Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 186 Meeting the Saint

In the Qianqing Palace of the Forbidden City in the Shuntian Prefecture of the Ming Dynasty, Xu Dingchen fearfully paid a visit to the emperor.

Today, I have ascended the throne at the age of seventeen. It has been just five years ago, but I am also a generation of emperors under the dictatorship of the Sacred Heart. He first decisively executed Wei Zhongxian, the eunuch leader, and then executed Yuan Chonghuan who tried to fool him. It is by no means a person who can be underestimated and bullied simply because he is young.

At that time, the literati and ministers all thought that the Ming Dynasty had seen a sage king for a long time, and that the dynasty was prosperous, so it was natural for it to revive and prosper again. Therefore, even though Xu Dingchen was nearly fifty years old, he did not dare to be disrespectful towards him.

Although Emperor Chongzhen was anxious, he still suppressed his urge to urge and said to Xu Dingchen: "Song Tongyin, the former governor of Shanxi, did not do his job well. Some rogue bandits were repeatedly defeated and lost their troops and territory. Not only did they fail to complete the affairs I assigned, but they also lost their territory. Zezhou City is truly incompetent!"

"The courtiers all believed that he should be punished according to the rules. I thought that he had no merit but hard work, so I dismissed him. He is only fifty years old. I didn't expect him to be so dim. It's better to go home and retire."

"Now Song Tongyin has neglected his duties, which has led to the raging bandits and bandits in Shanxi, and no place is safe. Xu Qing went to Shanxi and I don't know what to do to control it?"

"Uh, Your Majesty, I received the order from my family and rushed to the capital without stopping. I don't know what the situation is in Shanxi yet. I will wait until I understand the situation before I start." Xu Dingchen replied a little embarrassed.

It turned out that Xu Dingchen and I were dismissed from office and returned home because of their disobedience to Wei Zhongxian. This time when he was reinstated, he didn't have time to visit the Ministry of War and hang out with his former colleagues.

According to Emperor Chongzhen's character, he would have been scolded, but the good name given by his parents left a good impression on the emperor. Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen felt that this man was a lonely minister who did not do anything to form a party for personal gain, and he had a good impression of him in his heart.

However, the emperor was anxious and impatient with his procrastination, for fear of missing important national affairs, so he said: "No need, I will tell you the situation. Listening to the court officials, the bandit leaders include 'Zijinliang' and 'Eight Kings' , 'Lao Huihui' and others are the most ferocious. They are entrenched in Luliang Mountain and Taihang Mountain. When the officers and soldiers arrive, they scatter and flee. When the officers and soldiers leave, they gather together and become bandits. This is the most difficult."

While the emperor was narrating, he saw Wang Chengen, his eunuch, rushing in quickly. Wang Chengen was an old man next to him. He knew that he hated others interrupting him when he was talking to ministers, so he rushed over anyway.

Emperor Chongzhen's heart skipped a beat, thinking that something must be wrong. So, the emperor stopped speaking for the time being and asked directly: "My eldest companion, is there something wrong?"

"Grandpa, I have urgent military information!" Wang Chengen responded quickly.

Chongzhen quickly took the memorial that Wang Chengen had brought over. After a quick glance, his expression suddenly changed.

Xu Dingchen knew very well that he should not touch this bad situation, so he just lowered his head and remained silent for a long time. As a result, after waiting for a long time, I heard the young emperor sigh: "Xu Qing, things are in trouble!"

"I have just reported that Song Tongyin, the former governor of Shanxi, did not do well and tried to remedy the situation. He entangled more than ten thousand soldiers and horses, and fought with the bandit chief 'Zijinliang' and others in Lingchuan. He was severely defeated and was no longer among the troops. .”

"Ah?" Xu Dingchen couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, and the self-defeating bandits started in Shaanxi. Although the momentum is huge, it is just a worry about mustard ringworm, which can be solved day and night. I never thought that I would be able to attack and kill the high officials of the imperial court. They are so fierce and difficult to control.

