Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 191 Border Army (2)

It was too late, but it was too late. The two groups of people, one more and one less, formed a sharp formation, piercing each other's heart like a sharp knife.

The tip of the knife here is Chen Changzhen, and the tip of the knife over there is an officer. Both were at the front, the first to fight. There are no tricks when using a gun on horseback. The moment the two horses meet, there is only a flick and a stab.

As the saying goes, "If one's martial arts is high, then there is no limit to it." The two of them stuck their spears together and each used their skills. I just feel that the opponent's spear is like a snake or a dragon, and a huge force is coming. I have to fend off the opponent's spear and guard the door of my home.

The moment the two guns intersected, Chen Changzhen's spear couldn't help but bounce up, and the officer took the opportunity to press down with his spear. The two of them each used all their strength and ten levels of skill to try to control the gun head in their hands and let it penetrate into the most correct place. As a result, Chen Changzhen jumped with his spear, only to hit the opponent's throat; while the opponent pressed his spear, only to penetrate Changzhu's belly.

The two passed each other in an instant, and Chen Changzhen felt a pain in his right rib, as if something had been torn open. He subconsciously stretched out his left hand to cover it, only to feel pain in his palm and then retracted it.

He looked down and saw that his armor had been torn, and an iron thorn protruded out. It must have been the iron thorn that had pierced his palm just now.

But the officer had already abandoned his spear at the same time, covering his throat with both hands, trying to block the gushing blood. He opened and closed his mouth, as if he wanted to praise his "good marksmanship", but he only made a "cluck" sound and couldn't say anything, and then he fell off the horse.

But now there are only three of the other four cavalrymen who followed Chen Changzhen. Although there were still a large number of officers and soldiers, at this time, everyone showed fear. No one dared to catch up and attack them.

As the saying goes, "One man fights with all his strength, and thousands of men overcome difficulties. There is a difference between death and survival." When these people saw that even the most brave officers lost their lives, they were so angry that no one dared to step forward and risk their lives. As a result, Chen Changzhen and others were able to retreat calmly.

It's just that when Chen Changzhen and others returned this time, they didn't have to travel forty or fifty miles as they did when they came. Because they searched all the way, they were delayed a lot of time. At this time, the main force of the rebel army was only more than 20 miles away.

Chen Changzhen and others returned to Zhang Shun's team covered in blood. Zhang Shun was shocked when he saw this. He had already known that his sworn brother Chen Changzhen was highly skilled in martial arts, but he didn't expect that such a mess would come out of just an investigation. Ten horses went out and four horses came back. The loss reached six-tenths, which shocked Zhang Shun.

Their physical strength was already exhausted due to their desperate rush. Seeing Zhang Shun, they relaxed the fierceness in their mouths and fell off their horses one after another. Zhang Shun personally helped them up and asked them why.

When Chen Changzhen saw Zhang Shun, he quickly replied: "More than twenty miles ahead, there is a village, which I heard people call Guozhuang, where there are a large number of elite soldiers from the government."

"We were discovered by the officers and soldiers, and the two sides fought hard before escaping. I saw that each of them was skilled in bow and horse, and had superb martial arts. They should be the elites of the border areas. I have always prided myself on my martial arts skills, but I also thought that it would be difficult for one to be equal to ten."

"Thus, although our army is large, we must be cautious! If the officers and soldiers are like this, the only way to be safe is to leave early!"

Zhang Shun knew that Chen Changzhen was well-informed. Since he said this, he must not be optimistic about the balance of power between the two sides. He quickly got on his horse and took his escort to visit "Zijin Liang" and other rebel leaders.

After listening to Zhang Shun's report, "Zijinliang" said with a dark face: "These troops are not military horses from other places, they should be elite border troops. We were chased by Cao Wenzhao, Ai Wannian and others in a hurry last time. Now we are Who are the people who came here?"

