Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 188 Want to surrender but cannot surrender

Although Zhang Shun was living in the rebel camp and there was no external threat for the time being, he was not idle either.

After he cast the brass cannon, he was very satisfied with its power, and could not help but step up his search for bronzes, trying to make another brass cannon in the same way. However, there was a lack of materials, and he could only scrape together about 500 kilograms, which could not meet the requirements for making another cannon, so Zhang Shun had to give up.

However, this time, because everyone saw the tragic situation in Lu'an Mansion, they became much closer to Chen Changzhen and Zhang Shenyan, which was an unexpected surprise.

Zhang Shun had nothing to do for the time being, so he pulled out all his men and trained them again. Each hundred is equipped with a waist drum and a gong to facilitate attack, defense and coordinated operations in small formations. Then, the team is pulled to the open space outside the camp to perform subjects such as changing combat formations during the march, changing into defensive formations during the march, as well as formation changes and squad rotation.

There are many kinds, almost similar to the military training of college students in later generations. It's just that the education level of ordinary soldiers in this era was low, and many of them even couldn't distinguish between left and right, and their training was simply a mess. Zhang Shun struggled for more than ten days before he could barely control the formation changes and combat rotations of the nearly 2,000 men under his command.

Zhang Shun felt that his subordinates were all a bunch of rabble, but this method amazed the rest of the rebel army. Even the "Purple Gold Liang" specially praised: "'Optimus Prime' is really like a god with his troops. He defeated Song Tongyin in the previous battle and defeated Shanxi in formation." Governor, I think it's just luck. Now I see the formations of his men and horses changing like arm movements, it's really eye-opening."

When Zhang Shun found out, he couldn't help but smile. This level was even inferior to the military training of future college students. What's there to praise?

In fact, it was Zhang Shun who had high standards for ancient soldiers. Due to the problems of ancient cultural level, material level and training, except for teams that fight all year round, a certain degree of front change and coordination can be carried out. More often than not, when fighting, they just swarmed up and fought fiercely; when retreating, they dispersed and ran for their lives.

Even the "line up and shoot" technique that was boasted by later generations could not escape this level. The reason why no one adopts skirmishing tactics is not that skirmishing tactics are bad, but that once the soldiers are out of sight of the officer, they will either lie down in that corner and paddle, or simply scatter and flee. In order to restrain their soldiers, the officers had to gather them together and shoot at the opposite fools like fools.

Therefore, in Zhang Shun's opinion, a team that can change one-third of the direction in the wrong direction is not considered qualified at all. In the eyes of others, it is already considered an elite team. Because no matter how high your personal martial arts skills are, on the battlefield, if the opponent forms a formation to fight, it will be difficult for you to gain favor. Especially the larger the scale of the war, the less valuable individual force is.

Zhang Shun's four new apprentices were all eye-opening after seeing Zhang Shun's methods. They followed Huang Hu and only knew how to charge and kill fiercely. Even if they formed a formation, they would just put on a show and then attack him. Where had they seen this kind of tactics before?

It turns out that Zhang Shun knew that he was not proficient in the art of war. Since he had a few apprentices, it was not easy to just translate a few articles on Sun Tzu's art of war and fool around with it. Therefore, we take advantage of this opportunity of major military training to let them get in touch with actual practice.

As a result, Zhang Shun felt embarrassed and said nothing. The four of them couldn't help but marvel, and murmured secretly: "Although our master is young, he is a man of real ability. Two thousand men and horses can be used as one man, and the world's famous generals can only do this, right? Looking at his cold face, it must be He is ruthless in military law and is truly a first-class hero!"

Let's say that Zhang Shun practiced the formation for more than ten days before he received a personal visit from "Purple Gold Liang". After the two were polite, they sat down one after another. The "Purple Golden Liang" said to Zhang Shun: "Brother Optimus Prime, the deadline for Dao Jun to promise us Zhao'an is approaching. According to my estimate, the land of Zelu is only more than 1,500 miles away from the capital. Official document We traveled three hundred miles day and night, only one round trip in ten days. It's been more than half a month now, and there should be news coming back."