He couldn't help but be surprised: "This thief leader 'Purple Gold Liang' is actually so capable?"

"No!" Emperor Chongzhen said angrily, "This generation is nothing to worry about. There is only one thief named 'Optimus Prime', who is very brave and brave. It is said that he is the subordinate of the thief chief 'Er Guan Gong'. Song Tongyin was killed by this man Hand!"

"According to reports, 'Er Guan Gong' has two sworn brothers. His second brother is named 'Meng Zhang Fei', and this 'Optimus Prime' is his third brother. These three people live and die together, advance and retreat together, and are brave and difficult to control. , ranking only second to the leader of thieves, Zijin Liang! When you come to Shanxi, everything will be even worse!"

"Yes! I will kill this official to show the power of the imperial court!" Xu Dingchen said quickly. Who would have thought that for some reason this matter would be misrepresented in the publicity, and the positions of the "Second Guan Gong" Chen Changzhen and Zhang Shun would be reversed.

It turned out that after Zhang Daojun falsely agreed to the "Purple Golden Liang" imperial edict, he relied on his colleagues to report the truth and falsehoods of the rebel army to the Ministry of War. However, some people in the Ministry of War were too smart. When they saw Zhang Daojun saying that "Optimus Prime", "Meng Zhang Fei" and "Er Guan Gong" were sworn brothers, they couldn't help laughing and said: "This Daojun has been away from the center for a long time, and he can't even tell lies." . Since ancient times, I have only heard of the "Liu, Guan, and Zhang" three sworn brothers, and never heard of "Optimus Prime"! What's more, the three brothers should be the main brother, but the third brother has become the leader of the thief? If you pass the book like this, If Banzai asks you about this matter in detail, how should I respond?"

When other officials from the Ministry of War heard this, they also felt that it made sense. They all agreed: "What you said is true. I have read "Water Margin of Loyalty and Righteousness" very well. I only heard that brother Song Gongming was the leader of the village, but I didn't hear that other brothers were in charge!"

So as soon as everyone gathered together, they changed the post of Dao Jun, made a new copy, pretended to be the credit of themselves and others, and submitted it to the palace as intelligence. Zhenghezhuan knew about Xu Dingchen, the next governor of Shanxi.

As soon as Xu Dingchen finished his statement, Emperor Chongzhen pondered for a moment and then told him: "The thieves and bandits are also my innocent sons, so it is not appropriate to kill them too much. If there are any repentant people, they should be surrendered. It is okay to attack bandits with bandits." !”

"This 'Optimus Prime' is just a hungry man, but he is actually able to kill high-ranking officials of the imperial court, or he is a fierce general. It is unknown. When Xu Qing arrives in Shanxi, he should kill the chief culprit, and it is better not to threaten him!"

When Xu Dingchen heard this, he didn't know that the emperor had a love for talents, and he quickly responded: "In compliance with the imperial edict, when I arrive in Shanxi, the first thing I should do is stabilize the situation to prevent bandits from getting bigger; the second thing is to be good to my neighbors. , invite Qin soldiers, Xuan soldiers, and Baoding soldiers to drive the bandits out of the mountains in a three-pronged attack; the third thing is to gather the bandits in one place, either to suppress them or to surrender them, as you please!"

Emperor Chongzhen liked this man when he saw that he was very organized in his work and could follow his wishes, so he took him and talked with him in detail for a long time before letting him out of the palace.

Xu Dingchen knew very little about Shanxi affairs, so how could he dare to take office casually? He quickly went to the Ministry of War to inquire about the Shanxi thieves. As a result, we found out that almost all Zelu Prefectures had fallen. Bandits often roamed Shangdang and Hanoi, and were in danger of moving east of the Taihang Mountains and northward to Yingtian at any time. If this happens, I am afraid that I will lose my head before the situation in Shanxi can be stabilized.

Xu Dingchen was frightened and frightened. While preparing to take office, Xu Dingchen wrote to Shaanxi, Henan, Xuanda, Tianxiong and other ministries, asking everyone to work together to overcome the difficulties.

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