Zhang Shun didn't know, so he had to tell the truth. At this time, "Purple Gold Liang" wanted to retreat, so he wanted to retreat. As a result, the "Nine Dragons" dissuaded them: "The officers and soldiers are not good, and there are many cavalry. If we want to escape with our lives, I am afraid we have to give up our infantry and property."

"Now that everyone has obtained so much property so easily, how can they give it up? I don't care if he is a frontier soldier or a garrison soldier. He is just a human being. I don't think he has three heads and six arms. The village is so small, with no more than a thousand officers and soldiers. If If the second master trusts me, he can let me be the vanguard and make plans for everyone to defeat this bunch of dog officials!"

It turns out that these "nine dragons" are local snakes in Shanxi and know the situation in Shanxi very well. He had been surrounded and suppressed many times by Wang Zhaosheng before and had not lived a good life. Now that I have robbed a lot of property, I can't give it up, so I want to become an officer and soldier.

When this "Nine Dragons" met Zhang Shun in Zezhou earlier, he saw that the other man's horses were not as good as his own, but because he killed Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi Province, his reputation was greatly enhanced. Not only did he recruit more than a thousand officers and soldiers, but his status also increased, and he couldn't help but be jealous. tight.

Zhang Shun saw that he was reckless and was waiting for some persuasion. As a result, this guy was afraid that Zhang Shun would take away his credit, so he hurriedly swore that he would not stop until he defeated the officers and soldiers in front of him. Zhang Shun had no choice. For the sake of stability, he had no choice but to suggest that "Purple Gold Liang" lead the army to suppress the formation to prevent any trouble.

Although these "nine dragons" are eager for success, they are not stupid. He had heard earlier that Zhang Shun's artillery was powerful, and he also collected more than ten Western-style cannons, French guns, and tiger cannons to use as his "killer weapon."

This time, the "nine dragons" led the team to set off first and traveled for more than ten miles, just in time to hit the oncoming officers and soldiers. Seeing this, the "Nine Dragons" were overjoyed and quickly ordered their troops to deploy, preparing to replicate Zhang Shun's glorious deeds of killing Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi.

The result was unimaginable, and the officers and soldiers in front of them also spread out on both wings. As a result, when the two wings were spread out, it turned out that they were not infantry, but two pieces of dark cavalry.

It turns out that the "nine dragons" made a mistake in their judgment. The village where officers and soldiers were stationed was not only Guozhuang, but also Fanshan Village and Sihe Village. There were originally expected to be more than a thousand officers and soldiers, but there were more than 3,000, and judging from their formation, it was surprising that there were two-thirds of the elite cavalry.

It turned out that the officers and soldiers in front of him were not from another department, but from Yulin's general, Li Bi. Yulin Town, also known as Yansui Town, is one of the important towns on the nine sides and faces the Hetao Tartars all year round. The two sides often fight as fast as the wind, sending cavalry to harass each other, so they ride more and take fewer steps to facilitate the attack.

When Li Bi heard that the previous "Zijinliang" troops had killed Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart. He didn't know the depth of the "Purple Golden Liang" and did not dare to attack alone. After discovering the whereabouts of the rebels, he sent cavalry to monitor the opponent's position while contacting Zhang Zongheng, the current governor of Xuanda. He originally expected that after the arrival of Xuanda Governor Zhang Zongheng, the two sides would work together to defeat the "Purple Gold Liang" and achieve immortality.

Unexpectedly, Governor Xuanda had not arrived yet, but the "rogue bandits" were the first to discover their hiding place. Li Bi, the commander-in-chief of Yulin, who was worried about losing his fighter plane, decisively ordered to rectify his troops and respond immediately to the battle.

When he thought about it, he had so many cavalry under his command that he was in an invincible position regardless of the strength of the rebel army. If you win, you can pursue it; if you lose, you can run away from it. If you can fight the enemy, if you don't, you can avoid it. What's the point of worrying?

Finally, the long-awaited "novice protection period" for the protagonist has passed, and the protagonist will begin to face higher-level "wild monsters". As for the future results, it depends on the protagonist's methods!

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