"I've been feeling uneasy lately, with nightmares at night, and I'm not willing to let this matter fail. I want to go to Douzhuang to ask Zhang Daojun face to face. I see, brother, that you have strong soldiers and well-trained horses. Can you go with me on this trip, just in case something goes wrong? one!"

Although Zhang Shun was dissatisfied with what "Purple Gold Liang" did, but now that he was under someone else's roof, he had to cooperate, so he nodded in agreement.

On the second day, Zhang Shun organized his team and set off together with Xing Honglang and "Zijin Liang". In order to prevent his logistical baggage from being seized by others, Zhang Shun took the coppersmith and the baggage with him and headed for Zezhou.

There were not many officers and soldiers in Zelu, so the two troops marched quickly. Soon they crossed the mountains and arrived at Douzhuang, Yangcheng.

Zhang Daojun was already in the city and had been waiting for a long time. Zhang Shun and Xing Honglang followed "Purple Gold Liang" and came forward to inquire about Zhao'an.

As a result, Zhang Daojun not only refused, but threatened: "Long Live has issued an order to mobilize the frontier troops from Qindi, Xuanda, and Liaodong to encircle and suppress them. If you know the destiny, you will be captured early. If not, I am afraid that you will all die." There is no burial place!”

"Purple Gold Liang" couldn't help but became furious when he heard this, and a fire of ignorance rose from his chest. What "Zijinliang" said about Zhao'an and Zhang Daojun said about being captured without any help may seem to be the same thing at first glance, but they are not.

The Zhao'an mentioned in "Purple Golden Liang" is conditional. After the imperial court awards officials, everyone will work for the imperial court. And what Zhang Daojun said about surrendering means that not only can everyone not resist, but they are still being slaughtered. Is it tolerable, which one is intolerable?

As the saying goes, "The clay figures still have a certain amount of anger," let alone the bandit "Purple Gold Liang"? He said angrily: "Shuzi! How dare you humiliate me like this? The imperial court is either fighting or making peace, but it's just a word, so how can you embarrass me and other ordinary people?"

"Now, you are teasing us again and again, five times, five times, how unbearable! You must know that ordinary people are also very angry!"

Zhang Daojun knew that he was in the wrong and was questioned by "Purple Gold Liang". He felt guilty and could only explain: "I know your loyalty well, but the traitorous ministers in the court are in power and deceive the Holy One. There is nothing I can do for the time being! If you can forgive me, Give it some time, maybe the Sacred Heart will change, it’s unknown!”

"No need!" "Purple Gold Liang" took a deep breath and cursed: "If you want to fight, then fight. We are the ones who deserve to die. We are buried in the wilderness and have the fate of growing grass. Now we are waiting to die. I’m sorry, I just don’t know if you, Lord Gonggun, will be able to sleep peacefully in the future!”

After saying this, "Purple Gold Liang" left in anger. After leaving Douzhuang, he discussed with Zhang Shun and Xing Honglang to attack the nearby city, vowing to make the court look good.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the entanglement of interests had reached this point. Although it seemed to be strong, it was actually already terminally ill. When the author checked historical materials, he was surprised to find that rogue bandits like Zijinliang had been forced to rebel by the government after several attempts to surrender were unsuccessful. Why? Something is wrong with society. Yang He's recruitment was very successful at first, but the gangsters he recruited could not be resettled, and they had sharp conflicts with the local gentry. As a result, they rebelled and revolted.

Because these rogue bandits' methods are extreme and have greatly damaged the interests of the local gentry, and the court has no silver to settle them, they can't just let these peasant troops recruit them and kill them at the slightest provocation, right? As for these so-called "rogue bandits" who fled to Shanxi, their biggest hope was to be appeased by the court and live a good life.

However, Yang He's example was before him, and most bureaucrats did not dare to set this precedent. As a result, the "bandit trouble" became more and more serious, and the imperial court had to mobilize border troops to eliminate it. However, military problems cannot solve the problem of organizational failure. The more rogue bandits are suppressed, the more rebellions arise. Why? More and more people are unable to survive

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