Zhang Shun was still happily in the rebel camp at this time, but he never expected that his brother had already taken the blame for him.

In the past few days, I have taken the time to visit the two rebel armies of "Hunshiwang" and "Guo Tianxing", and purchased a lot of bronze wares from them. But all together, it's just over a thousand kilograms of copper.

So Zhang called the coppersmiths he had recruited and asked them about using copper to make cannons. As a result, as soon as this matter was mentioned, the craftsmen themselves started to quarrel. It turns out that this copper is very close to pure copper and is too soft to be used. Other metals are often added to cast it.

The craftsmen recruited by Zhang Shun from Changzi County believed that the formula should be one tin and nine coppers, while the craftsmen recruited from Lucheng County believed that to make the copperware tough, it should be like casting money, four lead and one copper. The two sides argued for a long time, neither side giving in.

Zhang Shun inquired carefully for a long time before he understood. It turns out that the coppersmith who makes musical instruments likes to use copper-tin alloy, which is called "xiang copper". It is a solid material and is the most practical. Others think that "Japanese lead" is used to combine with copper, which is cheap, strong and durable.

In fact, the two formulas are simply the difference between bronze and brass in the world where he lived in his previous life. Zhang Shun is not from a related industry, so he doesn’t quite understand. In his previous life, when he read online novels, he only thought that bronze cannons were most suitable. He did not know the difference between tin bronze and lead bronze.

He didn't know that the so-called "Japanese lead" was actually the zinc he called in his previous life. Even if he knew it was zinc, he wouldn't understand that it was the formula of brass.

Zhang Shun thought about the experiment in the classroom in his previous life, and then ordered: "Since everyone is arguing endlessly, let's make three copper bars with their own formulas, one point wide and one foot long, and test their performance. Let’s make a final decision.”

As for how to test it, Zhang Shun actually didn't know it at the beginning. However, after he pondered for a long time and drew the force diagram of the cannon, he realized that he had been too hasty in building the cannon.

The gunpowder burns and expands in the gun chamber, and the shear force it should cause on the gun is just broken down into a pulling force by the round gun body. From this point of view, tensile strength is the most important performance for cast gun materials.

Then, the gunpowder burns and expands very quickly. In theory, it should have the most destructive power on the gun's powder chamber, while other unnecessary parts become dead weight.

Although the design of the Western cannon he captured was relatively advanced, Zhang Shun believed that the plan verified by his own scientific methods might be even more advanced.

On the second day, the two groups of craftsmen each came up with their own plans. Zhang incidentally ordered Wukong to bring over the stone for a tensile test. As a result, the weight of the tin-copper plan after it broke was placed on the lead-copper plan, and it actually withstood the break. Facts have proved that the lead-copper solution has better materials, so Zhang chose the lead-copper solution by the way.

The demand for "Japanese lead" suddenly increased. Zhang Shun visited several rebel leaders again, but none of them bought "Japanese lead". It turns out that this item is so cheap that there are no rebels to snatch it.

It was precisely because of this that Zhang Shun sent his sworn brother Chen Changzhen to buy back four to five hundred kilograms of "Japanese lead" soon after, which solved the problem of materials.

Zhang Shun finally gathered enough materials that were convenient for casting cannons, so he naturally became ruthless and wanted to cast a large-caliber cannon. Gritting his teeth, Zhang Shun initially set the caliber of the five-inch artillery and ordered the coppersmith to cast it into a thin-skinned artillery for testing.

After the casting is completed, gunpowder is ignited in the medicine chamber and bombarded, often blowing the gun's medicine chamber to pieces. The nearby rebels heard the sound of cannons and came over to inquire about the situation. Zhang Shun only told people that his soldiers were practicing shooting.

After Huang Hu's four adopted sons came to Zhang Shun's camp, they looked forward to Zhang Shun's teaching on the art of war every day. As a result, Zhang Shun not only failed to teach the art of war, but instead kept them under surveillance at home to prevent them from spying on his cannon-making.

The last time Huang Hu forced these four boys to come over, Zhang Shun also realized that he wanted to steal his tactics. Although Zhang Shun doesn't care much about this, the matter of forging cannons is the foundation of his life, and he must not leak it to others.

So Zhang Shun ordered Wukong and Ji Dan to take their personal guards and supervise them day and night, and no outsiders were allowed to approach the testing site.

After several days of testing, the craftsmen blew up many types of cannons before finally blasting out the ideal form of the cannon. It turns out that the most suitable artillery shape is not a cannon that gradually tapers from thick to thin like a Western cannon, but a design similar to the shape of a later wine bottle is the best choice.

Fortunately, this kind of artillery was made of copper, which could be melted and recast after the barrel was exploded, and it was not easy to hurt people. So Zhang Shun took a stupid approach and found the best design form of the artillery at that time.

Since zinc is easy to gasify, the "lead and copper" used in the artillery lost a lot of "Japanese lead" during repeated melting and recasting. Zhang Shun had to queue up Chen Changzhen to buy a lot more.

Unknown to Zhang Shun, his actions instantly raised the level of artillery design in the late Ming Dynasty to that of later generations in the 19th century. It turns out that in later generations, there was a wine bottle-shaped artillery called the Daggergun, which was cast from similar materials.

However, the design concept of this Daghlan gun is more advanced. It not only tested the best form of the gun, but also tested the best diameter of the gun at that time.

Zhang Shun originally planned to extend the length of the artillery as much as possible while ensuring the caliber of the artillery. As a result, the weight of the artillery was greatly increased. Secondly, Zhang Shun discovered through experiments that when the diameter of the artillery exceeded ten, the range of the shotgun shells would be reduced.

At this moment, Zhang Shuncai suddenly realized why the Tiger Crouching Cannon had only ten times the diameter. Qi Jiguang, who originally designed this artillery, may not have known the secret, but after firing too many cannons, he gradually found the nearest diameter standard.

Therefore, on the basis of this experiment, Zhang Shun absorbed the design of the lugs, front sight, rear sight and tail bead of the Western cannon, and re-cast the craftsman into a bottle-shaped copper cannon with a five-inch caliber and ten times the caliber. .

This cannon was originally made of brass. After the casting was completed, it was so dazzling that it looked like it was made of gold. Zhang Shun smashed the tooth flower and made a general estimate in his mind. This cannon and the materials alone were actually worth more than 200,000 Tongbao. If labor, losses and his own hard work were added, he might not even get 400,000 to 500,000 yuan. Sure enough, once the cannon was fired, there were ten thousand taels of gold, so Zhang Shun simply named the cannon "Golden Cannon".

Fortunately, the power of this cannon is astonishing. The iron ball it fires weighs twenty kilograms. With one cannon, it is almost invincible and unstoppable. Zhang Shun also ordered the craftsmen to refer to the Western artillery mount and improve a new artillery mount based on the gun mount structure of his own design, specifically to carry this gun.

After Zhang Shun weighed and estimated, the artillery weighed one thousand kilograms, and the gun mount and other items weighed a total of two thousand kilograms. It was far from reaching the three thousand kilograms transportation limit that Zhang Shun originally estimated based on the weight of the Taiping car.

Zhang Shun simply dispatched ten more mules and ten skilled gunners to serve the cannon, known as the "Flying Iron Cannon", to enhance the maneuverability of the cannon.

Thank you fans for the large reward at "10:49", thank you for your support!

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