The city closest to the rebels is Yangcheng County. This city, which was the first to be conquered by Zhang Shun, has now become a place where the rebels can come and go at will.

Zhang Shun knew that he could not stop the angry "Purple Gold Liang" and Xing Honglang from retaliating, but he did not want to tarnish his reputation, so he had to temporarily separate from them and send his coppersmiths and some baggage back to King Shun. Ping.

When Zhang Shun arrived at Shengwangping in Dongping, he happened to meet Liu Yinggui fishing here, so he handed over the baggage, coppersmith and others to Liu Yinggui, preparing for him to take them back to Shunwangping.

Zhang Shun had not returned to Shun Wangping for more than a month, and he was quite worried. He quickly asked how Liu Yinggui's camp was doing now. Then Liu Yinggui told Zhang Shundao honestly: "The mistress is very clever and everything in the camp is in good order. Now the camp has been built. However, it has snowed heavily on King Shun's Pingding recently, making it impossible to graze. Ji Cheng has already driven out the horses, cattle and sheep. Go to the foot of the mountain to feed them. As for the blacksmith, he has already made five or six fire guns, which are very loud when used, but I don't know if they are as powerful as bows and arrows."

Zhang Shun thought for a while and then arranged: "I know all these things, so I won't go back. You report it to the red lady and let the craftsmen follow the method together to build five or six more three-inch cannons with fine iron. Remember to add lugs to the cannon, and just add the rear sight and front sight to the imitation gun. Remember, don’t cast it!”

It turned out that Zhang Shun felt that the cannon in his hand was no longer suitable for use after the last time it exploded. On the contrary, the cannon was originally forged from wrought iron and was of very good quality. Now it is very strong. Don't worry about the backwardness and advancedness of the form. Let's make a batch of usable ones first.

After the handover between the two parties was completed, Zhang Shun obtained a batch of white fish from Liu Yinggui, which just improved the life of the team. Before leaving, Zhang Shun thought for a moment and then said: "Recently, there has been a lot of noise in the land of Zelu. Let Zhao Lizi lead some people to inquire about the news. If anything happens in the camp, you can report it to me in time. Go ahead. !”

That night, Zhang Shun led his team to rest for the night at Shengwangping before leaving. He rushed to Yangcheng and met up with the second boss "Zijin Liang" and Xing Honglang.

Yangcheng has suffered repeated wars and has long been in decline. The good thing is that the weather is very cold now, and you can escape the cold wind, rain and snow when you enter the city.

Zhang Shun entered the city and saw that the city was in such miserable condition that the soldiers could not bear to look at it and had nothing to say. Before Zhang Shun had time to visit "Zijinliang", "Zijinliang" and Xing Honglang heard about Zhang Shun's arrival and came out to welcome him.

Zhang Shun was immediately flattered and repeatedly said, "Death penalty." These two men were not polite to Zhang Shun, and quickly took him to the county government office. They saw one person, none other than the "Nine Dragons" who had stayed behind in Zezhou City from the "Purple Golden Liang".

After the two sides greeted each other, "Purple Golden Liang" couldn't bear "Nine Dragons" to repeat the narration again, and said directly: "'Brother Optimus Prime', we are looking for you everywhere, and you just happened to rush over. 'Nine Dragons' Fang Congze Zezhou was defeated. It turned out that the imperial court had indeed mobilized elite border troops to encircle and suppress us. Now that Zezhou City is occupied by Zuo Liangyu who attacked from Henan, the 'Nine Dragons' have nowhere to go. When they heard that we were here, they Come and join us."

Zhang Shun couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. His hair stood on end instantly, and he felt like a huge net was being cast towards him and others. He immediately suggested: "We cannot stay here for a long time. We need to return to the rebel camp as soon as possible and make long-term plans."

The "Purple Golden Liang" also felt that this matter was quite strange, and quickly ordered his soldiers to organize their weapons and equipment, and then immediately returned to Yangcheng and north to the rebel camp.

"Zijinliang", Zhang Shun, Xing Honglang, and "Nine Dragons" with nearly 20,000 troops immediately took action. After struggling until noon, they immediately reached Yangcheng. As a result, the team was not far away when they were stared at by a group of Ming army cavalry.

"Zijin Liang" and Zhang Shun sent cavalry many times to try to expel them, but they were unsuccessful. At this time, everyone felt that something was not going well.

Fortunately, "Purple Gold Liang" is very decisive in military affairs and said: "This must be a spy from the imperial court, and there must be people from the imperial court nearby. It's just that everyone met in a hurry, and the main force of the imperial court must not be here. If we can defeat them in advance, This group of people has a chance to escape with their lives.”

Zhang Shun understood the meaning of "Purple Gold Liang" as soon as he heard it. The existence of this group of people exposed the vision of the rebels. Every move he and others made was under the eyes of the court. After the people of the court were gone, no one could survive.

Therefore, Zhang incidentally agreed with the opinion of "Purple Gold Liang" and dispersed his cavalry, actively looking for nearby officers and soldiers who were monitoring him and others.

It is said that the cavalry is dispersed, but in fact, the cavalry cannot be allowed to conduct reconnaissance alone. Basically, a group of cavalry, ranging from ten to fifty cavalry, were exploring around the rebel army.

Chen Changzhen left the team and personally led more than ten cavalry to explore the east. Years of experience in escorting made him feel that officers and soldiers should be right in front of him and others. He still remembered that when he went to Shandong for escort, he met the bandit's spies who also monitored him and others in this way, while other bandits were ambushing at the front of the team.

To put it bluntly, the purpose of these spies was to ascertain the number, marching route and speed of the team. And all this is preparation for the ambush. Therefore, Chen Changzhen judged that the officers and soldiers were at the front of the marching team.

Chen Changzhen led his team to carefully inspect every hilltop, every valley, and every village they passed, fearing that the officers and soldiers had deceived his own eyes and ears.

Chen Changzhen led the other cavalrymen for forty or fifty miles, but still did not see anything unusual. He himself began to feel a little shaken. Did I really make a mistake in my judgment? Didn't the officers and soldiers lie in ambush in front?

Chen Changzhen gave the team a guaranteed ticket before setting off. He was a little embarrassed to go back empty-handed, so he comforted himself and said: It's really not possible to walk another ten miles, so we will rest in front and wait for the team to arrive before rejoining.

Thinking of this, Chen Changzhen shouted: "Don't be careless, the enemy often hides in places we don't expect!"

Several of the cavalrymen under Chen Changzhen were the cavalrymen who had surrendered from Song Tongyin's personal guards. They were convinced by Liu Cheng who killed Song Tongyin, but they were quite dissatisfied with Chen Changzhen who relied on his sworn friendship with his lord. I couldn't help but complain: "When I was an officer and soldier, the Tangbao cavalry could only explore the situation within ten miles, how could they travel so far?"

Chen Changzhen had been following Zhang Shun for a long time, and he became sharper and sharper. He smiled and said: "This is why you were captured by us!" This is the reason why you were captured by us. In one sentence, these surrendered soldiers choked. I was speechless and had no choice but to follow Chen Changzhen and continue to explore.

As a result, everyone walked not far away and saw a village in front of them. Chen Changzhen looked at it from a distance for a while, and couldn't help but said in shock: "No, I'll retreat as soon as possible!" He immediately turned around and ran away.

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