but be deeply touched.

He thought about it for a long time, including some of Zhang Shun's remarks, including the scenes he had witnessed with his own eyes and the various tragic examples of official corruption and wealthy people oppressing good people he had come into contact with in the Ministry of Punishment, and he was also confused.

He knew the cause and the problem, but he had no solution. He had some free time these days, so he thought about it for a long time, but still couldn't get it, so he had to invite Zhang Shun over and ask his opinion.

Of course, there is also an intention to explore and criticize Zhang Shun. Didn’t you say you want to be the king of the world? Don’t you consider yourself Emperor Shun? So many people are being bullied by thieves, the government and wealthy households. What can you do?

Zhang Shenyan's question was very compelling, but Zhang Shun could not answer it with poetry. He paced, thought for a while, and then replied: "The way of heaven is to make up for the excess when there is more damage. The way of man is to make up for the excess when there is more than enough damage."

Zhang Shun stood up and originally wanted to make a long speech. As a result, Zhang Shenyan's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he continued: "Who can serve the world with more than enough, only the Taoist. He does not rely on the saints, and does not rely on his achievements. He does not want to see the virtuous and evil." "Tao Te Ching" "This is a very serious statement!"

Zhang Shun had a question mark on his face when he heard this. He originally thought that this sentence came from the "Nine Yin Manual". Jin Yong's emotional quote was Laozi's "Tao Te Ching". Fortunately, Zhang Shenyan picked up the conversation, otherwise he would have made a fool of himself.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun was always quick-witted, and Lao Tzu's remarks were very consistent with his own, so he continued: "Zhang Shun is a great talent, how can Shun Dang act?"

Zhang Shenyan was not a three-year-old child. When he heard this, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat. He didn't know what the concept of "serving the world with more than enough" actually meant. This short sentence hit the point, but it brought a bloody storm to the world.

Not giving up, he continued to ask: "How can we serve the world with more than enough?"

Zhang Shun smiled and said: "I heard that when Chen Ping was the chief priest in the village, he divided the meat very evenly. Everyone said that Chen Ping divided the meat well. At that time, Chen Ping sighed, if I can be the prime minister of the world, I will be the best. Being able to divide meat like today.”

"Now that Chen Ping is not here, the meat is divided unevenly, and the world is in trouble. If Chen Ping is here to divide the world's meat, why should the world worry?"

Zhang Shenyan was greatly enlightened after hearing what he said. He couldn't help but bow to Zhang Shun three times and said, "You are truly a man of the Way! If you can really fulfill this promise, Jin Ming will be willing to serve as Chen Ping!"

Wow, thank you to the recommendation vote of 770715, the boss. I cast 79 recommendation votes at once. It really scared me, boss! This is the first time I met a boss with so many recommendation votes.

By the way, Zhang Shenyan's poem this time was written by himself, and the author would not dare to steal someone else's copyright. The author also believes that he cannot write such a high-level work, and hereby declares it!

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